ttc after a d&c

Zoeys well Shes a happy content newborn that fussy at times. Wouldnt trade it for is demanding and exhausting but worth it. I come to realize my dh wont change
No, not yet. We meet with the RE this afternoon so we'll ask them then. Our builder installed a mitigation system when they built the house but they just didnt hook up a fan or something to it. I remember them telling us before our house started being built that we didnt need to worry about it and could instal a fan if we wanted later. It was because of our realtor that we decided to test for it. He told us that its worth the money to pay for the test. Even thought we only came 0.02 above the threshold, its still something that we want to get taken care of. DH reported it to the builder and told them that I had had 3 mc's since we've been living there so we'll see if they pay to put in the fan.
Hi ladies. Hope all of you are doing good.
Amy I am glad the hcg levels are going down. Hopefully your body expels the left over tissue naturally. I feel so bad even telling you that. But I know you want to move on to the next chapter. I hope with time you start feeling better and better. Good luck with the re. :hugs:

Angel, I hope you and baby are doing great. I bet you are very very busy getting ready. Have you been hit by any third trimester fatigue or pelvic pain? Hopefully you are feeling good hon.

Bethany, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your dh's family. When ever you get a chance maybe keep us updated, but if you can't we will chat with you when you are back home and settled. Hope you and baby are doing great. You are about to hit a big milestone hon!! 20 weeks!!! Congrats! :hugs:

Jen I hope both you and Zoey are doing great. I have known women with sleepy babies and most babies do sleep a lot at the beginning. Some babies just sleep more than others. That is how my daughter Natalie was the first week or so, I think she was so tired from the whole birth ordeal. Then she changed and was not a very good sleeper at all. There were many sleepless nights with her. She suffered horrible acid reflux for the first 2 years. And we just found out she might still have reflux. So we need to get her checked out. If you think little Zoey sleeps too much, you could always ask the pediatrician, just for reassurance. Give Zoey a kiss from me! :hugs:

Laura, I hope Simon is doing great hon. I bet he is growing away. I am happy you found what works for you with the whole br and bottle feeding. As long as Simon is happy and is getting what he needs. Simon is blessed to have such a good mommy. And you are blessed to have such a sweet baby hon. Give Simon a kiss from me. :hugs:
Jen, Im sorry to hear about DH. I hope that he sees thats its very important more than ever to be with his family now (You and Zoey). Im glad tha tyou are loving motherhood and so glad that you guys ar edoing well.

Jess, thanks hun. I do just want to move on so the quicker we can start testing and get some answers, the closer we are to figuring out if Im going to be a mother or not. How are you doing? How are you feeling?
Me and baby completed our first non stress test. She did very good. I am full term in 2 days. The docs are going to do a detailed ultrasound on Tuesday, due to my rising blood pressure and excessive swelling. Thankfully, still no protein my urine. They say babies to mothers with hypertension tend to be smaller, so if they see her growth is slowing down with the ultrasound, and my blood pressure starts shooting up more along with swelling. They are thinking about inducing me next week when I turn 38 weeks. :( Of course this scares me, but I also know that rising blood pressure isn't good for me or baby.
Amy i hope builder pays for fan obviously they shoulda installed it. Anxious to see re advise.. I agree moving forward but with more anwsers and making u a mommy <3

Jessica yay for healthy baby good nst and your full term <3 so sorry about hbp and swelling . Whats their plan? Gladno protein in urine hope they dont push u into something u dont want<3 your little girls almost here!
Oyi how did i miss it. Can u do anything to prevent being induced or lower yor bp maybe??
Laura what where signs Simon wasnt eatting enough bf? I know your making best xhoice for simons health going to formula so dont feel bad ur doing right thong for u and ur Baby<3 how lobg does he sleep usually<? How are u feeling ?

he wouldnt settle hon, he was cryin and fussy al the time unless he was on boob , where he would just mainly sleep and eat every now and then, he had less dirty and wet nappies too. thats the main way to check is their nappies, they should have 5-6 wet nappies a day and at least 1-2 dirty. altough simon ahd about 5-6 dirty :)
he is still gettin every second feed my milk cos im expressing,
pumping is a pain but its better for us both this way, he had nearly 2 weeks of bottles between hospital and first few days at home, it was just too long to get him back on boob, he was confused.
i could have done it but he would would have been hungry for about a week til my supply caught up and iwasnt willing to do that just so i wouldnt have to pump :) he is much more content this way.
he feeds every 4 hrs but has on 5 or 5.5 stretxh at nt which is fab.
but i pump every feed bar one so it cuts into my time but is worth it ;)
i went ot doc today cos i had been havinf really bad sweats and feeling fluy and sore boobs, all normal aparently ;)
how u doin? xxxxxxxxxxxx
angel i love ur nursery xxxx
thanks im good with feeding decision now, took me awhile to not feel guilty but im doin it for him and me :) happy simon and mom is def better, :)
how u doin? xxx

jess hope ur DD stays snug for another while,
if not she would fly it as she is, u should see some of the babies in the neonatal when simon was in, they were in the 20s weeks and were teensy and still came on great :)
hope u have lovely smooth labour and delivery xxxxxxxx

jen hugs honey, stupid MIl, il give her a kick in the butt for u :)
hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx
focus on u and zoey and let um all f off xxxxxx
it is a hard enough time without crap xxxx
in the hospital i was cryin all the time, its exhausting.
since we came home i have cried a good few times too, usually from tiredness :)
xxxxxxx hugs xxxxxx

