jessica i was gonna do angel cards for myself and i said while i was talkin to u, id pull 3 for u, hope u dont mind, i donno if u have interest or not

if not let me know and i wont do it again x
1) Ground yourself : if you have been feeling spacey, confused or forgetfull this card speaks to the reason. a balance is needed between a focus on spirit and a focus on earth. ground urself by gardening, working with flower essences and adjust ur life style and diet so that they support mental and physical awareness.
2) Play : its time to set aside work for a while , dont worry angels will look after ur responsibilities. playfullness , gaiety and laughter will lift ur spirit so u can return to work renewed.
3) Listen : quiet ur mind and listen to angels gentle reassurance that all has been taken care of. stay in a quiet state without worrying how ur desire will be fulfilled,just trust that it will . dont allow stress to block u listening to the angels .
hope this is ok for u. im not being pushy bout angels and stuff . i do believe but i dont think every1 should believe what i believe
