ttc after a d&c

it s a lovely feeling isnt it jen :)
last scan 2 weeks ago he still was, but he has half turned i think :) he feels more diagonal now rather than sideways :) judging by where im gettin kicked, also bladdar pressure is coming back into play a little so i figure he must have turned a little anyway :)
3 more weeks till next app so wont know for sure for a bit .
if i had the money i would go for gender scan, id love a proper scan, the private place is great , they give u soo much more time and pics :)
plus i wanna know for sure boy or girl :)
how bout ur DD, what way is she lying?
no thanks available ;)
wow free child watch is great im not sure how il get to go swimming, can u get a baby sling to put baby on ur back in pool .must google it ;)
enjoy ur shower honey xxxxxxxx
hope u get fantastic pressies ;) x
Aww<3 i know exactly what u mean! High risk doctor is only reason i have pics or enjoy my scans. I have 3 weeks also til next one :) we can wait it out tigether. Babys in breech position kickin away on bladder also lol :)
Hey girls my phone won't let me catch up but judging by the posts here you got bfp ?! First of all congratulations , you asked for prayers and I have prayed for you , i will be praying again for myself tonight again and I shall include you in that prayer too , although I often pray for my bump buddies on here :) I know I'm not here a lot but I think of u all often I truly do ! You all are always in my thoughts and prayers , I was the same , I knew I was pregnant and when I took the test I still cried and I don't think I was ever happy really , even though it was what I wanted :) you will be fine I'm thinking of u , sticky baby dust ...

Well girls my bleeding has stopped , my womb is still tilted but doctors said its only the same as having straight or curly hair and shouldn't affect me fertility wise , I'm still not wanting to try again , not yet anyway , me and Chris are finally on the same level and we are getting on better than we have for a while , I've had a few bitchy outbursts this week but he's took them on the chin and we are okay finally :) and to be honest it will be nice to bd without The strea of ttc :) not going to go on contraception but I am going to bbt to avoid pregnancy for a while :) hope ur all okay love u all xxxx
Maybe a boat for baby to lay in. I know ymca allows it so moms can swim with or wuthout baby
just been googling stuff for pool :)
my high risk clinic doesnt seem to be different to my normal clinic, its a 2 sec scan and out the door :)

tash hi hugs hon,
ur so right wait till ur ready xxxxx no rush at all !! wait til ye both want to xxxxxxxx
my uterus is tilted too hon, it hasnt affected me at all . its just one of those things, makes scans and exams a bit harder, thats all xxxxxxxx
hugs xxxxxxxxx
Aww that stinks laura. But least we know hes healthy :)

Tash hi! glad u and chris are holdin up ok and closer now. It helps being on same page. Take ur time no rush. You need to heal. I also have tilted uterus. No biggy. Makes bd uncomfortable a lil for me but no complications. I remember they told me at age 17 and i freaked bc i thought i had something wrong with me lol. Hope u stay strong and take ur time<3
Thanks girls hope u are both well , I'm just glad the bleeding and pain have gone , looking forward to a new af , gonna go asda soon n buy a new thermometer and start temping , will be wacky for a few weeks but still gomna do it just to keep track of af , to top it all off my best friend thinks she's pregnant , don't get me wrong I'd be so happy for her because she's had five miscarriages but it will still make me a bit sad if that makes sense . Thursday was my firsts due date and instead I was in hospital confirming the second had all gone , wasn't meant to be I guess :) I've decide too that if I do get pregnant again an I miscarry me and Chris will go into the adoption process , not a decision we took lightly but it's definitely something we will do if we lose another , or even if we do have our own child I'd still look into adoption for another :) xxxxx
yeah jen thats the main thing ;)
i keep having the feeling im gonna win some money lately, ive been gettin few euros here and there on lotto again lately , usually happens before i get few hundred or that one time 1455e :) hope its true , if it happens, defo private gender scan :)
tash my Sil said her body went back to normal much faster after natural Mc so ur temps may get normal sooner than u think xxxxxx
did ur docs want u to have op before, is that still an option, would it help u with future TTC. i know u were talking about an Op but im not sure if it would help u xxxxxx
might it be worth looking into if it would help.
i dont blame u thinking bout adoption, i hope things work out for u next time, which there is every chance it will but i know what u mean, only so many times u can have ur heartbroken xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
im gonna log off and go on my treadmil chat soon xxx

hugs tash xxxxxxxxxxx
love and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jessica, I must agree that I think clearing the meds helped. And you should have told me I was pregnant so I wouldn't have had a fit about it lol.
So glad your little girl is all set for allergy season. The allergies the trees but the trees don't like back :(

Laura, oh Thailand is still on. 35 days! I will eat all the mango sticky rice in the world :)
Congrats on 11 years!

