ttc after a d&c

Yeah im glad that my job is sitting down taking calls, its a lot easier, does make me very fidgetty though, the only problem with sitting down all day is that, because obviously you sweat, my legs are sweating and then sticking to my trousers and its making the rash on the inside of my thighs worse so i cant win :( Ive tried wearing loose fit trousers but they still dont help, the ointment is working wonders though, i put it on every night after a bath, but i smother it on and its really hleping, im still itching but no where near as bad :)

Hmm the roomie situation Ames... Well... He knows we are expecting , and i thought maybe he would start helping but hes not, i mean for the past wo weeks i have been asking him to bring the pots and paltes down out of his room because i can smell them from the hall way between our bedrooms, he denied having any in there, so i had a look and he did so i thought well ill give it a day or two.. This was two weeks ago, i went in his room today because i keep alot of stuff in the built in wardrobe in there because he doesnt use it, there were 5 plates half filled with mouldy food, two glasses of milk that had both curdled, there were 8 mugs all of which were half filled with mould.. I ended up bringing them all down and washing them !! So chris wasnt happy at all and ended up textin him aload of stuff because he also went out last night and didnt come home, which is fine hes a grown lad, but i didntknow whether to lock the door or not cos hes lost his key!

How are u all xxx
hi guys xxx

jen u have the best attitude, u r so right , still loads of lovely sweet things u cna do for Lo while resting, im loving ur ideas :) al sound lovely, i cant wait to hear if boy or girl so i can start doing those kind of things too :) xxxx
so glad ur mom is helping and having shower for u . xxx
i too have majorly cut down my list of necessities, :)
im gonna be so happy with loads of handed down things, babies use clothes for about 2 weeks before they grow out of um so they be perfect :)
babies dont need half as much as what people pretend they do for excuse to shop :)
i read some where babies, need.....
somewhere to sleep,
something to eat,
somewhere to poo and something to keep he/she clean :)
u have a crib :)
havent aske du about feedin but for me its bf hopefully , all goin well.
napies r cheap enough.
baby can be washed in the sink easily or u can get plastic bath for next to nothing :)
so we will be fine,.
baby needs love and care way more than dosh and things,
and we wil give out Los tons of love and care
that little post is as much for myself as for u , ha ha
i was stressing a little bout money till i realised that other things r way more important xxxxxxx

tash hugs sorry ur rash is driving u nuts xxxxx
kick that boy out, he is making me really mad so god knows how u feel about him xxxxxxx
hate to say it, i felt bad for him in the start about his grilfriend dumping him and stuff but maybe he deserved it if thats how he lives, in a pigsty. ( not ur home , but the way he is treating ur home :) ) xxxxxxxxxxxx
im feelin much better todya thank god , think i needed a rest and the iron prob kicking in too, hurray , hoping it lasts but no reason why it cant :)
Oh good im glad that you are feeling better!!!

Im just sat waiting for my brst friend to come over, shes been to uni about 60 miles away for a while and we only see eachother when shes back, but shes back for good now her course is over so we are gonna have a great catch up :D

I told chris i really dont need the stress of hte house mess from him right now, ive managed to fully clean the whole of downstairs and the bathroom, just got to do my bedroom and the hallway upstairs, and once its done any mess im gonna go mad lol!!

enjoy ur friends visit and ur catch up tash :) xxxxxxx

i just ate the biggest dinner, its the most i have eaten in one sitting since i got preg,
it was my fave dinner when i was small :) (mince beeef stew) havent had it in ages, i had 2 helpings but could go some more :) oh oh, my little weight gain may be coming to an end :)
i dont mind so long as its food im eating not junk :)
well i dont wanna balloon or anything but eating when hungry is ok :)

im pretty bored but very lazy :) havent left d house all day , not like me.
Oh is back now so least i have company.
Laura u also have a great out look. Yea plan to bf but ill probably be pumping more then id plan since ill have six weeks to get on a schedule then right to work 2-3days a week. :) least its the goal. Babys are sponged bathed so i plan to wash her on a table with towels under her for coushin then use sink til able to sit her in tub. Shall see how it works. A carseat is a necessity as u cant leave hospital without it. A stroller is a luxury that i hope i can get as a handy down or gift but i wont hold my breath on that one. Either way our babys will be loved.

