ttc after a d&c

He will be gone from the 12-29. IF my cycle is back on track and we don't catch the egg on this first go (which I am not counting on), then my next O should be around 29 Oct. I should point this out to him and see if he can come back Friday the 26. I mean who really works on the weekends...surely I'm getting ahead of myself. So much for trying to be romantic, "Honey, you need to come home on the 26th so we can make a baby. Or we need to make a :spermy: deposit before you go!"

lol. Its like they are a sperm bank literally!! Only I am starting to get scared that maybe my husband has a problem with his sperm count?? He has been under so much stress and pressure these last few years. I have no basis to think he has low sperm count, but I am so paranoid that maybe they are damaged. I inspect him to make sure he is wearing nothing too tight in that area, I am even scared for him to take very hot showers. I think I'm going being crazy :wacko:

Jessica...I tend to be protective over DH's area too! I even asked him to NOT put his laptop on his lap anymore! I am now convinced my own trauma (recurrent mc) has caused me to try to control every little thing I can because the one thing I want to control, egg quality, I can't! Your reactions are perfectly normal...may seem crazy to an outsider, but not here!

Natasha...dadgum BFN! Still too soon doll!

Amy how are you holding up? Did you poas today? Edit: just saw your post! It's too soon! Don't give up yet!

Laura, Jen...hope the early symptoms are tolerable!

Bethany, you can ship some beef stroganoff to me here on the East Coast!


I said the same thing to dh.. .Im like NO LAPTOP ON LAP! I dont care that they they call it a LAPtop.. you go in the office and use that comp! lol

I did poas this morning... I KNEW it was early when I did it earlier this week but I am 11dpo... I would think I would see something or start getting sore boobs or something. Thats whats just making me think that I messed up this cycle :dohh::cry:

How are you doing?

Hon, I have read that some women don't even get a positive until after they missed their af. Sounds like it is probably too early. Even though I am only 7 or 8 days dpo, I think I might go and test to day. Its my birthday today. Maybe I will get an early b-day gift?? I don't know. I am debating whether to or not. I don't want my day ruined anymore than it is.
im the same, i think im out this month, i have no symptoms at all today , acid reflux gone, nausea gone, twinges in belly gone, nothing. hmmm, well ive invested in a bbt thermometer today so im gonna start using it from tomorrow leading up to period, then start charting properly from my next cycle, currently 7/8dpo and feeling out, no ib no cramps nothing so im debating on whether to actually save the FRER tests, just do one at 14dpo and then save them for thee next month xxx

Hon, at least that tells you those symptoms are real, and you are not imagining it or anything. I struggle at times with whats real and whats not. Like I have been peeing more and feel different, but I think it might just be wishful thinking.
Jessica. At least where you are 36 isn't too old to be making babies! Lol! Oh and after Sheryl Crow going on about mobile phones and brain cancer...I'm thinking DH doesn't need his mobile in his pockets while out! (See how easily this can snowball!)
crystal hope u feel better soon hon, it is hard to keep up on here , if u miss anytime catch up is long :) but worth it :)

danni, i know what u mean , maybe it make u obsess if u on here too much, i added u on fb honey, loves ya and big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

amy honey , ur not out yet sweetie , xxxxxx its still EARLY :) xxxxxxxxx big hugs xx

angel, thanks for asking bout syptoms , im startin to feel way better, im not crying all the time any more, i think it was relief and fear actually makin me cry xxxxxxxxxxx
now i know i dont have fibroid in babys way , im happier. :)
i wont have my laptop directly on my lap anymore either , im paranoid, i have to have a cushion and blanket under it to separate it from baby :)

storked welcome back, ur quiet, r u just taking it more relaxed xxx or planning for thailand :) whoop whoop xxx
Jessica. At least where you are 36 isn't too old to be making babies! Lol! Oh and after Sheryl Crow going on about mobile phones and brain cancer...I'm thinking DH doesn't need his mobile in his pockets while out! (See how easily this can snowball!)

