Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

marathon girl I forgot about you! 12 lp sounds good enough...i admire the will that you have in waiting to test until then. FX for you!!!!!!!!!!
Hi there!

Dysan - I too have been terrible about taking temps this go around. Mostly because AF is super heavy right now so I'm waking up at 4 or so and it's too early then when I go back to sleep I don't sleep long enough because I guess you're supposed to sleep for at least 3 hours before temping? I took it this morning at 4 and I might do the calculation Bonnie wrote about early to add 0.2 degrees for every hour (I think that's what it was). The B6 you're taking sounds like a reasonable amount - that's about what I end up taking too because of the extra in the prenatals.

Speaking of Bonnie - where are ya girlfriend? Hopefully you're just too nauseated to get to the computer :winkwink:

MG - It is early to see you here. Good morning! :coffee:10 dpo ... you're almost there! Let us know if you test! I am sure hoping we get some BFPs comin' around.

Awww Fluffy - so sweet to have a little 2 year old Birthday party! I miss those! Now I've got teens who don't want me around except to pay the bills for whatever they want to do. I threatened my DD13 on her birthday that I was going to start texting her besties and making them my BFFs! Then I teased all the girls in the car and begged them for their cell numbers so we can chat all night long :rofl::rofl:

Mom to 2- any news today? FX for you hun.

AFM - I couldn't decide yesterday about the soy so after hemming and hawing awhile I decided to take it and if I want to change my mind I won't take it tonight. When I took it CD 2- 6 with the primrose I had the best O. detected and lots of CM so I'm going with that again. Oh yeah...started Royal Jelly too. Anybody know anything about that? I'm like a rolling pharmacy right now.
Hi there!

Dysan - I too have been terrible about taking temps this go around. Mostly because AF is super heavy right now so I'm waking up at 4 or so and it's too early then when I go back to sleep I don't sleep long enough because I guess you're supposed to sleep for at least 3 hours before temping? I took it this morning at 4 and I might do the calculation Bonnie wrote about early to add 0.2 degrees for every hour (I think that's what it was). The B6 you're taking sounds like a reasonable amount - that's about what I end up taking too because of the extra in the prenatals.

Speaking of Bonnie - where are ya girlfriend? Hopefully you're just too nauseated to get to the computer :winkwink:

MG - It is early to see you here. Good morning! :coffee:10 dpo ... you're almost there! Let us know if you test! I am sure hoping we get some BFPs comin' around.

Awww Fluffy - so sweet to have a little 2 year old Birthday party! I miss those! Now I've got teens who don't want me around except to pay the bills for whatever they want to do. I threatened my DD13 on her birthday that I was going to start texting her besties and making them my BFFs! Then I teased all the girls in the car and begged them for their cell numbers so we can chat all night long :rofl::rofl:

Mom to 2- any news today? FX for you hun.

AFM - I couldn't decide yesterday about the soy so after hemming and hawing awhile I decided to take it and if I want to change my mind I won't take it tonight. When I took it CD 2- 6 with the primrose I had the best O. detected and lots of CM so I'm going with that again. Oh yeah...started Royal Jelly too. Anybody know anything about that? I'm like a rolling pharmacy right now.

Too funny about your Dd friend's. My Dd just rolls her eyes at me when I do stuff like that in front of her friends. She is only 9 I can't wait until she is 13:wacko: She can be so sweet and cute one minute and the out. Like I said she doesn't even have the hormones going yet. Although the other day she asked me if I thought she needed a training bra:shrug: I took that as her saying she wanted one so we bought her some sport bras. They are so cute:flower: It's amazing how fast they grow up.