Amy, have any pre-seed? It will help so much if no fertile CM.
I just took a HPT. Mostly so DH wouldn't feel alone in testing (he was taking a home test for sperm count and I couldn't take the FSH tests he got me until CD 3. So he jizzed on a stick and I peed on one for support).

Jen, no iPad but in the past I have had issues with BnB on the computer :-/

Natasha, I am so sorry. Waiting is awesome though. On the whole journey of TTC or expecting you put your life on hold and sometimes, you just need to unwind and live a little. For you, for once. I think adoption is so rewarding and glad you both want to someday <3

Horsey, hey :kiss:

Angel, hi!

Not planning to see a doctor except for my asthma. It has gotten bad. :(
As for the other, I actually BD when I shouldn't have been fertile. I think I must O later than I think. All this time I have been using my albuterol inhaler like crazy. And then there was Benadryl and Mucinex DM. And I don't have symptoms that are any different from PMS. We don't plan to tell family and will just lay low until second trimester, if I make it there.
If it makes you feel any better, I took high dosages of Ibuprofen, tylenol and vicodin around the time I got pregnant. And I have been using Benadryl on and off the whole time I have been pregnant. Docs said the Benadryl is perfectly safe. They better be telling the truth!! But from what I have read, it is very safe and one of the older medicines out there ( I have even read about the studies done on Benadryl during pregnancy) and I just use it at night to help with congestion and to get me to sleep. Oh, and I have been taking the baby aspirin since the even before I got pregnant, every day religiously, along with my prenatals and fish oil. I use the nordic naturals prenatal dha, it is very good! So you are still going to Thailand? Just be careful of what you eat over there. :hugs:
Jessica, my DH will be on duty to make sure that what I eat is ok. When I think of it I smile because now I have a legitimate excuse not to eat all the nasty crap he had planned for me before.
I wasn't sure about Benadryl but I have read that albuterol and mucinex DM are class C. I was going to go to the doc today (will have to go next week instead) for some Singulair to maybe help with my asthma. It's why I was taking the Benadryl and Mucinex. Chest congestion due to allergies making me wheeze constantly. Kind of regretting living on the third floor lol
Bethany mucinex is on my approved list when pregnant so is benedryl. Not sure about albuterol. Lots of sticky vibes to u!! Sticky bean grow grow grow :)
Hey girls , yeah was meant to have an op on 15th march but they've said there's higher risk of infection so soon after miscarriage and they said it could mess my cycles up so I opted not to do it . It won't really change an awful lot inside all they will do is remove a few lesions on the outside of my womb. Planning to go back to work on 11th march reluctantly at that ... I hate everyone there and everyone is so two faced and bitchy ... Hate it , hope you are all well ? My bleeding has picked up a bit this morning but it's just a bit and it's brown so I reckon it's the last bit coming out xxxx
bethany u seem better hon, im glad :)
il be saying prayers for sticky bean, would ursula work twice :) hee hee xxx
do u have to take extra thinners or anything, is doc usually helping u in anyway till 12 weeks? i understand about just wanting to stick to urself till 12 weeks but if u do need any docs help please go see um xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
to be honest mine did nothing other than book me hosp app and do a few bloods :) xxx
i did get one early scan alright but sure u can do that urself if u wanted xxx
well not do it urself but can go private :)
how far do u reckon u r?
congrats again xxxxx

tash hugs honey xxxx my work place has a bad attitude too,
most of the people are lovely when u get um on their own but bit of a mob mentality in my place, always fighting for their 'rights' even if some of the time they have no case whatsoever :) they would argue about anything and i mean anything :)
hugs hon, i thought it was to remove lessions in ur womb so thats why i thought might help, hugs chick xxxxxxxxxx
hopefully this is last of bleeding now, brown is good and its good its coming out, xxxxx

jen hope u had a great shower xxxx

angel where r u , we miss u xxxxxxxxxxx
hope alls well xxxxxxxx

jess hi hon :)

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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