Im a bit behind now!! You girls aren't usually so chatty over the weekend!!
Bethany, i watched the girls next door and i still watch kendra. I also watch the kardashians. haha! i love all those shows!
Thanks for the run down on the shows... i might give some of them a go.
Angel, Yoga on saturday made my back feel a bit better but the round ligament pain comes and goes. I can get so bad i can barely walk sometime.
Pierce is such a big boy! What a cutie!
Im sorta convinced myself I'm having a c section so I'm not really think about labour and the actual birth at the moment. In yoga the instructor always talks about things that are good in labour and i was sitting there thinking ha i won't have to do that! haha
Leslie, I have no idea where they come up with the fruit... last week it said the size of a tomato and then gave the measurement 6 inches!! I don't know if fruit is bigger in america but there are no tomatoes in my fridge that are 6 inches big. Or a banana thats 10 inches... Most bananas are not that big!!
No... no sex for us just to be safe! Ill have to watch my OH slowly go insane over the next few months! haha
Jess, i wonder why your other two girls did really hurt compared to sophia. My OB kinda scared me the other day and said oh well this is your first so you will be in labour for a long time!!
Laura, how simon going today?

amy and jen
Im in the wars today... we found two lost dogs this morning so we brought them into our backyard and took our dogs inside. They were a male and female staffies. they were friendly but these two dogs were an absolute handful!!!! One of them could jump our fences so we had to tie him up and then he kept getting out of his collar so i put a harness on him which he could also get out of. He barked and barked and barked and whined the whole time he was at our house (3 hours) he was driving me insane!!!! My cat got out side and the dogs went after him so i tried to save him but he shredded my hands and neck and even bit through my finger nail. I tried to entertain the dogs by throwing ball but the boy grabbed to out of my hand and bit my thumb. So not I'm covered in band aids and antiseptic cream. The council came and got the dogs in the end.