ttc after a d&c

Hi ladies! I've been super busy here with my girls. Sophia has been very cranky and in a lot of pain from teething. Her gums are very irritated and swollen and still no teeth! :nope: Plus she is extremely active. Doesn't sleep during the day and only sleeps around 9 to 10 hours at night, plus she is a very light sleeper. So in a 24 hour period with only 9 to 10 hrs of sleep, she seems to sleep less than a baby should. Which means she is taking after Natalie.... I have my work cut out for me.

Hope all of you are doing well.
Oh no... I hope that isn't the case Jess. Big hugs and hope things get better :hugs:
Friggin :witch: Ughh! So sorry Amy :hugs:

Laura ~ Are you ok? I don't mind reading about the ins and outs of what's going on with you and Milky, so post away if it will help (you know get it off your chest). Did I miss the post about the visit with the dietician? Sorry if I did xoxo

Jess ~ The woes of teething. I've caved and given Pierce Ibuprofen at night. Were you able to get Natalie's Psych appt?

Leslie ~ Pressure to BD is the pits! Some women use the Shettles method (to help persuade gender)...for a girl it says no BD 2-4 days before ovulation, so there is great hope!

Lisa ~ Glad E is a good baby! She is setting the stage for #2!

:wave: everyone!
Thanks Amy. How are you? I've been thinking about you and so sorry about what you are going through. Also, hoping that your fathers back issues aren't too serious. I know the thought of surgery is scary. My dad went through several very serious surgeries (from leg amputation to kidney bypass) and I too was very worried every time. But he recovered from the surgeries every time even though his health was very very frail. I know its so tough seeing your parents with health issues. Please keep us updated on his condition. When its close to testing time for you, one of the first things I do in the morning when me and Sophie wake up is feed her her morning bottle and as I feed her with one hand, I get on my lap top and go right to your updates with the other hand. Praying for you and Leslie to receive good news soon. :hugs:
Elena just rolled over on her own!!!! :D Proud mummy!!

Also professional photos came in if anyone want to see... i posted them on my April rainbows thread

Amy, so AF showed her face... i think ill slap her!! haha

Jess, poor soph! Hope that tooth makes an appearance soon so she can get some relief and you can get some sleep!

Leslie, Hope you caught the egg anyways. Fingers crossed!

Angel, are you planning a party for P?
Hi Angel!! I've also caved and given Sophie pain reliever at night. Haven't given her Ibuprofen yet, I have some weird fear about giving it to her so I have been giving her acetaminophen because that is what I have been giving her from the beginning and it works great for her. The other night she was so hyper around bedtime, extremely wound up and irritable. Her gums were inflamed so I gave her this acetaminophen suppository called FeverAll and it worked like a charm. Its a tiny suppository so she doesn't even feel it but within a half hour she was a happy baby. I do know that my brother used Ibuprofen for his son because acetaminophen didn't agree for him and did nothing for his fevers. I just don't understand why Sophia's teeth just don't break through. I recently found a picture of me at 10 months and I also had no teeth at that age so I am thinking that has something to do with it. Natalie has her 1st appointment with the Psychologist this Friday and we also have family therapy. They say when you have a child with bipolar or other mental issues its good for the whole family to have group therapy. We are also in the process of getting my older daughter in for therapy. Have to go for a while. Sophie needs her bath, I'll be back later to chat more.
Lisa, yay for Elena rolling over. What a smart girl! I can't believe she is almost 2 months old. Time is flying. How are you feeling? :hugs:
Amy. Xx
Stupid af. Hugs
Maybe Having ivf as a back up might take some pressure off u
Then hopefully bfp before then Xx
Also we have to make cz disappear with her annoyingness xxx

Angel thanks hon. I just got in a funk
Was sick of it all.
I hate being a moany Minnie.
Ivaccidentally took gone off thyroxine for a few days
Not harmful but doesn't work properly
bad timing since already hypo. Whoops ;-)
Simon is ok.
Sleeping a lot. But bad quality sleep
Not eating at all. Too much pain from reflux.
Dietician and Doc couldn't fit us in.
We had hosp for blood test for epilim levels test
Followed by physio.
They wanted yo try see us after but times didn't work for them
So they asked me to write stuff to be shown to them
Still waiting to hear back.
Should be today.
I'm looking to switch reflux meds
If no improvement in few weeks im taking him off epilim

He is awake
Be back later x
Jess, I know time is going fast but I'm loving every minute so far.
I'm doing great other than the pill I'm on is starting to affect me already. The pill makes me crazy. I get so irritable for no reason. Thinking of trying the implanon instead.
I hope the therapy goes well for Natalie and the family. Hows things with DH at the moment?

Laura, I'm sorry things aren't going so well at the moment. Please vent or moan to is any time you like. That's what we are here for. I think this is the place you can say things that you might not tell others.
Thanks Lisa.Xx
I just got sick of giving out ;-)
Elena is adorable in her pics xxx
Such a cutie Xx
I give Simon calpol too when he is,very bad with teeth Xx
Sometimes u gotta Jess f2f
Hope Sophie gets a tooth soon Xx

Love to all Xx

Docs talking about motilium fir Simon
I'm reluctant
I'm gonna go see my family Doc to ask her opinion
Big hugs to you all :hug:

Laura.... :hugs: :hugs: I hope the family dr has some good advice for you.