leslie i love that song fix u, sad but sweet xxxx
hope ur feelin better today, can be a bit see sawy, xxxxxxx
i put on a stone and a half after my mmc in like 2 months,
i was big time comfort eating, it kind of helps, ish :) xxxx
hoep ur gettin plenty tlc xxxxxxxxx

amy i agree with jen big time, xxx hugs xxxx and love to u and Dh xx
hoping things go upwards for u from here,
u do not deserve any of this crap, u are way way too nice xxxxxxxxxx

bethany sorry honey, hugs, xxxxxxx
hope ye r as ok as ye can be xxxxxxxxx
leslie and lisa my af was totally weird , waited 5.5 weeks for it.
my second was much more normal and came pretty much on time, only day late,.
my third was on time and pretty mcuh normal.
everyone is different but just to let ye know some kinda time frame, although everyone does vary xxxxx

amy welcome back sweetie xxxxxxxxxxx
hope u get somewhere at ur appointment hon xxxxxx
love u lots xxx

Laura, I hope Simon is doing great hon. I bet he is growing away. I am happy you found what works for you with the whole br and bottle feeding. As long as Simon is happy and is getting what he needs. Simon is blessed to have such a good mommy. And you are blessed to have such a sweet baby hon. Give Simon a kiss from me. :hugs:

aw soo nice,
thanks jess xxx
he is a little sweetie :)
sorry for a billion posts but if i didnt i would mess it up and forget to answer bits :)
love ye all xxxxxxxx
Laura 5hrs at night how lovely :) Sounds like a great happy medium. Did u give Simon a pacifier? Im still debating on if i should or not. Im glad u found what works best for u both. Where does he sleep for you? We have Zoey in pack n play napper atm but she wont fall asleep unless Shes laying on me. Then she cant be moved unless in a deep sleep. I love her<3 i havent pumpped yet but def dread it . Im at point to just sahm since dh does what he wants wants but i know i cant as i worked hard for my degree. Did u hear about what u applied for at work yet<? Did u get it?? Im sorry u havent felt well but thankfully its normal. Have they checked ur levels lately?? How are things there? Did u post pic of Simon yet? Id love to see him!
Amy how did ur appt go? I am thinking positive thoughts for you<3
Amy- glad to see you back on here! Good luck with appt! I wish I could say it would be BFP but DH and I have used protection as per doctors orders until first AF. We did go to pull out method tonight (TMI!) because sick of it. 6 weeks since d and c so wishing for AF soon!

Laura- yeah I'm a comfort eater too! How much is a stone and a half? Haha sorry I'm not certain. So glad things are going well with you and Simon. I agree, would love to see picture!

Jen- so glad to hear things are going great with Zoey, she is adorable.

Jess- sorry to hear about bp and all. I hope you feel better
Leslie, after my mc I totally turned to food for comfort. I was 19 weeks pregnant and all of the sudden I felt so empty. I just started eating everything in sight. I constituted being full with being pregnant, at least that is why I think I was doing it. Whats sad is no matter what I ate, it didn't bring me any real comfort. I gained 10 lbs in the 2 month span between my mc and my current pregnancy. I guess we all deal with grief differently. BTW, me and hubby have been using the pull out method for 10 years and have never had an unplanned pregnancy. So it has definitely worked for both of us. I do hear you can still get pregnant doing it, but it never happened to us.
Jess- I also heard you can get pregnant but I am hoping until AF that isn't the case. Since it has been 6 weeks hopefully I am safe. I did see you mention previously it worked for you and the ladies on here recommended it. I guess whatever is meant to happen will. So hard for these things not to be in our control!
Hi Ladies! How is everyone doing??

Jess how are you feeling? So sorry to hear abotu the BP :(

Laura & Jen, how are Zoey and Simon doing?

Angel, cant believe you are over 30 weeks already! How are you doing?

Bethany, hope you and your family are ok. Still thinking about you and your MIL. :(

Leslie, I have heard the pull out method working for lots of women too! Its in god's hands so whatever is meant to be will be but I hope that no matter what, everything works out ok for you. Do you just have to wait one cycle before trying? Sorry trying to remember but my brain has been on overload this past few weeks :(

:wave: to anyone Ive missed and hoping you all are doing ok!

AFM~ Had a great appt with our new RE (details in my journal... didnt want to write all of that here :oops: ). I was nervous about now having to go to an RE but he and his team seem very knowledgeable and gave DH the boost of confidence that we needed right now. We are going to stay the course and do all that we can to have a healthy LO. They ran a BUNCH of bloodtests on me which I hope to get the results by the end of the week. Hope that we get some answers from that. Also, sent our fetus off for testing on Monday hoping that we get answers from that too but that wont be for 10-14 from when we dropped it off. Praying that we get some good news with all this testing and that we have our rainbow baby soon!
Hi ladies. Just wanted to tell all of you that I am in labor. I had a small placental abruption last night due to high blood pressure (rushed right to the hospital when I saw the blood. The Baby tolerated everything and is doing very good thank God. The abruption stopped but they don't want to take any chances since I will be considered full term 37 weeks in less than 12 hours. So little Sophia Alexandra or Sophia Grace ( we haven't decided yet) will be here very soon. I will try to keep you posted. But if I can't I will chat with all of you in a couple of days. Take care ladies.
Ahhhhh Jess!!!!! I love the name Sophia Grace (thats our friend's daughter's name)!!! Lots of love to you hun and hope that you have a smooth delivery and that you and Sophia are ok!!! :hugs: <3

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