stupid comp did it now, big post typed and its gone, argggghhhhh
jen 1 santa has made simons toys already, i cant wait to give um to him.
we r goin to stay here for brekkie and pressies ,
go to oh s family for dinner and mine for tea

so nice day

whats ur plan and whats zoey gettin?
i aske din hosp for zantac to be increased but they sdaid his dose was high enough, few weeks of discomfort and they finally agree.

what food s did u find good for zoeys reflux, is she worse now with crawling/?
doc said yest with simons cerebral palsy that reflux may not be something he grows out of.
i knew this but not nice hearing it at the same time.
angel pierce is adorable. bet ur loving ur chunky cuddles.
i think simon is extra cuddly cos he is squishy, ha ha
how is everyone, well i hope xxx