ttc after a d&c

Happy Thanksgiving! I am thankful for you ladies!

Happy Hanukkah Leslie!

Lisa ~ I used Clarins Firming Toning Oil and avoided the tiger stripes <~~that's cute Laura! Ultimately I think it boils down to genetics. My dermatologist said there wasn't anything out there that can change your skin's elasticity...I still used the oil on the off chance she was wrong :haha:

So my Pierce is NOT taking his naps here at my sister's :/ Guess he is afraid he'll miss the action. Makes for a grumpy baby. About the time he adjust I'll be headed home. :sigh:
Oh no angel!! Will he dream feed for a nap?? Zoey doesnt go down during day bit sometimes i can get her to dream feed. I hope he goes back to normal for u easy.

Happy belated thanksgiving everyone!!!
Leslie happy hanuaka!!

Amy & Leslie &#9825;&#9829; praying for that bfp for u both :hug:

Laura good for u :) im so glad all is ok for liver check and ur following up. Ur doing so great really trusted oh with simon glad he was happy when u came home. Bet he had huge smile on his face to see u too!

Bethany Jess hi!! How are u and the girls??

Lisa marks are ok part of ur pregnancy but girls are right its genetics. Keep usin bio oil to make u feel better. Remember ur gorgeous with or wo em :)
Survived Black Friday (major retail discount day of shopping that is day after Thanksgiving Lisa)! Now to figure out how we will get the tv home. I have a X5 and we barely fit all of Pierce's things in it to get here :dohh: We should have thought this through...who knew you had to pack half of the house to travel with a baby :shrug: Leaves no room for shopping!

Jen what is dream feed?

Angel, Gorgeous xmas pic of P! What a cutie!
My OH and i just went and looked at a bigger car (i currently have a hatch). Doesn't fill me with confidence that you can even fit all the stuff in a X5! haha. We just put the bugaboo in the back of my hatch for the first time and there is very little room for anything else.
Hope you got some good sales. We have our good sales like that on boxing day!
Hope P's sleep improves before you leave.

Jen, Thank you :hugs: if i only get them on my bum ill be pretty happy. I wouldn't have thought i would get any coz i didnt get any growing up.
:kiss: for Zoey!

Laura, good job on the weight loss!!
My OH was making jokes about looking after the baby the other day and i got scared to leave him alone with her now. I know he was joking but my super protective gene has kicked in. haha

:hi: and :hugs: everyone!
Lol lisa is very hard to leave the baby to think anyone can watch her besides u is hard to accept for a while. Im still a nervous wreck but my dh is amazing with zoey thou he does get frustrated at times.

Angel dreamfeed is when he nurses and naps at the sametime :). Zoey takes many power naps at families houses that way bc she is comforted relaxed near me. I keep her covered with my nursing cover and she sleeps/nurses. Does peirce do same?
Amy yes AF came for me :( it's a bummer but what can I do except keep going. How are you doing with your cycle? Good luck with everything. Do you have a test date?

Angel that picture of pierce is so cute! I just know when the time comes I will do the same with certain outfits! You are brave with Black Friday. It is my tradition to stay in hehe... That and I feel bad for the people who work. Thank god dh didn't have any crazy hours this year so far at least.

Laura hope Simon is doing well. Yay for being on track with weight loss!

Lisa sorry about leaky boobs. Seems like everything is going well pregnancy wise though.

Bethany how are you and the family? Sorry about your emotions being up and down and hope they straighten out soon. Yeah symptom spotting can be fun but often a let down in the end so I need to chill with it.

Jess how are you and your girls doing?

Jen so glad you and dh and zoey are doing better!

Afm had a good thanksgiving and other time... Saw hunger games : catching fire with dh and went to dinner last weekend, enjoyed some time at the outlet mall and picked out my holiday present from dh, then of course thanksgiving when the family. I was trying to look at the positive such as being able to eat cookie dough, Splenda in my coffee, diet soda.
Hanukkah is good so far thanks ladies :) dh celebrates both so going to look at putting up the tree next couple of days.
Bumming at another round of ttc but what can I do. Could be more than just this round. At least I will see the doctor, if needed, in January for other options.
Hope everyone enjoyed their thanksgiving and that the weekend is going well!
Jen, I think it will be a long while before ill leave our baby alone with my OH. He's never looked after a baby or changed a nappy and even looks awkward when he holds them. He's got a lot to learn!
Im glad your DH is doing his bit and things are better between you two.

Leslie, the boobs have stopped leaking now. was kinda weird they only leaked while i was away with my family.
Sounds like you had a lovely thanks giving. Was the movie any good?
I think you could probably relax a bit this month knowing you have your appointment to get some help next month. Might take a bit of pressure off.

