ttc after a d&c

Bethany how cute :)
they r just gorgeous xxx

yeah simon doesn't realise for me to make him milk I gotta eat , hee hee :)
its just bad timing really , he wakes lots in eve and eat lots, he tanks up for nt time ;)
my mom said we used to all do it when small too. Ive had burnt dinner 3 dasy running :)
I still just eat it cos no time to start from scratch when that hungry ;)
making booby milk makes a girl hungry :)
all the clothes are cute but I love the one with the monkey on :)
Bethany- my mom does want to know when I am pregnant, it is my father that felt otherwise. My mom will have trouble keeping from him and it would come out anyway but I will def tell my mother. I am so close to both of them so knowing that at least she is in the loop is important to me.
Those onesies are soooo adorable!!! I bet you can't wait to put them to use;)

Amy- my mother grew up in Long Island and we used to visit my grandparents there. I live a couple hours away in the Poughkeepsie area. Hope you are enjoying and are feeling a bit better.

Jess and Laura- adorable little ones! I hope Sophia's weight starts climbing. It sounds like you are doing everything you can so hopefully you won't be too hard on yourself.
Love how you are always in good spirits Laura! Random thought but it really spreads when others are like that :)

Jen- pouring here too and I am hating it! Seems like the rain will not go away. Hope you enjoyed mommies group!

Angel-yay on baby shower and you being so close! Must be surreal.
I'm on CD 10 so it's getting real and I am starting to worry. I know I can't control the outcome but doesn't make me worry less.

AFM- just went back to work after a week off for first wedding anniversary. Now as I said today is CD 10 ahhhhhhh... We will see how this goes. I said I wasn't going to calculate but I am already going back on my word

How's it going over there Lisa?
Thank you so much for all the advice ladies. Every time I feel down, all of you know the right things to say to keep my spirits up. I think I am suffering post-partum depression. The situation in my house is not too good right now. My 7 year old is not adjusting good to Sophia, she is quite jealous and I am trying to hard to cuddle with her and give her enough attention. I am putting her to sleep at night and bringing her to my bed in the morning because she loves sleeping and cuddling with me. But its not enough for her. She is complaining about aches and pains and saying she is depressed and it breaks my heart to see her like this. Since Sophia was born at times I feel happy and other times I feel doomed. It makes me feel guilty to feel all of this. Everything happened so quickly and then she was just whisked away from me right after she was born. I hope I can start enjoying her soon and not feel so weird at times. I think my hormones are out of whack. On top of everything, every time I breast pump, I feel this deep depression... don't know where in the world this comes from. :nope:
Thank you all for putting up with my being so self-centered. I know all of you have your own problems and I usually try not to talk so much about myself and listen to all of your problems. I just feel a bit overwhelmed lately.

Bethany, your babies outfits are so cute. Now is the perfect time to start preparing, at least little by little. Now that you are past the half way point, the time is gonna fly.

Jen, my daughter Natalie (my 7 year old) suffered horrible reflux, she would spit up after every single feeding, no matter what we did. We kept her propped up, tried different formulas, and prescribed ones. We thought she had different food allergies, on top of everything she suffered from horrible eczema and asthma. Unfortunately, she still suffers asthma and eczema and she is starting to talk about getting acid reflux again so we need to get her into the docs and also to get her mood stabilized. We also bought her a mattress pad that props babies up and makes them sleep at an angle. That didn't work for her either. Hopefully with the help of Zoey's pediatrician, they can prescribe a good treatment plan for her. I know it is incredibly difficult to see your little girl suffer hon. I hope things get better for her soon.

Leslie, Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!! I hope both of you enjoyed your first Anniversary together and will enjoy many many more. I also hope this will be your lucky cycle.

Hi Lisa, where are you hon? I hope things are going better for you. We are all thinking about you over here.

