ttc after a d&c

[Aww thanks and no I dont think that at all. I just feel like with my age and everything that is happening, that I will never have the healthy babies I long for. Its just so hard to keep the faith at this moment. :cry:

keeping my fx for u honey xxxxx
hoping tomoro is a better day for u babe xxxxx
angel how u doin? is today ur scan xxxxxxxxxxxx

bethany where have u gone, we misses u xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hey to all, hugs and :dust: xxxxxxxxxx
Amy, also on top of not having my left ovary or tube, according to docs I also have PCOS and that is a big reason I have a lot of weight issues (was a size 6 before pregnancy with my 6 year old, had a large ovarian cyst throughout whole pregnancy, then I literally ballooned in size because of hormonal issues. And look, It didn't stop me from getting pregnant. And my cousin also has endometriosis, but get this, she didn't find a husband until she was 40, she thought she would never have children mostly because of her age and her endometriosis along with other feminine issues, she got pregnant within 3 months after marrying and delivered a healthy baby boy, at the age of 41!! She was 8 years older than you are now!! That is almost a whole decade. You are YOUNG!! Please, don't give up hope. :hugs:
Thanks Jess :hugs:

I know there are so many people out there that have gone through this and have wonferdul postive stories. There are also those that dont have a happy ending. With me not getting good news every visit, it makes me feel like I am going to be a part of the non happy statistic. I know thinking this way doesnt help anything but I just cant help it. Its such a helpless feeling and place that I am in right now. :(

I feel so selfish right now... how are you all doing? I really do hope everyone is doing well! <3
Thanks Jess :hugs:

I know there are so many people out there that have gone through this and have wonferdul postive stories. There are also those that dont have a happy ending. With me not getting good news every visit, it makes me feel like I am going to be a part of the non happy statistic. I know thinking this way doesnt help anything but I just cant help it. Its such a helpless feeling and place that I am in right now. :(

I feel so selfish right now... how are you all doing? I really do hope everyone is doing well! <3

Amy, you are not being selfish right now. My goodness hon, you have been through so much this year, all I can say is thank God this year is over and on to another year for all of us. And hoping this year will be that much better. I know this is easier said than done, but please don't focus on the negative, it will only bring you down. And I am probably nobody to say this, when I am a very negative person by nature, but I know that you will drive yourself crazy with the what ifs and it will not help you at all. Just remember to surround yourself with a great support system (which you obviously already have). Your husband sounds like a wonderful man. You are so blessed to have each other.

Things are fine with me, I actually am scared to even talk about my pregnancy, think I will curse it or something, I know it sounds crazy. I start my 2nd trimester this Saturday the 29th, which happens to be my due date for my little girl that I lost.. ironic isn't it. See how I haven't even changed my status on here, I am scared that once I put that I am expecting on this website, I will lose the baby. And yes I know I am extremely negative, I have to change this. But I still have in mind that once I finally felt comfortable and positive with my last pregnancy I went on to lose the baby at 19 weeks ( I originally though it was 18, but it was actually 19 weeks :( . What scares me is that I have freak things happen with the umbilical cord and placenta and this is what I am terrified of happening again.
Thank you so much Jessica. Youre right, we have all been through so much this year. Im really hoping that 2013 brings us all joy, peace, and the love of a little one.

I cant imagine what you went through losing your daughter at 19 weeks. I can also understand not wanting to jinx things or feeling anxious since you had gone through that. I truely believe youre bean will be in your arms. I have a great feeling about you all just not about me at the moment lol. Try and take it easy and rest. You will be up in the middle of the night with a newborn soon! :)
Hi amy! How are you doing today? :)

I saw the surgeon yesterday well she basically just looked at my glued skin to see if it stuck told me how to clean it and then pushed me out the door. I was like what about work and driving?? Should i remain on bedrest?? She was like u can go back if u want but drive and work with caution. Ok thanks for explaining to me my limitations and reasoning behind why u said caution. Tell u doctors (shakes my head). Reception after giving me release note goes im shocked usually its five weeks recovery for pregnant women and no bendin lifting etc.... Im like she didnt explain anything. Then receptionist said ok have a good day. So my first day back will be weds its a eleven hr work day. I usually have 7-8hrs. But boss increased hours. Guess we will see how far i push myself. I know ill just do what i have to and that is tge biggest issue with us in the medical profession.
Jen, are you sure going back to work this soon and for that long is a good idea? Is there any way you can get a second opinion from another dr. It just seems like this dr likes to push you out the door alot. :(