Where are you Bonnie?? We are getting worried and excited at the same time:wacko:
Sorry gals. A Quick hi. :wave:It's been a very rough week so far.
No good news yet. It would very welcome to have some though!
Will try to post later tonight otherwise tomorrow.
Hello all :)

At long last this day has come to an end lol! My babys birthday party went well but im so glad its over too :) totally knackered now!
Update on moi.......10dpo tomorrow and then im going to test friday!!! Cannot believe how fast this week has gone by, so much faster than last month and i thinks its because i wasnt stressing or thinking constantly about poas :haha::haha:

Im going from the latest day i got +ov which was monday instead of the day before as im sure monday was def ov day for its 48 hrs and counting......if i get a :bfn: it wont be a shock as i have no real symptoms but never had any with my other 2 boys...... but ill have to wait and see.........fx'd :)

Hope you ladies are all well and i shall pop by tomorrow :)

:dust: to everyone
No AF still, but BFN. This is a first. Not sure what to think.
Good morning Ladies!
How is everyone this morning? It's weird to come on herein the am and. It have anything happening.
Bonnie- did you test this morning? Are you feeling ok? We haven't heard from you in a while it seems.
Fluffy- how about you? Any symptoms this morning?
Faithmum- you must be getting ready for the whole schedule thing? I won't say the word because I don't like it!
AFM- 10 dpo and just waiting it out. Have been really I tired but maybe a bit better today. Maybe test on Sat if af doesn't show. Lately I have only had a 12 day lp
MG-fx'd for you girl!
Hi ladies, just checking in. It has been a busy couple of days and heading out again shortly. Wanted to check on the testing ladies! Any good news to share?

Bonnie where are you? Sorry about your BFN yesterday...what about today? I know you must have tested already...hahaha

Mom to 2? What about today?

fluffy Friday is around the corner and CONGRATS on your baby's b-day.

Welcome to new moms to be!

faithmum I have been horrible at temping. I did not temp for 2 days. I know I should but for some reason I keep on forgetting plus I did not go to buy the BBT. I a taking the B6 though (50mg plus the little extra that comes in my prenatals for a total of 63mg). Do you think it is too much? I could not find pills less than 50 mg in my store i figured that if too much i can take every other day or something...they are too small to break.

I should O end of NEXT week and I plan to take it super easy this month. If we catch the egg, great! If we dont I will not be upset...if we do, we will have a Christmas due date which I a not that excited about - but honestly it is not discouraging enough to NOT TRY. I dont mind a Christmas birthday for my kids but i would prefer not to be in the hospital Christmas time this year - my KIDS adore Christmas and I make a super big deal out of it and I doubt that I will do as much if I a due. It is just one year no big deal...but again, I will not be super dissapointed if we dont catch the egg this month.

OK ladies, off to enjoy this wonderful weather. Will check back tonight.
Dysan-:rofl: about my testing-tup-still :bfn:
looking forward to a christmas baby!

Hi there!

Dysan - I too have been terrible about taking temps this go around. Mostly because AF is super heavy right now so I'm waking up at 4 or so and it's too early then when I go back to sleep I don't sleep long enough because I guess you're supposed to sleep for at least 3 hours before temping? I took it this morning at 4 and I might do the calculation Bonnie wrote about early to add 0.2 degrees for every hour (I think that's what it was). The B6 you're taking sounds like a reasonable amount - that's about what I end up taking too because of the extra in the prenatals.

Speaking of Bonnie - where are ya girlfriend? Hopefully you're just too nauseated to get to the computer :winkwink:

AFM - I couldn't decide yesterday about the soy so after hemming and hawing awhile I decided to take it and if I want to change my mind I won't take it tonight. When I took it CD 2- 6 with the primrose I had the best O. detected and lots of CM so I'm going with that again. Oh yeah...started Royal Jelly too. Anybody know anything about that? I'm like a rolling pharmacy right now.
faithmum-don't worry too much about temping around AF...
Hello all :)

At long last this day has come to an end lol! My babys birthday party went well but im so glad its over too :) totally knackered now!
Update on moi.......10dpo tomorrow and then im going to test friday!!! Cannot believe how fast this week has gone by, so much faster than last month and i thinks its because i wasnt stressing or thinking constantly about poas :haha::haha:

