TTC 30s/40s Club

Hi ladies, can i join you all?

Me 33 DP is 35, TTc what feels like forever unexplained infertility on my part, we are just about to start our 2nd go at ivf after our BFN last september should be starting our DR drugs anyday now just waiting on the call so getting very excited but very nervous at the same time.

Are they any other ladies having ivf?

Hello all!

My name is Corrine and I am new to this forum..I'm nearly 38, husband is 37 both second marriage for us, we have 4 kids between the 2 of us. He has the girls and I have the boys...19 and 15 and we're trying to have on of our own...I've felt my forehead and Im OK, honest! Husband had a vasectomy reversal 7 weeks ago and have started TTC this I'm here to keep y'all company!
am nearly 40 and have just completed my second (unsuccessful) round of Clomid and am devastated. I eat well take exercise, don't smoke and have cut my drinking down to a virtual standstill. My husband is 4 years younger than me and would make a fantastic Dad. I truly thought that this was the month and am now really beginning to worry (we have been trying for 1.5 years. I was wondering if anyone had any tips (I am starting to take a guainfenesin type medicine after I finish this months clomid to aid mucus formation, and would welcome any other suggestions). So far this is what I have been incorporating into my lifestyle, well timed sex (obviously). Pineapple and grapefruit juice (apparently they help with conception). Lying with my feet up after intercourse and have also bought a course from a Chinese herbalist. I think what i am trying to say is nearing end of tether and would welcome any suggestions/tips you may have. I also cant belive I have just taked about mucus to all you lovley people but despite having a nice group of friends and 3 scarily fertile sisters, I dont know anyone who really understands about this kind of thing.

Yours in anticipation (in every way)
Hiya im new to the forum,
Im Rach, almost 31, DH is 39 we have 1 daughter aged 14 months together since VR in 2005. I had DD aged 10 from PR and DH has a 18 yr old son and 12 yr old daughter from PR.
We have been ttc since March 07 and have been referred to Fertility Clinic so just waiting on an appointment now.
I am taking pregnacare and honey (as ive been told the honey can help???) and DH is on Multi Vits, Zinc and Vit C supplements as this is supposed to boost motility. We have had some tests done, cd24 to check ovulation which came out normal, thyroid and full blood works which all came out ok, DH has had a SA and has higher than normal count and volume but motility is 27% rapid progression 6% sluggish 6% non progressive 61% non motile and vitality is 36% which someone said on here means they dont live very long :(
Anyway if you have anytips for us please let us know.
This TTC business is very draining, i fell straight away with my other 2. So i am getting worried now.
Hello ladies, can I join in please :hi:

I'm Gina, 36 years old, DH is 35. We are in our second month of TTC #2, although this is the first month that I have been using my Clearblue monitor as we just decided halfway through February to go for it. We already have a beautiful daughter. I have also just learned that my 22 year old niece is pregnant, so am going to be a Great Aunt - how's that for making you feel old.

I am currently CD 21, 4 days PO, so in that boring part of the 2WW when I can't even symptom spot. AF is due around CD 31.

I have a feeling that this month won't be ours though, as we only managed once on the crucial days due to DH's work commitments. Am hoping that once was enough this time [-o<

I'm new to these boards and have actually never written on message boards before. I am also new to the TTC community so forgive me if I"m not up to speed on the "lingo" or abbreviations.

My husband and I have been TTC #1 for 6 months now. I am early 30s and he is mid 30s. We are both healthy and have no problems that we are aware of. The only concern I have is that in addition to my day job, I am an athlete and exercise at an intense level several times a week. Although it has never affected my cycle, several friends and family members think it could cause problems (doctor confirmed that I am okay to continue with this exercise). IN addition, my day job can be quite stressful and I have been traveling (flying) for work quite a bit lately and am not a good flyer to I tend to have more anxiety than I normally would. Worried these things could be negatively affecting our chances, even though the doctor seems to think it's okay.

I just went off of a light dosage bcp that I had been on for 16 years in October 07 and my cycle has been "regular" since January 08. I have a cycle length of 29 days and ovulate on the 15 day (I have ovulation cramps every month). I have been using an ovulation detection kit as well so I know that timing has been good.

