TTC 30s/40s Club

Thanks Mrshuse8pounds,

Did Af come already?? If its any consolation, I too had great symptoms and then they stopped but then decided to test with FRER digital anyhow and wham :bfP:

So unless AF is came I wouldn't bow ot yet. And even so I had AF with my first for the first month and when I missed I went to the dr thinking I would be only about 5 weeks and I was 9! So think happy and positive thoughts.

Puffy paint shirts are something I did as a kid at camp. It squeezes out like glue and comes is thousands of colors, and dries like a raised applique (sp??). I do them with my kids for different events and holidays. It's fun.

You can find bottles of the paint in the craft section at Walmart and Target or at Michaels.

I understand your jealous streak of feelings and felt the same way when my cousin told me she got her :bfp: last month when I got my :bfn:.

I still have my fingers crossed for you and am sending you mucho baby :dust:
Baby#3 oh okay I know what you mean now I've seen the puffy paint my boys did some of that when they were younger at camp. Oh that's a cute idea then for should take pics and share them with us I love seeing other people's art!

AF hasn't showed and I'm due for her tomorrow. I mean I still feel optimistic for some strange reason, like today I'm in a great mood which is VERY much not like me right before she shows up but I've had tricky cycles before so you are right it may still be cycle! Either way I've stopped stressing about it....and thanks for the words about the "disappearing symptoms". I just gotta relax and let go and let GOD!

So when is your first Dr's appointment anyway I'm so excited!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS EverythingX!!!!!!!!!!!! That is such great news. I am still waiting as the evil witch shouldn't arrive until Christmas. I am hoping that isn't the present I get, but rather a BFP!!!! This is my first month back to trying and I am so wound up. I told my dh that if we didn't conceive this month, that I don't know if I can handle the process again of trying and waiting, trying and waiting. I want nothing more than to have my little Addelyne or Grady growing in my tummy, but I am about to lose it. All my little Emmalice talks about is her mommy having her Addelyne Barbara Grace or Grady Mitchell Jase. I want terribly to give her this little gift. I feel like I pray 24-7. I am so all over the place right now, one minute I feel like crying, the next I am so happy, the next I don't want anyone to talk to me because the sound is amplified in my ears. I might be able to tell if I test on Monday, but I am so scared of getting a BFN, that I don't know what I am going to do. Sorry this is so long.

Best of luck to everyone here. Sending tons of sticky baby dust to all!!!!!!!!!
Mrshuse8pound - I will try to post pics if I can. I do them at night because the kids were sleeping but now they are out of school and my new little shadows. :lol: My first doctor's is actually Monday because I usually have low progesterone and have to take suppositories in the front (sorry TMI) for the first trimester. I am hoping not but we will see. I doubt they will do a scan as I am only going to be 5 weeks and I am told they usually do it at 7-8 but again we will see.

hoping4bfp - i have you in my prayers and have everything crossed for you. A little insight. I tested 4 days before AF and used a FRER digital so maybe try one of those. I also used first morning's pee too. Good Luck :hugs: and baby :dust: to you. Keep us posted!
Hoping I know how you feel emotions are all over the place but the good thing about TTC is it's like riding a bike. The first cycle is always the hardest to get through but you get through it. And I hope to God you catch an eggie your first time up!

Baby#3 okay well get some rest, I'm off to do other things around the house, spent over 300 on groceries today getting ready for my boys to visit me! Woohoo but wow teenagers eat a lot! And I will hold you in my prayers until Monday when you have your scan and yes you did mention about the progesterone suppositories, duh, I forget sometimes!

