ttc after a d&c

Dropping in to say g'night ladies! Praying all is well with each of you.

Amy, Bethany, Jen, Laura, Jessica, Danni, Natasha and Horsey...glad and thankful to have you guys on this journey with me! Looking forward to the day we all get our rainbows! xoxo
Hi girls! Bethany love the sig. :hugs: Even though such horrible tragedies brought us together, I am so glad we all met. I relate so much better to you girls than to people in person. I feel all of you so genuine, and can imagine all of you are so genuine to your loved ones.

Right now I am just awaiting AF. Getting all the symptoms I usually get right before AF. Oh well, I thought I was going to be super fertile like all of this supposed medical date says. I think everybody is different. And to me, it seems a little more believable that our bodies take a couple of months to regulate and for our cycles to get back to normal. I am not even sure if I OV this month. Slowly but surely all of us will eventually get our miracle babies. :) To Danni and Natasha, hope you girls are doing good. You all are in my thoughts. :hugs:
Hi girls! Bethany love the sig. :hugs: Even though such horrible tragedies brought us together, I am so glad we all met. I relate so much better to you girls than to people in person. I feel all of you so genuine, and can imagine all of you are so genuine to your loved ones.

Right now I am just awaiting AF. Getting all the symptoms I usually get right before AF. Oh well, I thought I was going to be super fertile like all of this supposed medical date says. I think everybody is different. And to me, it seems a little more believable that our bodies take a couple of months to regulate and for our cycles to get back to normal. I am not even sure if I OV this month. Slowly but surely all of us will eventually get our miracle babies. :) To Danni and Natasha, hope you girls are doing good. You all are in my thoughts. :hugs:

Thanks Jessica! I feel the exact same- I feel so close to you girls. Loss is a terrible thing but if anything positive can be gleaned from it, it is meetig you girls. Don't know what I would have done without you guys. And getting on here to chat you all up is the brightest part of my day :kiss:
You make so much sense about body recovery! I think it depends on how far along too- I bet those who miscarry earlier are some of the ones who are more fertile right after. My guess anyways. Will you be getting OPKs next cycle to be sure you O? :hugs:
Hi girls! Bethany love the sig. :hugs: Even though such horrible tragedies brought us together, I am so glad we all met. I relate so much better to you girls than to people in person. I feel all of you so genuine, and can imagine all of you are so genuine to your loved ones.

Right now I am just awaiting AF. Getting all the symptoms I usually get right before AF. Oh well, I thought I was going to be super fertile like all of this supposed medical date says. I think everybody is different. And to me, it seems a little more believable that our bodies take a couple of months to regulate and for our cycles to get back to normal. I am not even sure if I OV this month. Slowly but surely all of us will eventually get our miracle babies. :) To Danni and Natasha, hope you girls are doing good. You all are in my thoughts. :hugs:

Thanks Jessica! I feel the exact same- I feel so close to you girls. Loss is a terrible thing but if anything positive can be gleaned from it, it is meetig you girls. Don't know what I would have done without you guys. And getting on here to chat you all up is the brightest part of my day :kiss:
You make so much sense about body recovery! I think it depends on how far along too- I bet those who miscarry earlier are some of the ones who are more fertile right after. My guess anyways. Will you be getting OPKs next cycle to be sure you O? :hugs:

I will be using opks this month (probably that first response yes/no kit). I am not looking forward to the stress that the bding is causing though. My husband hasn't been exactly willing with all of this. I am thinking the same about what you said about being fertile. I am thinking I was almost half way through my pregnancy and maybe its just going to take me a little longer than most? Bethany, I miss my baby so much. And my mental and physical health is suffering so much because of it. I keep picturing his little face, cute pouty lips, and tiny feet. I remember him so well, and this is what kills me inside. I am trying so hard to move on and look forward to the future but at times its so hard. And I am sure all of this stress if affecting my fertility. :(
Laura, g'night! I am jealous of how well travelled you are. Should have kept your Ozisms to throw people off :D
Come to Texas and spend some time with my mom. You will come away with some "momisms" such as "...if it harelips the governor!" or "gonna hit the rain locker!" or "feller says.." or "snakeshit!"
You are
My kinda girl of you would love to go all out for your stage self! And think of all the fun makeup and funky jewelry!
What did you enjoy best in Barcelona? Iceland does look lovely :) US is kind of boring I think but I guess I haven't spent a ton of time in the big cities. New York City is fun!
Heck yes we will party on Angel's yacht- it will make the tabloids Duchess ( ;) ) and we shall be famous! Or infamous?
Three scissors? Whoa! Do you have a hard time styling it too, like with curlers are crimping and what not?
Herpes LOL

