ttc after a d&c

Yay Jess congrats! Beautiful names and can't wait to hear about it. Good luck!
Amy- I anxious person and have been googling and worrying since my pull out decision. What you said made me feel better, thank you. My brain just goes to every single thing that could or could not happen. They did say just wait one cycle. My decision above was based on pain issue... Although I am antsy to start trying again too
I read your journal and am so happy you felt right with your RE. Crossing my fingers for good results and rainbow to come!
Thanks hun! I know that feeling of wanting to jump right in! I havent even passed this mc and Im already starting to feel like I want to try again already too. Whatever you do, just be sure to really take out time for yourself. So many women have told me to do that and I think they are so right. When we dont stop to think abotu thinkgs or really process things, it tends to catch up with us later :( Wishing this cycle goes by fast for you and that your pain subsides so that you can get back on that horse! :)

Oh! And I too am someone that doesnt have the most pacience in the world... Im all about instant gratification but am constantly reminded by my hubby to settle down. :trouble: :haha:
Laura 5hrs at night how lovely :) Sounds like a great happy medium. Did u give Simon a pacifier? Im still debating on if i should or not. Im glad u found what works best for u both. Where does he sleep for you? We have Zoey in pack n play napper atm but she wont fall asleep unless Shes laying on me. Then she cant be moved unless in a deep sleep. I love her<3 i havent pumpped yet but def dread it . Im at point to just sahm since dh does what he wants wants but i know i cant as i worked hard for my degree. Did u hear about what u applied for at work yet<? Did u get it?? Im sorry u havent felt well but thankfully its normal. Have they checked ur levels lately?? How are things there? Did u post pic of Simon yet? Id love to see him!

no we didnt give him one hon, they tried him in the hosp with one but thank god he didnt like it :) so we never bothered with it, we hadnt intended on giving him one anyway but when he was in the incubator i would have agreed to giv ehim anything if if it helped sooth him :)
he sleeps in his moses basket, downstairs it sits on coffee table and upstairs we put it in his cot bed :)
he does suually fall asleep in my arms first.
the odd time he will sleep beside me in bed for a little bit first,
only if he hasnt burped and im afraid to lie him down flat.
they emailed and daid my appilication was rejected,
boss said redudnancy is comin in july but he doesnt know if its for us or not.
i really hope it is cos il prob have to leave regardless m but would prefer to be paid for it obvs :)
pumping is fine really, it doesnt hurt or anything if u do it properly,
just wprk ur way up hte stregnths on the pump and if its hurting turn it down for alittle bit, u dont want to hurt urself and risk not being able to feed later xx
they dont check my iron and thyroid and stuff till 6 week check up she said they would be all over the place till then anyway so no point :)
hope alls well with u xxxxxxxx
leslie a stone and half is 21 pounds which is about 9.5 kg .
silly me :) xxxx
hope alls well with u honey xxxxxx
i had 3 differetn lots of visitors today so no chance for pic, im wrecked now and have to pump so tomor hopefully i wil get around to it xx

jess best of luck sweetie, u wil be great xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
praying for smootht ime for u both, xxx
beautifull names xxxxxxxxxx
leslie pull out should work just fine but if it didnt and u got bfp, that can work out fine too, my sil has lovely little 2 yr old who was concieved before af after d and c xxxxxxxxxx
amy hoping u can try again really soon and get ur rainbow bub xxxxxx

i gotta go pump and sleep :) xxxxxx

love ye all xxxxxxxxx
I have processed a lot...I am quite the thinker! I'm even having wacky dreams with the thinking.
My doc called and recommended blood work on Monday if no AF. She will check levels do preg test etc.
I asked DH tonight reason why he does not want to tell his family about mc and he got very angry ( not at me) and was yelling about how all his cousins are having babies and this only has to happen to him. He said he is embarrassed. Tried to talk but he was angry and didnt want to talk about it. I guess he s really blaming himself and he shouldn't be. Didnt realize how much it is affecting him.

Amy- understand about wanting to move on. Again, so sorry. Sometimes I wonder why god works in the way he does. I guess we will all know eventually what is meant to be and why.

Laura- thanks for reassurance! I am with you on the gaining weight. Constant struggle in life with emotional eating!
Amy, glad that you had a great appointment with the RE! Rainbow dust!

Jessica, OMG you are having a baby! :happydance:

Leslie, it is so hard to know how our men feel after a loss. I do wish that he would tell the family for comfort. It is good to have the support of family :hugs:

Laura, how are you and Simon? :)

Jen, how are you enjoying Zoey? :)

Angel, how are you?

Leslie, how are you?

Sorry to have not gone very far back ladies but it is late and I am home but tired from constant back and forth travel from this last week. MIL is still alive but no idea for how long :( hate seeing her suffer and the family suffer. Will still check in when I can :flower:
hi guys xx

leslie. i think cos guys bottle stuff up we sometimes dont realise how much it affects um.
i had scan pic from lile and i framed it and put her name with it, OH kept hiding it.
i was so mad at the start cos it felt like he was tryin to hide the fact that lile ever existed. if anyone would call he would move the frame behind something else, or id get up from bein in bed and it would be face down.
but then i realised it was cos it hurt him to be reminded all the time. it wasnt callousness as i kinda half thought, it was his way of grieving was to try and forget, whereas i was afraid to ever forget her.
i moved the photo frame to my room (we have a room each downstairs for our own stuff ), so i could have it but he wouldnt have to see it all the time.
hugs to u and ur DH xxxxx
it is a tough time for both, xxxx guys get a little forgotten in it all sometimes cos they didnt physically go through it, but they feel the pain too xxx