Its my 33rd bday today. I positive pregnancy test would be a wonderful present, but I am only 7 or 8 dpo. Think is is a bad idea??lol. Think I'll ruin my own b-day? The temptation is so strong to test.
Thanks babe :) Hope u are too, cos even though you didnt do it day after O in case it was late, the lttle swimmers can still stay inside u alive for a few days :) When are u testing xxx

I hope so! Im just really kicking myself in the butt for not going a little longer :dohh: Ummmm I SHOULD wait to test on friday but so far (I cant believe Im about to admit this) I have tested on Sunday morning, Monday, Yesterday afternoon at work, and this morning... all with bfn showing :cry:

AF is due this Friday

ive tested about 7 r 8 times, ive tested since my bfp to make sure its gettin stronger so dont be embarrassed, we all do it :) xxx
crystal hope u feel better soon hon, it is hard to keep up on here , if u miss anytime catch up is long :) but worth it :)

danni, i know what u mean , maybe it make u obsess if u on here too much, i added u on fb honey, loves ya and big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

amy honey , ur not out yet sweetie , xxxxxx its still EARLY :) xxxxxxxxx big hugs xx

angel, thanks for asking bout syptoms , im startin to feel way better, im not crying all the time any more, i think it was relief and fear actually makin me cry xxxxxxxxxxx
now i know i dont have fibroid in babys way , im happier. :)
i wont have my laptop directly on my lap anymore either , im paranoid, i have to have a cushion and blanket under it to separate it from baby :)

storked welcome back, ur quiet, r u just taking it more relaxed xxx or planning for thailand :) whoop whoop xxx

Laura, how is the pregnancy goin? I'm glad you are feeling better. So how early did you start feeling the physical symptoms of this pregnancy?
Congrats Jen!!!!!! Woooohooo!!
How are we all today?!?!?
I did another test this mornig, BFN , expected so early, but i just wanna feel proactive in TTC, got mild twings to the left and behind my belly button, but that could just be because one minute im constipated and the next minute i cant stop it coming (TMI:)) Got blood test this morning to check for anemia , i did ring the doctors and ask that since im having the blood test done anyway can they just add to it that i want my hcg levels testing, and she said no youll have to book another appointment with the doctor, for him to then authorise another blood test.. I was like, thats a bit of a waste of time isnt it??Unhelpful doctors! GRRR

hope we are all okay, i dont know why i got up this early when blood test isnt till 11 :/ Blood test at 11, then work 12 til half five, then college six til half 9 :/ Im gonna be shattered!!! xxx

im like this too babe , i wont go for a while and then when i need to go, i really need to go :) i looked it up and said its common i early preg xxxx

hurray jen , so excited for u. xxxxxxx

im still playing catch up, im so tired the amount of pages is staggering me ha ha

i had my gynae scan today, the one i was meant to wait till after to get preg :) all went very well, apart from me nearly peeing myself cos they called me an hour late :) :) she said all looks fine, she said i may have little fibroids but nothing to cause me trouble , whoop whoop :)
liver cons tommor and hopefully get goood news there too :)

went to see my new gran nephew after , he is dotey :) xx

He will be gone from the 12-29. IF my cycle is back on track and we don't catch the egg on this first go (which I am not counting on), then my next O should be around 29 Oct. I should point this out to him and see if he can come back Friday the 26. I mean who really works on the weekends...surely I'm getting ahead of myself. So much for trying to be romantic, "Honey, you need to come home on the 26th so we can make a baby. Or we need to make a :spermy: deposit before you go!"

lol. Its like they are a sperm bank literally!! Only I am starting to get scared that maybe my husband has a problem with his sperm count?? He has been under so much stress and pressure these last few years. I have no basis to think he has low sperm count, but I am so paranoid that maybe they are damaged. I inspect him to make sure he is wearing nothing too tight in that area, I am even scared for him to take very hot showers. I think I'm going being crazy :wacko:

Jessica...I tend to be protective over DH's area too! I even asked him to NOT put his laptop on his lap anymore! I am now convinced my own trauma (recurrent mc) has caused me to try to control every little thing I can because the one thing I want to control, egg quality, I can't! Your reactions are perfectly normal...may seem crazy to an outsider, but not here!

Natasha...dadgum BFN! Still too soon doll!

Amy how are you holding up? Did you poas today? Edit: just saw your post! It's too soon! Don't give up yet!

Laura, Jen...hope the early symptoms are tolerable!

Bethany, you can ship some beef stroganoff to me here on the East Coast!


Good insight on the lap top!! If I see dh with it on his lap I will make sure to kindly remove So you are on the east coast huh. Nobody here lives in California :( . Its so lonely here in Cali. I feel like this whole state is full of pregnant women. Lately everywhere I go I see loads of pregnant ladies.