Leslie, any word on blood results?
Laura, so sorry about Simon's health issues. I admire how positive you always are. You are so strong and I think you should actually vent more than you do. Never ever apologize for being down. You have been through so much. I admire your courage and strength. :hugs:

I'm about to go through the whole trial and error medicine route with Natalie. I know they are going to prescribe her anti-psychotics, and I have been putting this off for years at the fear of what these medicines will do to her growing body. We have tried the natural route and supplements for her and they have done NOTHING. I just don't understand why she has to suffer this mental illness. Also she gained weight from the medicine, most of them can cause A LOT of weight gain because they increase the appetite.
This is how many days are for us. Natalie wakes up depressed or irritable. She refuses to eat anything for breakfast, and loses her mental state over anything I try to feed her. She cries on and off all day. I have to plead with her over doing schooling. She does things most normal 8 year olds shouldn't do. Paints on the walls, draws pictures on the walls, destroys things that don't belong to her. She cannot be trusted with scissors or other "sharp objects" or she will do something spontaneous like cutting her hair off or God forbid hurt herself. She is very clingy with me, wants to lay on lap hold my hand and pick my finger cuticles (has obsessive ocd traits too). Everywhere I take her, I have to keep a close eye on her because she wonders off anywhere we are at. She is extremely hyperactive, beats up and punches her older sister. She is a compulsive liar, lies about anything and everything (hopefully she doesn't get us arrested one day with a lie). She lies all throughout the day. She makes up elaborate lies. Everyday she uses the bathroom she has to be supervised, she makes trouble in bathrooms, goes through everything gets all the hand soap and throws it down the drain. She will get into me or Alyssa's perfume and just spray it everywhere and drain it. She has temper tantrums everywhere, even at the park. The other day at the park she threatened to throw herself off the play structure. According to her she wanted to see if my older daughter cared. So she told her, "I'm going to through myself off, lets see if you catch me or even care!" I had to run to her and tell her not to do it. That Alyssa wouldn't be able to catch her because she was too high up and that she would break some bones or get very hurt if she did it. We went home early because I didn't trust if she would attempt anything. A lot of times when she gets very mad or cries she runs off hysterically and locks herself in my room. I have to go quickly and unlock the door because I am scared she will hurt herself. Every single night it takes us hours to get her to sleep. She is terrified every night to go to sleep and there are times when she is up until 5 in the morning with these sleep issues. She never ever goes to sleep without issues. This has been going on since I can remember. When she is not depressed or manic, there are periods that she has gone to bed without any problems but those times are few and far in between. There are times where she acts euphoric or that she is untouchable or any she will be extremely silly and laugh hysterically and then all of the sudden she will start crying hysterically. Anyways, sorry to burden all of you. I felt like I need to tell somebody of what I go through everyday and I only trust all of you ladies. BTW, there is much more that goes on, but I can't even go anymore into detail, but we will talk about all of this with the Psychologist. She has always been like this even as a baby, there was something seriously wrong. And another thing that puzzles me is that Sophia doesn't react to Natalie's temper tantrums she just looks puzzled or interested when she sees Natalie losing it. Do you ladies think this is normal? Sophie also laughs sometimes when she sees Natalie crying. I am hoping its because she doesn't understand. But its better for her to not cry and be affected right? Now you see why I was so desperate to get her insurance. Sorry to vent SO much.
Laura ~ I hope the family Dr is able to aid you in your decision. xoxo

Amy ~ When will you see the Dr?

Leslie ~ Any word on the blood work? Did I miss that? Sorry.

Jen & Bethany ~ :wave:

Lisa ~ Elena looks so precious! I can't believe she is already rolling over! Does she do it often? So so sweet! As for P's birthday...I'm thinking maybe a pirate theme? They have a bounce house shaped like a pirate ship that I'll prob rent and set up here at the house. I think I want to do a photo booth so I'll have a book w/ pics of all the kids (and parents) that were here on his 1st birthday. I haven't committed to an idea yet, so we'll see.

Jess ~ Wow, bipolar disorder in children certainly takes it's toll on the whole family! I can't believe she'd consider throwing herself off a jungle gym to see if her sister cares...must be so difficult for you :hugs: I'm sure Sophia's reaction to Natalie is perfectly normal. It's better than her crying too, right? I hope the psychiatrist will take Natalie's age into consideration when prescribing her cocktail. My gf was a train wreck as a child/teen and now, as an adult, she is a happy healthymedicated mother of 2. She is a nurse and is an advocate for early intervention. FX'd for speedy've got to be exhausted! Has your DH found work yet? Guess it's nice when he is around to help :flower:

Happy Hump Day!
Jess hugs
I agree with Angel.
Early I'd great.
She won't have toomuch memory of het difficult years then once stabilised xxx
Hopegully they hey a handle on her meds fast Xx
With little to no side effects please God xxx
I think Sophie s reaction is normal too
Simon and ny nieces and nephews often find things funny theater wouldn't
To her crying is prob just a funny noise ;-)
Xxx hugs again xxx

Angel we pirate theme sounds so cute
I wasn't gonna have a party but as it gets closer I'm more tempted

Simon is trying neocate.
I've been saying since he was tiny maybe it's dairy
Finally they agree and prescribed neocate
Fx it works for him x

Love to all x
So a dairy allergy...I hope this is the answer. Is neocate a medicine for lactose intolerance?

Had to share this link...Drawing eyebrows on babies is too funny!
Morning Ladies!

Jess, I'm so sorry to hear about all this. Sounds like a very exhausting and emotionally trying ordeal. I wish I had words that would help you but I'm at a loss. As for your fear of Sophia responding to Natalie's actions, I think she is just young and doesn't quite understand what's going on yet. I second what Angel said and her story about her friend proves that they can live a normal life. I too hope that the dr is able to give good advice and really help.

Laura, So Simon has a dairy allergy? Is this new medication he is on suppose to help with that or is it for seizures? BIG hugs hun!

Leslie, hope you're doing ok. When are you going to test? Bloodtest results?

Angel, Bethany, Jen, Lisa... hope you and your LO's we well.

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