Hello to the 30's club! My name is Julie and I'm 30. I've also been obsessed with my cycles and ttc and posting, so I will have to control myself. This is a new site and I've never heard of it before.
I have had some serious issues with ttc. I tried for about 2 years for my now 2 1/2 year old. I did all the testing, and was about to begin fertility meds when I had to wait for AF to come and it never came. I finally tested and saw my very first

after who knows how many

's. I was astonished and overwhelmed with joy. At my first appointment I was offered an early U/S due to a genetic disorder that one of my brothers has. I was excited, but it was one of the worst days of my life. The tech was so awful and told me that I was empty, there was no baby growing and I needed to clean myself up and go out to schedule a D&C. I was in shock! Something I had wanted to for so long was happening, but not! So, I balled my eyes out

and would not schedule a D&C. I hadn't even met with a doctor yet!!! It was just an awful experience. So after a few days of misery, I decided I wasn't going to take the news of those awful people. I got a second opinion, and thank God! The second doctor was a naturopathic doctor and she saw no signs of a miscarriage and asked me to wait a couple weeks and if nothing started, she would schedule another u/s...and so I did! I cried every night and my wonderful dh would tell me to have Hope. I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum from the first doctor, but after 2 weeks...and a second u/s...I was crying on the bed and I saw what looked like a lil peanut and I had to ask..."Is that a baby?" YES!!! It was with a heart beat of 171 bpm and everything perfect. She was born 8/4/05 weighing in at 9lbs. 10oz. and 24" long...and she's named Hope!
I wanted to have another one right away and have not stopped ttc. I breastfed for 18 months, and so didn't get AF back for about a year...but have been TTC ever since Aug 06 and nothing!
I'm not going to let myself obsess though because I am lucky enough to at least have one baby and if I only get to have the one...I'll be thrilled! I also deal with a lot of separation since hubby is a sailor, so I have to keep in mind that sometimes we hit it on the nail and sometimes we miss it...we had one more shot this past month. He is now deployed for his 8 months. I have HIGH hopes for this cycle and wanted to post on here to get some encouragement.
Sorry for my NOVEL!
I am CD 22 of a normally 30 day cycle. Lot's of symptoms, but I always do...so trying to stay level headed until AF is late! Here's to hoping!