He will be gone from the 12-29. IF my cycle is back on track and we don't catch the egg on this first go (which I am not counting on), then my next O should be around 29 Oct. I should point this out to him and see if he can come back Friday the 26. I mean who really works on the weekends...surely I'm getting ahead of myself. So much for trying to be romantic, "Honey, you need to come home on the 26th so we can make a baby. Or we need to make a :spermy: deposit before you go!"

lol. Its like they are a sperm bank literally!! Only I am starting to get scared that maybe my husband has a problem with his sperm count?? He has been under so much stress and pressure these last few years. I have no basis to think he has low sperm count, but I am so paranoid that maybe they are damaged. I inspect him to make sure he is wearing nothing too tight in that area, I am even scared for him to take very hot showers. I think I'm going being crazy :wacko:

Jessica...I tend to be protective over DH's area too! I even asked him to NOT put his laptop on his lap anymore! I am now convinced my own trauma (recurrent mc) has caused me to try to control every little thing I can because the one thing I want to control, egg quality, I can't! Your reactions are perfectly normal...may seem crazy to an outsider, but not here!

Natasha...dadgum BFN! Still too soon doll!

Amy how are you holding up? Did you poas today? Edit: just saw your post! It's too soon! Don't give up yet!

Laura, Jen...hope the early symptoms are tolerable!

Bethany, you can ship some beef stroganoff to me here on the East Coast!


I said the same thing to dh.. .Im like NO LAPTOP ON LAP! I dont care that they they call it a LAPtop.. you go in the office and use that comp! lol

I did poas this morning... I KNEW it was early when I did it earlier this week but I am 11dpo... I would think I would see something or start getting sore boobs or something. Thats whats just making me think that I messed up this cycle :dohh::cry:

How are you doing?

Hon, I have read that some women don't even get a positive until after they missed their af. Sounds like it is probably too early. Even though I am only 7 or 8 days dpo, I think I might go and test to day. Its my birthday today. Maybe I will get an early b-day gift?? I don't know. I am debating whether to or not. I don't want my day ruined anymore than it is.

So glad everything went well today at the drs office Laura!!!!! :happydance::baby:

Happy Birthday hun!!! Here is birthday song for you.... Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Im wishing a LO in you, happy birthday to you!!! heheh I hope its the best one yet and that you didnt mind my cheesy song lol I hope youre right, I just sent DH an IM telling him that I was just so hoping to get that + this morning.
HA not going into work today, i cant hack it today, just cant be bothered so they can do without me ....had enough lol, sick of people still asking if im expecting etc n im like no lol... i feel like sending an email to everyone in the building saying Just to let you know lol...

hopefully soon i will be expecting... along with jen and laura and the rest of us ! come on girls someone come online im bored and lonely at home :(:(:(

:D xxx

Hi Natasha! People are kinda weird because I am usually very careful about asking a woman is she is expecting. Sometimes I am worried maybe she miscarried, especially if she all of the sudden gets very quiet about her pregnancy. With my last pregnancy I almost told nobody. I told one brother at 10 weeks and I waited 5 weeks to tell him since I started spotting at 5 weeks. but then all of the doctors told me that my baby was perfectly healthy and that no way was I gonna lose him. ha!! They said that I had like less than a 1% chance or something like that!

What is really weird is that I really put off on telling my other brother (we have never gotten along, he's a big bully). Its kinda weird but I was scared to tell him because it was very close to his birthday, and I remember him telling us that bad things or tragedies always seem happen around his birthday. Yeah, I know I am really superstitious. So my mom goes on to tell him. A couple days later I started to bleed, go into the ER, and some guy walks in that looks exactly like my brother, and I have never seen anybody that looks like him. My husband couldn't stop staring at I told my hubby, "This is an omen, I don't like this." An hour later I found out the baby died. Do I think telling my brother I was pregnant caused my babies death? Probably not. Will I tell him if I happen to be pregnant around his birthday... NO!! Yeah, like I told Angel, I think I am going crazy, I am starting to get all superstitious and paranoid.

aw babe, big hugs. xxx

last time i told all my friends and family, OH wanted to keep it quiet but i thought no reason to, i told all at work too and 2 r 3 days later i started spotting, i had a brief feeling of , shit i shouldnt have told too. but then i would have shared none of the joy of lile , only the pain so im glad i told xxx
i work in hosp i had my erpc so all would have known anyway, hosp is very gossipy and u cant keep secrets there
hope u feel better soon, its really tough dealing with it all xxxxxxxxxxx
I need to know, in all your opinions, what is the best pregnancy test that yields the earliest results. I realize I can't test today, because it is better with 1st mornings pee, right? I don't know much about pregnancy tests, so what seems to be the best pregnancy test to yield the earliest results?
storked welcome back, ur quiet, r u just taking it more relaxed xxx or planning for thailand :) whoop whoop xxx

