ttc after a d&c

Oh Jen I am on CD...14 I think. And was going to BD every other day but so far have failed and done it every dang day. No sweat though. I won't be sad if I am out this cycle- it means I won't have to cancel my vacation to Thailand :)
Several women I know used the dollar store hpts and got BFPs...I read somewhere they too have a 20-25 mIU sensitivity. And cramps?? Could be a good thing...

Yes, another birthday! October is a good month...I've stopped counting how many times I've turned 29! Haha! Normally we take a trip, but DH is going to be niece turns 16 the day before my birthday, so I might just go celebrate with her! If I O on schedule I'll test a week before my birthday, so at least I'll have the all clear for some vino :wine: or the even better, much awaited, over due and longed for BFP! :baby: So In a way it's a win-win...

Thanks Angel. I just realized I might of miscalculated when I ov, so I probably am out for the month. I am going to buy some of those cheapie tests, and test starting tomorrow, and I am definitely expecting a bfn, seeing as how it is way too early. I know I am setting myself up for failure, but I have this urge to poas that is so bad, I just have to. I think I might have ovulated way later than the last day dh and i bded. Oh well, next month I might just buy the opks!! So what kind of wine oo you prefer? Do you like doing wine pairings? Wine and cheese, or maybe dessert wine? I really feel like some nice wine right now, but I won't just in case by some freak chance that I am pregnant.

Me too Hun, I will be using my opk next cycle. :dohh: I really am still keeping my fingers crossed for you for this month though. I think you still have a good chance!

Amy, I think I am out!! :( I caved and bought the first response tests. The 3 pack. I am about 8dpo and it was a BFN!! I don't know what I was thinking. Have any of you got bfp on 8dpo?
amy :hugs: I am so sorry :( That first response yes/no kit you have is great!! Its what I used last time I got pregnant and this time. So as soon as you get that YES bd a ton!! It really works. Also watch your those lines on the insert test strip. Bethany is right EVERYONE WILL have their rainbow baby!! I have faith!!!

Update: Amy that pink stuff is EXACTLY what I had It took 6-7 days after to get my BFP. Maybe its on the way. Stay hopefull!!! Fxd for you! October will be Everyones month of not this cycle. Just has to be!

Jessica those dollar store tests 50-100 miu they test for hcg at. Not very sensitive at all. I never had any luck with them. The thin ones are less sensitive then the thicker ones they have. They usually smear etc. But I know the internet cheapies are cheaper and better. Some ppl have good luck with them though!! I have yet to get a bfp now with a dollar store one though clearblue and store brands are all positive... Maybe the dollar store dont like me haha :hugs: youll get your bfp... Fxd for you!When do you test? Also O is hard to predict cover your bases and dont stop til a week before AF. it gets exhausting though but soo worth it. You ladies all know!

Angel :) Sounds like you and DH are gearing up :) So excited for you!! Its fun to make it a game. Yay for your birthday!!! Sounds like you have a great plan!! Just think you can celebrate either way but it would be more fun with a bfp and a shirley temple or virgin strawberry daquiri!!! :) Fxd that you get an AWESOME birthday gift!!

Natasha laura is correct. You cant tell by your temperature if your not taking it for cd 1 when af starts. Try to stay calm let your body be a baby friendly environment. The wait is very hard I truly know. I added an extra bd week onto when I thought mine started and thank god I did because I did O late even after a positive opk. So thankful for digital opks. Anyways :hugs: your not out this cycle and your bfp is coming. Hang in there.

Laura yay!! For good liver news!!! :) Did you have your scan as well? So glad they FOUND your bloodwork. Idk what took them sooo long to begin with! Also your list sounds great!

:dust: Ladies!!! Alot is happening and im excited for some more bfp's!!! We are all in this together!!

Thanks Jen! I just poas and it was bfn!! Its the frer test. I am about 8dpo. I Hate this waiting game. It is torture. Was dpo did you get your bfp? By the way thanks for your words of encouragement. They always help :hugs:
amy :hugs: I am so sorry :( That first response yes/no kit you have is great!! Its what I used last time I got pregnant and this time. So as soon as you get that YES bd a ton!! It really works. Also watch your those lines on the insert test strip. Bethany is right EVERYONE WILL have their rainbow baby!! I have faith!!!