First day of summer here today and its going to be hot!! yay!
Just read up on prior post...Pierce slept most of car ride home and is giving me a hard time about going back down. I can't win! My baby doesn't adjust well to travel :dohh:

Laura ~ Hurray for weight loss and for your successful outing without Simon. I'm sure your OH needed that alone time w/ the baby :)

Lisa ~ My car is fine for in town, but to pack for travel it's not very spacious (had to take: pack & play, stroller, play mats, Boppy, Bumbo, suitcases, my dog's kennel...lots of large items, but not lots of cargo space). DH wants me to look at "real" SUVs, I'm going to stall b/c I feel as he gets older packing should get easier, maybe :shrug:

Leslie ~ I hope you have to cancel your Dr appointment in Jan! Come on BFP!

Amy ~ I hope the TWW is flying by. Praying for your BFP as well. :friends:

Jen ~ Glad your DH is helpful w/ the baby. How sweet she is talking. I love your milestone updates! And yes I guess Pierce does dream feed, I didn't count those as naps...thanks for that info ;)

Bethany & Jess ~ How was Thanksgiving? Any new pics if the babies?

Tash ~ Hope things are going well!

xoxo going to attempt to put P down again...
Leslie i to stay positive! Hunger games i so want to see!! Musta been great?? Did oh like it?

Lisa how are u feeling? 4months now!!! :) must be so real. Its sooo cold here would love some warm weather! How was it?

Angel my hubby dont count them as naps either but they do her a world of good! :) wowwhat car do u have that holds all that?? Thats a ton!
Angel love the pic :) hes soooo cute!

Dec 1st time to get tree up and zoey in her new bow n dresses for the christmas cheer!! Love christmas music
Thankyou ladies :)

Im struggling alot to feel hopeful, if i had a penny for every page ive googled on *How can i prevent a third miscarriage* i wouldnt need to work for a living! Got no sickenss at the moment, just generally feeling groggy and got cravings already and my boobs are so sore i wnt to cut them off, oh and bloating, my god am i bloating!

Been so long i cant remember how to put photos of the pups up! Not so much pups anymore they are HUGE well Duke is anyway, Duchess is just a dainty little pretty thing she really is, they both must know because they wont jump up me or anything or walk all over me on the sofa , and normally they dont think twice about it, Duke especially, he thinks hes still only the size of a pear but hes huge, he tries to sit on my knee like a child and he weighs an absolute tonne!

Well, had a bit of a to do with the midwives!

I rang them and explained you know two losses previous blah blah blah very worried blah blah blah.. And her respnse? *WEll sweetheart i mafraid we wont offer you additional appointments or early regular scans because they wont prevent you miscarrying will they?* I said no of course not but a bit of reassurance must have some stance in a pregnancy of this sort? To which she replied, look, ill book you an appointment for the 18th december to have your blood taken to confirm pregnancy, and if you havent miscarried by january we will book your 12 week scan...

HOW RUDE IS THAT.. IF i havent miscarried?! How hopeful!

I even said to her that the main reason i want an early scan is so that i can get a photo of the baby, as i have a scan of my previous two that ended in MC and wouldnt feel right not having a photo of this one even if it is early! And she thought it was silly of me and told me that they werent willing to use an appointment when they are very busy just so i can have a photo!

She then advised me that if that iwasnt happy i should pay for a private one, which is fine, but they all cost over £70! Just for a scan and a photo!

GRR sorry needed to vent

How are you all? xxx
Angel my hubby dont count them as naps either but they do her a world of good! :) wowwhat car do u have that holds all that?? Thats a ton!

I forgot about the concept of I don't feel as bad about him missing out on his long nap. Does Zoey take to the bottle well? I'm still working on Pierce taking a bottle. I guess since I'm not working then it isn't too big of a deal. (Oh and I have a X5. My DH wants a new Suburban... for ONE kid, is he nuts? It's a tank! We need to find something in between :thumbup:

How cold is it there now? I wonder how everyone is keeping their LO's warm at night with just pajamas? I'm afraid P will get cold...what do I do?!?

Tash ~ what a rude mw! Sending you some sticky vibes and an Ursula shout out....keeeeeep sticking little bean!
Tash hugs.
Silly nurse. Xx
She obvs has no compassion
U would think it should ne necessary to hve some in her profession.

Angel Simon co sleeps again thanks to reflux.
But when in his cot. He wears pjs.
Grobag and blanket over his bum and legs if he needs it.