bethany hugs chick xxxx
hope u and Dh are holding up ok xxx
u must be wrecked, not only from physical side but its draining being in that situation too, seeing someone so ill xxxxxxx hugs xx
simon is great :) he is a great little guy, i could gobble him up :) hee hee
im startin to feel much more normal now these days too :)

hope everyone is doing well xxx
hi and hugs to all xxxx

jess speacial shout out :)
hope everything is going great xxxxxxxxxxxx

AFM, im sittin on my ocuch waiting for the hospital grade pump im renting to arrive ;)
hope its a good one ;)
Ive realised out of all this i am so lucky,
we were so lucky simon survived and came home with us so fast.
my OH has been amazing and i love him even more after all this.
my family and friends have been really great.
i have all u guys for support to xxx
its when bad stuff happens u realise just how many people are actually there for u :)
chat soon xxxxxx
Jess ~ Hope you and DD3 are well...FX'd things went smoothly for you!

:wave: Laura, Bethany & Jen! Hope you and LO's are well.

Amy, Leslie & Lisa :dust:

Baby Sophia has arrived at exactly 37 weeks and on the first day of summer, I believe. Apparently, my placenta probably wasn't giving her enough nutrition for a while and then I had the partial abruption, it was so scarey, I thought I had lost her. She still managed to weigh in at 6 lb 1 oz and 19.5 in despite placental issues. She looks like a little doll. I will post pictures in the next week or so. She is in the nicu right now. She swollowed a ton of amniotic fluid as she was going down the birth canal. So they are waiting for her lungs to clear up. Her oxygen levels were low due to all the fluid. But all the test results came out good, no signs infection or pneumonia. I will keep all of you updated. Love you all.:hugs:
Congrats Jess and Happy Birthday Baby Sophia!!!!!!!!! <3

How scary but Im so glad that all the tests came back ok and that you and baby are doing well!
Laura, glad that life is great with Simon and your OH <3

Hi Angel!

Congrats Jessica! That is so scary and glad that she is doing well :hugs:

Hi Amy!

Well, my MIL has passed :(
Bethany, I am so sorry about your mother in law. Please send my condolences to you husband and know that both of you are in my thoughts and prayers.
Congratulations Jessica! Welcome Baby Sophia! Hope Mom & Baby are still doing well...I'm sure the girls are thrilled about their baby sister! :cloud9:
Hello everyone! I am new here so I m not sure I am posting this to the right place!! I will just start from the beginning (Sorry in advance about the length!):

My cycles tend to be every 35 days & last around 3 days. This has been my norm since getting off the pill about 8 months before we started TTC. My husband & I began TTC #1 in December of last year & I got pregnant the first go around!! Yay, right?!? That's what we thought too. I had my first BFP 6 days before my missed period & called my Dr. 1st thing Monday morning (I took the test- along with 3 more! over the weekend). They set up my first appt. & sent me for blood work. Other than my progesterone being slightly low, everything was perfect. I started taking progesterone suppositories the day I got my confirmation blood work back. At my first appt. I was only measuring about 7 weeks- which makes sense due to a 5 week cycle. Everything looked great so far! Heart rate was in the 120s. My Dr. told me to come back next week for another US so he could get a more accurate measurement and due date. At the 2nd appt (@ 8 weeks) everything still looks great. Baby was growing & the heart rate was normal. I went in for my 13 week appt & the nurse was not able to find the baby's heart beat with the Doppler so they had me wait for an ultrasound just to make sure everything was OK. As my Dr. is performing the US he became very quiet & told me & my mom (my husband was unfortunately offshore at this time) the news. The baby had stoppe growing between 9 & 10 weeks an other way no heartbeat. I was shocked & devastated. I called my husband at work & cried all the way home. Thankfully my husband was able to come home that very night. My Dr. called me that afternoon & suggested a D&C for the next morning. My D&C was on March 4th and the longest day of our lives. The procedure was very routine with no complications. I bled for about 10 days. I was told that my cycles would likely be very irregular, but should return back to normal within no time. I want in for my postop appt on April 4th. At this point I had still not had a period. 2 week passed & when I didn't start I called my Dr. He put me on 10 days of Progesterone to "jump start" my cycle. I had my 1st period post d&c on April 27th. It lasted 3 days and was very normal for me.

With all that said, here is my dilemma: I am now on CD 56... yes, 8 weeks tomorrow, and still no period. I called my Dr. Monday & spoke to the nurse. She suggested I have blood work done just to make sure I wasn't pg. They drew for an HCG quantitative on 6-17 & it was negative. I also have taken 2 Hpts- All BFN... the nurse said she would talk to the Dr. to see what I should do. My Dr. Office was only open 3 days this week so I am still waiting to hear from them.

I know that everyone is different, but has anyone else had an experience similar to mine? Any comments or suggestions are appreciated! (Sorry this is soooo long!!!)
hi guys,

angel hi hon, hope all well with u xxx

jess congrats xxx wonderfull news, sorry she is in neo but thank god she is ok xxxxx

bethany hi hon, big hugs xxxx

hope everyone is well, hi and hugs to all. xxxx
terraj welcome hon, sorry ive no proper help for u,
i waited 5.5 weeks fir first af andthey were normal enough after that.
hope someone has an answer for u. xxxx
try posting a new thread too on main ttc after loss board maybe?
just to be asking more people xx
you r right we all vary but hopefully someone had similar and got sorted, xxx
hope ur holding up ok hon xxx

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