TTC 30s/40s Club

Hi, my name is Charlie and i'm 30 yrs old. My husband, Steve is 36 and we have a 2yr old daughter called Isabella (Bella for short). I had a mmc in Nov (at 9 wks) and had my ERPC a few days later and have just started ttc again, as I was blessed with my first af after mc on New Year's Day :haha:! I'm on CD13 today and hoping to ov this weekend so fxd we get a BFP soon.

Hello to everyone and good luck with your journeys.

Congrats to those of you with your BFPs and sending lots of baby :dust: to those of you still ttc.

Hey there

Your not alone, i am also 32 (next week). I have been trying to conceive for 5 months. I have miscarried twice. I lost my honeymoon baby at 6 wks and 10 months later i lost my 2nd baby at 9 weeks, it was a missed miscarriage, my baby had died at 7 wks. I took a break for a few months then started trying again in August 09.

Fingers crossed 2010 will be are year! xx

God bless
Hi, my name is Andie. I'm 31 (husband is 29) and we are trying for our first. I've been off BC since Oct so I'm hoping for good luck in 2010.

We don't want to announce to friends or family that we are ttc so its nice to find other women out there who I can relate too....was starting to feel really alone.

I know that feeling. Were not telling anyone we are trying, as it feels a little strange, but people keep asking me why aren't you drinking if we go out. I am now the constant driver so I have an excuse.

Good luck to you. x
My name is Starlyn, I am 31, 32 in March. I have a 5yr old son from a previous marriage. DH and I have been ttc since September, #1 for him and of course #2 for me. I'm so happpy to have found BNB, its nice to see what other women are going through. At first I though I would get a BFP right away, but no such luck. My form of birth control was a copper IUD and supposedly you can get preggers right away when it is removed, but that turned out to be false for me. Hopefully this is our month!!

Hi I'm 31 now, will be 32 in August, DH is 36 - he'll be 37 in October. We have a 4 and a half yr old daughter together.
Had my copper IUD removed in September, and got the BFP by January (December cycle). I pray your BFP will be soon too.
I used preseed, and pregnacare conception in December. You can read about them both online.

I know that feeling. Were not telling anyone we are trying, as it feels a little strange, but people keep asking me why aren't you drinking if we go out. I am now the constant driver so I have an excuse.

Good luck to you. x[/QUOTE]

Yeah between that and trying to cut back on coffee its tough! :) I'll be glad when I don't have to hide why I can't have certain things.

Best of luck to you too!

I am 30 and DH is 32, we have been TTC for 18 months, been for all the tests and all results come back good, which is quite frustrating as the Dr tells us to just keep trying :shrug:
I am so glad I found this site, as I have found people in the same situation as me:happydance:
None of my friends understand as they all fell pregnant at the drop of a hat and some even "by accident".
Hoping 2010 is successful for all of us :dust: to all!
I'm Rach (34). I've just ditched the BCP and have just started TTC with my partner Andrew (dad of 3) - it's the first time for me though. Very excited, but worried it'll take forever.
Hi all,

DH and I are 33 and TTC baby #1. We've been trying since September. I've been trying to be good with staying away from alcohol - but you're right. People always want to know what the deal is. The other hard part is that we love to travel but don't want to book things too far away because we keep hoping I'll be pregnant by then. That would limit the number of volcano hikes and scuba dives I'd be taking, you know?

Waiting for AF to come on Saturday. This is the hardest part - every month getting my hopes up and then the let down. Still hopeful this month though.

Thanks for sharing on the boards. It's good to know there are others out there!
Hey guys, I am a regular on here but been away for a while.

I have posted a thread in the TTC thread, wondered if you any of you could post on there to give me some advice. Need some inspiration and cheering up!!
Hi, I'm new to this site. I have a lovely husband and a gorgeous daughter who will be 3 next month. We always said we would wait till she was out of nappies to try to conceive and we started in Dec'09. I think we pretty much hit jackpot first time as I was tired, sore breasts and strange stomach feelings, but was nowhere near testing time...but then on 30th Dec I started bleeding and very early miscarried on 1st Jan '10 - I think they call it a "chemical pregnancy".
We tried again this month and again I have the same symptoms - although I am taking it easy this time as I don't want to lose another chance. I think I will be testing in about 5 days....
Hi all I'm Emma and i'm 34 my oh is 33. I have a girl from a previous relationship. Have been ttc for a year with 2 mc.
Hey hey fellow ttc-ers over 30! I am sarah & I'm 31. Dh is 30. I have a 10 yr DS from a looong ago and short lived relationship and DH has a 9yr DS from his loong ago and short lived marriage. He is also still dad to his DSS (11) from that marriage--So what we've got here is a HIS, MINE, (& THEIRS ), and now really just trying to get our OURS & make our sweet lil family complete!

Though I really don't post much so far--I do spend a lot of time on here reading (and the months before I joined, "lurking") I am such a newbie here that I feel so silly when I get teary at BFP announcements (tears of joy & just plain emotion as I imagine how that will feel--and how over the moon the lucky poster must be! :flower: or when I read of loss and years of failed attempts, then there are tears of grief...)

Okay, I swear tho, I don't just sit on BnB all day and blubber--just sometimes :winkwink:

I just really already adore the BnB community. I have spent a lil time on in-gender, as I do hope to concieve a girl (please o please, but of course wanting a girl would not affect how I'd feel toward a son, if that is what is chosen for me), But I have gleaned a ton of useful info on there as well about swaying and just ttc in general. There are a lot of us out there!!!!!!!!!!!


baby dust to all of us
Hullo Ladies!