Laura at 20weeks be prepared for a pound a week now. Our babys have to grow so ull need the extra calories. Healthy options are best as u said. Im guilty for junk food since i snack on what my husband buys doritos ice cream chips candy etc. Its pretty bad. Fried foods like fried chicken and french fries has been dinner lunch etc since i had surgery. I afraid itll go right back to that now that im on bedrest. Strangely i could go for a bacon cheeseburger with sauted mushrooms onions lettuce tomatoe... Mmmm and another day chicken franchese with angel hair.... Chicken crouton egg bacon spinach tomatoe cucumber salad .... I could think of so many more id love to have but itll be a while before i can make them a reality. Ill miss grocery shoppin again. At least he gets my cereal right and french toast sticks correct when he goes. Can u tell im bpred? Sorry for the rambling. Im tryin to stay positive. She is kickin im still at hospital and better get released tommorrow. Im so tired of thinkin im gettin released then not get released. Guess its my fault for pushing it.

Laura glad ur feeling better with the iron!!

Tash hope ur rash goes away and lo is okay. Keep resting. Im sorry for roomie dont let him get to u. Let chris handle him and change ur locks!! Kick him out. Give him 15-20days and then thats it. Take care urself sweety<3

Amy hope ur weekend is amazing in vail<3 i hope ur lil bean will be nestled in u all snug soon<3

Angel how are u? Hope ur doing okay with ur lo<3 i still cant get over ur precious los scan pic<3 i love it! Cant wait to see more!

Bethany horsey ilovehim hi!! I hope ur all okay<3

Jess how are u? Im so happy ur in seond trimeater i feel like its going fast for u!

So my friends in labor tonight having her daughter ella. Its her second baby. She is misrible because she been having contractions and 2cm dilated since 2pm sat... The epidural didnt help and at 1am she finally went from 3-6cm dilated. Idk how much longer itll take but its so worth the pain right? I mean us ladies would be anything to get to where she is. So i hate her complaining. Im so glad im not at that hospital she is at. Id hate for her to bring her baby into my room (she worka at hosp she is at). I am happy for her but she complained entired pregnancy for no reason half the time. All well. Guess ill try to go to sleep its almost 2am. I am bored but thats okay. It took four hrs to get an ultRasound today amd my husband brought me cheese n broccolli soup from panera (yum) today. So it made me happy. Im starting to accept that this pregnancy may not be smooth but if i xan keep baby healthy amd safe i just have to live with it and give up everything for her. Guesa its wait true parents do. I just had to start very early. Though laura jess angel tash amy bethany ilovehim and horsey are all giving up and doing everything for their los also. Strong women ladies that is what each one of u are<3

:dust: horsey bethany amy ilovehim<3
Laura ~ So glad you are feeling better!

I think hand-me-downs for the baby are the way to go! I mean, a lot of things are only used for the first 6 months! There are tons of children's consignment shops in the US that sell EVERYTHING (some even sell maternity clothes) at a fraction of the price...does such a place exists where you are? Oh, if you're super savvy, scour the newspaper and hit up yard sales!

Jen ~ I hope you get to go home today. I thought you were on strict bed rest, but it is nice to know the Dr's let you walk around...and how sweet that you get to look at the newborns. At least at home you'll be able to get up long enough to get a bite to eat. I was afraid if you had to wait on your DH to bring you food, you'd be starved! Oh and for sponge bathing babies, I thought you only had to do that until their cord fell off, then you can submerge them in water :shrug: ...I guess it doesn't matter though, I mean what baby is actually dirty. Do you have an Ikea near you? My girlfriend bought her nursery from there and said it was all quite cheap. She said they also sold small utensils for feeding baby once foods start getting introduced.

I found this link for registry needs:

Tash ~ I hope your rash has cleared. Do the Dr's think its pregnancy related? And seriously that roomie sounds want me to kick him out for you? :jo:

Jess ~ :wave: Hope you and the girls are having a nice weekend!

Amy ~ :xmas7: Jealous of your trip to Vail! I imagine you and DH are sad to leave it...maybe you've been snowed it! That would be amazing! Then again, I forget you guys drive around in blizzards. Here, if we even get an inch of snow things shut down. It is crazy...the grocery store runs out of water, bread and milk at just the tiny chance of snow! :haha:

Horsey ~ Have you sold a kidney, well one of your OH's, yet to finance the FS? :haha: How are wedding plans coming along?