i used to go on 6 hols a yr for a few yrs and travelled for a yr in one go too, im so glad i did it, i love hols :) and i love seeing new places :)
barcelona was just a really nice city, i went with OH a few yrs back , only for a long weekend. its mainly the nt life, it is such fun, the people are lovely and it stays open all nt. very easy to get around (irish public transport is shocking so thats one of the things i always appreciate when away and i miss my car ha ha ) . nice people, nicer weather most of the time. whats not to like :) i like spanish people too , they are fun and friendly.
have ye been to france? ive been to paris and im sorry tp say lots of the people arent very nice. they r brusque and snobby in a lot of cases. i lived with a french couple onse and he was lovely but she was a night mare, so highly strung and neurotic. nad she used to float around in her silky slip all the time, not good when OH around but he used not like her so not too bad ha ha
ur mom sounds cool :) im not sure what some of them mean though :)
if i come to Us , i mean when i come to US :) texas is on my list unless ur in thailand by that time :) x
id like to get a camper van and drive around Us and south america , maybe when the kids have grown up and i retire :) cso hopefully il be buy the next 18 yrs r so :) r if we win the lotto then before they go to school :)

i dont really style my hair unless im goin somewhere.
i dont brush my hair only about once a month cos it gets a bit frizzy and bushy, i use lots of conditioner and run my figers through instead :)
when i am goin out i do upstyles, i do things with plaits and twists and stuff. i dont feel done up with my hair down really :)
i have stubborn hair, it doesnt stay the way u put it , unless it is all tamed with hair clips and hair spray :)
i think we would be slightly more of the infamous on the yacht but thats not a bad thing :)
I will be using opks this month (probably that first response yes/no kit). I am not looking forward to the stress that the bding is causing though. My husband hasn't been exactly willing with all of this. I am thinking the same about what you said about being fertile. I am thinking I was almost half way through my pregnancy and maybe its just going to take me a little longer than most? Bethany, I miss my baby so much. And my mental and physical health is suffering so much because of it. I keep picturing his little face, cute pouty lips, and tiny feet. I remember him so well, and this is what kills me inside. I am trying so hard to move on and look forward to the future but at times its so hard. And I am sure all of this stress if affecting my fertility. :(

i am so glad i found ye all as well, ye keep me sane and cheer me up big time :) xxxx
u r so right hon, ur body needed a little time to recover, i truly believe that anyone who didnt get preg this time wasnt meant to for that reason. if i had been allowed try straight away it might not have happened for me till now anyway. that is so hard having that picture in your head, u will get ur longed for LO which wont replace ur baby but will give u much needed comfort xxxxx
:dust: xxxxxxxxxxx
Random Confession: I am secretly glad DH might have to make a "deposit." One cup has the potential for 4 IUI's! If he ever gets fed up ttc, I can ring my RE! I'll have leverage in the bedroom! He'll be competing with himself...I heart Darwinism! :muaha:
Hi girls! Jut played a little catch up... you girls are soo funny with your adventures!!!! I was dying while reading all of it :rofl:

Jessica, I felt the same way hun. Last month was our frist time trying since everything and all these thoughts went through my head because we werent able to conceive on the 1st shot like the last time. So I started thinking about symptoms and cm and all and was going just crazy. Finally got AF and thought Im just going to use an OPK and put my mind at ease so started using mine last night (CD5). I hope the same helps and works for you hun!!

Angel, too funny re dh and his swimmers. He better watch out, he has majoy competetion!!! :rofl:

Laura & Bethany, how are you girlys??

Jen, any updates? Hope your doing well.