Love the user name Stella Blue- as in the dead tune? I'm looking for a cycle buddy- I'm 34 and on CD 9 in my 9th cycle of ttc. Lots of baby dust to all us 30 somethings!

Best wishes,

Why yes Jamie2eyes, it is! Thank you! :hugs:

I am later in my cycle but would love to be cycle buddies! (if, um, ya wanna :flower:) 9th cycle huh? Geez, What an exercise in patience! Dh and I gave up all forms of BC over 2 years ago thinking it would just happen. We didn't rush it, just had a "come what may" approach...He had just got on at new company and I was finishing school, we bought a house, yada yada...and for past several months now have really been wondering why the heck it hasn't we are now getting down to some serious business!!

Hey bonjo--I hear ya on the coffee!!

How frustrating Shan...Man, it looks like this may be much more difficult than I thought! I'm already a lil nutty w the whole thing!

sticky sticky dust girls!!
Hey Sarah! I'm glad you decided to stop lurking and start posting. I'm am a huge dylan, dead and phish fan so it was exciting to see another head on this board! I lurked for about a week before I just had to dive in :winkwink: I hope it is making me more informed rather than more obsessed!

Do you track your cycle online or just mentally? After 8 cycles of recording my periods and assumed ovulation dates in my planner I decided to up the ante by using Fertility Friend. I'm psyched to have a new tool but it is also making me slightly more obsessed with the entire process :wacko:

Well you've got lots of patience too because you've been trying for a year- and you have 3 boys! haha.

Here's a woot woot to the thirty somethings on the first try :happydance:

I found a nifty baby dust animation, I wonder when the novelty of animated gifs circa mid-1990s will wear off? ha!

Loads of support and encouragement to y'all~

I love all those bands too Jamie...esp. Dylan as one my very favorite poet/songwriters!! DH and I got to catch a few Phish shows from the summer tour...they were ON TOP and the scene was so much cleaner than late 90's early 00's...

Yeah, I guess this is my first cycle of actually trying to determine OV instead of assuming it was CD 16/17--bc, well, clearly, I've been wrong! If the witch arrives in Feb. I will go ahead and start charting w FF as I am now on CD21 and have yet to get a positive opk!

I hear ya about it all just making us more obsessed! A little frighteningly so, I believe, in my case...but have really tried to keep busy today...

So, hey, how do you guys get those nifty glitter icons and tickers and what-not? (Until TTC, I was always just a lurker on forum sites--this (and in-gender) are the only forums I have ever joined--so I'm still gettin used to how it all works...

Hi all,

Newbie here. I'm 32 and TTC my 2nd. I have a 6-year old so I guess it's about time we try for our 2nd right? We started last Dec but got my period on Jan 9th. TTC isn't as easy as it used to be when I was in my 20's. Sigh. Since I'm new here, can anyone help me with the terms as I'm not quite familiar with them yet (pls bear with me). Terms such as AF, WW, BFP,etc...? :)
Hey Mystique26 - here is the link to the thread with all the abbreviations:
I read it just about every other day because I'm always finding new lingo : )

Sarah!!! I went to Festival 8- it was my first show in about 8 years and my first halloween show- I was ecstatic ALL WEEKEND. They are were definitely on fire- the best I could remember them sounding in SO long. And I don't know if it was the laid back west coast vibe or what but the crowd was incredibly chill and friendly. So so many families there too- that was kind of bittersweet for me because this is my first round of ttc... but I was psyched to see so many phamilies : )

I googled "trying to conceive animated gifs" and found tons- I think you can also copy and paste the ones you see on these threads into your messages.

Sarah- I have a CRAZY idea- should we start a team for jam band mamas? I've had Phish's moma dance stuck in my head for days- should we call it Team Moma Dance?
Hey Mystique26 - here is the link to the thread with all the abbreviations:
I read it just about every other day because I'm always finding new lingo : )

Hi, Jaimie2Eyes. Thanks for this link. Will go through it so I can catch up with the posts. :)
Hey mystique~~welcome!! Looks like we are pretty close in cycle (my af 1/7) so I'm hoping I already O'd and can test on 2/9 (which feels like an eternity to me).

I've also recently come to the conclusion that this is not as easy as i thought it would be! (wasn't trying at all (actually trying to prevent!) w DS--but then again I was 20!))

The abbrevs and acro's all become second nature really fast! ( I find myself THINKING in them!! It feels a little loony when I actually THINK the words "BD" or "DH" instead of just "sex" or ..."Jerrod". lol.

TEAM MOMA DANCE! I freak'n love it!

So simple, yet SO GENIOUS!!

You think there are enough moma's on here to support it?

So jealous that you got to go to festival 8!! Aren't they on fire? I have to say the last two years before they broke up, it was hard listening to Trey "slip" all the time, seeing and sensing the dischord in the band, the scene was feeling shadier, or dirtier, or something (not like the mid 90's when I first started going to shows) and Trey was so clearly F'ed up onstage (esp. the those last few tours b4 the break-up,~the last shows they played were streamed live at our local theater so DH and I saw them--it was really sad, but at the same time, it was clear that the time had come...AT LEAST FOR THEN!!! woot-woot!
Dh and his BF are going to see Trey solo in may (compliments of the bf, or else I'd be going too!!)

Huh, looks like Obama's talking. He sounds, and wow, even looks a lil pissed off...I guess I 'll take listen for a moment.

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