Im going from the latest day i got +ov which was monday instead of the day before as im sure monday was def ov day for its 48 hrs and counting......if i get a :bfn: it wont be a shock as i have no real symptoms but never had any with my other 2 boys...... but ill have to wait and see.........fx'd :)

Hope you ladies are all well and i shall pop by tomorrow :)

:dust: to everyone
aww baby birthdays!

ok so here is my story-
Monday-Nausea lunch, dinner, and before bed.
for extra fun, someone decided to call CPS hotline (child protective services) with a false abuse claim on my X for my DD. Complete with state troopers at my door and DB was the only one home. I think that it is going to blow over but DB was so upset we barely spoke until last night. oh and someone hacked my email and sent out a tone of spam.
Tuesday-things were calmer-zero nausea

today-went into work to find out 26 people were being layed off. i was freaked. thankfully not one of the chosen ones, but it made for a lousy day for all. we are a small hospital and everyone knows everyone. of course this means more work dumped on my plate-
on my way to meet DB for dinner before concert for DSS, the nausea hit again. and email spammed again. managed to eat half a sandwich and get through DSS play (in a hot stinky crowded auditorium-not good for nausea) DB was very sweet about it though.
so hopefully the week will end better with some bfp's soon!
come on we need some good news-well i do-lol

---ps not to nauseous to be in front of laptop-lol :comp:

till tomorrow-going to lay down and see if this will pass already :sick:
thanks for all the concerns-sorry to have dissapeared.....
Hello all :)

At long last this day has come to an end lol! My babys birthday party went well but im so glad its over too :) totally knackered now!
Update on moi.......10dpo tomorrow and then im going to test friday!!! Cannot believe how fast this week has gone by, so much faster than last month and i thinks its because i wasnt stressing or thinking constantly about poas :haha::haha:

Im going from the latest day i got +ov which was monday instead of the day before as im sure monday was def ov day for its 48 hrs and counting......if i get a :bfn: it wont be a shock as i have no real symptoms but never had any with my other 2 boys...... but ill have to wait and see.........fx'd :)

Hope you ladies are all well and i shall pop by tomorrow :)

:dust: to everyone

I feel like the time has gone fast as well:thumbup: I have been quite tired as well so going to bed early. I hope you get your BFP this cycle!!:hugs:
Oh Bonnie- That's terrible about the whole thing with your X.That is pretty serious stuff for a joke? I hope it blows over soon. Also the stuff with work. It's happening everywhere around here as well. I am self employed so don't have to be worried about being laid off but the economy is bad and my business is definitely down.
Well we definitely need some BFP's. It sounds good for you I would say!! It wouldn't be bad to have a Christmas baby either!!
Afternoon ladies!

@bonnie oh youve have a super rough week......sending :hugs: your way my dear! I hope that everything settles and returns to normality for you both very soon!

Well ive had a very strange day today, my emotions are up and down at the moment......and in a confused and cheesed off kinda mood!

So tomorrow is my testing day and af due sat/sun but today about 11.30 am i popped to the loo to find a pinkish/ redish cm. Sorry tmi but im hoping it just disappears! Had a slight cramping sensation which lasted a few seconds and now its just very slight! Was at the bathroom to check but nothing.........really dreading that :witch: is teasing me again.....and i dont like it :)

Funny how you can be fine and then wam just feeling down in the dumps :(

Fx'd that this is the wonderful implantation bleeding happening for me at 10 dpo......whats the chances eh????

To top it off my kids are driving me crazy today.......not that hard to do now due to the crazy mood im in........but im grateful i have you ladies to listen to my wee rants lol.........

Praying :witch: stays away.......will keep you posted on how i get through today :)
@fuffy-10 dpo could be ib. Hope it's not the witch being a @itch!
And rant away!

