ttc after a d&c

Jessica that was so kind of chaplain to pray for ur sweet Sophia. I pray she is home soon. Nicu is such a scary place for a baby to be and it breaks my heart to know she spent her first week there. But she will be home soon and ull.never want to put her down <3 i hope u and dh along with the girls are doing ok.

Lisa i.had early scan at 7wks too. Cant see much til around 8+weeks. Telling ppl is hard to do but once ur into second tri i hope ull feel safer. I really would love for u to have bfp and a healthy baby by march. Im silently cheering and praying for u. I didnt use a doppler wasnervous id worry more.

Laura ur talened pymping and typing. Does Simon sleep for you?

Bethany howare u?Im sorry about ur dh loss. Holidays will be hard first year just be there for him best ucan.<3 thankfully urrainbow will be here soon and i pray it helps ease his pain.:hugs:
Morning Ladies :flower:

Bethany, big hugs babe. Im really hoping that your hubby is doing ok. :hugs:

Laura, how are you doing hun? I hope things are well with you and Simon. Im glad to hear that he hasnt had a seizure since the hospital and hope that it isnt epilepsy :( Poor little bubs. <3 Big hugs to you and LO!

Jess, that was a very sweet story. Someone is definitly watching over you and Sophia. I hope that she gets to come home as scheduled and is 100% now!

Angel, how are you and your bump doing???

Leslie, Im doing ok hun how are you? We are going to Long Island which is where my hubby's parents live. We are leaving tonight for a week so I may not be on here as much :( but Ill try and read up on my phone to check in on you ladies :)

Lisa, Im very glad you found this group too. :)

Jen, how is Zoey feeling? I hope that she is doing better with the acid reflux

:wave: to anyone Ive missed and hope that everyone is doing well.

AFM~ Still bleeding and cramping is lingerng this time so Im thinking that there is still a little more left in there. I passed A LOT this second time so I cant imgine that there would be much left in there but Ive learned to never say never. :(

On a side note.. the following email just got sent out:

"Gayle called to let all know that she has a beautiful new granddaughter &#8230;&#8230;..mama and baby doing well named Sarah&#8230;&#8230;.Gayle is planning to come in to work and says she is on her way.
Congratulations to the new Grandma"

Laura, sadly ferrets won't be pets we have anytime soon. Maybe when my kids are older :) but my niece's was super sweet, licking me like a puppy and wanting to play with my hair. My husband and I fell in love <3

Hey Jen, 21 weeks today and feel pretty good. I think I worry a little more for my FIL than I do for DH. His parents were the world to each other so I know his sweet dad is struggling. I love him so much. We are going to start visiting him more. I hope that the baby will cheer the both of them up :flower:

Amy, don't forget to try that one group on BBC for info. If you post you should get replies :flower:
So sorry about that email. Stuff like that is the last thing that you need to read, just makes it hurt more :hugs:
hi guys xxx

jen how ye doin hon?
u getting any rest?
yeah simon is really good for sleep thank god, he has his moments where he will be fussy and refuse to but on the whole he likes his sleep which is fab :)
if all else fails a drive sends him right off :)

amy thanks hon, I know ikt sucks ur still bleeding but if there is some left its better ur body keeps it up and gets it out, sorry hon xxxxxxxxx
huge hugs xxxx
I wish it was over for u already so u can try and move forwards xxxx
we will miss u for the week xxxxxxxxxxxx
love ya lots xx

Bethany , hi xxx
aw ur poor fil , how awfull xxxx hugs xxxx
baby will def be a comfort to him xxxx

hi and hugs to all xxxxxxx
Bethany a love like that is incredible! No wonder ur husband is so amazing.<3 His fil i hope he is strong enough to get through this and its great ull visit more. May help ur hubby heal and his dad. The baby is a true blessing and Im so thankful your going to bring this child into ur family soon<3 Grandpa eill be busy then when u visit admiring his beautiful grand child<3

Amy dispite bleeding i hope u enjoy ny<3 relax rest and enjoy dh and his family. Love ya<3

Laura so lucky Simon sleeps. :) Zoey sleeps 1230am to 2am... Then 330am to 5am alone after she falls asleep on me i can put her down. Then 5-11am she sleeps on me btw feedings. I dont sleep as Im scared to hurt her. But at her 7-8 feeding shes alert and stares up at me. I love our cuddle quiet time each morning. Sleeps over rated now a days i guess.
Jessica how are u and Sophia?? Thinking of u both<3

Angel how are you and lo doing?

Lisa and Leslie hi! How are you doing? Fxd for bfps soon.

