TTC #3 with PCOS would love a buddy

LOL you crack me up. I love that even drunk you came on here to post to me :wine: :happydance::happydance::happydance: I hope you had a good night out. Enjoy your couple of months off!! If you would prefer not to come on here while you are having a break I understand. We could always facebook each other if you still wanted to keep in contact but prefered to stay away from all things TTC.

I don't really know what to think about my chart to be honest. FF has put the coverline back but it is a dotted coverline which I think means it is not positive of the O date. I am still having EWCM so am thinking maybe haven't O yet??? I probably should have kept up the OPK but it all starts to get a bit expensive. I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens.

I have another busy weekend planned. I have just baked a cake for my big sister who is turning 30 tomorrow. We are having a big party in the park for her tomorrow. The house is smelling really yummy. I have made her a mud cake so my house smells so chocolatey now Mmmmmmmmmm

After her party my OH and I have a work function to go to. I bought a new pair of black heels today (really high ones very sexy lol) to go with my new red dress. I hope I can pull it off :blush: I will definately need a couple of wines to get my confidence up. I always feel a little uncomfortable in dresses. I am a jeans type of girl. Don't get me wrong I do like dressing up sometimes but I always feel a little self concious :dohh: It should be a good night though.

Anyway I better head to bed since I have a big day tomorrow.

I am so hungover - I have felt terrible all day with awful period cramps as well. And messed up at work and had to send an apology email to one of our customers arghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

I will still be coming on here and I feel great now we've made the decision to stop trying for a little while so it will be nice to keep on tracking and most likely I won't be able to stop entirely.

Goodluck with the dress and heels, better you'll look great - I know what you mean about jeans though lovely to dress up but I love to feel comfortable.

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm cake - i've never had mud cake?

Have a great weekend

speak soon xxxx
Hi hun how are you feeling now? Hope the hangover has gone and the cramps are fading. What happened at work?

Last night we had a great night. I think I pulled off the dress and heels lol.

I can't believe you have never had mud cake it is pretty popular over here. It is a really rich chocolate cake, quite dense not like a sponge cake or anything more like a butter cake but with heaps of chocolate in it. Then it is covered with chocolate ganache which is cream heated until it is starting to boil then you add chocolate and it melts into the cream and you pour it over the cake. It is delicious but very rich!

My temp was up a bit this morning again but that is prob because I slept from 12-7am where as my normal sleep is from about 10:30pm-5:30am. My coverline is still in the same spot so it is saying 7dpo now but I am not convinced that is wasn't later in the cycle so I would be 3dpo now. I don't really know. It just means I really don't know when to test and since I am a POAS addict I want to know lol.

Anyway I better go and get a few things done before I pick the kids up from their sleep over at their Nan and Papa's place.

Mud cake sounds amazing, after reading your original message I looked it up in my chocolate recipe book - I found a Mississippi mud pie which sounds a little different from what you've described but both sound yum.

Glad you had a good night.

The work thing was totally my fault and a misunderstanding that led to a series of silly mistakes, and I was so busy I was trying to do everything at once but in the end lost half an hour to formulating an apology email. I've felt really anxious about it all weekend. I hate making mistakes at work.

This weekend has flown by and I feel like I need at least another day to recover from a hard/bad week at work. I think it is the move as well and the ttc I haven't been able to switch off, I feel like I have a million things whizzing round in my head and I can't slow them down long enough to rationalize my thoughts or address them.

AGHHHHH I need a holiday!

Right I have to go and see a friend hope your in a better mood than me - i'm in a right grump, sorry

I hope you are feeling in a better mood today :hugs: Try not to worry yourself about work too much I am sure things will be ok. Have you started packing for your big move yet.

I know what you mean about too much going on in your head. Recently we sold our house and bought a new house, my Grandma passed away, I had a chemical pg, found out my SIL was pg and started working part time all around the same time and I felt so dazed and ended most days in tears because there was too much going on. Hopefully soon things will settle down for you too.

Have you got any holiday time owing at work? Can you get away for a week or something?

