Oooo, I'm having the hebejebes just thinking about lap and dye - If I wasn't terrified by the prospect of it before I definitely am now. God I hope the Gyno doesn't refer me for one.
Oooo, I'm having the hebejebes just thinking about lap and dye - If I wasn't terrified by the prospect of it before I definitely am now. God I hope the Gyno doesn't refer me for one.
it was painful, but the thought of getting the result and knowing really got me through it. now i know, so it was well worth it.
Hi all, just new to this site tonight. Im 37 and already have a 16 yr old daughter to a previous relationship. My new partner and I are ttc. He has been told he has a very low sperm count and would most likely have to have ICSI treatment, 1st visit consultation in december this year. Has anyone conceived naturally after being told this???
I had one done in my early 20's back when they found 2 cysts on my ovary and I remember the doctor saying right before, "this is gonna hurt like hell but what ever you do, DONT grab your tummy" and what did I do? I grabbed my tummy LMAO Wasn't fun at all. For me it was very painful but only lasted a short time, things were ok and clear.Anyone else had a lap & dye - I had mine last month and just had period following it which was horrendous ... would like to know about any others updates following their lap and dye
if it is the procedure where they insert a catheter in through the cervix and shoot dye so they can see the uterus and tubes...then i've had that. went in may 2009 (didn't take, as my cervix was too small) then went in june 2009 and it took. it was extremely painful. the results were normal, which gave me serious hope (esp. since it clears everything out and many women get preg right away) i thought july and august would be our months for makin a. no such luck. i tried acupuncture and now am trying the cbfm.
ifdoesn't happen by christmas, i think i'm going to go in for the clomid (or the alternative that i read on another thread).
hope this helps. good luck all!!!
vkj, ui is very annoying. It's like, on one hand, I am glad there is nothing wrong, but on the other hand, if there was something wrong, there might be something they could know??
Hi all, just new to this site tonight. Im 37 and already have a 16 yr old daughter to a previous relationship. My new partner and I are ttc. He has been told he has a very low sperm count and would most likely have to have ICSI treatment, 1st visit consultation in december this year. Has anyone conceived naturally after being told this???