Atm kobes a sweetheart and i feel bad to yell at him for tryin to lick baby or get into stuff.i love my fur baby and feel like i am constantly holding zoey and dont get to love him enough. Zoey still has reflux n gas. Family is saying i need to switch to formula. I said No!!! I refuse. I am changing my diet and if it doesnt work formula is last resort. I feel terrible in afternoon /evenings :( shes in too much pain and just screams n crys. Why is she ok midnight to noon though??? I dont get it. Feel like Im missing something. Jessica any experience on this one maybe?
Sophia came home yesterday. Here she is:


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The hairy arm holding her belongs to my husband lol. She looks a lot different than my other 2 daughters. Can't wait for the looks from people because none of us look alike lol. She looks chubby here but looks are deceiving. She is only 6 lbs so she needs to bulk up. She sleeps a lot and cries very little, so that worries me a bit. She will sometimes stay awake for 2 hours or so and just look around and stare at u. Very calm baby so far. Hopefully not too calm.
hi guys
jen I must admit I do fall asleep for little bit with simon on me sometimes, not on purpose but by accident sometimes. I wake up in exactly same position,u only half sleep, u r still aware.
my parents had all of us in bed with um. having said that I do move him when I can to his basket :)

jen if ur too healthy it can affect milk too, u doint eat a lot of veg do u ?
they say too much veg like brocholi can cause gas in bub from ur milk or too much fruit.
maybe google bf diet to stop wind in bub?
also another lady on dif thread said too much bread makes her bub fussy.
I think its different for all babies though.
u could be eatin something she is allergic to?

jess she is gorgeous xxx :)
simon was like that coming home too, he is 10 pound 4 now and roars the house down for his bottle :)
don't worry xxxx

hi and hugs to all. xxx
I was so sure I was gonna win money in lotto today, not so far anyway , just checked tickets :)
my little milky face :)


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Aww Laura Simon is so handsome! What a cutie!
Jessica Sophia is gorgeous! Im so glad she is home with the family!
Simon is such a handsome boy!And he is so big Laura! He looks bigger than his age. I hope my Sophia is able to bulk up. We struggled with her feedings. She is still getting over the jaundice. Her skin is still a tad bit yellow. The nurse came to weigh her today, and she didn't gain an ounce. But she is slowly eating more so I am hoping that she will start picking up weight soon. She is still 2 ounces below her birth weight. I also expected a chubby robust baby, so its hard seeing her so skinny. I am hoping that now she is out of the NICU she will start recovering. The hospital I go to puts a lot of pressure on us about weight gain. My daughter was in the NICU for over a week. She was only on sugar water for the first 2 days of life, then she was slowly tube fed for a couple of days after that. I would think that only being 2 ounces down from her birth weight isn't that bad. Since yesterday she has started eating a lot more, so I hope and pray that when she sees the pedi on Wednesday, she will have gained some weight. They want her to gain an ounce a day. And we are doing everything we can to get her to eat as much as she can. So the pressure is really on me to get to gain more. At times I feel like I can't even enjoy her because I am so scared about everything that happened her first week of life and I am scared about her having problems gaining. To top it off, I am pumping all of the time and the most I can get is 4 ml from each side. I can never get anymore than this, no matter what I do. The nurses think I have a glandular issue and it makes me feel incompetent that I can barely breastfeed my own baby. So I have been forced to formula feed her. Plus it didn't help that she was tube fed and bottle fed in the NICU and I wan't allowed to breastfeed her. On top of everything she has had thrush ( yeast infection) on her tongue due to the strong dosages of antibiotics she had to take her first week of life to avoid pneumonia because of the amniotic fluid build up in her lungs. :nope:
Jessica :hugs: Praying her picking up on feeding now that shes home helps her gain quickly. I hope her jaundice goes away also. Its scary to not know babysir weight at home andsee them yelllow.i hope u see umprovement fast. U must been heart broken about bf but formula feed are healthy and its just as good. Urn doing whatsoever best for Sophia mommy<3 thrush sounds horrible but medicine prevented the worst. Jessica your doing wonderful<3 ddont let anything get you down ur baby is here enjoy her and ur doing everything to give her what she needs<3 i hope u get reassurance yiu need soon. Ur on ur way to a chubby healthy happy baby<3
Bethany Laura angel hi! How are you?

Amy thinking of you! Hope ur enjoying Dh family in ny<3

Today kobe gets groomed zoey and i go to Monday morning moms. Its pouring!! Wishing i had a big umbrella now. Impression excited for today but not about rain lol

Jess ~ Sophia is so precious! I imagine your other two are also glad she is home :cloud9: Sorry she had such a tough start, but glad things are looking up. At least with bottle feeding your other DDs can be for pumping small amounts, have you tried Fenugreek? Worked for my sister and a few other ladies I know...they went from low milk supply to quite bountiful!