Update: Amy that pink stuff is EXACTLY what I had It took 6-7 days after to get my BFP. Maybe its on the way. Stay hopefull!!! Fxd for you! October will be Everyones month of not this cycle. Just has to be!

Jessica those dollar store tests 50-100 miu they test for hcg at. Not very sensitive at all. I never had any luck with them. The thin ones are less sensitive then the thicker ones they have. They usually smear etc. But I know the internet cheapies are cheaper and better. Some ppl have good luck with them though!! I have yet to get a bfp now with a dollar store one though clearblue and store brands are all positive... Maybe the dollar store dont like me haha :hugs: youll get your bfp... Fxd for you!When do you test? Also O is hard to predict cover your bases and dont stop til a week before AF. it gets exhausting though but soo worth it. You ladies all know!

Angel :) Sounds like you and DH are gearing up :) So excited for you!! Its fun to make it a game. Yay for your birthday!!! Sounds like you have a great plan!! Just think you can celebrate either way but it would be more fun with a bfp and a shirley temple or virgin strawberry daquiri!!! :) Fxd that you get an AWESOME birthday gift!!

Natasha laura is correct. You cant tell by your temperature if your not taking it for cd 1 when af starts. Try to stay calm let your body be a baby friendly environment. The wait is very hard I truly know. I added an extra bd week onto when I thought mine started and thank god I did because I did O late even after a positive opk. So thankful for digital opks. Anyways :hugs: your not out this cycle and your bfp is coming. Hang in there.

Laura yay!! For good liver news!!! :) Did you have your scan as well? So glad they FOUND your bloodwork. Idk what took them sooo long to begin with! Also your list sounds great!

:dust: Ladies!!! Alot is happening and im excited for some more bfp's!!! We are all in this together!!

Thanks Jen. Had quite the emotional evening. Cried in the car on the way home and when dh came home. We didn't even go out to dinner for date night because I couldn't get it together. He was so sweet and understanding but I just needed to let it out.

I told him what you said about the pink stuff and he asked when you had that which is a good question. Since I will be 14dpo tomorrow, I don't think it's any kind of ib or anything. :cry: Although I haven't seen anymore since that one little spot this afternoon.

I hope you ladies have a wonderful night/day :hugs:

Sorry you had a bad evening hon. It is good you are letting it all out though. I am sure we are going through some emotional as well as hormonal issues with all we have been through. I really hope you get your bfp, and if you don't, we always have next month. Don't worry we will catch up soon enough and soon enough when all of us get our bfps, we will start another thread, this time talking about our pregnancies!!
Morning all!! Wow ive had a lot to catch up on this morning haha!!

Well 10dpo and not even a sniff of a bfp on a FRER :( I think the fact i ovulate early is a bad thing, because, i feel im out this month, and if thats the case, i have to wait til 8th october for AF and then cant start bding til after that, wow this seems so drawn out and lengthy.. I reckon i didnt ovulate at all and just had the surge :(
Oh well theres always next month, i was going to comment on what yall have been talking about on the pages ive missed but theres too much lol! Merlot and Dollar tree tests etc haha!
So even though i am 10dpo , with negative tests on FRERs, i think its cruel that i still have hpe until the 8th october, i wish af was due in 4 days like a normal cycle so at least i could getit over with, but no i have another week to await her arrival.GRRR

Im going to be really proactive next month and chart my bbt every morning and really take notice of my cm i think, like jot it down every day! So fed up :( :( :( xxx
Morning all!! Wow ive had a lot to catch up on this morning haha!!

Well 10dpo and not even a sniff of a bfp on a FRER :( I think the fact i ovulate early is a bad thing, because, i feel im out this month, and if thats the case, i have to wait til 8th october for AF and then cant start bding til after that, wow this seems so drawn out and lengthy.. I reckon i didnt ovulate at all and just had the surge :(
Oh well theres always next month, i was going to comment on what yall have been talking about on the pages ive missed but theres too much lol! Merlot and Dollar tree tests etc haha!
So even though i am 10dpo , with negative tests on FRERs, i think its cruel that i still have hpe until the 8th october, i wish af was due in 4 days like a normal cycle so at least i could getit over with, but no i have another week to await her arrival.GRRR

Im going to be really proactive next month and chart my bbt every morning and really take notice of my cm i think, like jot it down every day! So fed up :( :( :( xxx

