ttc after a d&c

Jessica I used softcups thanks to bethany this past cycle and fell pregnant right away so I really do think they help keep them close to cervix. You should try to raise your legs or lift your bottom before you insert them and then stay there for a little to give them the best chance. They after its nice to know they can stay there for a few hours. Preseed can be added to the cup to to help them swim if youd like.

So pre-seed is good for couples ttc, right? I went to the website. Does it actually help the swimmers? I hear it is expensive, but will be willing to try anything.

haha no i make my own stuff.Its more special that way. I actually made them after working a 9hr shift! Im nuts but was soo overjoyed I didnt care I had to go back to work the next morning. Glad you like them! Too bad I couldnt share them with you ladies! They where yummy.

Its 4:30 now and no returned call yet.... GRR im going to call them in 10 minutes. I am trying to be patient because this office hates being annoyed and I bothered them friday about this and I think I drove them a little batty. So I decided to be calm today. Making Roast Beef Yellow String Beans (dh request) zucchine and roasted potatoes for dinner. I cant wait to eat im starved!

Time is going soooo slow atm!!! Im so antsy now for that call!

Yuuuummmmmmmmmmm... can you ship some to me? Please and thanks. heheh

Amy, do you know how to make a lot of Indian dishes? And what is your specialty? I am part Salvadorean, and I don't know how to make much food from their, only a couple dishes. My mom married a gringo (my dad) and got accustomed to making mostly american food. We would usually go out to eat Salvadorean food. I do make a lot of Mexican food. (sad I know, since I am not even Mexican and can't even make Salvadorean food). lol. I also like making Italian and French dishes. hehe

ooh nice!!! Ive never had Salvadorean food! I can make a few things but I too make more american, mexican, italian... other stuff besides Indian food LOL My hubby is a meat and potatoes man but his pallet has really changed and evolved since he met me :)
Im sooo scared to try soft cups. I know you girls have but Im terrified to even stick my finger up there or anything too.. I know, Im like 12 but its the truth. :oops:

Amy, I used them and I still fear I wasn't using them right. lol. I thought I would put them in right but sometimes when I had af, it would spill out (sorry tmi), that is why I stopped using them. So I am thinking if I can't even use them right for af, how will I do it right after bding. lol. I am willing to give it a try though, maybe they have step by step instructions somewhere. lol. You know, for us newcomers!! hehe
ooh nice!!! Ive never had Salvadorean food! I can make a few things but I too make more american, mexican, italian... other stuff besides Indian food LOL My hubby is a meat and potatoes man but his pallet has really changed and evolved since he met me :)[/QUOTE]

All American husband, huh! That's just like my dad, he was from the East Coast, Brockton, Massachusetts to be exact. He lived right by Plymouth Rock (you know, where the pilgrims arrived) and my ancestors were some of those pilgrims on the Mayflower. So he had a lot of east coast values, he never was quite a Californian, he was always an old school east coast guy. So anyways, my mom trained him on some Salvadorean dishes, and he actually learned how to cook some of those dishes pretty darn good! So my mom learned how to make his good ole american dishes.
lol i think they do on the box jessica! If not try their website! I was waiting for the results. I actually just fought with the anwsering service and they brought me back to the lady that promised to call me today. She wasnt happy at all but I dont care at all!!! She wasnt nice but quickly said your hcg is 217 call your obgyn and they will monitor you from here on out!! Im like okay thank you for telling me this once my obgyn is closed! Darn office! Anyways I guess its a good jump 14 on monday to 217 on friday. I think im okay. Or at least I want to believe that. My family doctor still wont say im pregnant they said we cant say that you are til you have it confirmed!! whatever. They are stupid.

