ttc after a d&c

I know.. I hate to admit it but he does make good points. And yes, it doesnt get any easier after we get a bfp but knowing you are on your way is more comforting than questioning if you will ever get to that next step ever again. I just want to be at the point where we are all asking eachother for advice on calming our little ones or for advice on nursing and things like that. Talking to eachother during mid night feedings is what I look forward to :)
Going to try to sneak a nap in while I'm not feeling car sick! I've been attempting to sleep sitting up because it eases it a bit, but could really use a good ole snuggling down in bed nap! The stage is set...


Enjoy your nap and hope its nice and snuggley! :cloud9::sleep:
Jen tbh the roomies rent does add up, but we dont really notice it, cos to be honest, the amount of money i spend on washpowder cos he uses it all, and the amount i spend on food cos he eats it all and the amount i spend on cleaning stuff to clean up after him, and the amount of time i spend doing it its not really worth the money! Wed probably be better off if he werent here lol!!

Amy theres still time!! Look at me ! i didnt get a full blown positive that i didnt have to squint at until 17dpo! Theres always hope, and you arent out til af gets you, do u feel pregnant? I know that sounds daft but i felt pregnant a few days after ovulation! Put it down to wishful thinking but i was right. Do u have any symptoms or are u trying not to symptom spot??

Angel how are you dong chick? Yeah chris drove back round and tried to find the lads, they werent kids cos they were all quite tall so they must have been at least 16/17, in other words old enough to know better!!

Bethany hey how are you?

How are the rest of u? Sorry if my posts are a bit scatty and eratic, i cant concentrate for shit! xxxxx
Hi Tash!!! How are you hun?? I keep trying to tell myself that at 14dpo if I still get a neg then Ill worry but I just cant help it. :( I too feel like Im pregnant but a big part of me is thinking its just wishful thinking and the other part is telling me its the Progesterone meds. So either way... Im trying not to get my hopes up. I think because I got pregnant twice pretty quick, that I just assumed it happend that way again this time but I dont know. I had a bit of cramps this morning and and I push on my bbs they feel a little tender but nothing else is really jumping out at me. :( Maybe Im just trying to block any kind of symptoms because I dont want to get my hopes up, idk. :(
I did the same Ames, i tried to ignore the sore boobs and the heaps of creamy cm and stuff, even all the sobbing and crying i was trying to ignore it.... Ive had ovulation type cramps since ovulation i have, trying not to worry about it... I did start to doubt myself at 14/15dpo, but i kept testing because i knew id never felt so positive i was pregnant ever before in any cycle before this one, you started temping too ? Hows that going bab xxxxxx
Sorry for late reply i dosed off on sofa, apart from being shattered, emotionally and physically drained im okay, keep feeling very emotional too , i keep feeling really sad, i keep looking at my belly andjust wanting to beg it to stay, does that seem pathetic? Im bloated and i hate looking at it because im terrified of it being real and looking like a bump... I keep having dreams about going to the toilet and seeing blood everywhere , part of me thinks its going to come true, the other part thinks that maybe im having those dreams because thats whats on the back of my mind the whole time? I dont know, what will be will be i guess xxxxx sorry to sound so negative when im pg i just cant shake this horridness xxx
hi guys :)
how ye all :) good i hope xxxx

jen so glad docs r lookin after u hon, nurses r always saying when they think u be goin home but only doc can decide, it happened me when in hosp too and is very frustrating cos it gets ur hopes up, it wont be long and u wil be home honey xxxxxxxxx
but for now think of the lovely extra fluid ur DD is gettin from Iv :)
i dont think they r even legally allowed hide something about ur medical case from u hon, so id say its nerves making u think that , hugs xxxxxxxx
hope u get to go home soon, the fact ur not leaking any more is great sign :)
weird qs but after the first gush,m when u were leaking was it alot?
totally tmi but i need answer to my qs, :) me and dh Bd again the other day , i had more mucus again , stil clear so should be fine, but this eve my knickers is wet and it doesnt smell. is this normal? doc did say u can be very wet during pregnancy but how wet is wet ? :) sorry for tmi but i just wanna make sure .
it only happens every now and then so prob fine :) xxx
i think it may be my bodys way of flushing out Oh :sperm: so no infection?????