As for me just plodding along. I am fighting the urge to start testing already which would be a bad idea because it is far too early especially if I didn't O until a bit later than what FF thinks :dohh::dohh::dohh:
Hello How are you doing? Tested yet?

I've not done much in the way of packing but I have some time tonight so maybe if I can be bothered.....

Yesterday I think stress of the job moving house and ttc all came to a head I had a minor break down to my OH and we had a long talk about things and we are going to continue trying this month. But OH is taking more of an active role - he adds my temp to FF every day so it's not just me following everything all on my own and I have a blood test and doc appointment booked and my OH has now realised that he can't keep just saying it will be ok so all is good and I feel lots more positive. We are also going to try for BDing every day all cycle!!!!!

2 days taken off to pack the house and move to the new one at the start of March so not much of a holiday but I think everything will feel more positive in the new hous not crowded in by the city.

How's your week looking? Anything good planned?

Has everything settledted down now since the cyclone, I heard on the radio today there had been some bush fires in Australia also but didn't catch where abouts..?

Hope your well xxxxx
Hi. I manged to hold off testing this morning even though I really wanted to lol I quickly went to the loo so the temptation to test with FMU was gone lol :dohh: don't think I will be able to hold off for much longer.

I think that is great that your OH is getting a bit more involved and that you have had a big talk. When is your Doc app booked for?

Not much happening here this week but on Friday night we are going to see Michael Buble in concert which I can't wait for. I love his music so much. Last time he was in Australia I was 36 weeks pregnant with the twins but still went to his show. At least this time I will be able to get around much easier :happydance:

Happy packing tonight!!!
Hello have you managed to hold off another day from testing? Only 4 days to go - Fingers crossed for you xx

I am going to see my doc on Friday - well a doc on Friday different from the last and asking to get all my tests done!!!

I have a friend who's job is to help women concieve, through pregnancy and childbirth naturally. I had held of speaking to her as it's a bit too close to home and I am scepticl about the homeopathy side of things but I have just spent 40 minutes on the phone to her and have arranged to go see her Saturday. She really knows her stuff!

She has said she will treat me (almost all her couples have conceived within 5 months) as she does her other patients - there are strict diet guidelines and NO alcohol allowed and of course no drinking, if I drink any alcohol she will refuse to treat me - got to think of the end goal.

Any ttc gems I glean I will pass on.

I don't know if I mentioned if FF is right it would give me a really short luteal phase causing luteal phase defect which would could explain the m/c

I am soo jealous - Michael Buble, I don't like his music massively but I really like him seems like such a lovely man - which makes me like his music more.

No packing going on here - Lazy Tuesdays!

Hi. I managed to hold off testing again because I had a low temp this morning. To be honest I am really doubting this cycle. I have fertile cm again which I just don't understand. I don't know if AF is on the way or perhaps I still haven't O??? I am so confused and annoyed right now. If the past number of months every second cycle I haven't O until day 30 something and now I am starting to think that this is one of those cycles. Argh I hate this so much :nope: I feel like I am just beating my head against a brick wall. To be honest I wish AF would just turn up so I can move on from this strange cycle and start the next one :growlmad: To add to that I have woken up with such a sore throat so I am getting sick too :dohh:

Sorry for the rant I am just feeling really over it at the moment.

Good luck for your Doc app and your app with your friend. Definately pass on any tips you learn. If it doesn't happen for us this cycle or the next then I am going to see a naturopath too.

Bugger about not drinking though :wacko: just when you were going to try out your new pub!

It would be really good for you though if they can diagnose something that will help you understand your M/c so I hope you can get some answers.

Anyway I had better go. My babies are in here destroying the office lol so I am going to go and make them so morning tea. It is a lovely day here today so I am thinking some nice fresh fruit out on the garden sounds like a plan.

Sorry again for my rant!
Don't apologise for your rant :hugs:

It is awful not knowing, waiting and wishing your life away.

I really hope your not getting ill, and I am super jealous of nice outside weather - I'm just glad I don't have to de-ice my car every morning at the moment:cold:

It all seems a little unfair why some people get pregnant at the drop of a hat and some of us have to try really hard at it.