Angel, wow 3 baby showers, you are all set!! These last few weeks are gonna go by so quickly. You will have your little man here before you know it. I can't wait to see the pics of him and how handsome he will be!! Thank you for all of the advice on the breast feeding. :)

Amy, I hope your trip to NY is going to help you as you go through this process of healing. I also hope that you find peace. Try and enjoy yourself. This time if so important for you and your dh. Hold on to him nice and tight!!! :hugs:
hi guys xx

leslie hi hon and thanks xxx
im not always in good form but I do try and focus on better parts of stuff :)
no point dwelling on the bad stuff as much as we can xx
once its gone , its gone and im grateful that things r looking up :) xx
hurray cd 10, BD time ;)
happy BDing :) xxxx
don't forget cd 12 m, its my magic day :)
il be keeping my fingers crossed for u hon xx
remember ur more fertile after a loss, I caught first time.
no pressure but no reason why u cant either hon xx
if it doesn't happen just know its cos ur body isn't ready and better to wait a tiny bit for healthy LO than another heartbreaking loss xxx
best of luck and happy BDing ;)
hi jess,
jess I threatened to give up pumping a million times, even the sound of the pump had me dreading it for a bit, but u honestly do get so used to it, it gets easier and more normal. know if u keep it up its great but if u have too much demands on ur time (which u have loads ) then it is no harm to stop hon xxxxi used to cry pumping sometimes I was hormonal and confused and a bit scared for simon.
It gets a lot better I promise xxx
hugs xxxxxx
Thx so much Laura. At times I feel like the NICU stay really screwed with my mental state. I still suffer from edema because I didn't rest enough or elevate my legs enough. My feet and ankles looked like swollen balloons, kinda scary to look at actually. You were also pumped up with and iv and pitocin so I am sure you suffered edema also. My husband and I spent day and night over there, and I feel like my lack of bonding with her the first week of her life has affected my emotional state. I am trying to bond more with her in hopes that I start to feel better. I have only been able to put her to my breast once because her thrush is almost gone. I was given specific orders not to breastfeed because she would transmit the yeast infection to my breast and it could go back and forth between us. The first time I put her to my breast I felt like crying because she was actually looking for my milk and tried to suckle but nothing would come out. So I am going to start pumping more and going out later to buy the supplements that you and Angel suggested. Thank you so much!! :hugs:
Thank you all for putting up with my being so self-centered. I know all of you have your own problems and I usually try not to talk so much about myself and listen to all of your problems. I just feel a bit overwhelmed lately.

Jess ~ Please please don't feel like you are being self-centered. What you need right now is a safe avenue to vent your fears, feelings of guilt and frustrations and I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, we are all ears (eyes in this case). Get it out here...what you are feeling is normal and I bet you are very overwhelmed. :hugs: Don't forget to take a moment to yourself...and I vote if the bf is adding that sense of overwhelmed, then stop pumping and go solely to formula :)

Bethany ~ Little girl things are so darling!! How seeeet!

Laura ~ Glad your blood pressure is stable. FX'd your liver levels are good too!

Lisa, Jen & Amy ~ Hope you've had a good Monday.

Leslie ~ CD10...eeeeek! It's GO time! I believe you said you don't use ovulation strips, so provided you have a typical 28 days cycle you should O in the next 4 days! Catch that eggy :spermy: You said you weren't going to calculate, so it doesn't count if I do it for you! :haha: :bunny:

AFM ~ 3 more Monday progesterone injections, then time to start shaking this boy loose! My BHs have become quite gnarly...growing pains they say! Watch him stay until 40+ weeks! :dohh:
Jess- thank you. No you are not being self centered! As Angel said you need to vent and this s the place to do it. This is what we are here for. I hope things get better for you and I am sure they will. I can imagine it being an adjustment with 3 girls and finally bringing Sophia home.

Laura- thank you again! I will focus on CD 12 :). Your words are comforting during a tough time. Is if really true you are more fertile after loss?

Angel-haha thanks for counting for me! I am counting though and it is backfiring...