Yea it is not a funny joke at all. The x thinks it was the x of the woman he is currently seeing trying to cause trouble. Why do people have to be so stupid and not care that there are other people involved besides the one you are cheesed at (love that btw fluffy! Cheesed! :rofl:)

A little nausea today. Wish it would go away. Hope it's a good sign and not a bug though.

6 more job cuts today that we have heard. That brings the count higher than the 26 originally stated. Another loss in my dept this morning. Everyone is so down today.

DB tells me it would be a good thing and not to worry. Collect unemployment, save tons of gas money and get to play with him all summer! It doesn't sound bad when you look at it that way! Maybe I'll get lucky! I'm not going back after the baby comes anyway right?
Bonnie that's just terrible what you all have had to go through this week! Some people really need to get a life!! And stop messing with others! Sorry to hear about the job cuts at your work, it's happening at my work too since before Xmas but we started to know more about their plans for the pay-offs in February! I took voluntary redundancy as I saw a chance to jump ship when the going was good and August will see me finished! I'm not sad about leaving the actual job but I've made good friends over the 10 years working there and thankfully we don't live too far apart to still catch up!

Bonnie your nausea hopefully is a good sign but maybe related to the stress uve been going thru this week......really hope it's good old preggie sickness :) ( in the nicest possible way off course!)

As for me no more cm, just feeling funny, no real cramping as such more like a niggley know there's no correct word to describe it:haha:

Hoping it is ib and that things are finally going to go my way :)

Hope you have a better day today.....and I will log on laters :)

Oh and thanks for listening everyone :flower:
Bonnie that's just terrible what you all have had to go through this week! Some people really need to get a life!! And stop messing with others! Sorry to hear about the job cuts at your work, it's happening at my work too since before Xmas but we started to know more about their plans for the pay-offs in February! I took voluntary redundancy as I saw a chance to jump ship when the going was good and August will see me finished! I'm not sad about leaving the actual job but I've made good friends over the 10 years working there and thankfully we don't live too far apart to still catch up!

Bonnie your nausea hopefully is a good sign but maybe related to the stress uve been going thru this week......really hope it's good old preggie sickness :) ( in the nicest possible way off course!)

As for me no more cm, just feeling funny, no real cramping as such more like a niggley know there's no correct word to describe it:haha:

Hoping it is ib and that things are finally going to go my way :)

Hope you have a better day today.....and I will log on laters :)

Oh and thanks for listening everyone :flower:
Oh I hope the witch stays away Fluffy. She has a habit of showing up uninvited:growlmad:
Bonnie- so sad for you to have to go through so much turmoil. I guess db has a point though:shrug: I would love to have the summer off with the kiddies and be preggo!! When are you going to test? How far do you drive to work?
Dysan and Faithmum- how are you doing?
AFM- 11 dpo and don't know what to think:shrug: I don't have any tests so that makes it easy and I don't feel like spending the 20$ on them? Maybe I will wait until Sat?
Oh my goodness gals.

It's really amazing how much can happen here when you step away for a bit. I can finally get back on to check things out.

Bonnie - my heart goes out to you. That's just awful and so incredibly malicious and wrong! I hope the x of the x of the x (couldn't keep it straight) get's the karma they deserve for that. Will there have to be an investigation or is everything under control now? I hate to say this but I'm excited you're feeling nauseated...testing tomorrow?

MG - I'm proud of ya girl hanging in there til Saturday! Also - that is just great news about your son winning the tournament. That must have been so exciting! None of my kids are in a competive sport at the moment but I love it when they are.

Fluffy - Hope that was IB and 10 days is absolutely within the window. Keep us posted!!

Hey Dysan - what's up with you?
Thanks mg! I know tests are expensive especially the amount I can go through lol! I hope that :witch: stays away for you too! Have you had any symptoms this month??

