ttc after a d&c

Hello ladies, I am very new to all of this but I am just needing some support from women that know how I feel. On July 24th I had a D&C because our baby stopped developing and no heartbeat at 9 weeks. Upon genetic testing we found that the baby had Trisomy 22. Afterwards, I was in so much pain, bled for 3 weeks and finally got the "go ahead" and try again. As soon as my cycle started my dr put me on 50mg of Clomid to jump start my ovulation in August, well nothing happened, BFN. So my next cycle she bumped me up to 100mg of Clomid and I think I finally OVULATED!!!! Ive been doing BBT and got a temp drop yesterday and checking my CM and got EWCM yesterday and O pains for the past 2 days. We BD'ed last night so Im hoping and praying it worked.

hi hon, welcome and :hugs:
hope ur holding up ok, its a really tough time xxxx
fx it works for u this cycle babe xx
aaronswoman79, i just got caught up and read that your DH, like my DF, was an ass recently. mine is the same way and here comes the questionable part cause im gonna sound insensitive. what i noticed is that i get really sensitive around o and question whether i really want to have a baby with my DF! sound familiar? what i learned from dr. google is that there's some evidence saying that we women get insecure around that point in our cycle (around o) which is totally inconvenient right? cause we need them to step up, behave passionately and reassure us that they are the one and can be relied on to be supportive when we are in need etc. such a pain.... because it sounds like ours are the same type, where the more you care and need them and pressure them, the more they shut down and give you that bored attitude - you wanna shake em and be LIKE HELLO R YOU HUMAN IN THERE!!?!? heh. that's my take. but it sounds like alls well that ends well and you guys got quality time in. we managed to do the same. so happy 2ww :) you may try having a talk with him and let him on to the fact that around o time maybe he should ship shape up. maybe he cares more than he is letting on. hugs.
Laura, funny thing is dh and I were talking about making a trip out there! Dont know when but we wanted to do a whole euro trip! He wants to do Ireland, France, Italy and UK! A good friend of mine moved back to France so it would be great to come out there and see people I know too!! :plane:
So called the doctor the nurse said she will send a request to the docvftor to see if she would like me to go for bloodwork or not. That was a few hours ago so I am assuming ill just have to wait this out til Oct 9 for my paperwork consultation.... I would just like to know if my hcg levels are okay and are increasing its not like im asking for an ultrasound.. Jeez... I pay for the tests and service and they still dont want to give the patient a peace of mind. Thank God for you ladies!! All of you are heaven sent! I feel as I can live with whatever is ment to be just knowing your here either way. I would be lost without you ladies!!<3

I cant wait for ALL of us the be having our babys. It will be so cool to watch each of us have our babies one right after another. I know its going to happen and I cant wait!!


arrggghhh silly docs, i know i been thinking of asking for the same, but i only have 2 weeks for scan so i should just wait, it would be reassuring though alright.
i was at my parents house today and u know the way i said my SIl who is due within 2 days of lile has scan on same day as me, my mom said it to me as well, like she was expecting me to be happy about it, r something.
i just said i would prefer not to have it on same day cos i dont wanna tell anymore people yet til i know things r ok. she gave me a weird look , so i said 'well i should have a lile scan then too' and nearly started crying and she kind of got a bit fed up looking, is she fed up of being sad when i get reminded i lost my baby and why did she wanna remind me in first place,
im prob over reacting , but my mom is a real , get up, dust urself off move on type person. i think she thinks my nerves this time r over reaction. she had 12 kids with no losses so she just doesnt get it. :cry:
i know i am really really gratefull i got my bfp, it makes me really happy but im afraid to be too happy and i dont think its unreasonable :)
Laura, funny thing is dh and I were talking about making a trip out there! Dont know when but we wanted to do a whole euro trip! He wants to do Ireland, France, Italy and UK! A good friend of mine moved back to France so it would be great to come out there and see people I know too!! :plane:

that would be really cool :) x
Move to Texas during the winters Jen! Much warmer :D
I don't listen to music as much as I used to. But I did realize that a lot of my favorite stuff is depressing, lyric-wise. But the music is so relaxing! Any fave genres?
I can't wait for us all to have those babies either. We can start another group then!
And we will ALWAYS be here for you :hugs:
It does seem ridiculous to me that they are giving you the run around. You are the client and free to go elsewhere. Have you thought about trying your luck some other place where they might be more attentive? TLC from clinics is proven to lower miscarriage rates. That is science!