Take care!
Mrshuse8pound - know those feelings of envy so well, it will come to you I swear, I got married 7 months ago and there were too other girls at my work weeks apart got married, one feel pregnant straight away, then the 2nd fell after a couple of months, then my hairdresser who got married two weeks before me when I visited was also 3 months pregnant by the time I went back, my husbands business parter met his girlfriend 5 months ago and he annoucned she was pregnant by accident, just felt like constant kicks in the teeth considering we had been together 6 and half years...then got a call my sister in law was expecting just at the month we had a faint line then tested two days later and it was negative, talk about hit the ground with a blow...I didnt even want to talk to my husband about it and had to put on a smiley face for the family to congratulate my sister in law, of course I was soooooooooooo happy for them but you have your own pain you are going through, its only natural. I sat and spoke to my sister in law and she said she was worried about telling us because she too had felt that way. why is it that everyone else around gets pregnant bar you, why people who dont even want to be, and I thought blimey its not only me who has these feelings and actually after sitting down and talking to her directly it really eased those feelings of greeneye I realised she had been through what I was experiencing I lost hope I never thought it would be my turn, not with that amount of people being so successful, but like you said to me when I came on here all down, it can't always be a no. and to the symptoms dont forget that is why I was so down because I thought I have no symptoms, nothing compared to previous months and it was positive, the only thing that made me test was hubby said mood swings blimey and I though oohhh! I tested on 10DPO with the internet cheapie and it was so so faint, then again 11dpo and again it was there so on 12dpo did the Clear Blue Dig and thats when it said 1-2wks. I was shaking from head to toe because last time those internet cheapies gave me a faint line the Clear Blue Dig said "Not Pregnant" so I was ready for it, I prepared for it. I just said and sobbed for about 2mins before I could move. I am sorry it has been so long for you, and my heart goes out to you because I know how painful it feels and I can relate to everything you say about envy. Here comes a bit gust of baby dust to you, he is looking down on you and has you in his sights for your BFP hun xx

hoping4BFP - thank you you hun, I still can't belv it - dont give up hun, also been there right if not this month Im not trying anymore I cant do this, but I'd sulk for a month not trying so hard and then the next month come back fighting, it will pay off hang in there huni such a roller coaster ride I'm hoping your Xmas present if jst around the corner, lots of baby dust x

Baby#3 so sweet the t-shirt ideas, we are going to tell our parents on Christmas day too, the way I told Hubby was I wrapped up the CBD test in Xmas paper and tied a bow and then went in, he kind of guessed what it was but had really red eyes when he opend it...your family will love being part of the news. Sorry to hear you have not been too well, but wishing you lots of energy and a healthy 9 months x

I'm in the UK, I'm guessing a few of you are in US, so not sure if its different here, but I called my doctors and they said a home test is sufficient, on my 6th week I need to go and see the midwife so have an appointment for 7th Jan 2010. My last period started 23rd Nov so I'm guessing 40wks will be around August 30th!! Lets hope all goes well....

I will keep checking in mrshse8pound, hoping4bfp and cheekybint - I'm hoping your dreams come true too, because that feeling of waiting is frustrating, big hug to all it will come it realy will xx
@Everything, your post was so sweet and kind! Thank you for sharing your story and your struggle with us. Well the last time I've been pregnant was in 1997 when I had my youngest son. So it feels like ages for me. I got my tubes tied and it was the worse thing I could have ever done. I had them reversed in 2007 but after that it just seemed like things weren't the same for me. And so it has been such a struggle. Then my ex-boyfriend went on to get another girl pregnant a few years back when we broke up, very hard for me to deal with because then I REALLY felt like something was wrong with me. But I met a much better man and we married and he has NO kids but he loves kids to death. He's great with them and he's patient he will wait, he said, as long as he has to until it happens. Which is very sweet but I still feel deformed in some sort of way like it should have happened by NOW! :shrug::cry:

But it will when time is right.I'm so happy for you though you will have a happy and healthy nine months! I can't wait to see you and baby#3's scan pics, oh how exciting!!!!! And I can share the joys of pregnancy with you guys for now. My last period was November 23rd and I am 14dpo and still no sign of her but I'm too stubborn to test!

How is everyone else today????
@ Everythingx - How are you feeling? Any symptoms to share? Wow that is so cool. I calculated my EDD and its 8/26/10. My last period was on 11/22 and I have a 25 day cycle and a 13 day luteal phase. I went to the website and it calculates everything for you. Since we are so close in due dates we can be bump buddies if you like. :happydance::hugs:

@ Mrshuse8pound - Remember your own words. You have 50 percent chance. I am still crossing everything for your :bfP: I have such a good feeling. :hugs:

As for me, I am feeling a little better today and I have to motivate to finish the tshirts as we celebrate Xmas on Xmas eve. We have a dinner and then dance and celebrate and then we open gifts at midnight! My father in law is coming in tomorrow and my mother in law on Wednesday (she found out she had to work and had to change her ticket :-() So I have much cleaning and preparing to do by tomorrow. Thank god my appointment is not until the afternoon tomorrow.

