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Ttc #3 over 35 - anyone else in the same boat??

Quiche for breakfast. Then took girls to Catskill Animal Preserve. Have been fighting a headache since I woke and now DB has just left to return them to their moms. I am going to take a nap!
Thanks Dysan I'm prob gonna start testing tomorrow (Monday) I'm in the UK but will keep you updated.

The cramps have subsided, still get the odd twinge now and then but not like yesterday, and I had a 3 hour nap this affy lol

Sorry for the BFN, but its to be expected lol
Hiya Cheshirecat

You're very welcome to share your ttc journey with us :)
It's great to have somewhere like this site to come on to and share your feelings no matter what they are! I came along as a newbie at the start of February and in these past few months have made some really good friends and I'm so glad to google for taking me to the b&b site lol!

:dust: to everyone :)
Hiya Cheshirecat

You're very welcome to share your ttc journey with us :)
It's great to have somewhere like this site to come on to and share your feelings no matter what they are! I came along as a newbie at the start of February and in these past few months have made some really good friends and I'm so glad to google for taking me to the b&b site lol!

:dust: to everyone :)

Happy Easter Ladies!
Welcome Sugarbear:flower:
Dysan- sorry about the BFN but it is still really early
Fluffy- you go girl you're almost there!!
Bonnie- I'm glad you will get some time with db today and I hope your headache is feeling better:hugs:
AFM- officially in tww. Had a huge temp spike this am. Felt really hot as well. We will see what happens. I definitely o'd 2 days later this cycle:shrug:
Thanks ladies. the BFN was totally expected. I would have been extremely shocked if it was positive.
I will try again tomorrow morning though...i am stubborn :)
No symptoms today either. Was a little moody this AM - but if that indicated anything, is that AF will show in the next 5 days :)
We'll see what happens! I will not be upset if this is not my month...but getting this process over with would be great, honestly...lol
Hey ladies :)
Finally got my pos opk earlier so that is good for me to finally know! Will bd tonight and then I'll be on the road to discovery lol!

Dysan hang in there girl, you're testing early and I can fully understand where you're coming from as I have been there done that too :) when is your AF due?? I'm praying you get a bfp this cycle!
Bonnie how are you? You've been busy I wish I had your energy girl!! Hope you got some relaxing time you had planned :)
Mg good to see you back, fx'd for you this month too :)
There has to be some good news this month for someone.......:)

Off out now with the kids but I'll drop by later :)
Good morning ladies,
Another BFN this morning. Again, I am not upset so dont feel bad for me. This is only cycle #3 and I am 9dpo today so expectations are quite low.
My AF is due on Friday so 4 more days. I am honeslty hoping that at least it holds until them to come. I would like my LP to be 12 days this cycle. I will feel so much better trying next cycle with a 12 day LP.
I had some minor twinges last night, normal AF type, but other than that, no symptoms whatsoever.
Hope you all have a great day!
How is everyone?

Good news..DB today was trying to calculate the dates and wants to tell the x we are going on vacation so we can swap the kids out for another weekend next cycle! I should ov mid week so this will give us the weekend before during and after to have plenty of time to make it happen!:happydance::happydance: I'm so glad he recognized this on his own and is being proactive! We hadn't even discussed what just happened (or didn't happen) yet.

Miss you all!
It has been quiet here and there

Dysan-still early-hang in there!
Fluffy-are you on break now?
MG-how is the TWW treating you so far?
Sugarbear-how are you feeling?

Oh-and some other good news-my friend that just had a tubal-has a BFP already without clomid!
Hiya bonnie :)
That's brilliant news! You will be looking forward to that next cycle! You've had a tough time lately so if anyone deserves a break it def you :)

Afm I'm on 1 dpo yeahhh :) I think I've covered all bases but not stressing this cycle either lol! Was calculating and next tues/wed I could test but I'll see how I feel! Would live to get some early symptoms this time so I would look forward to actually testing!
Can anyone enlighten me on if you have to bd after ov, if so how many days? I'm not sure if it's best to bd on the ov day and after it too, as many articles I've read tend to say bd a couple of days prior to ov! This is where it can confuse people!!

Dh back to work today and I've got the rest of the week off until back in Monday! So hopefully I'll not think too much about this 2ww!!

Dysan how's things for you?? Have you tested again??

Mg where are you at in your 2ww??

It has been very quiet here lately......think it's the calm before the storm......hopefully it'll be raining bfp!!!!