Laura, we would live to go to Ireland! I'd play with your kitty and ferrets. And we could bitch about men. You could introduce me to a pub (I hear that they aren't like a bar lol). I could gaze at you all day and listen to your awesome accent ;) and you could teach me some Irish! I only know a little Scottish Gaelic. Ciamar a tha thu? :)
So sorry about your mum expecting you to get all excited for SIL. Mums can be dolts sometimes and just generally unaware of what other people would recognize as being painful. Mine included.

Horsey, you are spot on about that hormonal roller coaster. Mine hits during the TWW- and not even about TTC stuff. My husband threw clean clothes on the floor last night and I started tearing up. Over that!
You are wise and need to post more often because I LOVE YOU. Though I can always stalk you on FB ;)

Amy, that vacay sounds perfect! Would y'all backpack? Enjoy the pastries. I still dream about the incredible food I had in Europe.*
im skitting bethany :) id love if we could all hang out, it would be really really nice :)
i think we would all be happy having veggy girlie days :) surrounded by pets ha ha, with all the baby ferrets id prob have a pet for everyone :)
ive calmed down about my mom now but it hurt at the time :)
i second that horsey, we dont hear enough from u , ur clever and lovely :) xxx
Thanks for the sweet messages everybody! I feel a tad bit better today. When I first joined and was reading some of the posts of all of you complaining about hubbies, I really wanted to join in too! But I was scared that dh might come across this website to find it, because he knows my username and has looked over my shoulder when I post here. lol. And of course that would create a whole shit storm. I am so sorry to post such negative things. But this man, I just don't understand him. He really seems to lack people skills, or husband skills for that matter. I really have no real friends, mostly acquaintances. Well, since I got pregnant with the first at 19, my life no longer aligned with the friends that I had. None of them had children, and our lifestyles just kind of drifted apart. So I dedicated the rest of those years to my daughter and care giving my father. I guess I feel kind of like an outsider where I live. And to tell you the truth, I am a bit of an introvert, but it has gotten the best of me. Because I have learned that you truly do need people.
angel what state are you from? Its raining here in pa also..

Jessica big hugs to you! Im so sorry men are so insensitive. I really feel its theit nature and when we show weakness they at all costs :( is your mom there for you? I second what these lovely ladies said. We love you and amy said it best your dd needs you also. Can u maybe go for counselling? Perhaps that would help you escape the house for a little and organize how you feel. We are here for you! :hug:

Thats terrible all those bills came seperate! My insurance company cant do that to me because i know my copay is all i owe if anything. It was.may and the hospital still doesnt.have an actual eob.... Nutty

Thx for caring Jen. The only thing that I feel will help me is to have a baby inside my tummy again. That is all I want. I hope I can get my wish soon enough. :hugs: Good advice on the counselor. I guess it wouldn't hurt. Thank u. :)
jessica we r here for u hon xxxxxxx glad u found this thread too xxxxx
i tell ye things i woldnt tell my friends, this place is really speacial xx
is there any groups for moms with kids r anything u could go to in ur area?
u sound like u give alot of urself and dont take much time out for u, maybe u need to give urself a break and dont be too hard on urself. u do a lot and im sure there are loads of people who care for u and would be there for u if u can let um in a little, i know its hard if ur out of practise but its worth it :)
hoep u dont think im speaking out of turn xxxxxxx i mean well xxxxxxxx
oh and ps jessica i too was afraid to write things about OH for a bit but now i think feck him, its all true and if he is nosy enough to spy on me its his own fault ha ha :)
xxx and he may get to understand me more and know where my moods come from when the bad mood appears :) x
Laura, funny thing is dh and I were talking about making a trip out there! Dont know when but we wanted to do a whole euro trip! He wants to do Ireland, France, Italy and UK! A good friend of mine moved back to France so it would be great to come out there and see people I know too!! :plane:

that would be really cool :) x

Move to Texas during the winters Jen! Much warmer :D
I don't listen to music as much as I used to. But I did realize that a lot of my favorite stuff is depressing, lyric-wise. But the music is so relaxing! Any fave genres?
I can't wait for us all to have those babies either. We can start another group then!
And we will ALWAYS be here for you :hugs:
It does seem ridiculous to me that they are giving you the run around. You are the client and free to go elsewhere. Have you thought about trying your luck some other place where they might be more attentive? TLC from clinics is proven to lower miscarriage rates. That is science!

