ttc after a d&c

Amy prayers said that u passed evrrything i hope u can just go to ny and relax.theres much to do in ny. Did u plan to see a show or anything?? Maybe a carriage ride thru central park? Hugs hoping u get good news today.

Laura hope urn enjoying new kitty and Simon!!<3 combo feeding is just fine! Do it as long as u like. Lactation consultants and all doctots i spoke with are just fine with it! So glad urn pumps working ok for u. Surprised with hospital one!

Jessica important so sorry about Sophia in nicu and ur delivery. I hope ur swelling subsides u heal and get rest u need so u and ur sweet lo can cuddle.<3 did they put Sophia on vit d drops for jaundice or just keep her under white lights? I will be praying shes home soon in ur arms. :hugs:

Angel hi! How are you?

Bethany u and dh are in my prayers and thoughts i hope ur both doing okay<3

Lisa and Leslie cheering u on this cycle<3
Atm zoeys going thru a growth spurt. Hopefully my.boob is supplying her with everything she needs. I love cuddling her she wont allow me to actually hold her though. Loves to sleep across my belly lounged out or just use my boob as a pillow after feeding<3 she has reflux and gas already brraks my heart she can arch her back and scream for hours in a whalling cry. Doctor gave her zantac and my nerves where shot that i spilt half bottle on the floor. She hates the taste and spits it out but three days andhardly any spit up or vomiting any more. So hopefully its helping her. I hate giving her meds. Nothing else new. Mommy group was nice to attend. Instructor is so sweet. Bc of dh she wants me to attend ppd group for advice on how to cope with dh and his family. Guess we shall see. Nothing has chaged tgere. He is sayin he keeps roof on our head thays his only job. All well
No, nothing like that planned. We did all that when I first met him and when he first took me out there :) We are going to his parents house to get stuff that he has there before they move. They are wanting to move before this winter so basically told him and his brothers and sister come get your stuff or its gone.

I hope Zoey feels better... poor little peanut :(
hey guys xxx

lisa my new kitty is just a regular cat :)
he is black an white and very cute :) but very annoying ha ha
we already have a black catm a dog, 3 ferrets and 2 chickens :)
hope ur kitty is settl;ing in well :)
sorry typos galore, pumping at mo :)
time is ltd :)
best of luck in ttc, xx

leslie I got my bfp in 14 days :) but I know I was very lucky to get it so quick .
but I had waited to ttc for 3 cycles cos of my liver xxxx
best o luck xxx

amy fx ur app goes well hon xxxxxx hugs xxxxxxx
jen hi hon, yedah im gonna stick with combo feeding since hospitgal said its fine,
stupid health nurse :)
glad med is working for zoey xxx
I give siimon infacol for his wind too and its made it much better for him.,
he also has to get his keppra to make sure no seizues, I hate giving it to huim cos he is so small but its better than alternative xxxx

no news here, been sick all day, threw up and all. my body doesn't like my bp meds anymore so im trying to come off it, hope I can .

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Just wanted to drop a quick note and say hi to everyone!

Also had a question for you Bethany... My RE talked about possibly putting me on Lovenox. He said that he would monitor my platelets closely and said that he has done this for other women in my situtation that dont really have a reason for thier loses and they went on to have healthy babies. I would only see him for the 1st tri then back to my OB but he said that some drs take you off after the 1st tri and others dont. Are you suppose to be taking it the whole time or have you stopped?
Jen, sorry that you have to medicate Zoey but hopefully it is helping her to feel better, poor baby. :(
I want to smack the crap out of your husband. His only responsibility isn't to put a roof over your head, that isn't how marriage or parenthood works. :grr:

Laura, is the kitten rough on you with a new baby too? I saw a ferret (my niece's actually) that I wanted so bad but we can't have one where we currently live. It was so affectionate though and I love their curiosity!
Hugs and kisses for Simon!

Amy, first off is to enjoy your upcoming trip! It is always good to be able to get away for a bit :hugs:
As far as lovenox, I am kept on it my whole pregnancy and I will be on it 6 weeks PP since you are even more likely to get serious clots after birth. I don't know if you are on BBC or not but there is a group on there called Lovely Lovenox Ladies and you should join there and ask them for opinions too. There are ladies in the group the MTHFR and I bet they would know so much more than me since my expertise is more FVL related :flower:
Let me find the link real quick and post it here for you :)
Good place for info, especially since there are lovenox ladies who have MTHFR! Can't recommend that group enough.

