ttc after a d&c

Amy with ff I noticed if I put in stress or sleep deprived on the specifics for that day it puts your temperature in a white circle meaning other factors could have affected it xxx

Well I'm now positive I know why I miscarried , I knew for a fact I was 10 + 5 on the day of the scan last Wednesday , but they said 9 + 2 , so I reckon it wasn't growing properly , the doctor said I must have conceived around new years eve , but we hadn't had sex at all from 25th December until 5th January and I got a positive on the 6th jan ... Kinda makes me feel better that it was better for the baby xxx

Got a scan tomorrow to make sure it's all out lets hope u don't end up needing a d n c after all this ... It's hurtful because my pregnancy bloat went down its back again and I feel that my symptoms have come back so I'm thinking there's something left over :( will soon see Ay ?

Love u all sorry I'm quiet this week trying to come to terms with it xxxx
Amy so glad ur scan went well :) good eggys catch those swimmers! Oh no i hope u feel better def no ibprophen!! :hugs:


Tash hoping for a clear scan sweety so sorry ur dealing with this :hugs:

Amy agree with laura if ur friends/fam on fb ur mom can host an online babyshower. Games are played like take pic of belly ppl guess ur measurements .. Date n time ull deliver etc and then mail giftcard to winners. Then on last day of event u open ur gifts online and thank everyone! Maybe everyone in cali can go to ur moms ppl around u ur house husbands fam at his parents. That way everyone can celebrate and take part in games. Its actually becoming quite popular amy
Angel sorry ur still sick :( i took a while to get over mine also. Glad ur enjoying time to urself as much as u can. Two weeks with ur mom good luck! Maybe she will be very helpful.

Jess glad ur dds are feelin better! Hope that stuffy nose clears up for u also!!<3

Laura yay for third trimester :)
amy hugs, i know its not the same cos i could drive and see my friends but lots of them are so busy all the time i never see um, since im out of work i miss all my friends too.
i still see my best friend in work (the one i travelled with) but the rest i only see about once a month, i know i shouldnt complain cos i do see them sometimes but i used to see um every day .
im glad i have ye guys cos other than my family (who i am very grateful for and have lots of ) i wouldnt have very many friends around me.
i kinda class ye as friends i have regular contact with, im not sure if thats a bit sad on my part but i like knowing ye r here for me xxxxxxxxx :)
for ur back hon, heat is the best , if u only just pulled it , massage may not be the best babe, it may need time to heal a bit before massage. but if u reckon its muscle tell um what happens and they should know, sometimes u cant directly massage it for few weeks if damage done xxx
u can stilll use the heat belts or packs, make sure u get the ones without medication in um, just heat only xxxxxx
hot bath helps too chick, the water and heat sooths, after Ov switch to warm baths not hot xxxx
oh and if u have spanx, they apparently double as back support according to my physo :)
hope u feel better soon, stupid ice xxxxx

tash god dont apologise for anything here ever :) xx hugs x
no wonder u r quiet, u r goin through a horrible time xxx
hoep ur scan goes well honey, hope u get all clear and no d and c xxxx
with all u went through it sounds like u wont need one hon, fx for ur body to have sorted it by now xxxxxxx
great big hugs, my heart goes out to u hon, would love if i could come visit or do something concrete for u xxxxxxxxxxx
we r always here when and if u need us sweetie, u know that xxxxxxxxx

jen hi honey, hope alls well xxxxx
today is a worky day isnt it?
hope it goes fast and easy as poss for u xxxxxxx

hi and :dust: and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxx

no news here i slept on couch last nt to avoid the varnish rooms, ive big bags under my eyes but i feel alright. :) just a puffy face on me :)
Thanks ladies! The massage definitely helped last night. They did what they called Bio Freeze therapy. They took a HOT towel that had the bio freeze med on it (it&#8217;s like a icy/hot type of a med). So for a full hour, that&#8217;s all she did&#8230; hot towel, massage and repeat. I&#8217;m still very sore but do feel like I&#8217;m on my way to recovery. I was thinking of all the times this could happen, now is the NOT a good time! DH was a doll and we still managed to BD last night lol! Wasn&#8217;t as fun was more like &#8220;Let&#8217;s get the job done&#8221; but he said he didn&#8217;t mind hahah. MEN! Put on a new estrogen patch last night and got my follow up folli scan tomorrow.

Angel, I hope you are feeling better :hugs:

Jen, Those are great ideas but I just dont think its going to happen :( Its ok though! Hope youre doing ok!

