TTC #3 with PCOS would love a buddy


I am glad the kids are on the mend and I totally know what you mean about Man flu though to be fair to my OH I am the hypochondriac not him.

I may have mentioned I had a review and asked for a pay rise a few weeks back I may also have raved about my job. Well they said no to a pay rise and to back it up they have taken away my accountability over my areas "so I feel more supported" So the actual work does not change just I don't own it anymore - I feel totally deflated and demoted. I put in lots of unpaid hours and over christmas jumped in to fill the a staff shortfall that meant I had 1 day off in a 21 day period - working 13 days straight. F@£K it at least I will get maternity pay.

On a more positive note my lovely OH and me had our valentines night last week, it was super lovely we went to a Japanese BBQ where you cooked your own food on the grills in the centre of the table and then we went to the cinema it was just the loveliest night and he had inflatable heart shaped balloons and roses waiting for me when I got home. He is awesome!

Sorry about the whole work vent thing just feeling more than a little under valued!

Speak soon xxx
Awww darl I am so sorry to hear about work :hugs: That is not fair after all the hard work you have put in. It isn't nice when you don't get the thanks you deserve for the hard work you put in :nope:

Your night out with your OH sounds so lovely. So glad to hear you had a nice time. What did you see at the movies?

As far me just plodding along. Wish this two week wait was over already :wacko: I keep thinking I feel little twinges but then I think to myself you are 5DPO for goodness sake:dohh::dohh::dohh:

How are you going with trying? Do you think you have O already?

Anyway I should go. Keep your chin up hunny try not to worry too much about work :hugs:

I have no idea if I O'd or not cause I haven't been temping but we are BDing every day and I am on CD 17 or 18. because I am now taking the agnus cactus I don't know if that will change the length of my cycle but if not I should start my next cycle 1st March (Fingers crossed I am pregnant though).

Poor you watching the twinges - I totally know what you mean though in a weird way problems at work have been good as I haven't been wondering if I am pregnant or not for the past 48 hours which is an unusual occurrence, usually I think about it at least once every couple of hours on the good days and constantly on my obsessive days.

The film was true grit latest cohen brothers film sort of good - didn't like the ending but its so fun to be at the cinema.

They listened to me at work and changed my role back to what it had been but I feel really unimpressed with the whole thing - it's a new company for me so I am just going to wait and see how it works out

How are you what are your weekend plans?what do you do to take your mind off the 2ww?

Have you thought of any names or are you leaving it till the 2 pink lines?

So glad your work changed it back for you but still a big let down that they did it at all.

I really don't have anything that keeps my mind from the TWW. I feel even more obsessed this month than I have since we started TTC again :dohh: I am so obsessed that when I see certain things I think of TTC and being pg. We were driving to work yesterday and I saw a number plate DTD and of course you can imagine what I thought of straight away. And at work I had to sign a delivery slip for a package we got and the company name on it had been shortened to TWW. I just seem to be seeing it everywhere this month :dohh:

Today I am going to another baby shower. It is for a girl that has worked with my OH for years and over the past couple of years her and I have become really good friends. It is funny because sometimes I feel really envious of people when they are pg and celebrating it but not her. She knows how much I would love another baby and she is not the type of person to rub it in your face or anything she is just a very sweet girl. I have been helping her get ready for the baby as she has never been involved much with babies and dosen't feel that real natural mothering instinct but I have promised her that I will be there to help her out when the baby comes (a little girl!!) I actually can't wait until the baby arrives I am ready to be involved in her life and help my friend out!

Other than that I think my OH and I are going to have a date night tonight. He is playing cricket this afternoon while I am at the baby shower so my Mum is having the twins so she said she would keep them for the night for us. I think we are going to go to the movies too. Not too sure what we will see yet though. I think this morning I will take the kids for a little swim since we are going to be having a bit of a heat wave here over the next few days.

What are your plans for the weekend?

No I haven't thought of any names yet. I think I am just waiting till we get those pink lines. How about you?