Bethany ~ Thinking of you. :flower:
On our way home... Trip was wonderful. Will catch up when I get home. Love you all and hope everyone is ok! <3
Angel my rash is still really bad, the doc thinks it is pregnancy related, especially since i never get rashes or allergies or anything skin related, especially not all over my arms legs and neck. Its weird, with my lat pregnancy i had a rash on my belly which was normal, this time, the only place that hasnt got a rash on it is my face and belly.. Im waiitng on blood tests this week to see what it is, ive got osme ointment to use but it only works for a short time, and it doesnt soak in well, so i have to reapply it every few hours and then let it sink in for twenty minutes, which isnt possible when im working from 8 til 6 as i cant keep popping off for half an hour to cream myself but then i sit htere itching all day and i cant concentrate :(

How are u angel?

Yes roomie is disgusting, and his missus has now decided she wants him back so he has been staying at her house few times, which is good, means he cna be out quicker, i told chris to tell him he needs to go and he said he will chat to him this week,...

Its liek earlier, me and chris went out for a few hours to his mums for am eal as its her birthday today, all we asked roomie to do was to close the kitchen door and with them in the kitchen and make sure that if he left them he moved the bag of puppy food off the floor ( its one of those massive industrial sized bags ) And we got home and the dogs were running round pooing everywhere and the bag of food was all over the floor! And the dogs look ready to pop!!!


How are u all xxxx
just got really annoyed on the ff chatroom..

obviously we are all on there ttc or recently pregnant, and a few of the girls are getting mardy about the fact that us pg girls are still using the chatroom and are like saying that we are being insensitive by going on there :S Well im sorry but we all pay membership fees to use the chatrooms :S i know this might sound really bitchy but i dont mean it to be, and i dont mean this to sound awful to those of us here still ttc.. But they wouldnt be moaning if it were them who were pg already :S

why cant they be like we are on here?! Where we all support eachother instead of using eachother like players in a game or competition? im glad im not renewing on that website, too much bitchiness!!

At least u girls understand, and we are all here for eachother throughout ttc and pg and hopefully beyond! Even if we all get busy with los i know for a fact ill still be coming on here!! I kinda wish u girls lived in uk so i could text u guys n just keep checking in, its hard sometimes to get on here with my internet being crap, and the fact that all i seem to do at the moment is go to work, come home, eat then go bed, even chris says he cant belive how little im doing, i love going to see people and being outgoing but all i want to do is sleep, if i didnt work i think id get up at 11, clean, go back to bed at 4, get up have dinner n go back to bed lol!!

Oooo speaking of which! Our secret was nearly out at the family meal for his mums birthday today, obviously everyone was having a celebratory glass of alcohol and i was like no ill have water please, and they were all like why :S And i had to think really fast and try not to smile , i just said that i felt poorly ( which isnt a lie, i feel really really ill, dont remember feeling this this in my first pregnancy ) ..

And another thing, i almost died today ( ok, slight overreaction but still ) We went to a pub about 25 miles away for this meal, and its in the coutnryside with loads of steep hills and country bends, when we were leaving the pub we were going down this slope and a load of kids on the hill above on the path threw about 20 snoballs and hit the window of our car, because it was snowy chris had to swerve and almsot did a whole turn in the middle of the road, i was shaking and chris was asking if i was okay , and checking me over, was bloody awful i literally felt my whole body go it was awful i was so scared :(((

Sorry for long random posts but im actually awake enough to post so thought i might as well stick some crap on here for u guys to read about my eventful life lol!!

Ooo another thing.. i learnt a new word yesterday *smug face*
Ill give you the background, theres a lovely old man at work who is so serious its hilarious, and i have been teaching him modern words like YOLO ( you only live once ) and totes emosh ( totally emotional ) and peng ( which is likea gangsta wrd in uk for good, nice etc etc ) lol! And in return he teaches me fancy words!

