Morning all and welcome to Nichole, Yaya and Melissa. It's nice to have company in the 30s/40s club, I was a bit worried I'd be lonely.
Nat, I think we may all come to Belfast today - it's pouring with rain here in the South of England, with the occasional rumble of thunder thrown in for good measure (which makes the neighbour's dog bark incessantly

When I cave in and start charting I'm hoping you will all be able to give me advice if I get confused. I so nearly started testing this cycle (currently on CD7) but following a trip to the Doctor for something else I am having a blood test in May to check that I'm ovulating, so I figure I may as well save my pennies until next cycle.
All my life my cycle has been completely regular, I came off BCP about 3 years ago and went straight back to a 28 day cycle. Since deciding to think about TTC last October and actively TTC since December my cycle has been all over the place, anything from 20 days to 35 days. Why oh why, just when I need it to be regular
Any road up, I'm sure all will become clear and as I'm not entirely sure when (and if) I ovulate I don't have the opportunity to get stressed about the 2WW.