Chat to you all laters :)
Hi! Well today I am 18DPO and still BFN. I have no symptoms of AF but still no EUREKA I'm pregnant symptoms either. I am praying that perhaps I ovulated later than calculated & that it took the entire 12 days for it to implant. Me & H pretty much bad everyday last month as we are still "newly weds" lol and he REALLY wants a baby ASAP! I am starting to be sad & worried that something is bad wrong. I have never ha a problem getting pregnant. I just said I wanted t & the next month I was. What could be going on......feel terrible emotionally but healthy physically. Bright side of this cloud I am Not missing the PMS! Trying to pray myself strong & trust that Gods will for me is more appropriate than my own. I am going to pray, be still, thankful & wait. Blessings, hugs & Babydust to you!
Hiya bonnie :)
That's brilliant news! You will be looking forward to that next cycle! You've had a tough time lately so if anyone deserves a break it def you :)

Afm I'm on 1 dpo yeahhh :) I think I've covered all bases but not stressing this cycle either lol! Was calculating and next tues/wed I could test but I'll see how I feel! Would live to get some early symptoms this time so I would look forward to actually testing!
Can anyone enlighten me on if you have to bd after ov, if so how many days? I'm not sure if it's best to bd on the ov day and after it too, as many articles I've read tend to say bd a couple of days prior to ov! This is where it can confuse people!!

Dh back to work today and I've got the rest of the week off until back in Monday! So hopefully I'll not think too much about this 2ww!!

Dysan how's things for you?? Have you tested again??

Mg where are you at in your 2ww??

It has been very quiet here lately......think it's the calm before the storm......hopefully it'll be raining bfp!!!!

Chat to you all laters :)

Thanks fluffy

FF recommends 3 days before o, day of o and day after o.
Any more than 1 day after o is for fun. The egg is only good 12-24 after it is released.
Hi! Well today I am 18DPO and still BFN. I have no symptoms of AF but still no EUREKA I'm pregnant symptoms either. I am praying that perhaps I ovulated later than calculated & that it took the entire 12 days for it to implant. Me & H pretty much bad everyday last month as we are still "newly weds" lol and he REALLY wants a baby ASAP! I am starting to be sad & worried that something is bad wrong. I have never ha a problem getting pregnant. I just said I wanted t & the next month I was. What could be going on......feel terrible emotionally but healthy physically. Bright side of this cloud I am Not missing the PMS! Trying to pray myself strong & trust that Gods will for me is more appropriate than my own. I am going to pray, be still, thankful & wait. Blessings, hugs & Babydust to you!

Hang in there SB. It could be a miss calc or just the stress of TTC is delaying things for you. Keep us posted! Fx'd
SB hand in there! I am sure that there are no problems with you. Remind me, for how long have you been TTC? IT will happen...sometimes it takes time. I do hope that this is it for you though.

AS for me, I am 10dpo today (or 9dpo at worst). I took another ic this AM and BFN. I had some groin/hip pain yesterday at night that was out of the ordinary for me (lasted about 2 hours on an off) but i do exercise so most likely due to a pulled muscle. Went to bed and I am totally fine this AM. No symptoms at all. Again, no high hopes this month so still cheered up. Maybe when AF shows I will have a pitty party for myself but not now...still 3 days away, so totally OK. I pray that my LP is strong and if AF shows it does not happen before Friday. If AF shows on Friday my LP will be 12 days at best or 11 days if I o'd the second day of + OPK...i am OK with 11 days, i will feel confident that there is no issue there.

Fluffly you are on your TWW! AWESOME!!!! hope you caught that egg and that it goes by fast for you.

MG...how are you doing? how many dpo?

Bonnie, glad that your DB brought that up on his own. Super reassuring and may i say, romantic too...hope he can definitely sort things out with kids mom so that you are all alone before, during and ofter your next O.

Ok ladies, have a great day ahead!
SB hand in there! I am sure that there are no problems with you. Remind me, for how long have you been TTC? IT will happen...sometimes it takes time. I do hope that this is it for you though.

AS for me, I am 10dpo today (or 9dpo at worst). I took another ic this AM and BFN. I had some groin/hip pain yesterday at night that was out of the ordinary for me (lasted about 2 hours on an off) but i do exercise so most likely due to a pulled muscle. Went to bed and I am totally fine this AM. No symptoms at all. Again, no high hopes this month so still cheered up. Maybe when AF shows I will have a pitty party for myself but not now...still 3 days away, so totally OK. I pray that my LP is strong and if AF shows it does not happen before Friday. If AF shows on Friday my LP will be 12 days at best or 11 days if I o'd the second day of + OPK...i am OK with 11 days, i will feel confident that there is no issue there.