Talk you ladies later!
Baby#3 that sounds like a good Xmas eve. And oh yes I have a 50 percent chance you are right and today is 14dpo for me and still no AF. Today I took another nap and was having upset stomach again (blah). DH irritated me so bad today I wanted to leave out and leave him I just broke down in tears and went away to my bedroom for a while so these hormones are out of control and need to settle down here soon! :rofl:

Glad to hear you're feeling a little bit better and got some energy. One thing is you will have bad days and good days coming up soon is a good one! Woohoo! And are you guys having any snow down in NC?
@ Mrshuse8pounds - :yipee::wohoo::af: stay away :witch: I know how you feel about this hubby getting on your nerves. I had the same things this morning. But then again I am dreading the inlaws. His mother can really work me up. She still acts like I am not good enough. :growlmad: Sometimes I just want to scream - WE HAVE BEEN TOGETHER FOR 17 OF OUR 30 YEARS, I AM NOT GOING ANYWHERE, GET OVER IT!!:laugh2:

As I live in Mint Hill near Charlotte, we having gotten any snow but I heard they got a lot in the mountains. My inlaws and parents said they got a ton in NY too! The only thing we got pretty bad down here was torrential rain on Friday night.

I read from your earlier post that you havent been preggers since 1997, wow you are brave. I was contemplating starting over since my youngest just started school this September but I am happy I did now. I am so excited to see their faces on Xmas. My 9 year doesn't believe in Santa but writes a letter to him for the sake of my 5 year old who still does and they both wrote they wanted a little brother or sister as their first thing on the list. :winkwink:
So I am excited for their responses when they read their tshirts!

Well I hope you feel better. Mood swings are a good sign too. :happydance: Keep me posted!
Mrshuse8pounds...How are you doing today? AF not showing her ugly face so far is a wonderful sign for you. Please keep me posted as to how things are in the next few days. I am hoping 4 you to get your BFP too!!!!!!!!!!

baby#3 and are you prego girls feeling? So happy for you and can't wait to see your little buns in the oven!!!!

My last period was 11/25 so I am roughly around 9dpo. I know it was dumb, but I just couldn't stand not to take a test so I took one of the internet cheapies. Of course it was negative. So I will wait a couple of more days and take a test maybe on Christmas Eve. I have been having tender bb's, but don't know if it is a sign, or just sore from all that good lovin! LOL I am very irratible and have been having headaches like crazy. Sometimes the sound of my husband talking and the kids drive me insane. I love them all so much and can't wait to hold another little one.
Hey hoping4bfp - I am feeling ok today. (read my earlier posts as to the status of my life - LOL. I don't want to make anyone have to re-read.)

I am praying for you too. Please I beg of you if you can get a FRER digital or CB digital. Those digitals are so much better than those internet ones. I helps to take the wonder and worry out of the darkness of that line.

Keep us posted!:hugs: and baby :dust:
Baby#3...OH TOO CUTE about the bubbies wanting a new little brother and little sister! :cry: I bet your 9 year old will believe in Santa now after he gets his shirt!!! Yes has been over a decade since my last one. It's okay because I had them young, lived a wild and crazy young life and now I'm settled again. And besides I have "built-in" babysitters :happydance: and with two teenage boys maybe having a screaming, drooling, poopy little brother or sister running around will make for excellent Teen Pregnancy Prevention! :dohh:

We got a lite dusting last night here in VA but it's mostly one today. I'm from Chicago so no snow at Xmas is like :shrug: for me. And DH's family is from Syracuse NY, what part are you guys family from?

Hoping: Well 9dpo is still early and headaches are a really good sxs especially if you don't ever get them. I know this thread is in serious need of some :bfp:'s around here so maybe we will both get ours for Xmas!!!!! :yipee:

As for me yes still no :af: yet! She's sneaky though so....I had cramps but the realized they were gas cramps and not AF cramps, I've been severely constipated so I may have to give myself an enema tonight, sorry TMI! But I feel fine otherwise and feel very calm like I'm okay if she does show up because maybe this will be an easy cycle for me. And I checked my CM earlier (with a q-tip) and it was clear and creamy. I saw NO PINK!!!! WOOHOO because this time last month I was already spotting! Oh I hope this is it for me....but DH is wanting is dinner so I gotta run ladies, have a great night and ttyl! I promise I will give updates in the AM as soon as I can and want to hear good news in the morning from you all to!
@Mrshuse8pounds - :rofl: about teen pregnancy prevention. The built in babysitters are a good point too. I actually have one boy Charlie (that's the 5 year old) and one girl Ashleigh(that's the 9 years old).

