Thank to x xWelcome Boobaby04!!!
Good luck on getting your real soon!
I am 36 my DH is 35 and DS is 4. I have been TTC # 2 since Jan 07 had a m/c July 07 then had a bit of a break to get married and get my head around it all and have been trying again since Jan 08.
My cycles are around 28-38 days nightmare so far has not shown her face but I did a CB digi test on Monday and was greeted with a .
Good luck to you lovely ladies
Hiya Boobaby and welcome to BnB! We all love it here and I'm sure you will too!
I am 36 my DH is 35 and DS is 4. I have been TTC # 2 since Jan 07 had a m/c July 07 then had a bit of a break to get married and get my head around it all and have been trying again since Jan 08.
My cycles are around 28-38 days nightmare so far has not shown her face but I did a CB digi test on Monday and was greeted with a .
Good luck to you lovely ladies
Sorry to hear about the uncooperative and tardy Hope she comes soon. I have a fairly regular 28 day cycle but on the odd occasion (once or twice a year) AF is late. It was especially annoying the last time she was late because she delayed the start of my TTC journey by a whole month. Anyway, welcome to BnB... I can see you've already got a good number of posts under your belt! You're officially addicted!