Ok I should go I have babbled on heaps sorry for the long post :flower:. Have a great weekend xxx
Don't apologies for long post - it's nice I should, be out with friends tonight but one of them had to have her cat put down and another was unwell and to be honest after the last few days I only felt like going out for a drink if it was alcohol - which it won't be with this new stupid diet I could totally murder a bottle of wine!! So anyway I am sitting at home on a Friday night wishing the days away until testing day / AF......:dohh:

That's really nice about your friends and I know what you mean about friends who inadvertently make you feel bad being pregnant where as there are those you can be totally unreservedly happy for.:hugs::happydance:

Hooray for date night I hope you have a super lovely night. I love all the abbreviations you've been seeing I pointed out a FMU plate to my OH but did have to explain what it meant :winkwink:

I quite like Matilda for a girl - not so much the full name but I love Matty and Tilda and Tilly that it could be abbreviated to. I don't know about boy names. I would love to have a little boy but can't picture myself with anything but a little girl, to be honest though I would be completly over the moon with either :bunny:

If you go the movies let me know what you see, we might go and see The Kings speech this weekend (is that out in Oz?)

Speak soon have a lovely say / night xxxxxxx
Hi hun. How are you feeling?

We didn't end up going to the movies because my OH didn't get home until 6:30 from cricket and all the movies we wanted to see were on at 6:30 at the latest which was really annoying. We wanted to see The King's Speech or Here After. We ended up just going out for a meal together instead.

How was your weekend?

I love the name Matilda!! Just beautiful!

The baby shower was lovely and then yesterday we had a bit of a family gathering as my sister has just got back from holidays in Vanuatu so we all went around to Mum & Dad's place to see her. So it has been a lovely weekend.

Am still feeling the twinges and I swear this month my brests are a bit tender which they normally aren't. FX I really hope this month is it.

Are you feeling any signs?

Fingers crossed I really hope it is too it would be brilliant!

I can't symptom spot this month as the tablets and agnus cactus could be altering things - the multi vits are pretty hard core and I think they are making my tummy hurt abit.... Also I am worried my period will be late cause of the agnus cactus and I won't be able to not get my hopes up.

On a positive no drinking and being a bit more careful with what I eat my skin is positivly glowing - which is nice as the initial body reaction was to break out in spots!

I am glad you had a lovely weekend - what did you do for food? I got home to stir fry mush tonight my OH had good intentions but got distracted during the cooking process.

Keep me updated about twinges and sore BBs I have everything crossed for you xxx
Morning! As I am a POAS addict I got up this morning and did a FRER with FMU and I think I can see something but I have been staring at the test for so long I think I may be imagining it. I am still classing it as a neg though but I am really hoping it is going to turn into a pos. I am crazy for having tested so early but I just can't help myself :dohh: You watch it will prob turn out to be neg and I will be all let down. My boobs do still feel tender though.

Yay for your skin glowing!! Did you ask if it may alter your period this month? Are you still DTD just in case? When do you go back to have another consult with her?

Hmmm stir fry mush sounds interesting :haha: The other night we just went out to a local steak type restaurant. I actually ordered pork ribs in like a honey soy glaze type stuff. It was incredibly messy but oh so delicious!! I have never had pork ribs before but I enjoyed it. Nothing fancy but very yummy.

I was just looking at the test again and I think I am imaging the line because I want it to be there so much :dohh:
Post a pic!!! :happydance: Oh I so hope it is - and yes crazy early testing but I have just been holding back from testing myself - I am 7DPO at most and it wouldn't even had been a FMU - it is so hard not to test :dohh:

You have never had pork ribs before?!?!?!?! I love ribs they are so delicious.

She said that hopefully, but maybe not immediately the agnus cactus would lengthen my luteal phase - I didn't ask if that meant by ovulating earlier but if not i guess my cycle would have to be longer....

I should never have said glowing skin I now have a spot on my face!

Anyway enough bout me any news? :flower: Fingers crossed for you keep me updated xxxxx
To be honest it is so extremley faint that you can't really even see it on a photo. I am still not sure if I can see it IRL or if I just have line eye. Seriously why did I do this to myself again. You would think I would learn :dohh:

Nope never had ribs before but I will be ordering them again now, I might even have to try making some at home on our BBQ one night.