BFN for me too hon, I caved in and tested last night at 8dpo. my af is due in about 1 week. I have should have known that I wouldnt get bfp first cycle around. Waiting a whole nother month is gonna be so hard!! :( I will probably take the necessary steps as you will next month.
i know :( its heartbreakimg :( but i move into my new house with dh tomorrow which should keep my mind iff it at least for a week til af comes :)

its still early though, ive worked out im just about 10dpo af due 8th october :( I just hope its not as bad as my last af :/ xxx
i know :( its heartbreakimg :( but i move into my new house with dh tomorrow which should keep my mind iff it at least for a week til af comes :)

its still early though, ive worked out im just about 10dpo af due 8th october :( I just hope its not as bad as my last af :/ xxx

Hows your dh doing? How long have the both of you been together? me and the hubby have been together for almost 10 years, married for 7.
Wow! god thats wonderful!! Not as long as that haha!
Been together 3 years, not quite my dh but i hate saying partner or boyfriend cos hes as much a husband just without the ring lol! getting married in november 2014, was going to be november next year but i dont like the number 13 and he is still trying to persuade me lol!
We been arguing alot this wek which is what makes me think i am still pregnant, we never ever argue, or even bicker, but this past week i just fly off the handle at him for everything he says , which, i mean the day i found out i was pregnant with angel baby, we had had a huge arguement about absolutely nothing, first arguement ever, literally, and for some reason i went to asda and bought a pregnancy test and it was positive, so i came home with it n he asked me why id been in such a foul ood so i literally chucked the positive hpt at him n said well that explains it ! hha xxx
Wow! god thats wonderful!! Not as long as that haha!
Been together 3 years, not quite my dh but i hate saying partner or boyfriend cos hes as much a husband just without the ring lol! getting married in november 2014, was going to be november next year but i dont like the number 13 and he is still trying to persuade me lol!
We been arguing alot this wek which is what makes me think i am still pregnant, we never ever argue, or even bicker, but this past week i just fly off the handle at him for everything he says , which, i mean the day i found out i was pregnant with angel baby, we had had a huge arguement about absolutely nothing, first arguement ever, literally, and for some reason i went to asda and bought a pregnancy test and it was positive, so i came home with it n he asked me why id been in such a foul ood so i literally chucked the positive hpt at him n said well that explains it ! hha xxx

aww you are superstitious like Mine isnt so much about numbers but other weird things, or shall I say much weirder Like thinking that I cursed my pregnancy because I revealed it to a brother who seems to have bad luck. He always says he doesnt like his bday because supposedly bad things happen on that day. I was always scared to tell him about my pregnancy. Finally I decided to tell him the news. Like clockwork first I had spotting, and the day I went into the er waiting room, this man walks in and looks exactly like him and believe me when i say nobody looks like my brother. I told me husband, "this is an omen, not good" an hour later, i found out my baby died, the day after that i had the d&c and the next day lo and behold, it is my brothers b day
Several women I know used the dollar store hpts and got BFPs...I read somewhere they too have a 20-25 mIU sensitivity. And cramps?? Could be a good thing...

Yes, another birthday! October is a good month...I've stopped counting how many times I've turned 29! Haha! Normally we take a trip, but DH is going to be niece turns 16 the day before my birthday, so I might just go celebrate with her! If I O on schedule I'll test a week before my birthday, so at least I'll have the all clear for some vino :wine: or the even better, much awaited, over due and longed for BFP! :baby: So In a way it's a win-win...

Thanks Angel. I just realized I might of miscalculated when I ov, so I probably am out for the month. I am going to buy some of those cheapie tests, and test starting tomorrow, and I am definitely expecting a bfn, seeing as how it is way too early. I know I am setting myself up for failure, but I have this urge to poas that is so bad, I just have to. I think I might have ovulated way later than the last day dh and i bded. Oh well, next month I might just buy the opks!! So what kind of wine oo you prefer? Do you like doing wine pairings? Wine and cheese, or maybe dessert wine? I really feel like some nice wine right now, but I won't just in case by some freak chance that I am pregnant.

Me too Hun, I will be using my opk next cycle. :dohh: I really am still keeping my fingers crossed for you for this month though. I think you still have a good chance!

Amy, I think I am out!! :( I caved and bought the first response tests. The 3 pack. I am about 8dpo and it was a BFN!! I don't know what I was thinking. Have any of you got bfp on 8dpo?

