ttc after a d&c

im so peed off, im reading game of thrones and i was on book 5 , i thought it was the last book but its not and i dont have the others, some not even written, i wouldnt have started it if i realised it wasnt done yet, i hate gaps with books, r movies r telly shows like that , i like to have um all back to back so u can get stuck in the story, doh!!!
itsmy own fault for not checking it out properly ha ha :)
im off to bed chicas talk soon xxxxxxxxxxx
Laura, my baked sweets are far from healthy but I don't really eat them hehe! All for my hubby. And yeah, I would love for my man to have paternity leave. Another hand to help out :)

OMG I am so excited! Got my passport back with my married name :D
Now if only the picture didn't look like hell. I look OLD. I seriously thought about getting bangs (fringe to you Irish lasses right? ;) ) but pretty much all of my friends and family told me that my hair is too wavy for that and I look like crap.

my hair isnt dead straight and i had fringe :) for ages.
the hairdresser even tried to talk me out of getting the fringe and then when it was cut she goes , oh my god i thought it would be horrible on u but its lovely :) she was for real. it did suit me :) if i do say so myself :)
so get one if u want one, u dont know what it look like till u try. get some of ur long hair and put it on ur forehead like its a fringe, thats how i decided i wanted one hee hee

but then we had to wear yucky hats at work that left a printed line on my fringe so i grew it out , doh . it is high maintanence too, i had to wash my hari every morn and train it to sit right :)
oh and ps hurray for new passport, that is exciting :) oooh ur so lucky goin to thailand, id love to go for a while now again :) :)
Laura, are the books good? I am a fan of the show :blush:
Oh and I have has fringe. My hair is wavy but gets worse when short so fringe is a lot of work for me and still wacky sometimes. But hey, makes me look like I am 12 lol
lol i think they do on the box jessica! If not try their website! I was waiting for the results. I actually just fought with the anwsering service and they brought me back to the lady that promised to call me today. She wasnt happy at all but I dont care at all!!! She wasnt nice but quickly said your hcg is 217 call your obgyn and they will monitor you from here on out!! Im like okay thank you for telling me this once my obgyn is closed! Darn office! Anyways I guess its a good jump 14 on monday to 217 on friday. I think im okay. Or at least I want to believe that. My family doctor still wont say im pregnant they said we cant say that you are til you have it confirmed!! whatever. They are stupid.

My stomach is growling. I hear your only suppost to eat for one but I feel im eatting for two just to keep my stomach quiet. Does your stomach growl and make strange sounds also Laura??? I dont remember this

Well, there you have it. Your hcg went up by over 200! That is great news. It means the pregnancy is progressing!! On the American pregnancy website, it says hcg levels vary greatly, and that everyone is different. Your hcg level is well over the minimum which is 18 according to the website! Its says hcg levels can vary so widely. So let me get this straight you have hcg level of 217, isn't that a confirmation. Jen, please don't listen to that lady, I do not understand how she can be so rude, especially to a pregnant woman! I would refuse to deal with her again, even report her. They need to know when their receptionists, nurses, etc. have very poor people skills. Anyways congrats on the hcg levels!!
oh my god ur poor hubby, she sounds crazy!!!! glad he escaped her clutches, she had him pratically brain washed. how oculd it poss be his fault , crazy x am every mother gives her child life, thats what the whole thing is about but u dont own ur LO :) xx

Yeah, she is quite crazy, thank God my husband didn't inherit that craziness. lol. He can be a bit stubborn though. hehe. Better than being a complete narcissist. :wacko:
Jen, not feeling enthused about this cycle. It hasn't happened yet so doubt this one will be different :) but Thailand will soothe the pain of impending AF lol!
I would FLIP OUT on somebody for not getting a call! :hugs: girl. Oh but I see you got good results- HOORAY!