Mynew word is misanthropic..which means to have a general hate and disgust at the human race haha!! i love it!! SMUGGG xxxxx
hi guys :)
jen i hope u get to go home soon and ur Dh takes good care of u hon, xxxx , i know how annoying it is when u have ur heart set on goin home and it seems to be extended :) but its good they r making sure ye r both good xxxx
it is hard when u cant cook for urself and stuff but if u really want something u like a lot surely ur Dh or a friend could make it. u should invite a friend over to cook for u :) im sure they would only be too happy to :)
hope ur feelin good hon xxxxxx
hope u rfriend has her bub soon so she stops buggin u :) i know we def appreciate it all so much more cos of our losses . i know if i felt like i do and hadnt lost lile , i would prob feel bad for myself , but cos im so happy bub is stil good and kicking i cant be grumpy :) im just grateful for him/her :)

angel hi hon, hope alls well with u sweetie, xxxx
im feeling crappy again tonight, il be goin to doc tomor anyway for notes so i think il ask for more thyroid med , i dont think i can take 3 more weeks of low thyroid.
she might not let me though til retest in 3 weeks :)
how u doin babe? any nausea or food aversions? maybe too early yet :) xxx

sorry its taking me so long to write this post , i see am and tash.
my brain is foggy this eve :) i keep having to check what ye all wrote to answer ye :)

amy glad vail was great :) xxxxxx

tash hi hon.
i saw ur fb post with misanthropic and was wondering ha ha :)
stupid kids and their snowballs , they prob thought frightening the crap out of ye and making ye nearly crash was hilarious xxx
hope u rash clears up soon honey xxxx very annoying, when my liver was worse i used to get really itchy legs , so itchy i thought i be left with no skin :) xxxx

hi and hugs to all
So after a long day the obgyn doctor decides i have to stay again today ugh i mean im glad that they are watching out for baby and i but please tell me whats going on. My husband came for an hour i walked for ten minutes and been in bed ever since. The tv is lame and im so bored. I find myself sleeping alot bc ofnothing to do. My cell cant be plugged in by the bed so i cant always use it since my battery isnt that great when using internet. I ask my husband if he had time this weekend to put crib together he said no. Then tonight he texts me that it came with no screws. Idk if i believe him but now ill have to call company when i get home. Saddens me they can give u a crib and forget screws and bolts. As for a bedrest ill be on strict bedrest til further notice once i leave. Im afraid they are keepin me here and not tellin me something. I asked and they said it was for iv fluids they said that baby needs it replenished so i mean i guess its good im here i just hope she is ok. Im starting to get worried.
Amy, so glad you had a great time in Vail. You so deserved this trip. How refreshing. I am sure this helped the tww period to go by a tad bit quicker. SO have you decided when you are gonna test? Or just wait till your period is due? I am so excited for you.

Jen, I hope they let you out of the hospital soon. If you think they are hiding something (which I am sure they are not, because that would be highly unprofessional) why don't you ask them frankly to explain the whole situation to you, just so you don't leave the hospital with any misunderstandings or confusion. On the up side, I am glad they are paying close attention to you and baby. That is very reassuring. Hope your lo is doing good hon.

Angel, Tash, and Laura how are you all feeling? Tash I hope that rash goes away soon enough.

Bethany? Are you ok hon. Has anybody talked to Bethany, is she ok? I don't have facebook, so I am just wondering how she is doing. Please tell her I say hi and I hope she is doing good. I was just thinking about Danni also. I hope she is doing fine.

I forgot to mention, I was transferred to the high risk doctor finally. Hopefully she takes good care of me.

Love you all!! :hugs:
Jess so glad u where finally transferred!! I am glad u will have that extra peacr of mind and get all ur questions anwsered.

I did ask and i am only saying that bc im bored here and one nursr says ill probably be sent home then im not. I understand the iv is giving baby what she needs and i guess i just need to accept being here. I just miss my dog and my bed. Tuesday night will make it a full week of me being here and all i think of is an expensive bill coming once i do leave. I just need to relax. Im not leaking anymore that i can see hoping things are healing. Im wondering if doctors n nurses take notice to the fact i have no family visiting and my husband is hardly here so maybe they are playing it safe thinking i may over do it at home if i dont get help. Idk though but as professionals i do not think they would say that. I read into things too much when im bored.

Amy so glad u enjoyed vail with dh and cant wait to hear about ur trip! I am so excited for early next week or this weekend i hope ur bfp comes!!!

Angel that is my plans to go to handy down stores and ask friends. There are two in my area. Ill probably have to wait til after baby is here now but i guess its okay only twenty weeks to go if they even let me wait that long. How are u and lo doing? Have u made your appt at mfm?

