TTC 30s/40s Club

Hi Everyone

My name's Lesley and I am 32, 33 soon.

I am married to Andy and became pregnant in August 2007 after 6 weeks of trying. I had a very good pregnancy but in January our son had an accident and crushed his umbilical cord- he was born sleeping on the 17th of January at 23 weeks.

We have been ttc for a few cycles so far but not getting anywhere fast- have had 2 rubbish cycles of 49 then 40 days. Have started reflexology in order to try to sort out my body which is apparently still all over the place. I guess that is no big surprise.

Hoping for some good news soon as the need for a baby is overwhelming for both of us.

Love to you all and looking forward in getting to know you all

Hello Lesley

I'm very sorry to hear of your loss and I really wish luck really soon:dust:

Hi there,

You are young, I am turning 39 very very very soon, my honey is 42, we just miscarried and I had to have a d&C May 1st and impatiently waiting for my cycles to regulate so we can start trying again.
My name's Dee and I'm 34, hubby-to-be is 38... we've been TTC since Jan 2007.As yet nothing. We've both went for check ups in October. It turns out the OH has a low sperm count and low motility - 10 million instead of 20 million, and 5% motility :( He's been put on something called Tamoxfen, and now Testogel as they said he's low on Testosterone. The Dr has also suggested he have an small operation to close off a vein. I think it's called Variocele.

All I've had done so far is 3 blood tests. The first one was obviously to check I was ok. The second... the lab weren't satisfied with my Prolactin levels, as they were borderline and suggested I take another test. This is where things seem to grind to a halt for me. I had to phone the Doctor to find out my results...she said they came back normal and didn't need to see me again... WTF?! What was I supposed to be doing next?? I called and made another appointment after I had a few crying spells and the OH said we couldn't carry on like this. So three months later, I had more blood tests done and assuming they came back all clear, they would refer us to a Fertility clinic. Well... after the tests came back clear and chasing up my referral five weeks later - apparently it got 'lost in the systen' - I was given an appointment in May. We finally thought we were getting somewhere but couldn't understand why we had been referred to a clinic so quickly... we knew the OH had a problem but that seemed to be slowly improving. We still didn't know if everything was fine with me... was there something they weren't telling me? Anyways, after sitting there for an hour and answering her questions and breaking dowm into floods of tears, she told me to come back in a year (I've even been sent a letter for 12.30pm,19th May 2009) when we qualify for IVF and that my BMI was too high. I would need to lose at least 3 stone. I might add that I've had irregular periods ever since they first started, when I was 13. My cycles can range from 32 to 47 days...My longest ever was 57 a couple of months ago. I think I got OV right and at the moment I'm 18dpo... and still no period. I did a test this morning but it was faulty...didn't even get the control line which is just my luck. I think I'm about ready to give up. I feel as if my whole life is on hold and it's taking over everything :(

The doc says she doesn't think it's PCOS but hasn't done any further tests to rule it out. They haven't even given me anything to help regulate my periods. I'm at a loss to do and what to ask next?! All I know is that I can't wait a year for that second appointment.
Well I have been far too good and have only today tested. I was due last Thursday but kept telling myself AF was due any day.

I bought a cheapie test from the chemist round the corner and within seconds, the second line appeared! I'm due to see my GP tomorrow about my sprained wrist so will ask him to check too.

I'm still in shock!
Hey Spoo, that's fantastic news - congratulations!! I wish you all the best of luck.
Hi babymaybe,

I know how you feel. I haven't told anyone that I'm ttc, partly because I didn't want to jinx it, partly because I didn't want to get my mums hopes up (she hasn't got any grandchildren and it looks like I'm the only chance she'll have of having any!), but mainly I didn't want people to keep asking me "if I had any news/luck yet". It's a bit easier for me as now I'm 38 I think most people assume that I don't want children anyway and my baby days are over! It's good to come on here and read about other peoples situations. I'm not at the stage yet where I get really upset when AF arrives, although I'm pretty disappointed when it happens. I think DH takes it worse than me and I feel bad having to break the news to him that it's another month without babies! I really look forward to my monthly dose of guilt/disappointment! Anyway, I wish you every luck and fingers crossed that this month is THE month (for all of us!) x

Hi Mair - glad I'm not the only one keeping a secret!! I think probably most of my family and friends think I'm more interested in my career but if only they knew the truth about the monthly obsessing and constant broody state! Good luck to you too - where abouts are you in your cycle?:witch: due 21st for me.:hugs:

Hi Babymaybe, sorry I've not got back to you before now, I've been away for a few days. I'm currently on day 26 of my cycle, but to be honest that means nothing to me as I've no idea when I ovulated and in the last 6 months my cycles have been anywhere between 29 and 41 days! I hope to be a bit more on the ball next month as I've just treated myself to a CBFM. Only two days to wait for you (or have you tested already?!?) I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for you X P.S. I see you're a Suffolk girl too!
Hi Mair

No need to test as had some spotting today which means :witch: is knocking at the door - rubbish. Nevermind, will just have to start again! (trying to sound positive there!)