AFM- as I said calculating is backfiring because my brain won't shut off. Last night was tough. I felt pressure to BD and then became emotional thinking about everything. It just doesn't feel fair to be back here. Hard for me to stay positive and it is sad because we have only started and could be a long road!
Question....does anyone know when ttc if you should DTD in a specific position? I have read so many different things so wondered others thoughts/ experiences
Thx so much Laura. At times I feel like the NICU stay really screwed with my mental state. I still suffer from edema because I didn't rest enough or elevate my legs enough. My feet and ankles looked like swollen balloons, kinda scary to look at actually. You were also pumped up with and iv and pitocin so I am sure you suffered edema also. My husband and I spent day and night over there, and I feel like my lack of bonding with her the first week of her life has affected my emotional state. I am trying to bond more with her in hopes that I start to feel better. I have only been able to put her to my breast once because her thrush is almost gone. I was given specific orders not to breastfeed because she would transmit the yeast infection to my breast and it could go back and forth between us. The first time I put her to my breast I felt like crying because she was actually looking for my milk and tried to suckle but nothing would come out. So I am going to start pumping more and going out later to buy the supplements that you and Angel suggested. Thank you so much!! :hugs:

of course u would be upset hon xx
its not easy, I felt jealous of people who just have their babies, stay 2 days and go home :) I felt it was unfair on simon the start he had in life.
but now I just thank god he got through it all and is flying.
it wasn't ideal birth and first week and a half for simon, but he wont remember it and im just grateful he is here with me now ;) xxx
hugs hon xx
u will feel better , it just takes a little time to start to forget about it all xxx
yeah I did have swelling, its mostly gone, it got much better when they put me on blood pressure tablets and got slowly better and better as time goes on. xx
in a few weeks u wont know urself, u wil feel much much more normal xxx
We used him on top because it kept swimmers in andvid prop myself up on pillows after to help them make was to cervix. Bethany recommeed softcups to us i love using them to keep swimmers closer longer. I also used preseed. I think there is another lubrication to use also but can recall name. Id say any position that u can stay in to keep swimmersvin longest is best. :dust:
Jess- thank you. No you are not being self centered! As Angel said you need to vent and this s the place to do it. This is what we are here for. I hope things get better for you and I am sure they will. I can imagine it being an adjustment with 3 girls and finally bringing Sophia home.

Laura- thank you again! I will focus on CD 12 :). Your words are comforting during a tough time. Is if really true you are more fertile after loss?

Angel-haha thanks for counting for me! I am counting though and it is backfiring...

AFM- as I said calculating is backfiring because my brain won't shut off. Last night was tough. I felt pressure to BD and then became emotional thinking about everything. It just doesn't feel fair to be back here. Hard for me to stay positive and it is sad because we have only started and could be a long road!

ive read it in countless places that u r more fertile after and my sil and me both caught first try after loss, for want of a nicer way to phrase it, u r starting on a clean sheet uterus wise. if u had any build up or problems they should be cleared out by d and c . plus ur hormones are geared up to be pregnant which cant hurt xxx
I don't think its possible not to count when u want it so bad hon xx
don't be hard on urself , count away :)
just don't put pressure on urself , stress is bad for u in every way so try ur best to give urself time to relax and enjoy bd too :)
I didn't bd for most of my preg cos of being paranoid in start and then cos of my back and general awkwardness . now I cant cos of stitches :)
so enjoy it while ur able :) u wil get ur bfp in no time ;)
did it take u long of tryin last time to get bfp hon? xx
it def isn't fair to be back ttc again, we have all been there hon,
but u have a fresh start now to have ur lovely rainbow bub xxx
best of luck :) xxx
Question....does anyone know when ttc if you should DTD in a specific position? I have read so many different things so wondered others thoughts/ experiences