To all the other ladies, hello and hugs. I will start replying individually, just jumping in since I have missed so much being out for the funeral. It was yesterday and I am back home and ready to give you all individual attention on here, promise. <3
Hi ladies. Sorry haven't been on much. I will not have much time from now on. I have 3 girls to take care of now!

Jen, my daughter Natalie suffered from horrible acid reflux for the first 2 years of life. But when she was a newborn the docs would never prescribe medicine for her. And she had it really really bad. She would spit up quite a bit after every single feeding. So we fed her a lot more often than usual. The docs said she was far too young at a few weeks to prescribe her medicine. They finally prescribed medicine when she was about at least 6 months. Acid reflux is very painful for babies and its so sad see them suffer any pain. I hope the medicine is helping little Zoey and she gets from relief.

Amy, I hope you enjoy your trip!! I know it must be very hard for you right now. But I am positive that you will find peace and eventually carry a pregnancy to full term and have a beautiful lo.

Laura, are the seizures Simon gets because of the complications from labor(his stroke)? I would love to see how cure Simon looks. He sounds like such a sweetheart.

Bethany hon, I so sorry about your mil. :flower: How is your husband coping? I am sure its incredibly hard for him. I am very close with my mom and couldn't imagine anything happening to her, but she is also getting older so I cherish the time I have with her.

H Angel. How are you hon? You're getting closer and closer to your due date! Howe exciting. So, how are you feeling lately ( besides the acid reflux and other aches and pain)

Lisa and Leslie, how are both of you doing? I can't wait for both of you to get your bfps. Maybe both of you could be bump buddies in the future! :hugs:
I'm off to the NICU now. :( . Dh and I practically live in the hospital. We have gone many whole entire nights over there just to be close to Sophia. Looks like she will be spending her 1 weeks b-day in the NICU. :( . I will be there though, at 4am to celebrate her 1 week of life with her. They plan on releasing her tomorrow on the condition that they start to see weight gain. She has lost 3.5 oz, which is pretty good considering all of the trauma she went through and she was only being fed sugar water through an iv the first 48 hours of life. Now that her lungs are fully functioning and her Jaundice is getting a tad bit better she is less sleepy and more alert, so she is starting to feed much better. It was so sad seeing her hooked up to all of those machines and watching her rapid breathing and how low her oxygen was. Thank God those problems have cleared up and all that is left is for her to start gaining some ounces.

BTW, something heart wrenching and amazing at the same time happened while we were visiting little Sophia yesterday. I was feeling incredible depressed and we didn't have time to go to our church and ask our pastor to come to the hospital to do a prayer and give a blessing to Sophia. We were in the meditation room and a familiar looking man walked in. The second I recognized his face I started crying. He was the chaplain that came when I had my miscarriage. He prayed for us and our baby girl that died. My husband saw my face when I saw him, I felt like the wound of the mc was opened up again. So my dh went up to him and he remembered us. He told the chaplain what was going on and that we were blessed with another baby girl. So the chaplain met up with us in the NICU and did a prayer and blessed little Sophia. It was very emotional for all of us, even the chaplain was crying. Him and my husband did the most beautiful prayer for little Sophia. I was very blessed to have bumped into this humble man and have him pray for our daughter. Just thought I would share that with all of you. Take care ladies. :hugs:
Is it weird that i just made a list so i can get everyones names right and remember where everyone is up to?! haha

Hi Jess - Im glad Sophia is getting better and that she will be coming home soon. Im not a religious person but it definitely sounded like someone was watching over your and taking care of you that day. What a lovely story.

Hi Bethany - Good to have you back. Im sorry for your loss. :hugs:

Hi Leslie - Im so excited for us!!!! Im so impatient so i hope we get it first time!! BFP here we come!
Its very sad having to go back to square one with all the uncertainty of the past but lets try be positive and believe it will happen for us this time! <3

AFM - My AF showed up 4 days early last night. It is MUCH less painful than the last one and much more like a normal AF. Im hoping my fiancé gives us the ok to try again. He wanted to make sure that i was as healthy as possible before we started again. Looking forward to it!! Did you ladies get more US the second time round?? i dont think i could stand the thought of this happening again and not knowing for 3 weeks like last time.
Im painting my house at the moment and i just painted what will be the babies room. Im hoping ill get to have get to have my lil one this time and decorate a lovely room for him or her.
Oh and i just wanted to say im really happy i found you ladies... talking to you all and reading your stories really helps me. I dont have anyone that understand in my life and whenever i try to talk about it i can see people getting uncomfortable coz they think they will upset me if they say anything but i just wanna talk about whats happened and my plan for the future and i can do that here with ppl that understand!!!

