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TTC 30s/40s Club

Good Morning!
My hubby and I are ttc for the first time this month. I am at day 21 in my cycle - and have been feeling weird (is it in my head????). I have been bad - and have tested. :bfn:

I know I should have waited - but we are going to my parent's tonight and was hoping to have a bit of good news!

Thank you for letting me join!
welcome to the club!!! Hope to see all your :bfp:s soon!!!:hug:
Im Sarah and 30 I am at day 16 in my cycle. assuming first day is day one of period! got a daughter who is three!
Hi Ladies
My name is Jo and I am very new to this forum stuff so I hope i get this wright lol.
I am 32 and ttc baby #1 , my DH had a vasectomy reversal in october and we have been trying for the last 9 mths with no luck .

DH is 13 years older than me and had his vas 10 years ago so I know things are going to be uphill for us but fingers crossed.
welcome to you all and good luck for your BFPs!
hi,i'm due to test in 2 days(hehehehe if i can wait that long!)i'm 37 and oh is 44.i have 3 children from prev marriage and one with my oh who is 4 in sept.
i have had different symptoms for the past week,heartburn,mega wind!,i suspect i have a water infection(did test strip at work,cos wee smelt strong!),had this before bfp in may.....my mouth for past 2 days has tasted like old carpet!(NOT that i know what old carpet tastes like!)my hair is very greasy!oh well,heres to waiting!:hissy::hissy:
i hate posting 'symptoms' cos i feel like a mad woman when i get a bfn!:blush:
hi,i'm due to test in 2 days(hehehehe if i can wait that long!)i'm 37 and oh is 44.i have 3 children from prev marriage and one with my oh who is 4 in sept.
i have had different symptoms for the past week,heartburn,mega wind!,i suspect i have a water infection(did test strip at work,cos wee smelt strong!),had this before bfp in may.....my mouth for past 2 days has tasted like old carpet!(NOT that i know what old carpet tastes like!)my hair is very greasy!oh well,heres to waiting!:hissy::hissy:
i hate posting 'symptoms' cos i feel like a mad woman when i get a bfp!:blush:

If the pain in the ass holds out long enough I will be testing with you. FX for you. Let me know how it goes and if you can hold out that long, I promised DH I would wait til wed, we will see what happens, he won't mind if it is a BFP right?! Good luck
I've only just started trying but am just going to take it slowly. The way I see it, if I worry, my body reacts. Its happened before and can definitely happen again.

Joining this forum is great for the support but not not-so-great when I read about all the problems in TTC. I just need to concentrate on the positive vibes :)
Hi Spoo and welcome

I know it can feel a bit 'promblem heavy' on TTC...but just dip in and out of the BFP announcements and see the mutliple positive tests!! Theres often up to 10 women on each day!!

Thats what I do to keep my mind 'balanced' on here.

Good luck
Thanks Loo. Typically, DH has been really ill for the last week or so, so :sex: is the last thing on his mind. I'm sure we'll make up for it soon though :rofl:
I'm a relative newbie but have posted a bit over the last few weeks.

I'm 37 and my bf is 30 and we are ttc our first baby after a m/c on 22 June at 6 weeks. I say we are trying to conceive, I am trying and he is agreeable if we don't talk about it which sometimes puts me in a difficult position. I am quite envious of those of you who can talk about everything with your OH.
For example, this morning he had my multivitamins and said 'you can't take these if you're trying for a baby' but when I said 'pardon' he told me he would only say it once!!!

Basically we know we want kids together, but in an ideal world he would like to wait another year. However we have discussed the issues around fertility after 35 and he agrees that we should start now and take it month by month starting now. He also talks about baby names and wanting twins - he is one and his brother and SIL have just had twins (he is holding the little girl in my pic). So I have no real worries.

Anyway, luckily my period returned 23 days after the first day of my m/c so now I am on CD7 and gearing up for lots of babymaking fun.
The miscarried pregnancy was a total accident so I'm hoping for a quickie this time but sod's law it won't happen when I'm actually trying.

Good luck everybody.

Hi All! :hi:

I'm relatively new to BnB but thought I should post on here too as I'm 42!

I have 2 children from my previous marriage and re-married 2 years ago. I was so lucky to meet my DH, he is lovely and gets on well with my two sons'. My DH has no children and is only 26, therefore we decided to try and have a baby together. We have been TTC for the last 2 years and have fell pregnant twice but unfortunately both ended up mc...:cry:

We knew the odds were against us and I keep saying we should stop to end the heartache but my DH wants to keep trying and quotes those 1% - 35% out there that do have babies in their forties!