My friend (the fertility specialist) was talking about stress bringing on pituitary fatigue and how important it is to relax - I hope she has some good advice on how to do that as I find it impossible - if there is any good advice I will of course pass it on.

Enjoy a lovely day in the sunshine tea and fresh fruit

Oh and good luck holding off on the testing - you are doing brilliantly xxx
I always try to relax about things but in therory during the cycle it is hard to do.

I think my OH are going to DTD again tonight just in case. I have EWCM again so I am really thinking that FF has got it wrong. I am interested to see what my temp does tomorrow morning. I guess I will just have to wait and see what happens. By the time I know what is happening with this cycle you will have completed two cycles probably :dohh:

Hope you have had a good day will chat in the morning. Night :flower:
Hello I hope you have had a nice day.

I have had a brilliant day got a huge piece of work out of the way that has been hanging over me for ages and took a coffee maker back that I had been meaning to do for ages

hooray for proactive days xxx

I had a look at your chart I wish I could be of more help but I don't understand charts too well, how are you feeling now?

I am dying for a glass of wine to relax with, got to think of the end goal.

Are you taking angus cactus?

Speak soon I hope your having a super day xxxxxxx
Hi sorry for the lack of posting yesterday and this morning. I have been really busy and also feeling really frustrated and angry with my body at the moment. I took a test today which was a BFN which I am not surprised at because I still don't believe I have O yet. I just did the test to check. I am still getting fertile CM but O just won't happen. I feel so annoyed that I can't just have a normal cycle for once :nope:

I am also feeling sorry for you that you have picked a buddy to cycle with but you picked one with dodgy cycles so sorry for that. Maybe by the time you O this cycle I will also be O. God I hope so I can't keep going with this cycle for much longer. If O doesn't happen within the next few days I think I will just call it quits for this cycle and wait for AF to arrive because I have had enough :dohh::dohh:

On a brighter note Michael Buble last night was AMAZING!! Such a good show. I wish I could go again.

Yay for your productive day!!! Have you started packing yet? Stay away from that wine hun :hissy: (I can't promise you I will be doing the same thing with the way I am feeling)

Today is my MIL 50th Birthday so we spent the morning with my OH family celbrating. My OH has gone to play cricket now so I am home alone with the kids. They are currently having a sleep after much mucking around when I put them to bed :wacko::wacko::wacko: I think I might be going to my Mum and Dad's tonight for dinner which will be nice since I am alone with the kids.

A few posts ago we were talking about books as you asked if I had any recommendations. So I was thinking about it and wondering if you have read the Steig Larrson books? There is a trilogy of books starting with The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Have you heard of them? They are fantastic books. I loved reading them so would highly reccomend them. I will have to think of some others that I would reccomend. What type of books do you like?
Happy Saturday,

:hugs:I hope your feeling ok, do not be so silly it is lovely to have you as a buddy no matter how your cycle plays out. Plus I have a buddy with a wealth of knowledge on pregnancy and actually having children which is really really helpful. I think sometimes I have lost sight of the having children bit, it has taken so long trying to get pregnant I can't think beyond it now - I am no longer desperate to have a child but desperate to get pregnant - 1 step at a time, does that make sense?

I am jealous of you seeing Michael - he was on a TV advert for his CD last night and I thought of you. I think he would be lovely to invite to a dinner party, such a nice man!

I haven't started packing but I freecycled one of our settees last night - we definitely can not fit two into the new house. Do you have freecycle in Australia?

A good friend of mine is just back from traveling I haven't seen him for a year and we should all be meeting up for drinks tonight, the problem is I find drunk people a bit annoying when I am sober and I would really like a few glasses of wine:drunk: but never mind it will be ok - I also sometimes have a drink so people know I am not pregnant as lots of our friend s know we are trying (if we'd known it would take this long we never would have been so open about it) if I don't drink I get knowing smirks which make me want to scream however well meaning they are. It feels good to take control though and at least I won' spend so much money or wake up with a hangover:happydance:

I have read the Steig Larsson books, they were really good.