Laura, I'd be glad to be sick too :D
Your job does sound fantastic! Though I wouldn't mind living in one of the Nordic countries that have awesome maternity and paternity leave :)

Jessica, I think the softcups are more beneficial than not- Jen got her BFP using them :)
Pre-seed mimics fertile cervical mucus and is beneficial to the swimmers. It is pricey but lasts forever. And is preferable to regular lube IMO. I may never go back
Your MIL has to make herself important to your spouse through birth- she sounds like the typical Mormon chick who feels that her only worth is through motherhood. Motherhood is great but what about those who are infertile or have trouble carrying to term? Does God suddenly love the less? What about the single ladies? Gah I am getting mad at my religion all over again lol.

Amy, haha I am meat and potatoes like your spouse! I only bake as much sweets as I do because my husband needs things to graze on. And damn him and his amazing metabolism!

Angel, I know girls who got pregnant after a loss and were immediately complaining of symptoms. Made me sad. I would die for those symptoms, right?

Sorry to be absent- was doing my chores! Sour cream enchiladas made for dinner. Now to vacuum, do laundry, and cut and freeze veggies. Ugh. :(

hmmm enchiladas!! are they stuffed with cheese or meat? You know what Bethany? To tell you the truth I don't even think it has much to do with being lds (although I have never thought about what you just mentioned, so who knows). I say this because these people don't even really follow the lds teachings, they are big hypocrites. They think because they never touched coffee or alcohol, that they are better than other people, but they are horrible human beings, so what good does it do to follow a few rules, when you go and treat people like crap? You get me? So Bethany, you say Texas Mormons are different than Utah Mormons, or more relaxed? Believe it or not I have never been to Utah. Would like to visit someday, to see where my hubby lived.
Laura, my baked sweets are far from healthy but I don't really eat them hehe! All for my hubby. And yeah, I would love for my man to have paternity leave. Another hand to help out :)

OMG I am so excited! Got my passport back with my married name :D
Now if only the picture didn't look like hell. I look OLD. I seriously thought about getting bangs (fringe to you Irish lasses right? ;) ) but pretty much all of my friends and family told me that my hair is too wavy for that and I look like crap.

Bethany, is your hair naturally curly or straight?? My hair super spiral curly, so hard to manage.. I hate it. I have always longed for straight silky hair! And girl, you look really young! So youthful. You actually look younger than your age. Can you believe I have been getting white hair since age 25? That was during my 2nd pregnancy. Now I have tons of white hair, too much for my age anyways.
ive been quiet cause i'm sad! :hissy:

i had a blood test done this weekend and the results are in -
i've got low progesterone apparently and i'm wondering if my old doc had entertained my request to test it when i was pg and spotting, would i still be having a baby by xmas.

storked, FREEZING veggies?! teach me!!!!!!!!!

lol DF says ive gone overboard with the freezing but i assured him im just getting this down to a science. -and i have been mad impressing myself. more on this later!

i love you all my preggos <3 <3 and ladies xoxoox


oh.... my mom's a hairdresser so i know: once you're done ttc, get a fringe and have your stylist use brazillian blowout in it - works like a charm to smooth things out and "train" your bangs to fall nicely. its got bad chemicals though, so wait!
They are stuffed with chicken and peppers and onions! The cheese is on top of the rotel and sour cream sauce. It was so yummy!
The problem with your in-laws and their rules is that they think they are being righteous but they aren't. Shunning your son and his family goes completely against what it means to be LDS where family is everything. And they sound judgy = prideful. Pride was what brought Lucifer down to where he is now (the tempter). Can you tell I give this lecture a lot? Ugh.*
Texas Mormons aren't real outgoing. They tend to be quiet, rule breakers with a ton of boundaries. Utahns seem to have a hive mind and are usually very NICE. The ones I know are always saying "in Utah we do it like this" or some such. Yeah, nobody cares how you did it in Utah.
And California Mormons are assholes :)
My hair is actually wavy but it is curly when short? I guess the weight of length makes it more wavy. I wish I had straight hair- my niece has straight hair and looks perfect with NO EFFORT on her part. Where is the justice in that?
Thanks for telling me I look young- I think the lighting was bad where I had the picture for passport done. I look like my skin is yellow with purple lipstick. And one eye is bigger and slightly higher than the other :(
Oh horsey I am so sorry :( will they give you progesterone things next time??