Thank you to you all!! <3
Did anyone use a home fetal doppler?? Wondering if i should get one.
Jen- so sorry little zoey is having to take meds and deal with that. Hope she feels better soon. Also upset for you about what dh thinks his role is. I hope he is somewhat supportive because you do deserve that. Glad that support group is helpful

Amy- where in ny are you going? How are you feeling?

How is everything Bethany? So sorry for your and DH's loss.

Jess- your story brought years to my eyes. So glad to hear Sophia is getting better and will be coming home with you soon. My mother always tells me stories about me being in nicu for two weeks I think and how weird it was to give birth and have to leave without me.

Lisa- yay for AF and less pain! Sounds like a great start. My doc did say once I get BFP I could do early US like right after BFP but not certain about more often. I am sure if there were concerns you could. My friend had a still born and with her next she told me she called weekly and went in because she was so nervous and needed reassurance. I just keep thinking I did have that US a couple days before mc and it showed everything as fine. I know going back to negative when we said we would remain positive... Just hard :)

Laura- would love to see pic of Simon!

How are you Angel?

AFM- not much is new. Did speak with DH about once getting BFP he really wants to keep this one quiet for 3 months other than the parents. I asked my parents their thoughts and my dad actually would rather not know right away because of his own nervousness and heart ache. It's amazing how guys do deal with things differently at times. I would love to tell the world this kind of news if I could but I know the reasoning behind it.
Jessica, my husband seems much better after the funeral but I am afraid that it hasn't really hit him yet that she is gone. Probably wont until the first holidays without her and everything :(
Is Sophia getting closer to leaving the NICU? Glad that she has been improving in regards to her lungs and jaundice :hugs: and thank goodness for that chaplain being there. You have him and your other daughter watching over Sophia, making sure that she is alright. Love you honey.

Lisa, glad that AF is more normal! A very good sign :) I didn't have my first ultrasound until 10 weeks the first time and this time I had mine at 8 weeks. So not more, but earlier which settled my mind a bit :hugs:
You will get your rainbow. And planning the nursery will be a joy :flower:
Oh and I also bought a doppler this time around but not until the second trimester and even then she moved around so much that I found it stressful. Didn't use it again until today and found her HB right away. It is wonderful for reassurance.

Leslie, when you find out that you are pregnant again I do hope that your mother will at least want to know. It is always nice to have some family to tell because they are your support when you are scared and sad :hugs:
Men do deal differently. It makes it much more difficult to understand them and I think that sometimes it makes them seem more cold than we are. But they do hurt and they do care. They just have odd ways of demonstrating it :( sending you more :hugs:
Laura, is the kitten rough on you with a new baby too? I saw a ferret (my niece's actually) that I wanted so bad but we can't have one where we currently live. It was so affectionate though and I love their curiosity!
Hugs and kisses for Simon!

. <3

hi hon, our new kitty settled in really well, its like he was always here .
he is a good little guy, very playfull but sleeps lots too.
ferrets make good pets, if u have um from really small.
u gottta get um young though cos if not handled they go a little wild.
welcolme back, sorry ye had a rough time of it the last while xxxxx hugs xx
simon says thanks :)
hope u and LO are doin well xxx
Hi ladies. Sorry haven't been on much. I will not have much time from now on. I have 3 girls to take care of now!

