ttc after a d&c

I am so sorry to vent ladies. I almost feel like leaving my husband. He is so damn insensitive, I am not even sure if I want to have another child with him anymore. He comes home today I tell him I am not pregnant, that I got another negative test, and he just walks off like he doesn't give a damn, and treats me with coldness the rest of the night. He doesn't talk to me, and when he does only answers any question I ask him, and he answers very coldly. He doesn't even seem to give a damn that a am very emotionally vulnerable. And believe me, its not because he is sad or anything about me not getting pregnant. He doesn't even seem to care about ttc or anything. He is very apathetic at times, and I have always struggled with him about this. And yes, I think it has something to do with the screwed up people who raised him. But I shouldn't be the one to suffer because of that. I just got into a big fight with, I even told him I feel suicidal, and he seems to not care. I feel he should be one of my biggest supports right now, and he isn't. I don't even know what to do anymore. :cry:
I am so sorry to vent ladies. I almost feel like leaving my husband. He is so damn insensitive, I am not even sure if I want to have another child with him anymore. He comes home today I tell him I am not pregnant, that I got another negative test, and he just walks off like he doesn't give a damn, and treats me with coldness the rest of the night. He doesn't talk to me, and when he does only answers any question I ask him, and he answers very coldly. He doesn't even seem to give a damn that a am very emotionally vulnerable. And believe me, its not because he is sad or anything about me not getting pregnant. He doesn't even seem to care about ttc or anything. He is very apathetic at times, and I have always struggled with him about this. And yes, I think it has something to do with the screwed up people who raised him. But I shouldn't be the one to suffer because of that. I just got into a big fight with, I even told him I feel suicidal, and he seems to not care. I feel he should be one of my biggest supports right now, and he isn't. I don't even know what to do anymore. :cry:

Oh Jessica, first off no suicidal thoughts! Although we have never met, you have given us the pleasure of getting to to know you and establishing a great friendship. The world wouldn't be the same without you. Big hugs Hun! Did he just come home from work upset about something? Maybe something happened to him today? I hope you are able to get him to talk and share what's going on. Please don't think you are alone or that no one cares, we do! And don't ever apologize for venting, we are here for you!
Jen, I totally agree. And it was ridiculous all the different bills there are! I had one from the anesthesiologist, one from the lab, one from the clinic that I had been attending and one from the hospital. Crazy. And I had to call on *all* of them!

Jessica, I am so sorry dear. I know how hard it can be when you need them and they are too busy being pissy because of a perceived slight. Men are so less than perfect :(
Right now, things are dark for you. But you don't want to end your life and leave your girls alone to deal with his coldness in the future. And I think that you have more babies that will come to you. It is just hard to feel that way when you feel so empty inside every day. But you will be whole again, I promise. We love you and are here to support you
Laura, are the books good? I am a fan of the show :blush:
Oh and I have has fringe. My hair is wavy but gets worse when short so fringe is a lot of work for me and still wacky sometimes. But hey, makes me look like I am 12 lol

yeah they are good hon, takes about 200 pages in frst one to get going, lots of explaining and describing first :) but they r good, but i hate being left in limbo waiting for more :) il have forgotten half the stuff by the time he writes the next one :)
oh soz i picked u up wrong on the fringe :) xx
ive been quiet cause i'm sad! :hissy:

i had a blood test done this weekend and the results are in -
i've got low progesterone apparently and i'm wondering if my old doc had entertained my request to test it when i was pg and spotting, would i still be having a baby by xmas.

storked, FREEZING veggies?! teach me!!!!!!!!!

lol DF says ive gone overboard with the freezing but i assured him im just getting this down to a science. -and i have been mad impressing myself. more on this later!

i love you all my preggos <3 <3 and ladies xoxoox


oh.... my mom's a hairdresser so i know: once you're done ttc, get a fringe and have your stylist use brazillian blowout in it - works like a charm to smooth things out and "train" your bangs to fall nicely. its got bad chemicals though, so wait!

oh no babe stupid ass doctors xxxx big hugs xxxxxxxxxx :hugs:
Haha Laura I read an author like that. She takes nearly 5 years to write every dang book!
Oh horsey I am so sorry :( will they give you progesterone things next time??