Not sure what else to share other than each month it gets harder to not have success, especially when my friends around me are getting pregnant as soon as they start trying. Just wanted to have a place to share and ask questions, so I'm looking forward to being part of these boards.
Hello. After reading your postings, sounds like this is the place to be. I am 40 years old. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for about 1 1/2 years. He has 3 boys from a prev. marriage. I have no biological children of my own and am TTC. I have never cried so much in my life. I have endometriosis and have just completed yet another surgery. We go to see the fertility specialist next month to see what our next step is. I know age is only a number and I am a young 40, but my parts...well they are old.:shhh:
I need some encouragement from people who have been there. All my friends have children and have no idea what I am going through. This is going to be a long journey.
hey everyone,:hi:

I am TTC from may (holding thumbs, fingers, nose and all things that hang free - even my boobs these days) and am daunted by the prospect of what is going to happen, so if you dont mind I would like to hang out with you fine bunch of ladies and shoot the breeze..... maybe it will ease my jitters a whee bit.

as for the ladies in their 40s, my SILs both had kids at 41 and they looked great and one even went back to work after 6 months. I know a friend of mine swears by her refexologist and things are happening to her cycle that is amazing (she has a thyroid problem and PCOS) so I will let you know how shes doing (shes in her late 30s).

Baby dust to everyone!!!!
Hi Everyone in the old club!

I am 31 and OH is 36. We have been trying for about 7 months, although only this last month we started taking viatmins and had sex everyday over ovulation (not trying to kill him, honest)!!!

So, AF was due on 26th........still not arrived and i have backache, been queasy, sore boobs and cramping.

I did a Tesco test on day i was due to get AF, this was BFN and done 2 more which were BFN's too. Although they were not in the morning!!!!!


Ok ladies, let's see who can help me...I go to my fertility appt next month, with clomid not an option for my 40 year old body and i guess hardboiled eggs. What is generally the next course of action??? Anyone know from experience or through someone else? Thanks for the info.. I guess i will cont to read up on more procedures as well. :coffee:
:hi: To everyone in here
Hope we all get our BFPs soon
Hello ladies... Thought it was time to chime in, I'm new to the board and I've been reading this thread for a few weeks.
I'm going to be 30 in 3months by DH is 34. I came off of BDP in 04 and fell pg once in 05 ending in mc. My cycles are what you might call irregular over the past 7 months they've fluctuated 23-33 days long. They seem to stay put for about 3 months and then there's a shift all the sudden. My DH and I just last month decided that we were ready to try again. We did all the fertility work ups last spring and all systems are go with me... he had a low count and doc said he had a slight varicasy after an ultrasound. Docs corse of action was to take vitamins he said that otta do the trick. So it was slightly disapointing but not serious enought for the doc to consider it a prob.
We have been trying on and off for the past three years... it's hard to stay positive when all your friends are getting pg right away. We've tried for 6mths last go but we weren't charting or eating right ect. I guess we thought it would just happen for us like it does everyone else. This time I'm not quiting till I get my BFP, and I'm going at it with guns blazing. I've learned how to chart and am using the OPK we're both on vitamins too. And we're BD like crazy people. I just hope I don't break my husband. LOL :rofl:
My household consists of 3 boys- 3,4 and 7. They just came to live with us 7mths ago when my sister decided that she didn't want children anymore. One day she just left them and my mother found them. So I quit my job, they moved in and we took gaurdianship of them. Wanting children so badly, I still have trouble wrapping my mind around what she did. I now stay at home with three wonderful boys and I'm hoping to add to that # very soon.
Good luck to all of you ladies and I'll be seeing you around.
Alchemist, I thought about IVF, but I simply cannot afford the expense, soooo we are trying other alternatives. Thanks for the info. I appreciate.
Hi Everyone

I am 32 my husband is 43 i have been trying to conceive baby#4 since February 2007 .Good Luck to everyone I Hope we all get BFPS soon.
Miz Dee,

I think its important to look into alternatives like reflexology and the like.... some ppl cliam miracles

Good luck.

btw, how much is IVF?
Miz Dee,

I think its important to look into alternatives like reflexology and the like.... some ppl cliam miracles

Good luck.

btw, how much is IVF?

Very good question. I'd very much like to know as well. It's not the case for us -yet- but I'd like to start a savings fund if at the end of this TTC struggle we seem to need that.

BTW seeing how I'll be 30 in 6 months and he's 32 I guess we belong in this thread. This is progeny #1 and only we're trying for and our second (well fourth if you count the casuals) cycle trying. won't bore you with more details I have a diary as well...

Good luck to everyone though!

your dog is sooooo cute :-).

In terms of your cycles etc, are you using any ovulation sticks? they may friend found out she only ovulates on day 19 or something. Mine was day 17 so its probably good to know as maybe the little swimmers are just missing the target?


your dog is sooooo cute :-).

In terms of your cycles etc, are you using any ovulation sticks? they may friend found out she only ovulates on day 19 or something. Mine was day 17 so its probably good to know as maybe the little swimmers are just missing the target?


Thanks. Outdated pictures now he's as big as a cow, slobbery, constantly trying to make sexy time with DH and dirty. But okay, still cute.

We're using everything and cherries. This cycle it will be CBFM, charting, OPKs, checking CM AND PreSeed. :rofl:

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