Laura, are the seizures Simon gets because of the complications from labor(his stroke)? I would love to see how cure Simon looks. He sounds like such a sweetheart.



hi jess xxx
no wonder u r busy hon xxx
hope ur having some time for u, xx :)
prob not :) xxx

they said for now calling um secondary to the stroke, he hasn't had any since the hospital thank god,
they wont know for sure till later if epilepsy or not.
hopefully but if it is its treatable now with meds,my mom has it and she is fine. :)
he has 50/50 chance of it not being epilepsy so il go with good 50% :)
I'm off to the NICU now. :( . Dh and I practically live in the hospital. We have gone many whole entire nights over there just to be close to Sophia. Looks like she will be spending her 1 weeks b-day in the NICU. :( . I will be there though, at 4am to celebrate her 1 week of life with her. They plan on releasing her tomorrow on the condition that they start to see weight gain. She has lost 3.5 oz, which is pretty good considering all of the trauma she went through and she was only being fed sugar water through an iv the first 48 hours of life. Now that her lungs are fully functioning and her Jaundice is getting a tad bit better she is less sleepy and more alert, so she is starting to feed much better. It was so sad seeing her hooked up to all of those machines and watching her rapid breathing and how low her oxygen was. Thank God those problems have cleared up and all that is left is for her to start gaining some ounces.

BTW, something heart wrenching and amazing at the same time happened while we were visiting little Sophia yesterday. I was feeling incredible depressed and we didn't have time to go to our church and ask our pastor to come to the hospital to do a prayer and give a blessing to Sophia. We were in the meditation room and a familiar looking man walked in. The second I recognized his face I started crying. He was the chaplain that came when I had my miscarriage. He prayed for us and our baby girl that died. My husband saw my face when I saw him, I felt like the wound of the mc was opened up again. So my dh went up to him and he remembered us. He told the chaplain what was going on and that we were blessed with another baby girl. So the chaplain met up with us in the NICU and did a prayer and blessed little Sophia. It was very emotional for all of us, even the chaplain was crying. Him and my husband did the most beautiful prayer for little Sophia. I was very blessed to have bumped into this humble man and have him pray for our daughter. Just thought I would share that with all of you. Take care ladies. :hugs:[/QU

aw hugs hon, hope she is home really soon, I know it is really hard when they r in the neo, thank god she is on the way up xxxx
we got simon blessed in the neo too,was lovely , xxx
Is it weird that i just made a list so i can get everyones names right and remember where everyone is up to?! hah

AFM - My AF showed up 4 days early last night. It is MUCH less painful than the last one and much more like a normal AF. Im hoping my fiancé gives us the ok to try again. He wanted to make sure that i was as healthy as possible before we started again. Looking forward to it!! Did you ladies get more US the second time round?? i dont think i could stand the thought of this happening again and not knowing for 3 weeks like last time.
Im painting my house at the moment and i just painted what will be the babies room. Im hoping ill get to have get to have my lil one this time and decorate a lovely room for him or her.

I did the same ages ago , hee hee.
hard to keep track till u been here a bit but they r a great bunch of girls :)

I def got more scans.
had one at 7 weeks , my own private one at 8 ish weeks cos 7 weeks was before lile stopped growing and I was paranoid.
then had lots more cos I was considered high risk cos of my liver.
hopefully u will hve beautifull LO in that room before u know it,
I swear it really does fly once u get to a bit beyond 12 weeks and start to relax a little :)
Oh and i just wanted to say im really happy i found you ladies... talking to you all and reading your stories really helps me. I dont have anyone that understand in my life and whenever i try to talk about it i can see people getting uncomfortable coz they think they will upset me if they say anything but i just wanna talk about whats happened and my plan for the future and i can do that here with ppl that understand!!!

Thank you to you all!! <3

aw xxxx hugs xx
I feel the same ,u can see peoples eyes shifting away and know they r feeling awkward if I talk about it. I can talk about lile now easily enough, but no one really wants to hear . not in a mean way.
just in a confused don't know what to say to u way :)

I had a Doppler borrowed from my sil, was great but u have to keep in your head that u cant always find hb and know just cos u cant find it once doesn't mean bub is gone. they can panic u too.
but once u get the hang of um u can nearly always find hb with patience.
also bub doesn't like it they will try to escape it
I used it till I started having movement regularly xxx
hi guys sorry billion posts again but pumping as well so one handed on comp :)

leslie I know im really crap., il put up pic soon I promise :)
OH is asleep in room with the cable so will hve to be later xxx
hope alls well with u xxx

amy hugs hon, u ok? xxx
hope ur vacation was alright and u r doin ok xxxx

angel how u and pierce doing? xxx

hi and hugs to all. xx

no news here :)
but quite happy that way :)

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