My stomach is growling. I hear your only suppost to eat for one but I feel im eatting for two just to keep my stomach quiet. Does your stomach growl and make strange sounds also Laura??? I dont remember this
Im sooo scared to try soft cups. I know you girls have but Im terrified to even stick my finger up there or anything too.. I know, Im like 12 but its the truth. :oops:

Amy, I used them and I still fear I wasn't using them right. lol. I thought I would put them in right but sometimes when I had af, it would spill out (sorry tmi), that is why I stopped using them. So I am thinking if I can't even use them right for af, how will I do it right after bding. lol. I am willing to give it a try though, maybe they have step by step instructions somewhere. lol. You know, for us newcomers!! hehe

ooh nice!!! Ive never had Salvadorean food! I can make a few things but I too make more american, mexican, italian... other stuff besides Indian food LOL My hubby is a meat and potatoes man but his pallet has really changed and evolved since he met me :)

All American husband, huh! That's just like my dad, he was from the East Coast, Brockton, Massachusetts to be exact. He lived right by Plymouth Rock (you know, where the pilgrims arrived) and my ancestors were some of those pilgrims on the Mayflower. So he had a lot of east coast values, he never was quite a Californian, he was always an old school east coast guy. So anyways, my mom trained him on some Salvadorean dishes, and he actually learned how to cook some of those dishes pretty darn good! So my mom learned how to make his good ole american dishes.[/QUOTE]

Heheh thats my hubby! He is from Long Island, NY!

Jen, grrrrrr that girl sounds like a b****!!! :growlmad: I think that is a great jump in HGC levels.. why they wont say youre pg I dont know but its obv to me!
[Yes Laura, I have known a few people like this. And no matter what happens it is all about them, even if you have a personal tragedy, they some how find a way to make your tragedy theirs. My husbands mother is a narcissist. In fact, I think she has Narcissistic Personality Disorder. She fits all the characteristics. All of her family cater to her personality, this is the reason my husbands whole family turned their back on him. She uses something against everybody, and makes the whole world about herself. Luckily my hubby met me and left that whole crazy environment. His mother raised him teaching him that he owed her his life, because if it wasn't for her, he would have never been born. She told him that he was suppose to be aborted because he was killing her through her pregnancy with him, and that supposedly she decided not to abort him and she saved his life. Can you believe when I met him, he had this mindset, because it was drilled into him his whole life. She also blamed him for a blood vessel she broke while giving birth to him. I would say this woman is either very evil or has some severe personality disorder. :wacko: . I can say with certainty it is a good thing that they disowned him and we have nothing to do with these people.

oh my god ur poor hubby, she sounds crazy!!!! glad he escaped her clutches, she had him pratically brain washed. how oculd it poss be his fault , crazy x am every mother gives her child life, thats what the whole thing is about but u dont own ur LO :) xx
Laura threadmill soo lucky! Id love to have one of them to walk on! :)
Im sooo scared to try soft cups. I know you girls have but Im terrified to even stick my finger up there or anything too.. I know, Im like 12 but its the truth. :oops:
Honestly...I felt the same, but I didn't think about the retrieval process the first time I tried it! I was just excited to give it a dry/practice run before "show time!" Imagine my surprise when I had to take it out! :dohh:

Amy, I used them and I still fear I wasn't using them right. lol. I thought I would put them in right but sometimes when I had af, it would spill out (sorry tmi), that is why I stopped using them. So I am thinking if I can't even use them right for af, how will I do it right after bding. lol. I am willing to give it a try though, maybe they have step by step instructions somewhere. lol. You know, for us newcomers!! hehe
My suggestion for step by step, ask Jen or Bethany! That diagram confused me! :shrug:

lol i think they do on the box jessica! If not try their website! I was waiting for the results. I actually just fought with the anwsering service and they brought me back to the lady that promised to call me today. She wasnt happy at all but I dont care at all!!! She wasnt nice but quickly said your hcg is 217 call your obgyn and they will monitor you from here on out!! Im like okay thank you for telling me this once my obgyn is closed! Darn office! Anyways I guess its a good jump 14 on monday to 217 on friday. I think im okay. Or at least I want to believe that. My family doctor still wont say im pregnant they said we cant say that you are til you have it confirmed!! whatever. They are stupid.
What a pill that nurse seems to be! Meanwhile, you got the results and they've more than doubled! :wohoo:
jen oh no asses how awfull, they should so have got back to u , give um hell tomoro.
i think that u were sick is a great sign though hon, u wouldnt have enough hcg to make u throw up if u werent doin ok xxxx big hugs, xxx

amy i dont even use tampons cos i tried when 12 and got afraid of um then :)
so dont be embarassed :)
i put one in and went swimming but it wasnt in properly and swelled up and kinda popped out in the pool , i was morto and havent tried since!!! if they had soft cups here i prob would have tried and failed to use um :)