Don't you love how as soon as you say your skin is glowing you get a spot. Try saying you are having a break out and maybe it will clear up lol :thumbup:

Ok so here is my pic like I say I don't think you can even see it. I swear I am imagining things. I will prob try and test again tomorrow since I can't seem to be able to help myself and I am a sucker for punishment :wacko:


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I just don't know - Line eye is totally the expression for it, you think you see it but then if you imagine it is a few mm up from the line you thought was there you can sort of make it out there too.

I had a proper good look at the pic and its totally not a definite no but then I wasn't sure I wasn't willing it to be a BFP and seeing things, have you done a new test today - I checked your chart and saw your temp has shot up...

I just had another peak at the pic I don't want to get your hopes up I think I see a faint line oh I really really hope so fingers crossed for you lovely!

It was so hard at work today not to check in on here I was desperate to see if there was any news but there is no way I can check B&B on work computer.

Thinking of you xxx :hugs:
Hi hun. I just read your PM thanks for that. I guess now all I can do is keep my fingers crossed. I keep checking the test and sometimes I see the line and other times I look and can't see it and freak out a bit that I am going completly crazy :wacko::wacko::wacko: Yep temp rose heaps today lets hope it is a positive sign and doesn't go down too much tomorrow.

Are you still holding off testing? If you are well done!!!

I am wishing it was tomorrow morning already so I could do another test hahah :dohh:

Have a good day hun. I am about to head out to get the kids some stuff that they need for when they start child care next week and then off to take the kids to their swimming lesson.

Chat later xxx
I hope you have had a lovely day and not felt too test crazy. will you / have you tested today (Thursday - though it's Wednesday here!) or are you giving it a few days to get darker?

I don't feel like testing at the moment and not sure where my cycle is with taking the agnus, I was desperate to test a few days ago but now I think I am just going to focus on the house move for the next week.

Because of the move our broadband will be disconnected on Sunday and then I guess it may be up to a week till we are back online in the new place. I don't know how easy it will be to check in on here as I certainly won't be able to check B&B at work, maybe we could exchange emails so I can hear how your getting on and update you with any news this end (checking emails at work won't give the ttc game away!!).

I hope you've woken up to a BFP fingers crossed xxxxx
Hi hun. I did another test this morning. I can still see the line and it came up within the time frame however it is still so light so I am not too sure what to think. Temp is still up this morning although not quite as high as yesterday so lets hope it isn't on the decline. When I put my temp in this morning FF changed my O day back to day 25 :dohh: which I know really can't be possible because that would make me a huge number of DPO with still only faint pos I don't think that would happen. And since I know my body so well done I know day 34 is right for O not any earlier. Stupid FF lol

You are doing so well not testing. I wish I had that strenght!! Good luck with all the moving. At least you have something to take your mind off things. I still have everything crossed for you though :thumbup:

Will def have to exchange emails so we can keep in contact. I want to find out what happens with you too!!

Ok better go xxx
Testing hmmmm - was just thinking how big my boobs feel (for me I am a tiny a/b cup)....I am sure I'll be testing at the weekend. But I am only 9 DPO at most and I think it's more likely to be quite a bit less than that, based on CM as I haven't been temping. So I am 90% certain a test would be a bfn and I just don't want to make myself feel bad :winkwink:

FF IS stupid!

Well I guess your into Thursday (I am still in Wednesday) I hope it's a lovely Thursday and I really hope that line gets thicker and darker for you :flower: I am sending all my positive vibes across to you.

How are you feeling?

I am going to go and get into bed and watch Fringe on my laptop - have you seen it, I am well into season 2 and still not even sure if I really like it? My OH, friends and myself got really into true blood last year - have you seen it? Was it big in Australia?

Speak soon xxxx:friends:
I will be thinking of you when you decide to test. I have everything crossed and send heaps of positive vibes your way.

