ttc after a d&c

Jen, So so rry you arent feeling well hun. Keep us updated on what happens at the dr today. Are they going to induce?

Impatient, I think jen had to have that shot as well for the same reason. I think you get it in the begining and then once more during pregnancy... like around 20 weeks or somethign like. Im not 100% sure but she should be able to tell you about that. I cant remember if anyone else here had to have that shot :oops: I too had blood work until I was almost at 0 but I dont remember how long it took to get to O. All I remember is that af came 6 weeks later so you figure it takes about a month to fully cycle and if af came 6 weeks later then I would say that it took about 2 weeks. Then I would ovulate 2 weeks later and then af 2 weeks after that = 6 weeks. Sorry had to work out that lol. HTH!
Impatient, from what I have read the rhogam shot should prevent you from having miscarriages I believe. I also think Jen had to get that shot also, so she knows much more about this than me. As for me, it took me very quickly for my hcg levels to go down after my mc. It took only days for them to go down, and I was 19 weeks along when I lost my baby. So everybody is different. And it took my me 5 to 6 weeks to get my first af after mc. Things will get better hon, I know it sounds cliche, but time really does help with the healing process. :hugs:
Amy, with how beautifully your betas are rising, I am sure all will go well at your appointment tomorrow!! fx hon!! I know how critical and difficult this time is for you hon. And I only hope and pray things go smoothly for you so you can enjoy this pregnancy. Since we all have experienced mc we have been robbed of that innocence of a first time mother who finds out she is pregnant and is so happy and excited and hopeful for the future. Even though we are happy, excited and hopeful, we are also nervous wrecks and so fearful of something going wrong. But at the same time, there is no reason to think the same thing will happen to you again because the docs are taking good care of you and you are taking all of the necessary precautions for you and baby, since you already know the cause of your miscarriages. I really hope and pray your 1st trimester goes by quickly so you can get more comfortable in your 2nd tri and really enjoy your pregnancy hon. :hugs:
Thank you ladies. I just started bleeding again.. so I guess I just gotta relax.. I'm about to head bacl to get my shot.. they did blood first and had me come bacl. She said she can do it through and iv thank goodness cause she said the shot in the bum hurts real bad.. I'm a wimp with needles lol
Wow Jen, I hope the docs really listen to you and how bad you feel. I am sure your body is so exhausted, you are already overdue and baby is probably so ready to come. Hopefully your doc can do something to kick start your labor. Like Amy said, they expected you to deliver at 28 weeks and you made it all the way past your due date!! You got exactly what you wanted, your baby stayed in their snuggled safely all the way to your due date. I hope you have her this week!! Or better yet, I hope you go into labor any minute now!:hugs:
Angel, at least you noticed it was the wrong crib before your husband was completely finished putting it together. lol. I hope you get the crib issue fixed with not problems. So you are almost done with the nursery correct? Do you have all of your other baby necessities or do you still need to go shopping for more things? Did you have your second baby shower yet? I know you had your first one already. :hugs:
Laura, I hope you and baby are doing good and healthy!! I can't wait to hear about your little man and I am so happy for you!! :hugs:
Thanks Jess! I really hope so too. I knew that the closer I got to that 8 week mark, the more nervous I would be. I too will feel much better once we are in the 2nd tri but my dr said that she will feel better once I past 8 weeks so she is much more optomistic than me lol

Impatient, I know this time feels like its never going to end but you are going to be back to ttc in no time. Its much easier said than done but relaxing will do you some good. You have been through a lot and like Jess said time will help heal. :)
Impatient, sorry but I have no idea about HPTs after a loss. It never occurred to me to do that afterwards. I think that I got AF about 42 days maybe after :hugs:
Jen is the one who has a negative blood type when her husband is positive. She can answer more of your questions I bet :flower:

Jen, your body may be getting ready to labor soon! I knew some girls who were sick all during labor too. :hugs: I am thinking of you honey

Angel, oh when did you decide on Pierce? I love it! :cry: <---all emotional for ya
So glad you caught that the crib was the wrong blasted one before it was completely finished! Phew!