I don't freeze all veggies, but I freeze onions, green peppers, broccoli, squash, chives, celery and...I am missing some others but those are my main :) I just chop how I like and dump them in a freezer bag. Works for me! Oh you can freeze cabbage too!
I freeze everything. I use celery quite often but not in large quantities so it would go bad if I didn't, ya know?
I also freeze most leftovers for a later time. That way I don't always have to cook.
i hope now that we've caught it maybe it's an easy fix and might do the trick next time? that's what im hoping..... it's kind of a hit though that there's actually somethig _wrong_ with me. i'm always so average. there's never anything technically wrong with me regardless of what other tests ive had in the past.

squash, really?
i froze some raw cut up celery and onions thinking they'd do for soup.

i also had DF bbq some red peppers and froze those thinking we will thaw them and have them in paninis (grilled cheese with veggies that i do in the grill press thingi)
So sorry Horsey...maybe now they can straighten things out for you in the future. Fx! Addition: :hugs:

Bethany I too am new to the freezer drawer...just learned I can freeze soup the other week! And freezing veggies seems so clever! I'll have to give that a go! Love the tips I get on here!
Angel, I learn new things in cooking and food storage all the time from my sisters :)
Oh horsey those things you froze sounds perfect! I freeze bananas whole for smoothies. And grapes to snack on. And habaneros to spice up chili :)
Would they do progesterone cream or are there pills?
Horsey sending you a big :hug: I am very sorry you are sad :( I am so glad you found about your low levels. I hope they monitor and give you everything you need to have a health LO this time around. Your LO is coming dont you worry sweetie. Its hard to see how but its going to happen. :hugs:

Great veg idea!! My dh wont eat veggies but I LOVE them and always hate buying and wasting. I must start freezing. I use the glad freezer bags with the pump that takes out the air. Its cheap and easy! I too love the food ideas that come on this thread!!! Bethany thank you!!!

As for hair I have no idea. My hair is wave so I have to use a straightener and hair dryer on it unless its out of control. Also I too starting getting white (gray) hair at age 21. Perhaps its genetic or stress related?? idk.

Oh I forgot to say I called the hospital and my insurance company and gave them an ear full for sending me to collects when they never billed me!! The hospital said they sent out statements electronically. Well I told them they better hire someone to be incharge of checking them because I never recieved mine and didnt appreciate it going to collections. Also I found out that my insurance company never payed the doctor part of the bill and they where trying to make me pay for that too. So a 510.51 bill should be going to 250. What a difference!!! These insurance companies try to get away with things! Know your policies ladies!!
Yum frozen grapes are yummy!! I havent done that in a while!! I usually stock up when they go on sale for .99 a lb. Yum now I want to go get some but at 2.79 a lb ill try to wait...
Yay another frozen grapes fan! Jen, my hubby hates them for some reason! What did the collection/billets say? Are they fixing it? And yay for getting reduced bill! I had to call like crazy after my D&C for ridiculous bills- I have excellent coverage and they weren't showing it. And then I got refused at first because they thought I has an abortion and not a D&C due to miscarriage. Always something huh?
yes they are. i still havent recieved my d&c bill yet.... my copay could be 550 but its way better then the 13,600 the insurance company paid. im still waiting to see if i actually owe anything though... Its horrible having to keep reliving that day just because they cant do their billing correctly! Insurance companies and hospitals need to get their act together
Awe horsey, I'm sorry they didn't catch that sooner. I really hope they are able to raise those levels and you have your healthy bean! Lots of dust to you!

Frozen green grapes are my fav!!! Yum!!!

Jen I hate ins! Ours did the same thing! They think that no one will catch thier mistakes grrrrr! I'm glad your bill won't be so high fx the d&c won't be too bad either.

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