aww felicity i's sotty 2 hear af arrived. wot does this test ur dr want 2 do entail? am cd5 now so still ages away from a possible bfp.
Mama, its supposed to help lengthen among other things but I don't explain it well like others do. lol
I got a huge Positive OPK today. My DP came home for lunch lol got him before he left lol I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow. I have to think of things to ask him since I wont see him again till I get another BFP. Have to make sure to write them down so I don't forget.
Hope all is well with you ladies.
Hi hope you don't mind me joining you lovely ladies. I'm 34 and hubby is 30 and ttc after the loss of our angel Devin at 36.4 weeks 2 months ago. Currently I'm in the 2ww haven't got a clue how many dpo I am as I've only had onesince the birth. Fingers crossed that I get lucky with a
this month.
Sendingto everyone.
Hi hope you don't mind me joining you lovely ladies. I'm 34 and hubby is 30 and ttc after the loss of our angel Devin at 36.4 weeks 2 months ago. Currently I'm in the 2ww haven't got a clue how many dpo I am as I've only had onesince the birth. Fingers crossed that I get lucky with a
this month.
Sendingto everyone.
well just thought i better pop in to catch up on the goss lots of new members so hello
im ness 38 TTC1
anyway started on clomid monitered cycle 25gms..had scan 2 follicles 21, one follice 17 and one litttle now have to wait til next week when due......i have got a horrible stomach bug my intestines literally feel like they are wanting to explod out of my stomach, it sounds like theres a freight train in there to!!! i hate being sick!!!
i hope that if im preggie then it wont harm the bubs in anyway!! i havnt taken in prenatals as nothing is absorbing anyway...TMI sorry
good luck this month to you all
Think you will find not being lazy in the bedroom improves your chances!!
I have enjoyed the trying bit, but glad we are not like it constantly, i couldn't keep up!!
thinkpink xx
still got my fingers crossed for you
thinkpink xx
Hi All,
Hello Nessie,
Nice to see you pop in, sorry that your not feeling good! Fingers crossed for you this month, teeny weeny bubs will be fine, its very cosy in there!
Welcome Meldmac,
So sorry for your loss, it is so brave to be trying so soon but i know the need to just increases month by month so the sooner the better.
Do you know why your baby didn't make it and can it be prevented again so you don't have to go through such heartbreak again?
Good luck in ttc,
Think you will find not being lazy in the bedroom improves your chances!!
I have enjoyed the trying bit, but glad we are not like it constantly, i couldn't keep up!!
still got my fingers crossed for you
thinkpink xx