Fluffly you are on your TWW! AWESOME!!!! hope you caught that egg and that it goes by fast for you.

MG...how are you doing? how many dpo?

Bonnie, glad that your DB brought that up on his own. Super reassuring and may i say, romantic too...hope he can definitely sort things out with kids mom so that you are all alone before, during and ofter your next O.

Ok ladies, have a great day ahead!

I have been TTC since Nov. I am never late always get AF like a clock on the 6th or 7th of the month only variance is whether there are 30 or 31 days in the month. I have no symptoms of AF at all and only symptom I have today is I am feeling a lil queasy out of the blue this past hour but nothing significant. I had BFN this morning. AF 5 days late. Just gonna test until AF comes or until I get or miss next AF. NERVE Wracking!!! LOL Thanks so much! Helps to talk.. Baby dust to all!
SB hand in there! I am sure that there are no problems with you. Remind me, for how long have you been TTC? IT will happen...sometimes it takes time. I do hope that this is it for you though.

AS for me, I am 10dpo today (or 9dpo at worst). I took another ic this AM and BFN. I had some groin/hip pain yesterday at night that was out of the ordinary for me (lasted about 2 hours on an off) but i do exercise so most likely due to a pulled muscle. Went to bed and I am totally fine this AM. No symptoms at all. Again, no high hopes this month so still cheered up. Maybe when AF shows I will have a pitty party for myself but not now...still 3 days away, so totally OK. I pray that my LP is strong and if AF shows it does not happen before Friday. If AF shows on Friday my LP will be 12 days at best or 11 days if I o'd the second day of + OPK...i am OK with 11 days, i will feel confident that there is no issue there.

Fluffly you are on your TWW! AWESOME!!!! hope you caught that egg and that it goes by fast for you.

MG...how are you doing? how many dpo?

Bonnie, glad that your DB brought that up on his own. Super reassuring and may i say, romantic too...hope he can definitely sort things out with kids mom so that you are all alone before, during and ofter your next O.

Ok ladies, have a great day ahead!

I don't know about romantic as I don't think there will be a real vacation. That is just what he is telling their mom. It will be either we swap or skip. There won't be a problem. But it definitely was sweet of him to plan ahead! It will be 1 year from our first date though!
ok quick update before i head out again...i have some minor AF cramps...i really hopes it holds until Friday!
Good morning Ladies!
Dysan- I hope AF holds off all together!! FX'd for you.
Bonnie- So glad that Db came to that realization himself!! That is soooo sweet! It gives you something to look forward to for next cycle.
Fluffy- I agree with Bonnie. Any days after 1 dpo and it is just for fun. So you should be good!!
Sugarbear- Hang in there!! Sounds promising to me not having any AF signs. Did you opk and or temp to know for sure that you o'd?
AFM- 3dpo and feeling normal. Nothing to report and feeling relaxed this cycle.
Thanks girls I knew I would get good feedback from you :) who needs google eh when you girls are here lol!
I love the way you say for fun!! I'm bloomin exhausted at this stage.....the 2ww will be my vacation :)

Sugarbear I really hope this is your month too, it's really frustrating and we all know how you're feeling, but don't despair we're here to help if we can:)
I've been ttc from February really, don't count January as I wasn't really sure then, with my previous 2 pregnancies it happened straight away, I was 32 when I decided to have kids, but now at 36 it's taking a wee bit longer but hopefully I'll get there too!

Dysan I'm hoping those darn pains clear off and hoping that the weekend brings you great news :)

Will drop by later on :)
ok ladies, so here is something to keep up busy and entertained.

I went to the bathroom when I got back and looked at the test from this morning and there is a very light evap line. I am going with evaporation since it has been 8 hours - but at least it gives me some excitement (I know, sad...lol). Not even sure if you guys actually can see it in the photo. Same test, one tweeked (ie. saturated the color, not sure how to do anything else) and the other one the normal photo. It is def there in real life...not sure if captured on that phone photo...dont mind the "chew" marks on the test all the way to the left...all these came with those annoying dents...(wondfos).


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    Photo 04-10 normal.jpg
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