Jessica, glad that you didn't tear! My husband told me that I wouldn't have if the doctor hadn't been tugging on the baby. Was your recovery easier because you didn't tear?
Angel, I don't think that I could handle any being too close together. I seriously think my sister with 5 kids is crazy now. And I admire her stamina at the same time

Have you tried Coupling? My absolute favorite episode is actually the first episode of the second season lol. Oh we watched Arrow for a time! Can't recall why we stopped actually.
Any particular cut you are thinking of? Don't cut it too short and then regret it!
Lisa, Kendra has a show?! We don't have cable so I miss out on stuff lol. Sometimes I see shows advertised on FB and discover new ones that way, but most are historical dramas or paranormal type stuff

So glad you helped out those dogs

And those clothes are darling. I especially love that dress!
I didn't work during pregnancy. Loved being a housewife. Now though I sometimes wish for a job to have adult interaction lol. Will never happen though. I enjoy the freedom of home!
Jen, I am blessed that Lorelei tends to sleep throughout the whole night. Sometimes she wakes up to eat but not usually. And she likes to sleep in in the mornings. DH goes to work, I change her and give her a bottle, and then instead of tucking her back into her rock n play I lay her on the bed beside me and we sleep together. She always turns her face toward me, like I am the sun to her sunflower. Love it!
How is Zoey these days? Has it gotten easier?
Leslie, mmmm what could be better than Turkey Day food and a BFP too right?

I watched My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding in Bangkok! It was super funny too because they blurred out the cleavage on there. My husband was fascinated by travelers.
Is that prenatal dumpster diving episode on Netflix? Because I have to see it
Confession: my mom would mock the hell out of me for watching Lifetime movies. But sometimes they were so bad that they were funny! And sometimes they are actually really good.
How are you feeling today? A BFP would be a wonderful Hanukkah blessing
Laura, I bet it will get easier when he is older. You will feel ready sometime to give him a sibling but no need to rush

so sad though that his reflux is still so bad. Poor baby.
Amy, can't wait to hear about Friday!
Have any of you girls seen Ender's Game? I love the book and wanted to see the movie. Just not by myself.
Ah crap I better wrap this up. Lorelei is making noises of consciousness lol. I guess it is about time for her last feeding before we call it a night. I didn't even get the chance to start a new book

Weirdly I had a hard time concentrating on books when pregnant. Now that I am tired as hell though I want to read everything. I usually pick up a book during a bottle feeding or my few pumping sessions.