Firstly I am so sorry that i have been absent for so long, have been seeing a few updates from Laura and Bethany on facebook, this last year has been so manic for me its unreal! Me and chris have had so much to do!
Couple of updates...
So last time we spoke i think i told you all i was on a TTC break and was going to focus on trying to become a paediatric nurse, well, got a job as a childrens nurse several months ago and have been busy working and doing lots of training and courses for my career progression
Me and chris are absolutely fantastic, still planning the wedding (STILL) lol. I have started my own knitting business earlier on this year which ahs picked up quite a bit so have been very busy in between working and studying knitting and crocheting orders!
The two puppies are fine, not so much puppies anymore, Duke is the size of a horse and duchess is still dainty and diddy but they have grown into the most beautiful dogs i am so lucky!
and i dont know if you remember after my first MC in august '12, alot of my hair broke off and my hair was about ear length it was horrible, its now growing down my back, just past shoulder length and ive gone blonde again! and very happy with it
Start my 2 year TTC break in february and have been doing really well during it...
Well.. until yesterday when i found out i was 4 weeks pregnant again!
Very very shocked and surprised and feel very strange and i cant seem to find the line between being too negative and being too hopeful but i am okay
hope you are all ok ive missed so much xx