Laura & Jess, sending sticky vibes and hugs to you and your bumps!

Bethany & horsey, LOVE! <3

Tash, no need to say sorry hun. You are going through a tough time right now :( Take all the time you need and we'll be here for you. :hugs: How are you feeling? Has the bleeding stopped? Im praying that your scan goes well and that everything has passed. :hug:

:hugs: and <3 to you all and anyone I have missed!
ugh my boss made me go down to HR and they had to document me falling at work. So now I have to go to a dr through workman's comp tomorrow morning. Such a pain in the a$$. I didnt even want to say anything since the massage therapy seemed to work but they told me that they wont cover that or any future ones. Also, if something is seriously wrong, then they wont cover it unless I go through this dr. Wait a nightmare!
Amy, I hope your feeling better and good the massage at least helped a little. :). Good thing you were able to bd also. On a more positive note, remember the cycle I got pregnant was right during that horrible tooth abscess that I had? Right before I oved I was taking A LOT of ibuprofen and vicodin. And I was given novocaine and extra shot of it when the tooth was taken out. And right at that exact time I oved and basically got pregnant? I thought there was no way I could get pregnant with all that was going on and the medicines I was taking. But miraculously I did get pregnant. So you never know, even with this fall and bding you could get a surprise!! Sometimes things happen when we least expect it. I never understood it because the month prior to getting pregnant we bded so much and I tried so hard to get pregnant. And then the next month trying my we only bded 2 or 3 times around ov time, with the tooth issues and all, and I fell pregnant. I have a great feeling for you hon. :hugs:

Laura and Jen how are you ladies doing today? I hope you are able to relax and take it easy. I am sure both of you are busy preparing for your bundles of joy :baby: coming. Jen I hope the baby shower goes well. :hugs:

Tash :hugs: and a :flower: for you.

Bethany how are you hon? :hugs:

Angel I hope everything is fine with you. I know it must be hard when dh is gone. How long on average is he usually gone for? What do you do to pass the time? Spending time with family and friends would help. your mom is coming to stay with you right? Take care hon! :hugs:
Went to my 21 week appointment today and baby looked beautiful. I could see her whole face and her squiggling around. She looked so cute. My husband and daughter were there too. She looked so big too. Like she has grown a bit since last week. He was actually showing me how the babies bladder was full and the anatomy. Amazing. So now I am alternating between high risk and my regular doc. By the way this new high risk doc was incredibly nice. Very sweet middle aged man. He was awesome. Take care ladies.
amy i love biofreeze, its the job and smells lovely :) i had forgotten about it cos i hadnt got it in ages. they sell tubes here in chemist, presume ye have it too :)
its tingly and feels hot and cold at same time , kind of ;)
our work is the same hon, if we have any kind of accident no matter how small we have to go get checked out and fill out forms, such a waste of time.
i got burned with hot oil in work before (i work in hosp when i do work :) ) and got sent to emergency for it cos no burn gel in first aid box, they cant put it in first aid box anymore for legal reasons, so i missed hours of work waitin ion emergency and took up docs time as well for aburn, it was a good enough burn but burn gel was all they gave me so i could have saved whole trip if they werent so obsessed with red tape :)
i had just asked for the gel but they said no, it had to be reported and done properly.
i suppose in case i sued later or something . so silly.
gla du still got to BD, good on u, take one for team LO , ha ha :)

jess hi hon, how u doin?
ive lots done already , we r at a stand still now at the mo with prep :)
we have a lot of our stuff, but now OH made shelves so i cant sort nad tidy till varnish is dry enough to put stuff on the shelves, i cant wait till it is and hten we can really sort the room for bub. after that then we will get remaining big things, cot and mattress mainly , oh and bf pump :) only small things then week by week after that :)
its exciting :)
are u gettin stuff hon, or have u lots of it already from DDs ?
hurray for good check up and gettin to see DD :) xxxx
it makes all the difference when they r nice :) xxx

i spent the day cleaning the house and then went to my parents for eve to help miind my niece and nephew :) they r so funny :) i love them soo much :)