Im doing ok. I have my appt this morning at 10:50 so in about 2 hours from now. DH has the week of (Paid.. lucky!) so he is going to come get me from work and go with me.
Thanks Angel and what a doll you have! Your husband sounds like a sweatheart and Im glad your scan went well today too!! I think this one is going to stick... so exciting!!

Yes, they ended up doing a HSG and it was painful to me. When they did the cathetor I was fine but it was when they blew up the little balloon in there... OMG! I was like thinking to myself "UMMMM this is more than just a 'little cramping' woman!". Im hoping that the dr we are meeting with today will go over what they found in more detail and have better news for us. IF I have to have surgery, I just want to get it over with and hope that we can still try soon. Im really praying that we dont need the surgery.
Amy goodluck today! Praying for a fast fix and nothing serious!<3 your husband is so sweet!

Angel so is urs! Ur dh is a true angel! I wish minr would take lessons for urs. What a great heartbeat!! :) so glad all is well and we know this lil one will kerp sticking! :)

Laura bethany horsey how are you?? <3

Idk about going back too early the surgeon saw me for like a minute and ran out. I have to work my husband is being a jerk and his family is sticking up they say im lazy and that trav always supported me and its my turn to help him bc his business failed this year. He is in severe debit and made no money the last four monthes (he gave customers free shipping and he also had a 4 drop ship fee on every item someone ordered plus the item fee. It cost him so.much to ship that he actually paid for the customers gifts this year. Not to mention when u click on a link searching for an item on google or a search engine for a online store it cost .59 every time a person clicks the link whether they buy it or not. I cant let it bother me. Ill work my one day a week to buy food pay my ins car payment and dog expense... He will have to figure out his stuff. I know today he isnt working and he wont next week either bc his mom is home with grandkids and his brother is off all next week so is his mom. So hr will use it as a mini vaca amd work at night instead of hang with me. He also has two new ps3 games to play online with his brother... So i know that will be considered working for next week :/.im fed up but dont need confrontation. His mom is angry with me bc im not supporting us when his business cant and his family blames me. Well f them. They say im lazy bc i expect to work 2-3 days a week and thats no more! Well trav works 12-6 mon-fri and doesnt even get paid half the time or works when he wants to. I work 7:30-5 or 7. So i think its ok for me to work part time. I mean he does. Ugh im really upset about his family and him treating me like im scum and think im using him. He has nothing and it takes both of us to even get by. So frustrating. I get no credit what so ever. Done venting sorry i just needed to get it out before i flip out on him.
Oh Jen, Im so sorry hun. That doesnt seem right at all. Im sorry but you are carrying his child. You recovering from surgery is not you being lazy. For goodness sakes, what are they thinking? I want to just come over there and take care of you. No offense, but his family needs to butt out. You guys are married and need to make decisions in the best interest for you BOTH and your lo. Its really not right that he goes to them and uses them as leverage in arguments that he has with you. And Im sorry his company didnt do well but why is it your fault that he gave them free shipping and now has to pay for it. Call me old fashioned, but shouldnt a man be the one to provide for his family at the end of the day esp when his wife is expecting? Im so sorry you have to go through this hun.. I really am. BIG hugs to you!
Dropping in guys, hope you all had a wonderful holiday. Sorry I have been absent- haven't really been on the computer lately.

Amy, I hope that all is well and that you don't need surgery :hugs:

Angel, still sending sweet Ursula thoughts for your lovely LO!

Jen, I want to punch your DH and his fam in the faces. I know that you are really struggling right now and I just want to say that I love you so much. You let them know that you will not put up with any more of their crap. You are worth so much more than that honey <3

Laura, Jessica, Tash and Horsey- love you girls!
Hi Bethany!!! How are you?? Hope you had a wonderful xmas as well!