ok total blush here but...... :)
I think the deeper the better ,cos it gives swimmers better chance to stay in, stay propped up after, i used to curl up and go to sleep after with towel or something between my legs ;)
my choice would be doggie or on ur back with one leg up on OH while he kneels, gets very deep and u get to stay lying down to let gravity do its best :)
do not pee, I think it flushes um, but could be just my weird thoughts :)
also best thing I thought is to make urself orgasm after. with or without OHs help :) I read it helps swimmers get up higher faster, I think it does work.
don't use regular lube if u do, cos it inhibits sperm.
I didn't know this for ages.
Bethany love urn outfits!! :) sounds like dh is all prepared to what he wants to do once shes older! Also i know what u mean about a child seeing her grandparents relationship as my nanny and pop were amazing and picturing them makes me cry every time. But she will see the love u and urn dh have for eachother and learn from that. Urn giving her an amazing family to be in<3 she will be loved and spoiled. Btw i have the same monkey outfit excepts its pjs :)

Angel white noise machine is great! Recomend one for the car as well! So excited your so close to holding pierce and Im so glad u had three amazing showers to celebrate him!!<3

Jessica Im so sorry your struggling btw Sophia and your 7 yr old :hugs: its hard to younger children to accept change and babysitter take alot of time and care. I really hope you can start enjoying Sophia more and u can maybe include your 7yr old in her activies. Like tummy time baths go for walks together when urn feeling better ect. Im not sure how id handle it as Im not experienced but i do hope it gets better for you<3 thank you for sharing urn experience with me i didnt know reflux could be a condition that remains with the child i feel bad for your daughter its horrible watchibg ur child in pain. I hope doctor can help her<3 hang in there it wont be like this for long. My friend shared with me a saying "and this to shall pass" Im sure u know all to well this infant stage goes by too fast so try to soak it up and include dds as much as possible. Let hervpick movies or tv shows to cuddle with all together. I hope it gets easier for u.<3
Laura sounds like ur a pump pro! :) i must start pumping but i feel zoey drains me dry! Goodness i hope shes gaining. I just love her to bits and peices! My mom and niece are visiting today. I think its funny how u say Simmon crys when ur foods done. Zoey does same to me. Sounds like they are hungry also :) how are u today?
Thanks Laura:) appreciate the details hehe.
Trying to keep my chin up about it. It took me 3 cycles first BFP so pretty quick.
Ido use regular lube... Because of my pain issues I have no choice but to use water based. Spoke with doc about it and because I got pregnant that quick with using lube she didn't feel it was an issue. If I have problems I will probably look into those other options. She said, and I have read this too, that there area by different opinions on the matter. I guess it's like anything else.
Laura sounds like ur a pump pro! :) i must start pumping but i feel zoey drains me dry! Goodness i hope shes gaining. I just love her to bits and peices! My mom and niece are visiting today. I think its funny how u say Simmon crys when ur foods done. Zoey does same to me. Sounds like they are hungry also :) how are u today?

thanks hon xx
I wouldn't say pro but I am getting fairly used to doing it now ;)
yest I tried just giving him booby milk bottle in morn and one at nt , was tryin to get some milk stored so I could stop in month or 2.
he wasn't having it :)
he didn't poo all day yest and half of today.
I went back to normal last nt of every second feed ,
he is back to normal now, gave me 2 giant ones earlier so he is fine again,:)
he wasn't eatin enough either for the day cos his tummy wasn't freed out.
so simon decided me I wont give up pumping for foreseeable future now ;)
he gets on really well as he is so im not changing it :)
is zoey having good few nappies dirty and wet?
nurses said it is only way to tell, that along with weight gain obvs but u cant tell that for awhile.
does she settle after eating? if she does then she is getting enough.
she would let u know if hungry :) xxxx
im sure she is flying xxx
have fun with mom and niece xxx
I just got a snooze on couch, was lovely ;)
have consultant tomor for simon ,
im not sure what he is gonna do or say tomor.
I suppose just to check up on simon :) xx

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