Hi all,
my doctor said i was mad when i went to get my coil out because i was ttc no5, I think whatever their feelings they should keep it to themselves and be profesional about it!
Good luck ttc
Sorry you have been feeling down, its rotten isnt it? Everyone else seems to be getting pregnant, and my friend was laughing at how her and her husband had been caught up in a moment of passion and so had to get the morning after pill, not such a funny story when you've been ttc for months!
I find I go go in cycles of being really down about it all, and I dread testing because the whole month balances on it and its always back to square 1.
Hope your feeling better now, keep it up, it will happen
Well I am on about cd 4, i am not counting this month, i just know i am away on a second honeymoon about when i am due ov, so planning plenty of bd then!
I had a more normal period this month, they have been getting very short and i was worried things were not right but this has been more usual for me.
I am not thinking about testing ov yet but i may get some cheapy sticks as a guide, i am trying to be less stressed about it this month.
anyway, hi to all, where are you all in your cycles?

thinkpink xx