Have you read Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafron it is amazing, if you liked the girl with the dragon tattoo I think you will like it too.

At the moment I am reading Sister by Rosamund Lupton - it seems good so far. I like lots of different books and a mixture of classics and trash, I read most things but I tend to stay away from sci-fi.

I hope you have a lovely dinner.

I am off shortly for my appointment with the naturopath which I feel really positive about.

I had my meeting with a different Doc yesterday and though he was really nice he said his hands were tied and he couldn't refer me to a speacilist till I had, had another m/c but he has agreed to do all the relevant tests needed to be carried out before I can be referred. I am just shocked - if I hadn't got pregnant the stipulation would be 2 years of trying before your got referred. That is a long time to wait no wonder so many people go private, It's a national health service and I work really hard and pay my taxes:nope: So now I feel like this time next month I should claim a m/c which is not the sort of thing I want to be lying about.....I am going to check out going private....

I hope you have a lovely day and your feeling less annoyed with you cycle, your chart is still saying you O'd so Fx'd Chin up lovely :hugs:

Speak soon
Thanks for being so understanding :hugs: I am glad you still are happy being buddies :flower: I can always try and help out with the pregnancy and children thing so please do ask if you have any questions. I can imagine all you think about is getting pg and not what happens next. I was like that first time around too. I really hope it does happen for you this month.

How did your appointment with your friend go? Did you manage to hold off having a drink? You are a strong woman if you did lol.

Yeah Michael Buble does seem lovely. He was very funny. My god I would love to have Michael Buble over for a dinner party lol. I don't think I would be able to stop drooling over him all night though he is gorgeous!!!

Um not too sure what a freecycle is? We have shops where you can donate your goods and they sell them like a charity shop is that what a freecycle is?

I will definately be checking out all of those books. Thanks for that. I must say I do love a good crime/ murder mystery book so they are most of the books I read so I like all the Patricia Cornwell books and James Patterson stuff like that.

I can't believe you guys have to wait two years before being referred. In Aus I think it is just one year but not too sure if you don't have private health cover. I am glad for you though that he is ttesting. At least with another cycle of temping you can have another look at your luteal phase and see what it is like.

Do you think you are getting close to O.

I am not sure if I O yesterday maybe? FF is still saying it was day 20 but I know now it wasn't. I would now be 15DPO with no BFP and my temps have just been too low for me to believe that I have O. We DTD last night again and yesterday I had more watery CM and also a few pains so hopefully that was O. FX I really can't wit much longer for it :dohh: My temp was up a bit again this morning so will just have to wait and see what it does tomorrow.

Well I better go I am meeting one of my girlfriends out for a coffee this morning so the kids can hopefully wear themselves out on the playground while we catch up. So I will check in again tonight to see how you are going.


Firstly Michael Buble reminds me of my Brother so can't drool over him as that would be eurghhhhh but I think I like him lots cause he reminds me of my Bro who is really nice - and just qualified as a doctor (very proud of him).

Before we started ttc and at the start, I thought lots about the actual baby and names and what they would be like but now its one step at a time. I can't wait to look at a scan and see some little feet or a heart beat. Actally I can't wait to see two pink lines!!:dohh:

The appointment was super brilliant, the opposite of all the doctors appointments where they try and get you out as quick as possible. s it is half through my cycle she said not to temp this month - her system is similar to FF with a mixture of CM and temps. She has me doing a food diary for the next 2 weeks so she can analyse what if anything my diet is missing.

- She asked me to change to organic dairy as they put lots of hormones and antibiotics in to cows to keep them lactating which can affect our fertility - that sounded pretty reasonable so I have gone with that.

She has asked OH to take a Zinc supplement which she recomended I take too along with a multi vit (Solgar 75) and Agnus cactus 3 times a day taken as a tincture.

She charted any big emotional moments in my life and wants to do some homeopathy next time to mend the damage they would have left behind (I am a bit of a sceptic but hey in for a penny....)