My appt went so well! No surgery needed... yay! He said that he looked at my pcitures and that the dye never even made it to that side of my uterus and that he thinks that Im fine. Also said that we are good to try this cycle and wants me to get my progesterone checked the day I get a + OPK. If I need it, he gave me Crione (Progesterone) to take that day if my levels are low. So glad he sent us home with some "just in case". I had happy tears in the office and told him and DH that I had a great feeling about this and I hope Im right! :)
Amy ur news brought a smile to my face and tears to my eyes!! Im so happy for u and.dh!! Tons and tons of :dust: for u!! Go start digital opks now woohoo!! U really needed some hope and im so glad u found this doctor!<3

Bethany we missed you<3 How was ur holiday?? What did u do & get?? Love ya!

Thanks girls i wish i could talk with him i try but it leads to fightin me upset and him leaving to complain to his mom so its no use. I tell him how i feel in tid bit but he even blows up when i do that so its no use. When i was in college he helpped me with food and tires car. Sometimes to get gas. His mom knows this. I went to college fulltime and worked parttime at target. He lived with his mom for free and i paid rent. So he always throws that in my face. I have student loans he paid his off bc he lived at his moms til he was 30... He owns his truck i make payments on my car.... I have life ins he doesnt... So i have three bills he doesnt have to pay monthly... I always pay my bills on my own and try to save for times lin an emergency... So his whole issue is all i pay for is food and my bills (i give money toward credit card when i can and always manage to pay for vacations too)... But in his fam and his eyes its not enough bc i only pay my bills and not ours :( I do my best and i only got my degree in 2011!! Then all 2012 i been pregnant twice! Two surgeries! Kidney stones! Ugh but im a baby and need to suck up pain and keep working hard. I dont have a desk job. I have to clean sterilized lift stuff work on pts teeth it is exhausting and hard work. I knoe its a relaxed environment but i see a new pt every 45mins!! No time for a snack to talk to anyone besides my pt or even go to bathroom.i know i choose my profession and i have no regrets but now that i cant take xrays dentists arent calling me to temp for them its an inconvience and my husband and family think its an excuse for me not to work! Plus some offices have labs with strong odors that are harmful to fetus. Then some have extremely strong chemicals (all hatmful to fetus) but the offices we use wipes are safer then the spray offices. I can trll thrm and explain but they do not care they just want me to make $. His family considers us rich and expects us to spend spend spend all the time and everytimr i tell them we are not they say well thats ur fault... Not only that but my husband keeps saying he wishes to have a heart attack that way we can see how much stress i cause him. Im sorry im just fed up depressed sad and lost. I know we will be fine as i am a go.getter and will push myself to do what is necessary. But he makes me angry. He also will not get a job because then it proves his business failed. Not only that but he wont have freedom to do what he wants and then we will need daycare that we cant afford. He has a degree in computers and everything he learned is outdated since he didnt keep up with it. So he would have to settle.for low.income job and i make very good $ if i worked full time but hygienists dont get ft hours... All well talking out loud now. Gonna go back and read this to see if it makes any sense. Oh and we have no insurance through our job so we pay very high health insurance rates since its individual ins.
WOW! That has got to be super stressful! I dont understand why your husband is saying these things now and causing all sorts of drama. How do you wait until your wife is pregnant to bring up things that bother him like him paying for things when you were in college and dating. It really sounds like work would be a less stressful environment compared to your home with him. I second what Bethany said, I now want to just smack him and say what is wrong with you! It was nice that he helped with paying for things when you guys were dating but that was his choice. Now that you are married, its suppose to be a JOINT effort that you guys make. Not he pays for this and you pay for that. If that works for you guys then thats ok, Im not knocking your system but this tit for tat thing needs to stop with him. He is going to be a father. How would he feel if your daughter was being treated like this by someone? Im sure he would not like it. Im sorry to go off but I dont like that he is making you feel this way. Its just not right. We love you loads hun and are always here for you. Im praying this all gets better for you. xoxo

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