Hi All! Guess this is where I fit? I've just turned 30, my hubby is somewhat older than me (hehehe, his b'day next week, he's gonna be 45!)
We've been married just over 2 yrs but been together for what seems like forever.. I've a son who's 9 going on about 15 from a previous relationship, and my hubby has a son who's 14 we see him as and when he wants. Life is so busy at that age...
We had a year of mixed emotions last year, joys of finding out we were gonna have "our" 1st, getting use to the idea; going for a scan involving the family to see that things had gone wrong. I'm not sure what was worse, seeing it on the monitor or having to explain it all to my son.
We then had to arrange a termination, go through the whole ordeal of the nurse not reading notes, assuming I was wanting rid & could change my mind. If all had gone well I wouldn't have been there! I gave her a few choice words and sat in the car and cried my eyes out..
That brings us upto about Oct, after some time off work and visiting dr regularly; advised to try again. I seem to dread the week I'm due my period now. Guess it's all false hopes.
Gosh, that all seems rather heavy as an introduction about me & why I'm on here. Sorry!
I'm beginning to feel as though we're becoming obsessed, when I'm due, when the best time etc. Almost as if the fun and impromptu moments have gone.
I'd like to get to a happier time & place, at the moment we're plodding there slowly..
Wish I could get rid of the impending doom feeling for when I'm due.. lol