jess, glad u got ur transfer, hurray for good care, makes all the difference xxx

angel keeping my fx for u sweetie but all looking great so far, but i know further i got after a scan the more i worried myself again xxxxxxx hugs xxxxxxxxxxx

tash hope ur good babe and rash is clearing xxxxxxx

amy so glad u had great time in vail, thats funny about imagining angel there :)
i would be the same :)
i know u know, but just to reinforce it, 8 dpo is miles too early when u got pos opk at 15?cd xxxxxx stil heaps too early and loads of hope left for this cycle :) xxxxxx
fx so hard i cant feel um :) xxxxxxxxxxxxx
mine was super early and was neg till 12 dpo, i tested nearly every day :)
even that was very early :) xxxxxx

bethany hey, glad u popped back, we loves ya and miss u xxxxx
hope ur feeling better from infection xxxxxxxx

ilovehim and horsey hope ur good hon xxxxxxxx

im not too bad again this eve, i was crappy yest and today again.
doc did listen and has upped my thyroid med and will check again in 3 weeks on both iron , liver and thyroid, she is bein so good to me, she is really looking after me now.
i met her today and when i told her i was back to sleeping 12 - 16 hrs a day she agreed straight away to up it a little :) hurray shoudl be feeling good again really soon. :)
i feel better this eve already cos i had the extra dose this morn anyway and have iron tabs now too :) thanks guys xxxxxxxxx
Sorry for late reply i dosed off on sofa, apart from being shattered, emotionally and physically drained im okay, keep feeling very emotional too , i keep feeling really sad, i keep looking at my belly andjust wanting to beg it to stay, does that seem pathetic? Im bloated and i hate looking at it because im terrified of it being real and looking like a bump... I keep having dreams about going to the toilet and seeing blood everywhere , part of me thinks its going to come true, the other part thinks that maybe im having those dreams because thats whats on the back of my mind the whole time? I dont know, what will be will be i guess xxxxx sorry to sound so negative when im pg i just cant shake this horridness xxx

hugs honey, all normal for us after aloss unfortunately, i stil check my loo paper to make sure no blood, :) think we wont be feel properly safe til bubs in our arms :) but it does get better, i have big not worried chunks now and the more i ge ton in preg the bigger the chunks :) xxxxxxxx
Sorry Tash... I know that it so ard to enjoy pregnancy after what we have been through but like you said before (I think it was you that said it lol) we just have to accept what is... if we are pregnant then we can only do what we know to do the best we can. I have great feelings about all of your pregnanices and really think that everyone has thier rainbows cooking or on thier way!

So I havent really posted much about colleguezilla in a while with everything going on. Thought Id do so now and not lure you guys into a false sense of security thinking that she is normal and great now lol. So as you girls know, I went through what I went through recently and with going through everything (HSG, D&C, etc) you girls know we are more aware and sensitive to what our bodies are going through. Well whenever she asks about it I tell her what Im feeling and I always get a response like "Oh relly, thats strange, I never felt. When I was pregant..._________" or "Wait until you are actually fully pregnant and you get big, it gets worse and thats when you REALLY feel everything". Now I normally dont ever curse on here or really get too peeved so pardon the following sentence.... I felt like saying "You are such a bit*h! You have NO idea what the f*ck you are talking about! You may have had your share of emotional trials and tribulations but you in no way can relate to what I am talking about and am experiencing at the moment. And stop f*cking trying to and take away from what I am feeling and making me feel like I dont know what Im talking about when I tell you that I felt O pains or implantation... what the f*ck do you know you stupid, self centered spoiled, pre-menapausal b*tch on wheels. Stop talking about yourself for a change and let others talk a**hole!".

Whew! I have never cursed so much in my life! :oops: but she just aggrevates me! She told me last thursday that she was going to call in sick on friday. She ended up comig to work and calling out today but text me saying that she was really sick. I decided to come into work earlier than normal (7) since I knew she wasnt going to be here and I have a TON of work to do. I text her "At work early, gonna try and get come stuff done before people start showing up to the office...Feel better". So then she calls me (I know its because she wanted to know if I was really here). So I hit ignore on my cell. Then she texts me and says "Please call me, I need help logging on from home and I cant get one". I call her from work and she picks up and says "Hi! Oh sorry hang on... my back... oh my head.. oh this ..oh that." I was obv annoyed on the phone and Im sure she could sense it but I wanted to say "I CAME IN EARLY NOT TO HEAR YOU FAKE MOAN BUT TO GET WORK DONE!!!!" so wasted 15 mins with her asking me to sign onto her comp and then I finally told her that I was going to transfer her to someone that could help her get signed on from home. UGH! So annoying! Any sorry... end of LONG rant! :oops:
Tash, BIG BIG BIG hugs hun... I wish for you, Jen, Angel... everyne that I can hit the fast forward button babe! :hugs:

Laura, Hiya!!! So glad your dr listened and they up the meds! I really want you at 100% already!!! Youre right I, I did get my previous bfp both on 14dpo (day af was due) so why would there be an exception this time right? I guess just hoping for it to be different this time. Different in both getting an earlier +hpt and a nice, healthy sticky bean. :)
amy im gonna slap colleaguezilla about the face repeatedly when i come visit in the future :), is that ok with u ? :)
i think the d and c makes us more sensitive cos i def felt preg a few days dpo, i also got Ov pain for the 3 months which i never in my life had before, we were all the same or similar so that woman is obvs talking out her ass, in case there was any doubt at all :) so glad u transferred her too right, try and shut the dumbass out honey , hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
keeping fx for bfp for u and sticky bean xxxxxxxxxxxxxx it is on its way, i can feel it in my bones :) xxxxxxxxxx
YES!!!!! You are MORE than welcome to! Although I dont know that I would want to waste your time out here on her.. I would want to hang out with you and OH and lo!! :hugs:

I just feel like she can be very sweet but she since she lives just with one of her daughters (Other one is in college and her husband lives in California... I know wierd) that she acts like a brat becaus eshe is so used to doing things the way she wants. Its almost like she lost social skills that you learn in kindergarden (Dont talk over others...hoe to be polite, etc). Grrrr!!!!! You should see her raise her eyebrows as if she is saying "Ya right *eye roll*" when I tell her about the things we feel now. I just want to be like "THEN DONT ASK!!!!". I try to keep it simple when she does ask but its like she can tell when Im annoyed and wants to act like she cares. I do question whether I can contribute my "truck drive mouth" posted with all the profanity and all is pregnancy related heheh... Id love to blame it on that because I promise I dont talk like that normally. :oops:

I ssooooooooo hope soo too Laura. This tww is the worst of them yet. :(
yup not our normal amy but u were severly provoked :) yup i blame ur crazy prego hormones :) h aha xxxxxxxxxx
too right she is a waste of time and im not honestly a violent person either :) hee hee

sounds like her and hubby have split up but she cant admit it, maybe she is bitter over it . dont waste ur time feelign sorry for her either though, only so long u can be nice to an ass :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
i know tww sucks big time, thnak god u had vail when u did to occupy u xxxx
only few days now hon, i know creepy crawly few days xxxxxxxxxxx hurry up tww xxxxxx
He comes out for a week or two at a time a few times a year so I dont think they have split but she did tell me that in the past they have separated for like a year after she had her first daughter. Never divorced just separated. Then she told him that she didnt want to live there and moved here but he didnt want to move here because he supposedly has a good job there. So that tells me right there that she is selfish. I would go anywhere just to be with my husband. I cant last more that an day without him without missing him. He has been here since Dec because he had to have knee surgery and she told me that they have had a few fights. I told her well its because you dont live together so this amount of time together is an adjusment for you guys. I know she hates that maybe... just maybe I could be right. I told dh about it and he thinks that she wa nice for takin gme home that day I was misscarrying and was in pain but that she is just strange and the living situation is just bizare.

When I went back and read that post.. I didnt feel like it came from me! :oops: heheh... Im telling you, she just brought it out and I have no patience right now with her :oops:
Amy u want a nice luteal phase so 14dpo is perfect! Ionly had a light bfp that far along. So u still feel very hopeful. Remember fast bfps can be chemicals amd fade before a real bfp would ever show. So just wait i know its unnerving but its going to be worth it. Im so glad ur hisband is so amazing. He is definately ur rock!<3

Angel cant wait for ur 12wk appt. I feel really good about it baby all will be okay cant wait for the reassurance thou for u. Grow lil one grow!<3

Laura after bd u can leak a few days just likr after they do a internal scan with lube. Its usually clear wet then. Normal discharge from what they said is very normal it can range from milky creamy clear watery lumpy. When i had my gush it was just that all over the couch everything was soaked it had a smell kinda sweet like food smell its was clear. I layed down in bed with a pad for half hour and when i stood up i had another gush that soaked the pad. After it was a slow trickle without a pad it could soak panties and run down my thigh. I never had an infection so not sure about that but id think ud have some discomfort wouldnt you? I am glad ur feeling better with med increase and iron! I love counting down for you 10 days!!<3

Well husbands here. I actually got ultrasound pics today! So unheard of in hospital to get printouts but im so happy. Cant wait to show em to him. Also i know obgyn said she will be in soon so hoping for a release. Fxd they said everything is looking better and ill have to drink 12-14cups water a day and stay on bedrest once i leave. So im hoping my evening check up is still good and ill be released.
Aww Jen, thats great that they gave you a pic and I hope you get released too. Youll feel better in no time once you are in your home with your dog in your bed. Tell dh he needs to turn the heat on for you and keep you nice and toasty. Love you and get better soon hun!! <3

Make sure you do drink lots! I know it will be a pain for you to go to the restroom all the time but from what your ticker says, baby is actually drinking the fluid right now so uber important!
amy, it realy doesnt sound like she has any kind of realtionship with her Dh to speak of at all. id be same as u amy , a few months would be my max away frm Oh , even then i woudlnt be happy about it :) xx
she would try the patience of a saint hon, dont worry about gettin cross with her :) xxxxxx

thanks jen, im sure im just being a worry wart , but thank u for reassurance xxxxxx
fx for u to get to go home honey and hurray for pics :) lovely DD xxxxxxxxxxx
im gonna go have a bath cos my back is achy, talk soon xxxxxxxx

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