Laura ten days ten day!! Im soooo sooo excited!! Cant wait to hear all ur good news! How are u feeling? Is the iron still helping u? Hope so!

Tash hope chris talks with roomie and is straight forward with him to leave. do u need him there for him renting? I know u told him once ur pregnant he would be out but wasnt sure if he was helping in that way. I hope ur rash is healing and ur house is clean for.u!!<3 keep resting sweety having ur ultrasound in no time! I cant wait for ur lo to grow!

Bethany and horsey thinking of u!

Jess last time i spoke to bethany she was sick :( i feel so bad for her. I just wish she could catch a break get her beautiful bfp and have her miracle baby healthy and on the way. I feel that way of each and everyone of u ladies. I wish our obstacles werent as high and complicated and things could just be smooth sailing and we could all enjoy life and the whole process. You could always message her on b&b. Ill let her know to check if ud like. If u do read our thread bethany we miss u and wish u well<3
Just popping to in to say that I love all of you ladies.

Oh Jen, big :hugs: honey I had no idea you were in hospital. You just can't seem to catch a break girl- praying for good things to come after all of this!
Hi Girls! Hope everyone had a god weekend!

Jen, Im so sad to hear tht you in still in the hospital but at the same time am glad that they are keeping you there as long as they need to for you and your daughter. Wish your fmaily and husband would come and visit you more often. I just dont understand your husband hun. I know mine would insist on sleeping at the hospital with me no matter if they said he could or couldnt.. Im so sorry and wish we could be there for you. Hopefully today is the day they say that you dont need an IV anymore and you get to go home.

Jess, yay for being transfered to a high risk dr!!!! So glad you are in good care now. How are you feeling?

Tash, Grrr regarding roomie. I felt the same as Laura... at first really felt bad for the guy with his gf leaving him and all but now hearing about all that you are going through with him, I can see why she maybe left! I hope it gets better but it sounds like the only way thats going to happen is if he leaves. Hope it all gets sorted out! xx

Laura, how are you feeling? Do you have a followup to check on your iron and what not? Hope the meds worked and you are feeling 100% again hun!

Angel, I thought of you this weekend as I was walking around. It was so funny, I was like "Hmmm I wonder if Angel has been to this store, I wonder if she has eaten at this place..." lol. Its cool to think about how we all may have been in the same exact sopt as eachother but at different times. Anywho, it was random heheh How are you feeling???

Bethany, Hiya hun!!! So glad you popped in! How are YOU feeling? Is the infection gone? Im so sorry you got sick :( Get well soon doll! :hugs:

Horsey, where are youuuu!!!!!

Sorry if I missed anyone.

AFM~ the weekend was just wonderful. DH had me relaxed and we had a great time. I brought test strips with me thinking I would was to POAS and the whole time I didnt even think about it. Then we get home yestersay and I POAS, it was neg (about 8dpo). Did another one this morning with fmu at 9dpo and nothing :( I ive been having some wierd cramping going on but I dont know if its the Crinone thats doing that or not. I dont remember it doing that before but then again I as pregnant then (This last time). Both times I didnt get a BFP until the day af was due (About 14dpo) so it may be that I wont get any results until then but I lost both of those babies so not sure if its good that I do get a bfp that late. Oh boy... back to the tww worrying game! lol
I have never been one of those lucky women to get a bfp at 8dpo... just one of those that gets the worse case scenario not only thrown at them, but them brought to fruition. sigh!

Hahah hovers..... can I tell you how many times I wished I was in one??!?! Esp when we lived in Cali and driving on the dreaded 5 or 405... ugh. Dont miss that!

I tell you, I wish there was a fast forward button. It sucks waiting. I love my hubby but I remember him telling me sometime back how all this waiting will make us appreciate everything that much more. As much as I hated to admit he was right, I just glared.. huffed and puffed and walked away. As I did that I could hear him yelling "Love youuuuuuuuuuuu". grrr lol
DH and I were talking about that last night.. he said "I watched while the whole thing was happening and I saw the dye travel. They never went to that side at all so I dont know how they say it couldve been blocked. I wouldve believed you only have one tube over a blocked tube and we conceived just fine with that one tube so Im not worried about that". That made me feel hopeful. I hate having these emotional ups and downs... makes you feel certifiable. Im hoping time flies for all of us!

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