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TTC 30s/40s Club

Hi. my name is Angie, I have a ten year old daughter from a previous relationship. I raised her entirely alone until i met my partner Mike 18 months ago.
We have both decided we want a family together so i came off the pill (cerrazette) 5 weeks ago but as yet havnt even been visited by AF so obviously my cycle is still not back to normal. we have been TTC from the day i stopped taking BC and am getting a bit frustrated as its hard to know if we are trying at the right times as no period yet.
Am hoping either A) AF arrives soon or B) i fall pregnant before i get one. Have done lots of tests and all negative so far so watch this space. Look forward to getting to know you all and GOOD LUCK!!:hug:
well, I'm 35 and my other half is 40, so are we past it?????:cry: been TTC since last October and am trying soooo hard not to turn completely obsessive but each month is a bit of a kick in the doodahs!!!!:hissy:
Hi Everyone,

I'm 32, just recently married and now ttc. My DH is 30, and thought that maybe we'd wait a little before ttc, but now that we're married he's all for it.

I just came off BC pills (Allesse) and haven't had a full cycle yet, so don't even know if I'll be able to get pg this month or not, but here's to trying, right?
Hi All,

I am Maz, and am 36. Me and DH have been TTC #2 for 15 months now.
We already have a DS who is 17 (yes, that's years, not months!!!!)

We are currently undergoing tests with consultant gynaecologist.

Hope we are all well, and get a :bfp: real soon xxx

Maz xxx:hug:
Welcome all you new BnBers! Sarahncliff: Just thought I'd post a special message for you because I recently lost faith that I'll ever get P (still TTC#1 right now... been TTC since January 2008 ). I posted this thread: https://www.babyandbump.com/trying-...you-ttcd-more-than-6-months-then-got-bfp.html and received some wonderful replies from other BnBers that gave me hope that I will get a :bfp: one day. Have a look and hopefully it will lift your spirits like it did mine.

Hello again ladies,

I've been away for my friends wedding. Seemed to be alot of other 30+ at the do who have just had a little one or are expecting. So was trying not to get too broody... had lots of questions about when we are going to try! Not realising that the trying has begun. AF appeared 10 days late in July, first time it has been so late in a couple of years! typical. Have normally had 28-30 day cycle, based on that should be o/v this weekend. but now with last cycle being so late,it's hard to try and calculate. don't really want to get into spending on o/v tests, especially as its early days. Any other views on the ov tests?
Hi there ladies,
I've been snooping around this site now for a couple of days. You seem a really friendly lot so I thought I'd lurk no longer and introduce myself. I'm 38 and my DH is 37 and we've been ttc for 7 months. I'm trying not to get obsessed with it, in fact I've looked at what some of you do each month (CM, BBT, charts etc.) I do none of that and I feel a bit ashamed with myself, no wonder it's taken me so long - perhaps denial isn't the answer after all! In fact I've never even had the pain of a 2WW, my cycle goes from 28 - 45 days so I never really know when to start waiting!!!! Anyway, I've bitten the bullet and just ordered myself a CBFM which should arrive soon. I don't really want to live my life around the highs and peaks (but I bet I will) but just want to find out if I'm actually ovulating or not before I start bothering the Doctor!

I don't want to waffle on too much but it's really comforting to see so many older ladies on this forum, I though maybe I'd left it too late. Once piece of encouraging news that I can give you is that two of my friends both gave birth to beautiful baby boys last year and they were both 42 when they conceived (it took one 6 months, the other 6 years (but that's another story!)).

Anyway, hello again and I look forward to joining in a few discussions.
:hi: and welcome to all newbies! Hope your stay here is short and sweet! xx
Hello ladies
I am 30 :cry: and dh is 43 we have been married for 6 years and ttc properly for a month, I have 4 children a boy who's 9 from a previous relationship a girl who's 5. a girl who's 3 and another girl who's 2. I feel so obsessed all I can think about is getting pregnant its driving me nuts lol

Good luck to everyone.xxxxxx
Hello Everyone

I'm 31 and have been married for nearly 5 years to DH who's 34. We've been ttc for about 14 months although pretty casually at first and for the past 6 months more seriously when no BFP came our way! I had a real thing about sharing with my friends and family that we're ttc as had a weird idea that talking about it would be bad luck - maybe I was wrong and not talking about it is the problem. Anyway, I expect DH is sick with my obessing and getting upset when AF turns up - bless him. It's great that there's somewhere i can come where there's other people who understand!:hugs:

Hi babymaybe,

I know how you feel. I haven't told anyone that I'm ttc, partly because I didn't want to jinx it, partly because I didn't want to get my mums hopes up (she hasn't got any grandchildren and it looks like I'm the only chance she'll have of having any!), but mainly I didn't want people to keep asking me "if I had any news/luck yet". It's a bit easier for me as now I'm 38 I think most people assume that I don't want children anyway and my baby days are over! It's good to come on here and read about other peoples situations. I'm not at the stage yet where I get really upset when AF arrives, although I'm pretty disappointed when it happens. I think DH takes it worse than me and I feel bad having to break the news to him that it's another month without babies! I really look forward to my monthly dose of guilt/disappointment! Anyway, I wish you every luck and fingers crossed that this month is THE month (for all of us!) x
Hi really feel old I'm 35 and my DH is 40 we have been trying for 3 months. I need the support from you ladies. I heard some hopeful news today a coworker is 43 with one tube and is expecting her 2nd child, so ladies anything and everything is possible.
I am at 11 dpo I hope to get a bfp. I tested on 10dpo and it was a bfn so hoping AF dont show her wicked face on 08/13/2008 then I will re-test on the 14th. BABY DUST TO ME.
Hi ladies, I've been checking out the site for a while and thought I'd also join now. Think I need somewhere to talk openly and honestly because sometimes you can't talk to your OH and you all seem like understanding people.

A bit about myself now. Got married in March and have been TTC #1 since then. I'm currently on cycle 6 and I believe I'm 3dpo. I'm 31 next month and DH is 33.

I really hope I get my :bfp: very soon because as you can all understand the longer it takes the more you worry!

I look forward to sharing this journey with you all and hope we ALL get :bfp: ASAP!
I am at 11 dpo I hope to get a bfp. I tested on 10dpo and it was a bfn so hoping AF dont show her wicked face on 08/13/2008 then I will re-test on the 14th. BABY DUST TO ME.

Fingers crossed for tomorrow!
afternoon all!
I'm a 35 year old trying for baby number one! we've been trying since October and although I know its not going to happen just like that, I cant help but feel a little cheated every month when :witch:arrives!!!! my doc has been lovely! she's sent me for my day 21 blood test that I got last Friday and will start the ball rolling with other tests after that as she didnt want to wait too long cos of my age!! :cry:
:witch: is due this Friday, so as per usual, I'm trying not to think about it but can think of nothing else at the mo!:dohh:
anyhoo, best of luck to everyone out there, maybe our :bfp: isnt too far away.
love n kisses
Hi All,

I'm 34 and my DH is 39. We've been casually trying for our first together (my DH has 8yo daughter already) since I came off depo last year (Oct 2007 was my last injection). Currently 6 days late with my AF but so far only :bfn: - could be depo isn't out of my system yet.

Really glad to find a site that is specifically for 30s plus!

Hi babymaybe,

I know how you feel. I haven't told anyone that I'm ttc, partly because I didn't want to jinx it, partly because I didn't want to get my mums hopes up (she hasn't got any grandchildren and it looks like I'm the only chance she'll have of having any!), but mainly I didn't want people to keep asking me "if I had any news/luck yet". It's a bit easier for me as now I'm 38 I think most people assume that I don't want children anyway and my baby days are over! It's good to come on here and read about other peoples situations. I'm not at the stage yet where I get really upset when AF arrives, although I'm pretty disappointed when it happens. I think DH takes it worse than me and I feel bad having to break the news to him that it's another month without babies! I really look forward to my monthly dose of guilt/disappointment! Anyway, I wish you every luck and fingers crossed that this month is THE month (for all of us!) x

Hi Mair - glad I'm not the only one keeping a secret!! I think probably most of my family and friends think I'm more interested in my career but if only they knew the truth about the monthly obsessing and constant broody state! Good luck to you too - where abouts are you in your cycle?:witch: due 21st for me.:hugs:
I keep forgetting about this thread..........
I'm going to read a few more pages and then say a big HI to everyone.
I posted a few months ago and lost track of all of you over 30 ladies.
I just turned 37 and of course my first cycle at this age is kind of messed up.

I'll be back to chat!!!!!

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