Also the symptoms you are reporting are good. I have my fingers, toes, eyes etc. crossed for you.

As far as where we are from, we are from New York, Staten Island to be exact. Both of us are born and raised. I miss it and I don't if that makes sense. LOL!

I am praying for you and hoping4bdp this week. MUCHO MUCHO baby :dust:

I will check with you guys in the AM before I go to my appointment. :hugs:
Well I'm OUT!!!!! :cry:

Just went to the bathroom and see pink CM so that means she will be here in the morning! So I'm off to enjoy a good glass of wine and try to get some sleep. Onto next cycle for me. And I'm actually relieved because being on "edge" waiting for her to come or not come was driving me insane so now that she's here I can actually breath and relax!!!!

Hoping: I hope you can hang on and get us another :bfp: I know it's a lot of pressure :winkwink: but I know you can do it!!!

Baby#3: Good Luck in the morning sweetie and make sure we get some good news from the Dr, okay! :thumbup:
Hey Ladies,

Everything went good at the doctor's today. He said all is on track and my first scan on January 12, 2009. Yay! :happydance:

I took blood and am still awaiting tests but they took another test and I the :bfp: came out super fast so thats a good sign! Usually I never find out until a blood test.

@Mrshuse8pound - remember the motto :winkwink:

@hoping - we all wait with crossed fingers for you as mrshuse8pound said.

Hope you all are doing well! :hugs:
apologies been off for a few days

mrshuse8pound, I am so sorry to hear your news huni...I know that frustrations so well and I bloody hated it, no one can help I just used to put myself to bed early - bless you..lets hope Jan is your month hun, but again I know how frustrating that is too when everyone says next month next month, you jst want to growl at them :O(..Big Virtual hug coming your way and wishing lots of baby dust for your next cycle. My friend took 2 years to fall hun, the month she did she didnt expect a thing, took a test cos they were on offer and bobs your uncle never lose hope, hang in there huni, like you told me you cant always lose, you will get there and we will make sure your spirits are lifted to get you there xx

Baby#3 - bless thanks - I have been feeling good, cleaned the house top to bottom on Sunday and then Monday we had to travel to a funeral about 3hrs away but got stuck in lots of traffic from the snow and took us 14hrs round trip so we had to do lots of service stops - so my first symptom I have to say is lots of toilet stops hee hee. 2nd OUCH my boobs are very tender, sharp odd shooting pains, esp when I take the bra off at night eek, think I will need support for sleep time for a while :))

I felt a bit sick this morn first time tho, went off around 12 noon. def have the metaliky taste in my mouth but thats only started in the last couple of days past P due date. This morn my breakfast wanted to pop back to hi shall we say (sorry TMI) but I wasnt sick sick so I think its jst things settling down, I'm sure its been too good to be true at the moment as I feel really good in myself.

On day my P was due (as I had tested on 10dpo and got a positive it felt like an awkward wait to get past) I had horrible pains, worse than period pains, I did get a bit worried but spoke to a friend and they said this was normal..had little aches every now and again but nothing really that stands out I guess Ive been very lucky so far but I am only jst passed 4 weeks. I've been telling my best friends and they are soooooo happy for us, they know how special this is to me so that makes cry :O))

I dont have my midwife appointment until 7th Jan, because I did a clear blue dig test they say that is sufficient so jst see the midwife on 7th to get my packs etc and bloods I'm guessing, I will not get a scan until my 3rd month of pregnancy here 12 weeks, which will be mid Feb.

Keeping everything crossed hoping4bfp - good luck hun, hang in there x

Thank you for asking after me, it does mean a lot and I know how painful it can be when others get what you really want, but run any questions I would love to help you ladies whereever possible.

p.s. mrshuse8pound/baby#3 - my friend has a 7yr gap and she loves it, her little man helps her when she needs a shower or toilet trips, its an extra pair of eyes and they still play as brothers in their own little ways, so an age gap isnt anything these days, just an extra pair of hands to help bring up your little one

good luck ladies wishing you all a wonderful Christmas and may all your Christmas dreams comes true xx
Well it looks like I am not going to get my Christmas wish. ~sad~ Woke up this morning and when I wiped there was pink, and it wasn't implantation pink. So now I guess I will try to try for another month. Would I count the first day of spotting as cd1, or the first day of full flow? That always confuses me. Anyway, I hope everyone as a great, fun, and safe Christmas!!!!!!

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