We are trying to be positive and keep praying for a good embryo...x
Well ok so Im not exactly 30 yet but I sure feel like it. Im 29 with two little girls 5 and 3. My husband and I have been married for 7 years today! We are ttc #3 for about 1 year now. We have hit a few road blocks but are working toward getting past them. I was diagnosed with PCOS just before I got pregnant with my youngest. And I thought the drs were crazy since we conceived rather quickly(about 6 months). Since having my last daughter my body isnt behaving like I should. My dr prescribed Provera to keep things working. I have been on them for a couple of months now. No baby yet. I just started charting and Im hoping that with the charting and the provera we can have another child.
Hello there,

I'm 31, OH is 36. Married on the 28th June this year, we started TTC on honeymoon after new hubby had a slight panic attack about trying! Although we've been planning to start trying once we got married for over 18months.

AF was due on the 19th July...but not shown up yet...checked when i should have been ovulating on some of the calculators when we got back from honeymoon and it was the 4th/5th July ... we first starting trying on 8th July, so not expecting anything on first try.

But now AF is 6 days late and haven't been feeling right since sunday night. Keep thinking AF gonna arrive...cramps, boobs have become more and more tender as week has gone on, and keep having funny momentary dizzy spells...thought was gonna pass out at lunch time today - have today become really achey and feel like glands under my arms are massive! Not sure if i'm just coming down with something. Oh, have also been starving all the time and since back off honeymoon been eating alot of cheese and onion..pasties, toasties and pies! very good for me! not! Going to a wedding next week and at this rate my dress isn't going to fit need to get a grip on the cheese and onion!

Tested at weekend and this morning but BFN...Feel like OH thinks i am being over excited..and trying not to get myself too OCD so early on.

Been searching online past couple of nights...trying to get my head round all the abbreviation! Seem to be a lot!i even googled AF!
Hello there,

I'm 31, OH is 36. We've been together 10 1/2 years. Married on the 28th June this year, we started TTC on honeymoon after hubby had a slight panic attack about trying! Although we've been planning to start trying once we got married for over 18months and knew we wanted kids together for years.

AF was due on the 19th July...but not shown up yet...checked when i should have been ovulating on some of the calculators when we got back from honeymoon and it was the 4th/5th July ... we first starting trying on 8th July, so not expecting anything on first try.

But now AF is 6 days late and haven't been feeling right since sunday night. Keep thinking AF gonna arrive...cramps, boobs have become more and more tender as week has gone on, and keep having funny momentary dizzy spells...thought was gonna pass out at lunch time today - have today become really achey and feel like glands under my arms are massive! Have also had a few hot flushes...but it has been pretty humid today. Not sure if i'm just coming down with something. Oh, have also been starving all the time and since back off honeymoon been eating alot of cheese and onion..pasties, toasties and pies! very good for me! not! Going to a wedding next week and at this rate my dress isn't going to fit ... need to get a grip on the cheese and onion!

Tested at weekend and this morning but BFN...Feel like OH worried i might be gettong abit obsesses..lol... which i'm startinh to worry about myself!Thought i would be abit more relaxed about it...but it's now doing my head in as i actually know there is a possible chance!. Sorry think i'm just rambling now.

Been searching online past couple of nights...trying to get my head round all the abbreviations! Seem to be a lot!i even googled AF! Need to get a grip soon and just go with the flow..even if it's AF!

Good to read other people's experiences... Any tips on where i can find a glossary ? :)

Anyway, i seem to have gone on abit...! will get on with reading all your posts :)
youll find the abbreviation stuff if you go to bnb homepage > then the testing area > then lingo and abbreviations

i couldn't work out AF either til I found that page!!!

welcome and good luck x
Hia only just noticed this thread!
Im 30..... TTC for number 2!
I got a toy boy too, hubby is 27 and loves reminding of them three years!!
I dont even know why i want another child, i just do! Im not a big baby fan (obviously adore my own daughter) , but my body seems to be telling me it wants another one! Just come off pill, i had the CM stuff so i assume i have ovd and i am now waiting for the 4th august to either get a BFP or a visit from the witch!!
glad to know im not the only "old bird" on here lol!!
hi all i'm 37 "oh" pendin wot mood we r both in is "49"! but ya only as old as the woman ya feel, n feel me 2day not a gd thing!

Bin married, divorced had eptopic 2 ex hub in 2000, had a cpl of brief relationships btween 2002 n 2006 meet current "it" we'll call him 2day a yr ago
n boy can this boy bd, went on bcp (much 2 the dislike of it n doc) in aug 07 came off in nov 07 (we were all happy) m/c at xmas 07, jus bin bd since then neva tracked bbt,cm or cp jus knew sharp pain mid month woz ovulation.

this month b'd day b4 n day of ovulation n if god is being nice which i wud hope he wud b cos 3rd time lucky n all that, i'm sure the devil has smiled at me also with all the symptoms.

here's hopin all us 30+ women get :bfp: this month

hi everyone
this is the first time i have posted as i only just joined i just wanted to say goodluck to everyone ttc. I am currently ttc already a mom to boys but really want to try for a girl this time around

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