ttc after a d&c

heheh bless your hubby! He sounds like mine. I too am impulssive but its great to have great, grounded men! :cloud9: I cant wait to see how it turns out! Just a few more days and your crib will be here :)

Im having Laura withdrawls now... Im about to fly to Ireland to check on her! Can I borrow someone's jet? :plane:
Amy i agree wonderful hearybeat rate! Babys heartbeat was 124 for me firt time and she was flopping around (well i thought she was). .... Sounds lovely :)
Angel so sorry for ur wait on the crib! Grr sending u wrong one then make u wait a month?? Perhaps thats an estimate and ull get it sooner. Mine came in 4days and said 3weeks but i got it off amazon. I cant wait to see ur nursery pictures!!
Jessica bethany amd all the others hi!! I hope all is okay!
Laura we miss u!! Come tell us about bubs his name and ur experiencr even if its fast :) we know ur tired! I hope shes doing well<3

Afm i have tried 25minutes nipple stimulation with pump..... One hour brisk walking.... Gonna go walk again... Pineapple for lunch/dinner.... Squats.... And i have accupuncture scheduled for 7pm tonight. Fxd for something to happen.
My fingers a crossed tightly for you too hun. I know that he isnt your favorite person in the world right now but what about bd? Ive heard of some people doing that.. just dont know how comfortable it would be :( I feel for you :(
Amy, great news on the baby scan!! A few days is nothing, because she was a few days behind last week right? Which means the baby is growing consistently!! And the heartbeat always starts out lower!! I had a scan at 5w 5d the lady told us she believed that was the first day my baby had her heartbeat and it was 116 I believe (all you could see was a heartbeat). Your baby sounds great! This is great news Amy. Everything is falling right into place!!
Amy, quit being nervous! It is so common for babies to measure behind or ahead a few days :thumbup: you saw a beautiful beating heart now cling to that :)

Jen, I hope that everything kick starts labor! Sending labor dust :dust:

Angel, I don't blame you for being annoyed over the crib but luckily you can focus on all those little clothes and whatnot!

Psst...just a little over a week until I see my baby again and hopefully find out the gender! So excited!

I think a growth spurt is happening because I have been eating nonstop since yesterday!

Hi Jessica :)
Thanks Girls!

Jess, yes thats true. We were measuring about 4-5 days behind last week and this week only 3. I guess I didnt look at it that way. :) How are you feeling?

Bethany, EEEEEEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im going to say team blue! I hope you are able to find out too! So exciting!
Angel, you do actually sound pretty patient! I am probably way more impatient than you. lol. What's your favorite line or clothing for babies? They have a chain here called Janie and Jack that has such beautiful clothing. I won't make it a habit to go shopping there much because the clothes are pricey. But I will buy a couple of outfits there to indulge my little girl. lol. I like Gymboree, the only problem is I feel there newborn line doesn't have enough clothes, but the clothes are still very pretty. I bought my baby a beautiful yellow dress outfit there. This pregnancy me and hubby bought everything ourselves, no baby shower or anything, and it has been very pricey. I was so picky about everything that we decided to just buy it all. I think my mc has brought on this paranoid personality and I think it has something to do with why I feel I have to take control and buy everything myself. My mom is going to buy us the crib mattress, which I am trying to look for the pediatric recommended ones. They recommend the firm mattresses. Also it has to pass those chemical testings for the mattress fabric. She is also going to buy the crib sheets. All I need now is a good thermometer, and a few other things. How are you feeling lately Angel. Time is going buy quickly, isn't it?
Bethany, how exciting that you are going to find out the gender next week!! I am sure your baby is growing beautifully!! So are you having any cravings lately? I have experienced the whole weird craving thing with any of my pregnancies.You know those weird food craving combinations. I do find myself craving Mexican food at times, and red meat. And lately I have been wanting chocolate, but good quality chocolate, not your normal chocolate. Like chocolates imported from Belgium or Swiss. lol.
Amy, it seems that gender is currently pretty evenly matched on here with two girls and two boys. I wonder if you and me will have a boy and a girl to keep things even eh? :)
Jen, I hope your are starting to feel better. But I am sure the only way you will feel better is buy giving birth and holding your little girl. :) I am sure your dh is getting impatient too. I am sure with the birth of this baby he will mature. I think some men in their early 30s are still a bit immature. Once he meets his little girl and sees how her whole life depends on him, it will probably change him a lot! :hugs:
Laura, I am anxiously waiting to hear about how you and baby are doing. I hope everything is going well for you and you are probably enjoying every minute with your little boy!! If you are not too tired and get a chance please try to update us, we are so curious as to how things went and how your feeling. :hugs:
Amy, it seems that gender is currently pretty evenly matched on here with two girls and two boys. I wonder if you and me will have a boy and a girl to keep things even eh? :)

Hahhah ya maybe!