Laura, how is the pregnancy goin? I'm glad you are feeling better. So how early did you start feeling the physical symptoms of this pregnancy?[/QUOTE]

honey happy bday xxxxxxxxxxxx
hope u get all the above for ur bday xxxxxxx ha ha xxx

if u think bfn would devastate u , dont do it hon, if u can do it and keep in ur mind thats it is still way early then do. my bfn didnt devastate me cos i kinda knew i was preg but was afraid i was tricking myself xxxxxx

its different this time, i have had a pull feeling in my tummy since soon enough after conception, few days after , thats why i thought maybe imagining it cos was very early. i got my faint bfp on 12dpo. :)
i was very weepy but im not sure if it was all the relief of getting preg and another first since lile gone , u know. or if it was hormones.
i have a dodgy tummy as well, have had to race to loo few times, never had that last time either. slight headaches sometimes , not bad and tiredness a lot :) developed a love of turkey for about a week but its subsided :)

im kinda glad i feel diff cos im taking it as a good sign xxx

oh and sharp pains in boobs, didnt have that last time either :)
I need to know, in all your opinions, what is the best pregnancy test that yields the earliest results. I realize I can't test today, because it is better with 1st mornings pee, right? I don't know much about pregnancy tests, so what seems to be the best pregnancy test to yield the earliest results?

i use internet ones , they are strips i bought on
they told me at 12 dpo :) i got i think 25 for e15 :) plus p+p
first time round tesco own brand told me. :)
my strips are 50 sensitivity so wil tell early enough.
i dont know why but first response and clear blue werent great for me at all, i bought them all the first time round and they told me after than the cheaper ones :)
yey im caught up, the pages were adding on even as i was catching up :)
storked welcome back, ur quiet, r u just taking it more relaxed xxx or planning for thailand :) whoop whoop xxx

Laura, how is the pregnancy goin? I'm glad you are feeling better. So how early did you start feeling the physical symptoms of this pregnancy?

honey happy bday xxxxxxxxxxxx
hope u get all the above for ur bday xxxxxxx ha ha xxx

if u think bfn would devastate u , dont do it hon, if u can do it and keep in ur mind thats it is still way early then do. my bfn didnt devastate me cos i kinda knew i was preg but was afraid i was tricking myself xxxxxx

its different this time, i have had a pull feeling in my tummy since soon enough after conception, few days after , thats why i thought maybe imagining it cos was very early. i got my faint bfp on 12dpo. :)
i was very weepy but im not sure if it was all the relief of getting preg and another first since lile gone , u know. or if it was hormones.
i have a dodgy tummy as well, have had to race to loo few times, never had that last time either. slight headaches sometimes , not bad and tiredness a lot :) developed a love of turkey for about a week but its subsided :)

im kinda glad i feel diff cos im taking it as a good sign xxx

oh and sharp pains in boobs, didnt have that last time either :)[/QUOTE]

I had tender boobs and all the last time but cant remember for the life of me if it was before or after my bfp... I shouldve kept a diary or something but didnt think this would happen. So now I just want to cry because I am/am not feeling things I think I should/shouldnt
I need to know, in all your opinions, what is the best pregnancy test that yields the earliest results. I realize I can't test today, because it is better with 1st mornings pee, right? I don't know much about pregnancy tests, so what seems to be the best pregnancy test to yield the earliest results?

i use internet ones , they are strips i bought on
they told me at 12 dpo :) i got i think 25 for e15 :) plus p+p
first time round tesco own brand told me. :)
my strips are 50 sensitivity so wil tell early enough.
i dont know why but first response and clear blue werent great for me at all, i bought them all the first time round and they told me after than the cheaper ones :)

Thanks hon, will be looking into those tests!!
i didnt feel anything barr aslight pull in my tummy last time till at least 6 weeks, so fx its good , it reassures me to feel something this early anyway but i dont think its the norm to have signs this early amy, it varies so much from person to person and as i have now discovered from preg to preg . :) my mom had 12 kids and she told me no 2 preg are alike, so dont be beating urself up chick xxxx
will someone please stop me eating :) once it hits after noon i just wanna eat!!

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