I don't freeze all veggies, but I freeze onions, green peppers, broccoli, squash, chives, celery and...I am missing some others but those are my main :) I just chop how I like and dump them in a freezer bag. Works for me! Oh you can freeze cabbage too!
I freeze everything. I use celery quite often but not in large quantities so it would go bad if I didn't, ya know?
I also freeze most leftovers for a later time. That way I don't always have to cook.

silly qs prob but do u cook um and then freeze um or just chop um and freeze um. when i cook and freeze them , and then deforst they get a bit mushy? :)
Laura, I dot ever defrost them- I usually dump them in a pan and cook them. :)
But most I just chop and freeze! Cabbage needs to be boiled first :D
jen how annoying silly insurance companies, thank god u r clever enough to keep an eye on um xxx
do ye defrost the grapes or use um for smoothies cos im always buying grapes and dont eat um all before they turn, its such a waste :)
jessica i second amy, thats awfull u feel so bad, big hugs xxxxxxxxx
do u have someone else u talk to, i know now that my OH aint the best talker most of the time so i talk to others and get my needs to vent sorted that way, plus i have here which is the best :) loves ya, big hugs xxxx
Laura, I just eat grapes frozen. But I use frozen bananas in smoothies for a more icy feel without having to use ice :)
Laura, I dot ever defrost them- I usually dump them in a pan and cook them. :)
But most I just chop and freeze! Cabbage needs to be boiled first :D

thansk hon :) good idea, i buy things and end up making way too much soup to make um not be waste :) ive soup coming out my ears ha ha x
I freeze leftover soup too :D
Oh strawberries! Mmmm. I have some whipping cream here somewhere :D
All of this talk about freezing foods is making me want to go buy in bulk just so I have the opportunity to try! I just read I can freeze cherries, too bad they've already gone out of season :(

Jessica. Right now has to be one of the most difficult times for you. :hugs: You have to start getting sleep to help clear your know the void, the hole, the vacuum you feel inside because of your loss? Well, your daughters will feel that 10x more if they were to lose you. Sorry your DH isn't more receptive to your needs...guess that is what we are here for! Vent away doll! Your rainbow is coming! Sending positive thoughts and the sandman your way!

Wonder how Natasha is doing? Danni, if you're lurking...:wave:

Bethany how great is it that you have sisters that teach you things about cooking...not sure I've taught my sister anything other than how to tie her shoes and ride a bike! :bike:

G'morning Laura, Jen, Amy (& colleaguezilla), Horsey...and anyone I might have missed my apologies, but :dust:
Angel, I never thought about cherries! Maybe for my husband eventually :) I think he likes them. Do you just have a small freezer like me? Wish I had a bigger one but that is crazy for just me and him. Though I could fill it with enough ice to save me trips to get more hehe. ICE EATER! What would you fill it with?
Aw and thanks, my sisters are pretty nifty. They could probably teach me more if I decorated. Or took up crafty hobbies :D and don't be hard on yourself- the bike and shoes are hard work! Still tie mine funny. Thank God for Velcro growing up hehe
How are you doing today? :flower:
Lol...Velcro! I have a freezer drawer...pretty spacious, currently has some icecream, bagels, frozen pizza, some soup and wild game (DH loves hunting). Now that I know I can freeze more things I'm going to try, but don't I have to cook first? Hmmm.

I'm good. DH woke in a frenzy thinking we had to BD this morning as well...I told him not really, but he insist we have to once more today around lunch. Where was this man Saturday when I was panicked because of +ve OPKs? I cannot win! How is your day? Anything fun on the menu?
What ice cream? (waggles brows)
Does he cook the meat? I wish my husband cooked meat! I am not a griller but used to date a guy who did. Dot miss him but I do miss the food ;)
Cook when you want. When I worked I never cooked. I wanted to spend my free time doing what I wanted and cooking feels like work to me lol

Your DH was freaking out because he trusts the doctor over you (eye roll)
Men eh?

The meal for tonight was chicken stew but I am leaning more toward homemade Mac n cheese. With basil pesto added. Drool!
As for the day, haven't brought myself to do anything yet. How about you lady? :D
Haha! Haagen Das sorbet (any) my favs! DH is a Ben & Jerry's fan. And yes, DH is the grill master...I rarely eat red meat or wild game, so that is his show! We designated the fridge in the garage to him because he once let mahi-mahi darn near spoil in the kitchen's!

Yummy to the Mac and cheese w/ basil pesto..double yum! I am still not showered (11:11am). Having a nice cup of decaf coffee---still weaning myself and debating on if I want to cancel acupuncture (it's raining) or not. So it seems we have both been lounging! Haha.
Hi ladies! :wave:

All this talk of food and freezing things and Bethany's dinner.. my stomach is like FEED ME NOW! I hope you all are having a wonderful day. How are our little preggers doing (Jen & Laura)? Danni & horsey, hope you gals are doing great! Jessica, Im hoping you were able to get some rest last night. Let us know that youre ok hun!

Big hugs to all and lots of :dust:

...Angel... colleaguezilla... :rofl:

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