Jen, not feeling enthused about this cycle. It hasn't happened yet so doubt this one will be different

but Thailand will soothe the pain of impending AF lol!
I would FLIP OUT on somebody for not getting a call!

girl. Oh but I see you got good results- HOORAY!
Laura, I'd be glad to be sick too

Your job does sound fantastic! Though I wouldn't mind living in one of the Nordic countries that have awesome maternity and paternity leave
Jessica, I think the softcups are more beneficial than not- Jen got her BFP using them

Pre-seed mimics fertile cervical mucus and is beneficial to the swimmers. It is pricey but lasts forever. And is preferable to regular lube IMO. I may never go back
Your MIL has to make herself important to your spouse through birth- she sounds like the typical Mormon chick who feels that her only worth is through motherhood. Motherhood is great but what about those who are infertile or have trouble carrying to term? Does God suddenly love the less? What about the single ladies? Gah I am getting mad at my religion all over again lol.
Amy, haha I am meat and potatoes like your spouse! I only bake as much sweets as I do because my husband needs things to graze on. And damn him and his amazing metabolism!
Angel, I know girls who got pregnant after a loss and were immediately complaining of symptoms. Made me sad. I would die for those symptoms, right?
Sorry to be absent- was doing my chores! Sour cream enchiladas made for dinner. Now to vacuum, do laundry, and cut and freeze veggies. Ugh.