Jen ~ Poor little Zoey whaling at night. Have you read "The Happiest Baby?" It talks about the 5 S's (Shhh, swaddle, sucking, sway...I forgot the other) and the missing "4th trimester" that recreates the in utero environment and soothe the baby. As for foods you eat passing through your breast milk :shrug: What I've read it suggest to try omitting a food for three days at a time (start with milk, if you drink it) and see if that eases her gas, if it doesn't then that isn't the culprit and move on to something else you eat often. Hope your Mommy Morning goes well... Stay dry! Any plans for returning to work?

Laura ~ Prince Simon...what a cutie! :baby: Hope the pumping is still going well. Is your liver and general health alright now?

Bethany ~ :hugs: Have you started shopping for your LO yet?

Amy ~ I think of you and I get the tune, "Cruisin" with Gwyneth Paltrow & Huey Lewis stuck in my head! Hope NY is treating you guys well! "...I love it when we're cruising together..." Safe travels xoxo

Leslie & Lisa ~ So what CD are you ladies on? :dust: and :bunny:

AFM ~ Shower #3 is complete! Was so nice having our friends over for some BBQ! The weather was perfect, the caterer was spot on, and the company was a crew of friends that have been on this journey with us for over a year. There was genuine good will and cheer being spread, it was a successful day! I've just got two things to pick up, one being a white noise machine, and we should be all set! Yikes! Sometimes still cannot believe this is it!
thanks xxx

jess simon only started bulking up in last 2 weeks, he is 5 weeks tmoro, dont worry sophia will too, simon only had tpn and tube feeds for about 5 days, they gave him some lipids too cos he went over 2 days on tpn (sugars), then tube fed as well for little bit.
they come on so well once home, she will fly it xxx
it took a good while for my milk to start up. xxx over 5 days.
I was so stressed.
stress makes it stall.
don't go over 5 hrs between pumps even at ntm try do every 3 hrs on the button,
espeacially for first few weeks.
pumo beyond empty, I pumped for 20 mins each side until recently.
now I do 2 mins beyond empty.
alternate sides, do 10 mins left, ten right, say 5 left then 5 right, give um breaks.
reposition pump if it stops and see if that helps.
don't worry it will happen for u and if it formula is great too xxx
im just passin on tips I got over last few weeks. xx
oats herlp too, if u like porridge?
and fennel tea supposed to which I haven't found, cant get it in shop[s, tried 5 shops.
I get 3-5 ounces each time I [upm now but I wsas only getting a few m,ils each time for about a week and thought I never get milk up xx
try pumping while holding her and try skin to skin, does help xxx
or even look at her and think of her name while pumping .
im gonna post in case I lose this, one handed lol again :)
jen hve fun at ur Monday moms xxx

angel how ye doin hon? xxx
I feel much better, still on blood pressure tabs and iron tabs but im down to half dose on my own instructions cos was throwing up on um I feel fine though, heaps better than I did.
they do blood tests at 6 weeks to check liver, thyroid iron etc.
they said until then ur body would be haywire anyway so at 6 weeks should get proper picture :)
id say il be fine :) thanks xxxx
shower num 3 :) u r popular, too right too :)
my second shower never happened think my sis got too busy to organise it :)
she has 2 smallies and works full time too.

I think simon wants me skinny,anytime I make food, he cries just as its cooked:)
starving :)

oh jess thas another thing make sure u eat protein and a little of everything for milk.
and drink loads x
not tryin to be bossy just sayin in case u didn't hear, I picked up lots of pumping tips in 8 days in the neo :)

hi and hugs to all xx
Jen, it is true that my in-laws were wonderful example of marriage. Sad that my kids can't grow up seeing that. My maternal grandparents were so perfect for one another that we all idolize it. Sad that my kids won't be able to do that with in-laws because they will never see them together, you know?
Aw cuddle Zoey for me! And don't feel bad for your pup- Zoey will be big enough before you know it that he will get double the attention from the both of you :flower:

Jessica, Sophia is adorable. I bet that she will gain weight soon enough :hugs: I had apiece that was a calm baby like her. She was such a joy to be around :)

Laura, Simon is a cutie! Haha he cries when you cook? He wants to smell milk, not food ;)

Amy, enjoy NY!

Angel, can't believe how close you are to seeing your son! With all the shopping just about done does it feel more real?
We have purchased some clothes here and there for Lorelei but no big items yet. Researching carseats and strollers is giving me a headache :) I had been thinking of the Joovy Caboose but that would be best if we didn't have another until Lorelei would be 4 and I will want another before then so..may just suck it up and get a stroller to hold a single for now and buy bigger when our family grows more. I need to quit trying to plan ahead for the next few years :)

Lisa and Leslie, update us ladies! :flower:

A couple of newborn outfits that will be easy enough to get on her :)

This onesie is for when she is older. The bottom really looks like a lady bug too. It is so cute! My husband almost bought a kid's bug catcher to go with it. He loves nature and can't wait to take our kids out for catching fish for our tank or playing with snakes and frogs and lizards. He brought a grasshopper inside for our cat to play with *shakes head*

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