hope evryone is well xxxxxxxxx

tash hope ur ok hon xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Laura, believe it or not I don't have any clothes from either of my daughters. Every time they grow out of their clothes I donate it homeless women and children shelters. Its ok though, i don't mind buying new clothes. :) Its fun. I need to buy a new crib, well basically everything is going to have to be new. I used my oldest daughters crib that also converts into a toddler bed for both my daughters. That crib is over 13 years old. So time for a new one. :) I haven't bought anything or done anything yet. I still don't want to get ahead of myself. I still have it in my head that something bad is going to happen. I know its a negative way to think, but I always feel like I have to prepare for the worse. Does your lo ever kick your bladder hard. My little girl has been stomping on my bladder lately. It makes me want to pee. lol. Nice that your guy is getting the room all ready. You are almost into the 3rd trimester so great time to be preparing!
Can you believe I only have 1 nephew. I have 2 brothers, both of them are older than me. 1 of them is almost 40, not married or anything and the other one is 35 with a son. And him and his wife don't want to have any other children. So most of my moms grand kids are coming from me. lol. I am like the baby making machine of the family. lol. That's great you have a huge family!! I always wanted a big family. Are you planning on having more children after this one? If so, how many do you want to have?
jess i was the same for a bit, but in jan sales, things were so cheap i started buying to get bargains and once u start its hard to stop :) everything is so cute ;)
we havent bought anything in a bit now cos money is gettin tighter and we have good bit of stuff too :) we will be sorted by around week 32 i think :)
im crazy with plans , i have fun internet searching for bargains and planning what i will do even if not doin it yet :)
have u looked around yet at cribs and stuff? not that there is any rush, just curious :)
oh and as regards bladder , yeah def, when im in bed and i need to pee, ive got a few kicks that have actually scared me thinking i may pee :) hasnt happened yet thank god, but feels like a rush for the loo is needed :)

on my OH side we r the only ones who will have kids too, this will be their first grand child :) but on my side this will be the 38th grand child there si already one more behind me, my SIl is 10 weeks preg :)
we also have 4 great gran kids .
i have 11 older bros and sis and they all have kids, least amount they have each is 2, one of my sis has 5 :) id say that one of my sis would be a maybe for more, one of my bro has one on way but after that id say , would be done :) prob :)
im nto sure how many i want :)
im goin for one for now and see later :)
it depends on money and circumstance and everything, i woudl try to wait a year and a half or so, poss 2 yrs anyway i think. i wanna get rid of liver problem for good and get healthy and skinny before i think about gettin preg again :)
and to have time with this one :) but obvs u never can say exactly what u will do,
i may want more fast il be so in love :)
hi guys daily hugs and :dust: to all xx

tash hope ur holding up ok sweetie, we r all thinkin of u xxxxxx

angel hope ur ms is gettin better and ur having fun with mom :) xx

jen hope work went ok for u hon, xx

jess , how u doin today , good i hope ;)

amy hope ur back is gettin better everyday and hope those swimmers are busy fighting over ur egg :)

bethany where u gone to ? i miss u :)
u too horsey :)

rayray not sure if ur still reading this but hope ur ok xxxxxx
same for u ilovehim xxx

chat soon xxx
Jess, so glad scan went well hun!!! :)

Hope everyone is doing well! :hugs:

AFM~ Saw the workman's comp doc and he said that it was a deep muscle strain but nothing serious and should resolve itself in a few days which is great! Also had a follow up folli scan today. I am on CD 13 today and folli was at 18mm and lining at 9.5 which is good. No + opk yet so dr thinks I will over a day later this time (cd15). If I dont get a +opk by monday morning, they want me to come in and might give me a trigger but we'll see. Still keeping my fingers crossed that this will be the month!
Girls can I ask for prayers? I just found out that I am pregnant. And instead of being happy like I thought that I would...I just keep crying. We weren't even trying.
Girls can I ask for prayers? I just found out that I am pregnant. And instead of being happy like I thought that I would...I just keep crying. We weren't even trying.

Congratulations Bethany!! This is such wonderful news for you!! I am so so happy for you. I will pray for you hon!! See it happened when you weren't trying! I got pregnant the month I though I never would. Go right to the docs hon, so they can really take care of you!! I am so happy for you!! :hugs:
Bethany something weird happened yesterday. I automatically started thinking about you and imagined you pregnant. Really weird, right? I am not saying I am psychic or anything. lol. Just a coincidence, but rather strange. Again I am so so happy for you. Go out and celebrate!! You so deserve it hon! :hugs: :kiss:
You know I just thought about it. I bet that clearing that infection up really helped. Maybe that was getting in the way of your bfp. Right after it cleared you are pregnant. It is better like this hon. Imagine if you would have gotten pregnant during that super bug and all the medicines you had to take. I really believe that things happen for you a reason. Sorry about the rant, but I am so so happy for you!!! :hugs:

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