Update on me.....came home from work and so far still have those little niggles but no more hoping it stays away!
i don't expect there to be any more really heard about it. at least i hope.
some people just don't care about the concequences.

on the good news....a tad bit of nausea today-not as bad as last night. :thumbup:

will test in the am and see if anything turns up-it will be 12 dpo-we have the kids this weekend-so tomorrow morning is the last chance to have a private morning with db if it is pos. wont be able to get really excited sat or sun morning with the kids here-lol

how is everyone else doing?
Hey bonnie :)
Really looking forward to seeing how you get on in the morning......hope its good news!!!!!

I ready for my bed, dh is workng late so im home alone and watching family guy lol! Really tired and so happy its friday tomorrow!!!

Goodnight from me.......oh its just dawned on me ill have to wait until noon or after until i see how you get on!!!! Darn this time difference :haha: glad to hear your feeling better but at the same time still have the nausea......if that makes sense lol!!

Chat to you all tomorrow........night :hugs:
sleep well
and yes TGIF!

Looking forward to you testing tomorrow as well:flower: I think I will wait until Sat. I don't have any tests and anyways. I guess I could use an opk:shrug: they can work but we will see:wacko:
Fluffy- what about you? Will you test tomorrow as well? I was feeling so positive at the beginning of the week with how fatigued I felt but that seems a bit better now so...... I still have sore bbs:shrug:
Faithmum- thanks it is great when they find something that they love and that they are good at! This weekend my Dd has a hockey tournament so back over to Vancouver. It's exhausting. I tell you any baby we have will have to be able to go with the flow!!!:hugs::hugs:
Good night ladies!

Bonnie I am so sorry about all that's going on with your x. That's awful that somebody will do such a think without thinking how it can affect others, specally the child. Also sorry to read about your workplace situation. FX that you dont have to go through any negatives there and hoping that you get great news to make up for all the bad :)

Fluffy, i really hope that AF stays away for you!

Come on girls, we are in need of a BFP on our thread! I am eager to log in tomorrow to check on both of your tests!

faithmum thanks for asking I have been terribly off these past few days. There is something certainly wrong with my hormones this/past cycle. I have been so moody the past few days going from terribly happy to terrible irritated by small stuff. Do you think that B6 could be causing this? Also, i am VERY bloated and my past weird period gave me a bit of worry. I also feel some very small cramps by b/c i am bloated i am thinking maybe gas? I feel a little crazy which is so not normal for me at this time in my cycle. Double guessing I did test again and i got a BFN (after Bonnie's friend story I was thinking oh my gosh what if I have ectopic pregnancy) - that 1.5 day period threw me off. When the HPT was negative i thought OK maybe I am about to O early so i took OPK and it is dark but not positive...which is another puzzle why is it dark now? Last cycle they were almost non-existent second line at this stage. What if I have some weird hormonal inbalance? Honestly, i feel i am going mad. I am usually the most rational/stable person so this is certainly weird. Maybe is just simply anxiety about TTC #3 - this is my first time actually trying like this so perhaps it s simply that.

I am CD 7 today so looking forward to O time and my next TWW.
Dysan ~ oh darlilng I feel for you. I have been there and it is crazymaking. At 7 pdo you may be getting ready to O already. My doc told me that the one thing about being 'our' age is that O can really be all over the place and the important thing is to not read too much into it but to try to catch it. I don't think the B6 would give you the symptoms you have but I think you may be one to something when you say you could be feeling different because you're ttc and paying closer attention. I would say that if your cycle is off again it's worth getting that checked out. I am hoping though that you won't have another cycle to even worry over. Vent here - we need each other to get through the extreme sporting of ttc in your 40's. We should add THAT to the olympics!:ninja:

Bonnie ~ throw us a bone!! Get a BFP for us!! :flower:

Fluffy ~ when are you planning on testing? What a nice quiet night...just you and Family Guy! Brian is my fave. My kids like the Cleveland show you ever watch that?

MG ~ Wow - you're DD plays too? Do many Canadian girls play Hockey? She must have taken after you with her athletic ability eh?

AFM ~ I didn't sleep at all last night and I'm just spent so I'm off to bedie pie. I am so hoping to wake up to good news!!


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