Hi to all.
Not feeling xmas at all yet.maybe once next week is over.
Milky has app every day next week .
His reflyx is being a Bi**h
I vhve af and a cold. Doh.
Natasha, Sorry the midwife was so rude. They can be so heartless! I remember getting a few similar comments. Try and keep positive as hard as it is.
I went and got private scans at 6, 9 and 12 weeks all at $120 each. OH and i thought it was worth every penny for the piece of mine. Don't worry about the money and just go and do it if it will make you feel better. There really isn't much to see but seeing the little flutter of the HB is enough to get you through to the next one.

Angel, X5's are pretty big! But now i think about it the US has some pretty ginormous cars i remember seeing on TV. I couldn't imagine trying to park anything bigger on a day to day basis. The car i want is a little smaller than an x5. Don't know if you have it there but its a kia sorento.

Jen, feeling fat!! haha. I know you're supposed to put on weight and i shouldn't be worrying about it but I've been skinny my whole life and had a body all my friends envied and I've put on heaps of weight and feeling gross. OH and i can't have any sexy time coz of my low placenta so i don't get to feel attractive at all. Its silly i know! I love my baby bump... i just don't love the bum and thighs! haha

Laura, sounds like a bad week! :hugs: i hope the cold clears up soon.
Hope the appointments can help simon.
Laura :hug: hope the week flys by and all his appts go well. Im so sorry for af and cold really hope u feel better&#9825;

Lisa i know that feeling i have 17lbs to lose to get back to normal weight. Im discusted with my body mostly thighs stomach and bum but no time to do anything about it. Enjoy ur bump its so worth every pound when u hold ur little baby&#9825;&#9825;&#9829;&#9825; remember ut gorgous and will have ur body back one day!

Angel zoey sleeps in fleece pjs and sometimes we keep the heat up and use cotton. Itd cold 12·F tonight! I hope pierce is nice and cozy!&#9829;

Tash so sorry for mw but unfortunately i had to pay for early scans also. Was same price $120 each. Cant see much but like she said HB was reassuring. 12 WEEKS will be here fast!
Amy Bethany Leslie and everyone else i missed hi!&#9825;&#9825;&#9829;&#9825;
Hi ladies. Hope all of you are doing good and that you had a lovely weekend. :flower:

So things aren't going so good over here. I've decided to leave my husband. It hasn't been a very happy 10 years with him and I am lying to myself thinking he will change. I had a major wakeup call today while observing his overall demeanor towards Natalie while she was having a major bipolar episode. He is such a cold human being. I have tried to sugar coat the way he is but I can no longer do that. I really can't go into details about the hell I have been through being married to him. He has never abused me verbally, physically or even cheated on me. But he is a very cold emotionless human being, and the coldness always made me vulnerable and needy for him. I can't even begin to explain to you the way he is. He pretended to be loving at the beginning just to get me to trust in him and love him, but he changed towards me while I was pregnant with Natalie and all of these years I hoped and prayed he would change. He is not just like this with me, but with everybody around him. I won't be on here for a while, because I really need to figure out what to do, but know I love all of you. :hugs:
Jess, Im very very sorry to hear what a hard time you are having. It sounds like you are making the right decision for you and your girls and you are very brave to admit it to yourself after all this time.
I hope things will improve and that the road ahead looks bright once you get through this fog.
We are here for you whenever you need!
All the best and hope to hear from you soon.
Lisa movie was very good...we like the series. Although I have my app next month I have two cycles until that time so hoping we won't need it. So weird that it is summer there and almost winter here! It was snowing last week.

Angel thank you! Sorry Pierce is off his schedule...that happens with us all when we go somewhere different :) hopefully he is adjusting.

Jen yes we really liked the movie! It leaves you hanging though and now another year until we can see what may happen ( although I heard next movies are in two karts so I am sure the next leaves you hanging also) . How's the weather over there by you? Did you egg any snow? I am sure Zoey will look adorable in her new dresses!

Sorry you are not feeling well Laura but hope it passes soon.

Hi Natasha I'm sorry about how insensitive they are being towards you. Is it possible to go somewhere else? I can't stand when people feel they can say whatever they want and it's ok. I understand your concerns and I'm sure I will feel the same. Sending positive thoughts your way.

Jess I'm so sorry about what is going on. It sounds like, as hard as it is, you are making the best decision for you and your family. Very brave thing to admit like Lisa said. My thoughts are with you during this time and if you need us we are here for you.

Amy I'm thinking of it TWW time? Testing date? Hoping so much for you

Bethany miss you! Hope you and Lorelei are doing well!

AFM cd 12 so today starts BDing time. We kinda started early but more for fun without all the legs up in the air and all that fun stuff. Here's hoping
Oh Jess :hugs: We will be here for you! Please don't hesitate to vent or just chit chat on here if you need to. We make great sound boards. Praying your transition goes smoothly...May you find peace and comfort in the next chapter of your life! :hugs:

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