Yep - Suffolk not born but mostly bred!

Look forward to hearing how you get on this cycle and with the CBFM

Hi Babymaybe,

I'm really sorry to hear that :witch: is on her way. Glad to see that you are being positive though. That's the good thing about TTC, you can always have another stab at it the next month. As for me, I really feel like :witch: is due any time now, my bbs ache, I've pains in my stomach and I'm in a murderous mood (always a sure sign! - really snapped at DH this morning for the major crime of not clearing the breakfast stuff away!) - mind you I do feel as though I'm coming down with a cold so that could explain the bad mood. It's odd if it is AF as that would make it the shortest cycle I've had for a long time. On the plus side, it does mean I get the wait over with quickly this month and can start using my CBFM - yey!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that next month is the month for you.:hugs:
Anyone else wish we had a proper forum as opposed to this thread format? I would so love that!! :)

Anyway, good luck everyone!

Hugs, Omi xxx
Hi Ladies,

been away(well actually on the long term ttc forum) and stumbled across this again yesterday!

We have been trying to conceive for over a year and I'm 35 and OH is 29!

CD 18! X
Hi everyone I am new to the forum! I am 32 and got married 2 weeks ago! We have just started TTC - looking forward to chatting to all of you! You might all need to help me out with abbreviations on this forum - feel a bit clueless!!
Hi! I'm 32 (soon to be 33 though) and DH is 32 too. I've been lazily TTC #2 for around a year now, but I'm now kickstarting myself into actively TTC. Hope I get that BFP very soon!
Hi everyone I am new to the forum! I am 32 and got married 2 weeks ago! We have just started TTC - looking forward to chatting to all of you! You might all need to help me out with abbreviations on this forum - feel a bit clueless!!

Hi - try the home page under Forum Help and testing area - there's a link to an abbreviation thread - very useful!!
Hi girls,
I'm new here, and at work- so my conversations may be sporadic. I'm 34, he's 38. I have a 14 yr old boy. This is my second month off bc.

I'm trying to figure out when I ovulate and it's driving me crazy. I've been charting symptoms for about a month now. I would just like to get back to feeling "normal", and knowing when AF will arrive. I've had a 28 day cycle my entire life but now I believe it may be closer to 34 days. Has anyone tried Pre-seed?
hi there, i am 30 and my partner of 3 years is 41.

partner has a ten yr old daughter who he hasnt seen for 2 yrs. he had a vv reversal over 9 years ago and decided to have it reversed by going private. i became pg very soon afterwards (i was pg before we got the results of his op!) but sadly it turned out to be a complete molar pregnancy, i had 5 months of chemo and finally got the aall clear tc in nov 07.

unfortunatley nothing has happened yet. i'm undergoing tests and to be honest i'm sick of being poked and prod at. just wish it would happen amongst all these nasty tests.

there is a chance (but low) that partners op has reversed itsself again. if it has then we will be considering a sperm donor or even adoption.

i've joined here today to link up with other gals who are in the same position as me so we can symptom spot and hopefully make friends and cheer each other up.

I just wanted to say "hello" and send babydust to all the new ladies. I want to send double babydust to Meisha, Tickledpink and Indy and Lara though, You girls make me feel ashamed of myself, I find myself getting down sometimes because I can't conceive, can't sell my house etc. etc. (sometimes I'm like a spoiled child!) but you've really been through the mill. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you all get some good news soon. :hugs:
OMG, I can now join the pretending-to-be-grown-up forum!! Well that's how I look at being 30 anyway!! I turned 30 this week and find it amusing that I am now statistically more likely to have twins than I was last week!

I've been on the boards here since the beginning of this year and have now been ttc for over a year. I had my first BFP on June 1st but unfortunately lost the baby after a couple of weeks. So that's me, getting older and wiser!!!

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