jessica preseed replaces ur own lubrication , it makes it easier for swimmers to get up there :)
lol i think they do on the box jessica! If not try their website! I was waiting for the results. I actually just fought with the anwsering service and they brought me back to the lady that promised to call me today. She wasnt happy at all but I dont care at all!!! She wasnt nice but quickly said your hcg is 217 call your obgyn and they will monitor you from here on out!! Im like okay thank you for telling me this once my obgyn is closed! Darn office! Anyways I guess its a good jump 14 on monday to 217 on friday. I think im okay. Or at least I want to believe that. My family doctor still wont say im pregnant they said we cant say that you are til you have it confirmed!! whatever. They are stupid.

My stomach is growling. I hear your only suppost to eat for one but I feel im eatting for two just to keep my stomach quiet. Does your stomach growl and make strange sounds also Laura??? I dont remember this

oh thanks god thats brill babe, so happy x
yeah it does , im bloody starving most of the time im awake !!!
i slept last nt for 13 hrs and then got up and was so hungry i had chick and potatoe pie straight away, i usually cant eat straight when i get up, then i went 4 hrs without food and i thought i was gonna faint or throw up :)
i was like this last time for weeks 4 ish to week 6 ish and then got really queasy and went off food a little xx
Laura threadmill soo lucky! Id love to have one of them to walk on! :)

it is great cos my doc told me DO NOT take up anything till after 12 weeks so i have to have something to do and our weather is appalling for outdoor walks :) i bought it when we bought the house, i got it half price in a sale,it was worth every penny, i love it, i go on it with my book and time just dissappears :)
Laura and me crazy, but your symptoms sound appealing! I wonder if women who've suffered a mc are the only one's who welcome the sickness and the aches with pregnancy. Grow little peanuts grow!
aw angel thanks i was just saying that to OH , most people would think we r mad being happy to feel sick, u will be with us soon honey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
when u testing ? xx
Everyone did disappear from here! No for testing, I have no idea. Not being 100% on my CD1, but knowing I O'd yesterday how do I figure that out? Wonder if there is a website that will let me use O instead? I am going to ask the Dr Wed if she can do an early blood test b/c DH leaves the 12 and well, if he has to deposit :spermy: we need to know beforehand. Ha! Just hope she obliges my request...
Jen, not feeling enthused about this cycle. It hasn't happened yet so doubt this one will be different :) but Thailand will soothe the pain of impending AF lol!
I would FLIP OUT on somebody for not getting a call! :hugs: girl. Oh but I see you got good results- HOORAY!

Laura, I'd be glad to be sick too :D
Your job does sound fantastic! Though I wouldn't mind living in one of the Nordic countries that have awesome maternity and paternity leave :)

Jessica, I think the softcups are more beneficial than not- Jen got her BFP using them :)
Pre-seed mimics fertile cervical mucus and is beneficial to the swimmers. It is pricey but lasts forever. And is preferable to regular lube IMO. I may never go back

Amy, haha I am meat and potatoes like your spouse! I only bake as much sweets as I do because my husband needs things to graze on. And damn him and his amazing metabolism!

Angel, I know girls who got pregnant after a loss and were immediately complaining of symptoms. Made me sad. I would die for those symptoms, right?

Sorry to be absent- was doing my chores! Sour cream enchiladas made for dinner. Now to vacuum, do laundry, and cut and freeze veggies. Ugh. :(
angel she should do like u said if ur paying , no reason they shouldnt :)
i suppose take Ov day as 14? and just work form there :) u can test 12dpo then and see but could still be too early for pee test. maybe get him to leave 'deposit' just in case? ;)

bethany i was talking to my niece today and she said dads in norway get 3 months pat leave, dads in irl get none , mean!! :)
ur so good with ur healthy cooking, im gettin abck into it now too that im not at work xx
Laura, my baked sweets are far from healthy but I don't really eat them hehe! All for my hubby. And yeah, I would love for my man to have paternity leave. Another hand to help out :)

OMG I am so excited! Got my passport back with my married name :D
Now if only the picture didn't look like hell. I look OLD. I seriously thought about getting bangs (fringe to you Irish lasses right? ;) ) but pretty much all of my friends and family told me that my hair is too wavy for that and I look like crap.

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