Laura, we would live to go to Ireland! I'd play with your kitty and ferrets. And we could bitch about men. You could introduce me to a pub (I hear that they aren't like a bar lol). I could gaze at you all day and listen to your awesome accent ;) and you could teach me some Irish! I only know a little Scottish Gaelic. Ciamar a tha thu? :)
So sorry about your mum expecting you to get all excited for SIL. Mums can be dolts sometimes and just generally unaware of what other people would recognize as being painful. Mine included.

Horsey, you are spot on about that hormonal roller coaster. Mine hits during the TWW- and not even about TTC stuff. My husband threw clean clothes on the floor last night and I started tearing up. Over that!
You are wise and need to post more often because I LOVE YOU. Though I can always stalk you on FB ;)

Amy, that vacay sounds perfect! Would y'all backpack? Enjoy the pastries. I still dream about the incredible food I had in Europe.*

Oye now he is adding more places.. Netherlands, Spain, Greece.. Im like and how are we going to take all this time off and pay for all this? He said ok ok we'll talk about it later, just got excited. I said if we go to Ireland, we will have to meet up with Laura and france, Joanne :) He said OK! yay!! I want to go now!

Bethany, I really have no idea what we would do. We also have to figure out what to do in the event we have a LO with us... plans are still in the preliminary stages lol
Jessica, dont worry. I think its safe to say this is a great group of ladies who dont judge. We all have our "Grr hubby" moments and vent. Vent away hun!
amy that trip sounds brilliant :) when u r gettin plane to europe u may as well take in as much as u can :)
welcome back angel :) do u feel the needles in acupuncture r is it just relaxing ?
i love reiki and reflexology but am not a massive fan o needles , although i have gotten better with um :)
and i agree showers r for days when u do something haha
im watching 21 jump st, it is stupid but funny, i needed to lighten up this eve :)
I am so sorry to vent ladies. I almost feel like leaving my husband. He is so damn insensitive, I am not even sure if I want to have another child with him anymore. He comes home today I tell him I am not pregnant, that I got another negative test, and he just walks off like he doesn't give a damn, and treats me with coldness the rest of the night. He doesn't talk to me, and when he does only answers any question I ask him, and he answers very coldly. He doesn't even seem to give a damn that a am very emotionally vulnerable. And believe me, its not because he is sad or anything about me not getting pregnant. He doesn't even seem to care about ttc or anything. He is very apathetic at times, and I have always struggled with him about this. And yes, I think it has something to do with the screwed up people who raised him. But I shouldn't be the one to suffer because of that. I just got into a big fight with, I even told him I feel suicidal, and he seems to not care. I feel he should be one of my biggest supports right now, and he isn't. I don't even know what to do anymore. :cry:

Oh Jessica, first off no suicidal thoughts! Although we have never met, you have given us the pleasure of getting to to know you and establishing a great friendship. The world wouldn't be the same without you. Big hugs Hun! Did he just come home from work upset about something? Maybe something happened to him today? I hope you are able to get him to talk and share what's going on. Please don't think you are alone or that no one cares, we do! And don't ever apologize for venting, we are here for you!

Thanks for the encouraging words Amy. Sometimes I just feel so darn desperate. I am just mad that I couldn't get bfp this cycle, and after all the problems with my hubby with the bding and him being difficult and all. I was actually scared to not get pregnant, in fear that this next month when it is ttc time, he is even more difficult. You are right about something happening to him. He has a very stressful, high demand job, basically works around a bunch of idiots, and then he brings that stress home, instead of leaving it at work. But he screwed with the wrong person last night! :nope: Thanks for caring Amy! You really helped me a great deal. :flower:
hi girls im still lurkin love u all im gonna come on properly tomorrow and say hi xxx

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