Natasha, so sorry af came hun but cant wait to have you back once internet is up and running!

Danni, still thinking about you doll!

My in-laws are coming into town today through the 9th so I may be MIA for a little bit. Daily dust to you girls and I hope everyone is doing great!! Love you wonderful ladies!!!!
:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
xoxo angel, zomg, i love the confession! i totally need to get mine to make a deposit too!

ladies, my chart looks crap today but actually i am feeling totally peachy about it. there's somewhat of an explanation. in case i haven't plugged my journal enough - if you want to hear someone constantly complaining, you can go there and read lol. but seriously. today im cool whatevs :). hugs everyone.
Hey Girls!!!!!!!! Internet is back up and running now! The move went well, we still have stuff everywhere in boxes but cant really do alot til we get our cupboards and wardrobes delivered etc!!! Hope you are all well?! I have a lot to catch up on! Looks like about 40 pages haha!! Ive just got to finish painting the *future* babies room and get it sorted so will have to catch up later but just wanted to pop in and make sure youre all okay!! Actualy missing you guys!!

Like i say, AF came on Tuesday in full force ( almost as bad as first one post DnC on 10th September :( ) But to be honest im thankful i have so much to do in this house to get it sorted because its taking my mind off the fact AF is here and wont leave me alone and TTC .......and me and DH have actually had fun,loving :sex: this week for the first times in god knows how long! Hoping its a good thing for baby making!!

Again hope you are all okay do we have any AF's yet? Or more BFPs? Jess did you get your BFP? Horsey? Laura how are you and bump? And you Jen? Bethany how are you?? Everyones else ive missed?! Angel?? HOrsey?? xxxxx
Random Confession: I am secretly glad DH might have to make a "deposit." One cup has the potential for 4 IUI's! If he ever gets fed up ttc, I can ring my RE! I'll have leverage in the bedroom! He'll be competing with himself...I heart Darwinism! :muaha:

i like that plan, who needs um eh when u have :spermy: lol
hi amy , we will miss u for the few days u have visitors xxxxxxxxxxxxx:)
:hugs: and :dust:
horsey glad u r feeling peachy :) xxxxx

natasha hurray for move :) exciting , aw doin up babies room is great :)

u prob have boxes for a good bit, not to worry u have loads o time to sort um out xx
sorry af came but glad ur busy and alright xxxxxxx fx this month xxxxxx

Laura, this is hilarious!!

Amy, I hope your in-laws are pleasant. I only have a SIL and well, I've told you guys...she can be a pistol! We do have friends coming in tomorrow, looking forward to this visit. It has certainly helped the time pass quickly!

Horsey. I'm glad we now potentially have the excuse to store his swimmers! Before the topic was taboo...strictly off limits! I'll have to check the journal out!

Welcome back Natasha!!

:dust: Hope everyone is having a good day!
HELLO DEAR FRIENDS! :dust: and happy, healthy pregnancy vibes for you wonderful, strong women!

Jessica, I am so sorry that your husband doesn't understand your strong NEED (and it is a need, not a want. You need it girl.) to replace some of what you lost. To not feel broken. To have something to look forward to instead of just feeling empty. I hope that he won't give you too much trouble. That he will come to understand you :hugs:
And Jessica, I don't want you to feel bad if you are still depressed. You lost your son- you aren't going to just bounce back from that. Not ever. There are days where it will be easier to bear but I don't think that it will ever fade completely. Allow yourself to face your grief because if you try to push it aside too soon it will only hurt you in the long run. I would encourage you to perhaps read some books on loss but it may still be too soon. May hurt more than do good. But there is a rainbow waiting for you. It can never replace your boy but maybe you will feel more at peace, healed with a new and healthy baby in your arms. I love you.

Laura, what stopped the travelling? What was your favorite place of all? If you could relocate anywhere, where would it be?
I haven't been to France or even met anyone from there that I can think of- only know some French Canadians. But I do have a fondness for the language and the music! But I have read that as a people yet can be incredibly rude. I figure it is because they are prideful as a nation. Just my guess of course :)
I hope that Texas would never disappoint! I never much think of how it may seem to a foreigner visiting it...except for all the Dutchmen who come here amazed at how far away things are from each other and how powerful the cops think they are. I love the Dutch :D
Ooh if you do the camper thing you should stick to South America to save money and to eat some tasty food! I want to visit South America so badly but think that my husband is spooked :)
So your hair is really curly then? I brush mine a ton and leave hair everywhere. Possibly worse than the dang cat.
And that ecard is right!

