and happy, healthy pregnancy vibes for you wonderful, strong women!
Jessica, I am so sorry that your husband doesn't understand your strong NEED (and it is a need, not a want. You need it girl.) to replace some of what you lost. To not feel broken. To have something to look forward to instead of just feeling empty. I hope that he won't give you too much trouble. That he will come to understand you

And Jessica, I don't want you to feel bad if you are still depressed. You lost your son- you aren't going to just bounce back from that. Not ever. There are days where it will be easier to bear but I don't think that it will ever fade completely. Allow yourself to face your grief because if you try to push it aside too soon it will only hurt you in the long run. I would encourage you to perhaps read some books on loss but it may still be too soon. May hurt more than do good. But there is a rainbow waiting for you. It can never replace your boy but maybe you will feel more at peace, healed with a new and healthy baby in your arms. I love you.
Laura, what stopped the travelling? What was your favorite place of all? If you could relocate anywhere, where would it be?
I haven't been to France or even met anyone from there that I can think of- only know some French Canadians. But I do have a fondness for the language and the music! But I have read that as a people yet can be incredibly rude. I figure it is because they are prideful as a nation. Just my guess of course

I hope that Texas would never disappoint! I never much think of how it may seem to a foreigner visiting it...except for all the Dutchmen who come here amazed at how far away things are from each other and how powerful the cops think they are. I love the Dutch

Ooh if you do the camper thing you should stick to South America to save money and to eat some tasty food! I want to visit South America so badly but think that my husband is spooked

So your hair is really curly then? I brush mine a ton and leave hair everywhere. Possibly worse than the dang cat.
And that ecard is right!
Angel, I think I cried from laughing! I heart Darwinism too! Bit hopefully he never gets fed up with TTC
Amy, I am going to miss you on here! Come back ASAP ok? I want to obsess over your cycle
Horsey, HI! I think you should get your man to make a deposit too- then when he pisses you off you can just go use his sperm instead of facing the penis

I am going to go read your journal when I have time, I swear it. But glad that today is a good day. I have been apathetic myself lately
Natasha, yay for Internet! How soon do you expect cupboards and wardrobes to arrive?
And the move sounds like it is doing good for distracting you. We all need that don't we? Now you can snuggle up to your husband and be happy!
Oh and what color did you paint future baby's room?
Jen, how are you today?
Danni we miss you!
AFM: well I actually have to get pack to packing. Going back down to Houston tonight to check out some other neighborhoods that were suggested to my husband my HR. ugh. And he won't let me bring kitty this time

my baby cat has been in such demand of smuggles lately that I hate leaving him alone. I know that I will push hard for us to come back tomorrow. The little guy has been sleeping right beside me every time I sleep and nap and I don't like to be parted.
I think it is time to admit that I probably don't have the healthiest view of my cat since he is pretty much my surrogate baby :-/