Current score:

Jess - Girl
Jen - Girl
Laura - Boy
Angel - Boy
Bethany - Healthy LO!
Amy - Healthy LO!

heheh :haha:
I will be 35 weeks this week. Went to see my doc yesterday and she could feel the babies head really low, just by touching my low pelvic region. So, she is in the birthing position, it could explain all of those stabbing pelvic pains. I just hope she doesn't decide to move breach at the last minute. My blood pressure is under control and my urine test for protein came out negative. So I am very happy about that. I feel a little more at ease now because she is past the dangerous period in case I deliver prematurely. Everything is happening so quickly. I have insomnia now, it is so hard to get to sleep.
So glad to hear that everything came back great Jess! Your LO will be here before we know it too! Funny to think when we all started and how far everyone has come. It seemed like it was so far away before we would have any one of us giving birth but Laura has and jen is going to any second and then you and then Angel and then Bethany and then hopefully me... just crazy!!!
Jessica, I haven't had any weird cravings exactly but I do like red meat. And petite kosher pickles. And last night a salad sounded pretty good too. I rarely want sweet things but that isn't too unusual for me. Love salt :blush:
Hey you have good taste in chocolate! The imported stuff is very smooth and tasty. I can't stand Hershey chocolate. Tastes so grainy to me :(
You are getting so close! She is all ready and in the birthing position :)

Amy, we will just have to see what we are having and see if boys or girls win ;)
Jen ~ Just spoke w/ my sis and she said they use Cytotec for inductions quite often. She said no harmful effects, just get ready for the contractions! (I am super close to my sister and trust what she says.)

Jess ~ Hurray for shopping and baby being head down :flower: As for baby clothes...I splurge a bit on outfits for him, but do try to limit myself. It's tough finding "cute" for baby boys, so I find myself drawn to Burberry & Armani. I'm going to try to steer away from Nordstrom and to Baby Gap from here on! As for mattresses...what fun it was reading about all of those. I went with the Sealy Soybean Plush. I wanted the Nook, but wasn't entirely comfortable with the "bumps" on it.

Bethany & Amy ~ I cannot wait to find out what you ladies are having! I'm trying not to put the cart before the horse here Amy, but I'm just soo excited! Eventually we'll all have to move over to a parenting thread to keep in touch! Doesn't that sound dreamy :cloud9:
Angel thank you!! I actually called the nurse this morning and my insurance company. They do cover Cervadil which is FDA approved. But the nurse called me back and apologized saying I am indeed 70% effaced and will be able to have early morning induction on Pitocin only :) Hopefully the acupuncture session I had works and I wont need to be induced!! FXD

Angel and Jess all the baby clothes sound sooo lovely!! You both seem to have a lot :) Im so glad that your finally getting to the end of your pregnancies and youll both be holding your beautiful babies soon!!<3

Bethany and Amy I seriously cant wait to find out what your both having!!! It seems like for every boy there is a girl so close in age!! If only we all lived close together it would be AMAZING!!! We could all possibly be considering family if our babies ended up together lol. I couldn't help but say that :)

Jess you really do have good taste in chocolate! yumm!!! to be honest its been my weakness also! I had chocolate milk this entire pregnancy!! and lately toffee and almond chocolate bars the swiss ones :) Bethany I agree Hershey is YUCKY!! I cant believe they don't make it in the states anymore either. Still doesn't taste good.

My puppy seems sad. I took him for a mile walk today but then left him for 5 hrs. He was moppy whole time I was gone. So I feel bad now since im on my hubbys work pc instead of accompanying him. Mostly bc I know I can go into labor at any time and I feel terrible knowing I wont be home for 3-4 days. At least if I have a induction itll only be one day :) Less time in hospital!!
Morning Ladies!!!

Angel, I agree that we will have to move over to another thread and keep in touch. Being the last one to go, I hope that you all do keep in touch and come back after yoru LO's are born! Some of you might be preggers with #2 by the time I give birth! hhehe Then we can start all over again with those that get pregnant again. :)

Jen, Dont be sad about Kobe. he is going to have to learn how to share his mommy now that he will have a little sissy :) You can only do so much right now hun so dont stress yourself out. Im glad that you got clarification on yoru status and meds and that they are saying that can induce with just the pitocin. Also happy that Angel's sister is a L&D nurse and can give you better info regarding cyotec and other info!

Bethany & Jess, hope you and bumps are doing well!!!

Laura, still thinking of ya! <3

:wave: to everyone!!!

AFM~ So last night when we got home, I pulled my medical records from my 1st pregnancy and I saw that I initially measured a week off and that the baby's HB was at 115 at about 6.5 weeks. So I started to panic and told dh and ofcourse he wasnt concerned at all. He said that 1. we arent off by as much this time and are in the normal range... 2. you are on all sorts of meds and are being watched closely so I think we are ahead of the game this time and 3. that dr was a joke and didnt knwo what she was doing. We have a new group of drs and nurses that are on top of things! I hope he is right!
:hugs: Amy your Dh is right! This is your miracle and u have great Dr this time :) positive vibes your way as ur lo needs a calm positive enivernment to grow for u!! :) soon ull be in ur second trimester and hopefully ull feel much better by then<3

bethany eeek June 12 is fast approaching :) im so excited for u. Can Dh make the appt with u?

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