No I haven't. Even though those say they detect 6dayd early , they never have for me. It detected the day af was due which was 14dpo :(
hi guys just caught up again :)
hope ye r all good today, nothing to report here, no news is good news at this stage though :) my sis came to my house for lunch which was lovely, now im trying to gather energy to beautify myself for my OH sis wedding tomor, we r staying there tomor nt so i wont be on here for the weekend , il have loads o catch up sun nt r mon :) ha ha
fx for ye all and :dust: xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Amy how are you this morning?

Laura no news is good news! I'm sure you'll look amazing at the wedding...just hope no one catches on to your pregnancy glow! :baby:

DH eventually remembered my appointment last night, so he cancelled the run! So off we went this morning and had a scan done...there are eggys! I need to look into this a bit more, because there is one in each ovary. One on right side is measuring at 17 one on left at 12. She said one on right could be getting ready, but it could be left over from pg?? The one on left will def burst by Tuesday, which matches up with my normal O cycle. My endometrial lining is at a 7 and should be an 8, so it matches up with O still being a few days out. She said the blood work will tell, so I am technically still waiting. Then she told DH we don't have to start BDing until Sunday...Now I won't hear the end of it b/c I told him we should start today to play it safe! Grr! On the bright side, I am not barren! Just have to keep POAS!

thansk angel. xx
will sun be cd 12 , thats my magic day, it made me concieve twice :) :)
great news and great reassurance to hear u have egg gearing up to become ur LO :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx u can always tell DH that in order for sperm to be fresh u should Bd at least once before sun, ur not meant to wait a long time before ttc to have sex cos the sperm be old sperm, better to 'unload' once before baby BD :)
hi guys just caught up again :)
hope ye r all good today, nothing to report here, no news is good news at this stage though :) my sis came to my house for lunch which was lovely, now im trying to gather energy to beautify myself for my OH sis wedding tomor, we r staying there tomor nt so i wont be on here for the weekend , il have loads o catch up sun nt r mon :) ha ha
fx for ye all and :dust: xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Amy how are you this morning?

Laura no news is good news! I'm sure you'll look amazing at the wedding...just hope no one catches on to your pregnancy glow! :baby:

DH eventually remembered my appointment last night, so he cancelled the run! So off we went this morning and had a scan done...there are eggys! I need to look into this a bit more, because there is one in each ovary. One on right side is measuring at 17 one on left at 12. She said one on right could be getting ready, but it could be left over from pg?? The one on left will def burst by Tuesday, which matches up with my normal O cycle. My endometrial lining is at a 7 and should be an 8, so it matches up with O still being a few days out. She said the blood work will tell, so I am technically still waiting. Then she told DH we don't have to start BDing until Sunday...Now I won't hear the end of it b/c I told him we should start today to play it safe! Grr! On the bright side, I am not barren! Just have to keep POAS!


Have a great time this weekend at the wedding Laura :hugs:

Angel, Im doing alright... still a bit emotional this morning but Ill be fine. Tested this morning again for s***s and giggles and still bfn plus I think Im starting to feel "AF aches" so Im not going to be testing anymore. If af doesnt come by monday though, Im going to make an apt to see if something is wrong or if I even O but with the "achey" feeling I have right now I *THINK* I did and will see af soon. I dont know why Im taking this so hard. Tech, this is the 1st time we tried since my D&C and it doesnt happen for everyone on the first shot so Im trying not to get to sad but I just had all these emotions yesterday that poured out of me because of this. I was thinking about our baby that I dont have anymore and my heart just sank. When DH came home, I started talking to him about it and just sobbed like I did the day of my surgery. Actually getting tears right now as I type this at my desk at work so I better stop but I am looking forward to trying again next cycle with those that are trying in Oct :flower:.Thanks again girls for your kind words and always making me feel better. :hugs:

:dust: to everyone... love you ladies!
amy hon it hasnt been long since ur loss, its natural to still be grieving x big hugs xxx
all along u were prob so focused on ttc u didnt allow urself, now its prob sneaking back out. cos u caught first time last time its only natural to hope u would this time too.
but just think u obvs can get preg fast u proved that last time , so dont worry on that score and maybe ur body is waiting a month for a sticky bean rather than get bfp now and more heartache later. xxxxxxxx i know its still dissappointing but try and hold onto that, its better to wait a little and get ur perfect LO . it wil happen honey xxxxxxxxxxxx
and sooner rather than later xxxxxxxx

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