I keep looking at the test just willing to see a darker line lol. Todays test was the first one I showed OH. He doesn't even know I did the other ones as he would tell me I am crazy lol. He couldn't really see the line which isn't a good sign :dohh:

My OH watches Fringe. It was on TV last night here but I have no idea what season we are up to here I am thinking maybe 3. I don't really watch it I find it a little wierd lol. I think we did get True Blood here but I have never seen it. I have just started watching the first season of The Vampire Diaries which my friend lent me the DVDs I am enjoying that so far.

What other shows do you like to watch on TV?

I am a bit of a sucker for some lame shows like Desperate Housewives and Brother's and Sisters. Well my OH tells me they are lame lol. My fav show on TV at the moment is an Australian cooking show called My Kitchen Rules. I love cooking so I do love watching any cooking shows but this one is made all the sweeter by the fact that the two judges on the show are rather cute lol. There is one that is French and still has the accent which I think makes him incredibly sexy!!!! Also I love White Collar do you get that show over there? Also a really sexy main guy in that too haha :blush::blush::blush:
We did it!!! We got a clear :bfp: on a FRER and a DIGI!!!!!!! I still can't believe it. The line is still a little faint on the FRER but I can see it without having to turn the test on all different angles. When I saw that line coming up I figured I would try a Digi not sure if it would work or not and got the most beautiful words!!!! I have had these digi's for so long I bought them ages ago when I went into a chemist one day and they had them on sale. But I have been saving them until I really had a good feeling and today is that day :happydance:

I can't believe we have concieved a baby the good ol fashion way :happydance: Now I just hope it is a sticky little bean and hangs around for me [-o<[-o<[-o<

Now we just need you to get a BFP this month too. Where are you at with everything? Are your boobs sore as well as being a little bigger? Praying for a BFP for you too!!!


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:happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance::thumbup::thumbup: :thumbup::::happydance::dance: :dance::dance::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::yipee::wohoo::wohoo: :happydance::happydance::yipee::yipee::yipee:

I have taken to checking out your chart before reading your posts so that gave me a pre warner that some super news was on the way!! I am so happy for you :hugs:

I have totally had a little jump round the room yipee moment after reading I am very excited and I am obviously going to try my hardest to catch up with you and be a bump buddy.

I have some good news too but not as brilliantly big as yours. I am on CD 23 (I think my sig might be a day out) I went to the loo a minute ago and had some bleeding which I think means one of 2 things, 1 Implantation bleeding and we can be bump buddies or 2 crazily early period which means I will not be getting my period on move day so which ever one of the 2 it is good news :thumbup:

I just got back from being waxed - I got vajazzled!

Back to your big news sending you lots of love and hope you and OH are having a lovely day xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks hunny it is so lovely to have someone on here to share this with :hugs: And thanks for being so happy when I know that it is sometimes hard when you hear other people get a BFP.

I can't stop looking at the tests lol. I have to work today I have no idea how on earth I am supposed to concentrate on work when I feel like this :happydance::happydance:

I am really hoping it is an implatation bleed hun. I have never had one myself however my SIL and one of my best friends both had them when they fell pg. Good luck hunny I am sending all of the baby vibes I can your way!! I am assuming them that you are still DTD in case??

Haha you made me laugh at your waxing comment. I have never heard of that before vajazzled haha that is classic!!

Ok I really need to get ready for work so I will catch up with you soon. Thanks again for everything :hugs: Lets hope we can be bump buddies!!
It is definitely not hard to hear your BFP hooray!:happydance:

We have kinda stopped dtd we made it to CD20 from CD7 doing it either every day or every other day - sometimes my OH does not get in till gone 12:00 so the whole thing was exhausting. Though I am not temping my CM changed lots in the last few days so we have relaxed for a bit - cause of the house move most of me had discounted this month...but who knows I have very sore boobs and this strange bleeding

My vajazzle is a diamantae heart - I didn't go there expecting it but the beautician had never done it before and I was game and I guess it looks cute maybe a tad tacky :winkwink:

Right more fringe in bed for me though it is only 8:40.

If it is an implantation bleed tomorrow would be too early to test right? I have a digital in my cupboard and I am not sure how much longer I can hold out the urge to test is starting to get me :dohh:

Good luck keeping your mind on work


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