Absolutely no alcohol and seeing as she will only treat me if I stick to this I am going to stick to it. She has a really good track record and the longer this is all taking the more I am unable to be a rationale human being so I am going to do anything and everything she says.

She doesn't believe in sticking your legs in the air for ages after sex (which is good cause I find that a bit sad - at first it was funny but now it makes me feel desperate). She didn't have much faith in pre seed either though I have heard good things about it here. And she thought sex once every 2 days was plenty - increasing this to every day would not necessarily increase chances.

I think that covers it all but let me know if you have any questions - I feel loads more positive for having seen her.

I had a look at your chart and saw you'd tested:hugs:looks like you had a rise today so hopefully you did O yesterday. I am so sorry that you have to go through all this not knowing and waiting :flower: The naturopath said agnus cactus was good for creating healthy regular cycles - have you tried it?

Freecycle is where you have something your done with say a sofa or a big pile of bricks and then you put it on this site to say it's free if you want it come and get it - It's meant to be really good and ethical and recycling and I love the idea but in practice where I am you have an offered section with things like - 'Hover works most of the time' or 'chipped plant pot' and then in the wanted section "My wife is learning to drive would like car taxed and MOT'd not fussy on make' Honestly its a joke but I really like the idea.

I can smell my food burning so better be off.

Fingers crossed that you O'd

speak soon xxxxxx
Hope you didn't burn your dinner while you were posting to me :dohh:

OMG your brother must be georgeous if he reminds you of Michael Buble lol I am jealous :blush: It sounds like he is smart too! Is it just you two or do you have more siblings?

Maybe we will both see strong pink lines this month :thumbup: Then we can start talking baby names!!

I am so glad you had a good appointment. You sound really positive about it which is great!! Keep passing on any tips. They are all great ones so far. I take Vitex at the moment in tablet form which is angus cactus. I am thinking it would probably be better in tincture form though so I am thinking about getting to a naturopath myself. I think it has greatly reduced the length of my cycles. Before I was taking it I would sometimes have 100+ day cycles and now my longest is around 50 days max and most cycles are around 32-34days so a massive improvement.

I had another temp rise today so FX it stays up tomorrow if it does I think I will manually change my coverline on FF. I am hoping todays high temp isn't because I had a bad night with the kids. My girl is sick with a cold at the moment so woe up loads last night looking for cuddles with Mummy! Our boy got it as well but nowhere near as bad so he is coping really well. He never gets sickness as bad as DD which I think is funny since DS is a little runt who doesn't eat vegies where as DD eats all her vegies and is a really healthy weight as she is the one who always gets sick :dohh: So I am currently on tissue patrol catching all the snot lol this is the not so pretty part of being a Mum cleaning up snot and poo haha. I am also toilet training the kids at the moment which they are going really well with but still we have had our fair share of accidents to clean up :wacko:

Ok better go and check if DD snotty nose needs wiping. Keep up the positive mind frame :thumbup: chat soon xx
Your chart looks brilliant you got your O day whoop whoop!:wohoo::wohoo:

All here is good though would still love a huge glass of wine.

All my vits arrived today so starting on the Agnus catuc tomorrow - The Naturopath was very keen on a tincture rather than tablet though it smells rank so I am not looking forward to it - I have quite a sensitive gag reflex.

We have a very snotty cat - not the same but pretty disgusting :winkwink:

I think today might be O day but OH is at work so going to be a late BD tonight - I am looking forward to going back to spontaneous sex though I guess children also get in the way of that:dohh:

I hope the kidlets are on the mend.

Have a lovely Wednesday :flower:

Yep finally got my o day. Pretty sure it is correct this time. FX.

How did you go with the vits? Were you able to swallow it?

Hope your OH didn't get home too late and you got some BD in :winkwink:

All is going ok here. The kids are slowly on the mend but now my OH has the cold too. I don't know what is worse listening to the kids whinge or OH. Man flu is the worst I swear he thinks he is dying lol :dohh:

Did you give up charting or are you still doing it?

Better go and get ready before the kids want to get out of bed.

Chat soon xxx

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