Angel, I think I cried from laughing! I heart Darwinism too! Bit hopefully he never gets fed up with TTC :D

Amy, I am going to miss you on here! Come back ASAP ok? I want to obsess over your cycle :)

Horsey, HI! I think you should get your man to make a deposit too- then when he pisses you off you can just go use his sperm instead of facing the penis ;)
I am going to go read your journal when I have time, I swear it. But glad that today is a good day. I have been apathetic myself lately

Natasha, yay for Internet! How soon do you expect cupboards and wardrobes to arrive?
And the move sounds like it is doing good for distracting you. We all need that don't we? Now you can snuggle up to your husband and be happy!
Oh and what color did you paint future baby's room? :D

Jen, how are you today? :flower:

Danni we miss you!

AFM: well I actually have to get pack to packing. Going back down to Houston tonight to check out some other neighborhoods that were suggested to my husband my HR. ugh. And he won't let me bring kitty this time :( my baby cat has been in such demand of smuggles lately that I hate leaving him alone. I know that I will push hard for us to come back tomorrow. The little guy has been sleeping right beside me every time I sleep and nap and I don't like to be parted.
I think it is time to admit that I probably don't have the healthiest view of my cat since he is pretty much my surrogate baby :-/

For all of us :flower:
Hello beautiful ladies!! :flower: Wow, Its quiet here today. I hope all of you are doing great! And getting ready for the beautiful weekend. I feel a little bit better today. Just dreading the wicked witch of the "south" If you get what I mean :winkwink:! But on to a new month. I am going to buy some good whole food prenatals, just looking at what brands are the best and also for a good dha if the prenatal doesn't come with one. Going to buy my opk, and getting the pre-seed. I want to be ready to catch the eggy this month.

Amy, have fun with the in-laws, I presume they are good to you. That is great to get along with dh's family.

Jen, I hope your tests are coming out good. FX that this pregnancy relaxing and stress free, if not stress free almost stress free (I know it is almost impossible to be without any stress).

Angel, I am seriously liking the whole freezing :spermy: idea. Takes the fun out of it, but also takes the hassle!!

Natasha, we need you back here! So sorry you got af, but happy that you are keeping busy and looking at the positive in all of this. Now you get stress free bding. :happydance: hehe.

Danni... where are you hon? I hope you are doing good hon, we miss you over here! :hugs:

Laura, thanks for your sweet messages, you are always so encouraging. I hope you are having a great pregnancy. Hopefully we can catch up to you soon enough and start a new pregnancy thread. :thumbup:

Bethany, thank you so for your positive and helpful advice. Every time I feel down and read your messages it makes my day. :hugs: I hope you and the hubby are having a great day!

Here's to October!! Hopefully will be Happy month for all of us! :hugs:
Natasha Hi!! So glad that the house is coming along and BDing is back to life for you :) I think that is the ticket to baby making!! :dust: That rainbow baby is smart wanting his/her room painted first and his/her mommy not to carry stuff thats heavy when your pregnant from the beginning! I think this cycle might be goodluck for you natasha!! I really really pray it is for all you ladies!!

Angel LOL love it!!! freezing his sperm using it as leverage!!! Great plan!! Though im sure youll be okay!! Hopefully those swimmers already fertilized that egg this month! :) Fxd for that bfp when you get your bloodwork!

Amy we will miss you! Enjoy their visit! You are better then me I would be on my cell catching up quickly once in a while! :)

Danni Hi!! How are you?

Horseypants hey! Going to check out your journal. There are many pages there it seems.:dust: stay positive!

Jessica hi! You are so correct about normalizing first. Your bfp is going to come. I cant wait for everyone here to have one :dust: Hope your doing okay and that your finding time for yourself.

Laura hey! How are you feeling? Any symptoms?

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