Amy, your scan is coming! Thinking of you :flower:

Jessica, update us on you :kiss:
Oh Bethany! Thought of you over the weekend. I had a craving for some sour belts lol
Did you indulge yourself Amy? :) half of my bucket is gone! My husband the sugar fiend goes a little crazy every time he is home lol.
hahah no I didnt. We had otter pops in the freezer (Ice pops) so that help with the sweet tooth! I hadnt had those things since I was a kid. We had a BBQ Memorial Day weekend with some friends and people in our neighborbood and dh and I got them for the kids. :)
Im O- and my DH is B+. I get Rhogam. They give it after a m/c and when you fall pregnant you will get it again at 26-28weeks pregnant but will have to go for rhogam studies before they give it as it lasts for a while! I had it twice this year. Once after my D&C and then again at 28weeks for this pregnancy. Thank goodness I wont need it again :) Don't worry it doesn't cause a mc
You girls are making me crave sugary sweets now!!! If only I didn't feel sick. I just took Zofran. Doctor said that ill be induced Monday at 8pm I go in. I am so ANGRY.. Last Tuesday I was told 70% effaced cervix was centered (more forward) and 3cm dilated... That doctors "Said" he did a stretch and sweep and if you recall I told you all that the exam was so gentle... Well today I had a lady she said 40% effaced cervix is now posterior and 3cm dilated... I asked for a sweep bc she wasn't going to do it just wanted to induce me... I asked her HOW CAN I BE LESS EFFACED AND MY CERVIX MOVE BACKWARDS??? she gave me no answer just that she didn't do the exam... Well I am now having a male doctor induce me Monday June 10 @ 8pm and he is a rushing type of man he wants me to use crytotec to ripen my cervix and he said that its not meant to be used for pregnant women or for this but they can and do use it... the nurse said I can pick to use foley with balloon if I wanted but doctor like pharmacist way instead. im so not happy I want a natural birth. They then told me that ill probably end up with emergency C-section after all said and done since baby is posterior facing and isn't anterior. Anyone know about this stuff??? Im so fed up. I know in the end ill have a healthy baby girl and that's what matters but the nurse seemed to be concerned with my blood type and the procedure of effacement and made me sign a lot of extra paper work for things that could go wrong and the student nurse made a comment that the other lady being induced didn't need all the extra paperwork like I did. I think she got in trouble for saying something but it really worried me
They won't even induce until Monday? That seems to be dragging it out. Why not induce sooner, if at all? I mean really.
I wouldn't let them use cytotec. That scares me. I think people take that to start a natural miscarriage- I don't understand why they would use it to induce. The foley balloon thing may work though and be way more gentle. And if they use pitocin, ask them to start it out really low.
Hang in there Jen. Don't know why they are telling different stories and jerking you around :hugs:

Amy, sounds like a nice time :)
Jen I believe I took that stuff to bring on af with the 2nd mc. I second what Bethany says and if at all possible dont let them give you that. And I too am pissed that they are making you wait until Monday. What, is the baby not big enough for them yet?!!??!! SHEESH!!!!!! Im so sorry hun :hugs: but eye on the prize.... your daughter will be here by next week! :D
my husband isn't being supportive at all. he is like why does all the crazy stuff always happen to you. im like this is my body. I have an us and nst Thursday I have to wait because my insurance company has to approve all the testing and then needs results to approve the induction. :( I do not want cryotec given to me. My friend told me I did NOTHING for her she had it at 9pm and by 7am no progress. it can put baby in distress also. Im fed up. completely def up.

My husband babysits me... I want to see acupuncturist. I have a secret credit card and im planning to get it activated. maybe I can secretly get out of the house and make an appt. I am also going to buy Evening Primrose and insert that vaginally to see if it will efface me. People say it works great but I think I would have had to start that much earlier but at this rate I have nothing to lose I feel.
Jen :hugs: You can't seem to catch a're sooo close! FX'd labor starts naturally for you!

:wave: ladies

(Amy, super excited to hear about today's scan!)
Jen, you poor thing. Im sure you are just physically and emotionally spent right now. Im sorry that you are having such a hard time but I agree with Angel. you are sooo close and your little girl will be here before you know it! We are here for you and are rooting for you hun. Try not to stress yourself out as its not good for you or baby either. Zoey, time to come out!!!!

How are you ladies doing??

Scan went well, baby is still measuring a few days behind which still makes me nervous but dr isnt worried about it all and says its normal. Im measuring 6w2d and am suppose to be 6w5d. Heart rate was 111 which she told me was good but I have read its great and low on the internet so now that has me worried too :( Next scan is next Tuesday the 11th and then I have an OB appt for paperwork, I think a detailed US or just a normal, complete physical, and an optional cystic fibrosis screening on the 20th.
:dance: <3 What a sweet heartbeat Amy!! <3 :dance:

:crib: update: It is now going to take +\- 4 weeks for my crib to get in! :grr: I just wanted my nursery to be seems I am learning quite the lesson about patience. I told DH there is a grey crib at The Land of Nod that I'm growing fond of, but he insist on waiting. Admittedly I'm impulsive, so it's nice that he balances me out. In the meantime I'm washing and putting away the hand-me downs I received from my sis and some looks like Baby Gap, Osh Kosh and Gymboree blew up in here! :laundry:

Leslie, Bexi & Impatient: Hope this finds you all on the mend! :dust:

Laura ~ Hope you're doing well :flower:

Bethany, Jen & Jess ~ :hi:

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