ttc after a d&c

Sorry ladies have been exhausted but thinking of you. Will try and update later this evening. <3
They don't know for sure but suspect milk protein intolerance
So trying hypo allergenic formula to see if it helps
Most kids reject it cos of taste.
Simon seems to love it
I tasted it and it's quite like his old milk. The comfort formula
So thank God he seems to not mind switching so far
He actually seems a bit better
Might be coincidence but fx ;-)
I didn't put him on the new med Amy , we r trying this first xxx
Posted cos phone was a bit funny
How are u Amy.
U feeling better. Is af ok now? Xxx

Angel how are u and p.
When is dh next Home Xx
Hope ur not too lonely Xx

Leslie hope tired is bfp and not just work xxx

Jess Hope ye r ok xxx

Lisa how ye doin hon Xx

Bethany and Jen we miss ye xxx

Hope my pea brain hasn't forgot anyone xxx
Hi ladies. Thanks for all the wonderful responses. I so appreciate the support you give. Here's a :hugs: for all of you. The new psychologist already cancelled tomorrow's appointment, but luckily we had the option of seeing a nurse and hopefully she might be able to prescribe some type of sleeping aid for Natalie. She use to take Clonidine (a high blood pressure medicine that given in tiny dosages induces sleep in children) in the past, but I didn't like that it made her depressed, but I know that her going with so little sleep is detrimental to her health. Her blood pressure does run naturally a little higher than the average 8 year old (docs attribute it to her emotional outbursts) so maybe the Clonidine will lower her bp a tad bit. I am worried about the weight gain these medicines can cause because they make children extremely hungry, but maybe since it will increase her appetite, we might be able to use that as an advantage to get her to try new things. :winkwink: She is already a chubby girl. She is 4'3'', average height for an 8 year old, but weighs almost 80 lbs, way above average weight for her age. So that is my concern from her taking the pills, but I think that a nutritionist should be able to help us with her eating disorder. Anyways I was also her size and weight at that age and I thinned out. So, in other news, Alyssa most likely will not be passing the 8th grade. She does not have good enough grades. I can't believe it. I wasn't as smart as her and I had straight A's in the 8th grade. I know I shouldn't compare myself to her,but... I am just so disappointed. :cry: Forgot to mention I can see one of Sophie's teeth starting to break through. Lets hope this tooth breaks through quickly. But I am scared it might take weeks seeing as how she has been teething for so long. Dh is still out of work but I have been enjoying all of his help. :happydance:
Laura, I'm hoping that the neocate agrees with Simon. So sorry for your struggles in finding the right foods for him. It sounds like her very likely has an issue with lactose. It tried to give Sophie Yogurt again and she broke out in a rash all over her bottom and cheeks. I'm hoping that this is just a phase they are going through and will be able to tolerate lactose as they get older. We also have Neocate over here, very expensive. Did you ever get the whole diaper issue straightened out? Did you find diapers that fit his legs and tummy? Hows his Physio going? Is he still enjoying his stander? Give him a :hugs: for me.
Angel, thanks so much for the message and about your friends success story on finding happiness in her adult years. Some people just need medicine and I am thinking Natalie is one of them. Nobody wants to see their child suffer, its devastating to see an innocent child suffer all of these problems. There are people that actually think Pediatric bipolar doesn't exist, obviously they are people who haven't actually lived it. The older Natalie gets, the closer her bipolar gets to being like adult onset bipolar. I have put off medicating her for a long time because of the fear I have on her growing body. She hasn't been medicated for about 4 years now. But it seems like everything has fallen apart since then.

How is Pierce doing these days? Getting bigger I imagine. Sophia's weight gain has slowed down to a steady 24 to 25 lbs. now. I think that the fact that she is extremely active has slowed down her weight gain. Maybe she will just gain in small spurts from now on. She is just all over the place and getting into everything, very hard to keep after her. She can be a little bit mischievous but its so cute. I will catch her doing something she shouldn't be doing and she runs away (or crawls away) as soon as she sees me and she has this little devilish grin that I love. I forgot to ask, what month does your dh get back? Its getting closer, correct?
Amy, how are you doing hon? Is your af getting lighter yet? Have you decided to see the doc. I haven't had a chance to go to your thread yet. So I haven't check for an update. How is your father doing? Is there a date set for surgery, or they are still deciding. Your in my thoughts hon. :flower:
Leslie, do you know what dpo you are? I am sure you covered all of your bases with your dh. I am sure he probably feels the pressure building up as you are getting close the ov time. I remember my dh frustrating me and I was pretty mean to him. :cry: I actually remember kind of insulting him manhood because he had some problems "getting it up" when I really needed him to perform. I felt like he was failing me without understanding that the slightest amount of stress can make a man have problems performing. You are you feeling with the clomid? Are you going to continue taking it? Anyways, I will be checking in on any news when you get closer to testing time. :hugs:
Just catching up
Proper reply tomorrow yo u Jess Xx
Lil man is wriggling ;-)
hi ladies i read through fast going to make fast reply

first amy oyi im sooo sorry darn af. i was really praying this was it. i hope ur in good spirits though it must be hard.huge hugs. i have faith. it must happen. why are you waiting til end summer to try ivf?

laura i really hope that new formula is anwser. poor simon. are u avoiding cirtrus and dairy then? i know it flairs zoeys up. shes on bm and i give her only fruit vegs meats and almond milk yogurt and rice cheese. seems to help but still on prilosec and zantac 2x day. hugs i hope hes doing better and ur feeling okay.

angel peirce is such a handsome boy! love that mess! when does dh come home?

jbethany hi! how are u and that sweet lorelie?

lisa elena is beautiful and learning fast! :)

leslie fxd for u this cycle!
Amy as always grrrrr to AF and what you are going through. Did you talk to your doc about IVF? One of my very close friends has tried to get pregnant for 3.5 years and was preg a couple of times only after hsg. She had 7 or so IUI and started IVF recently and just did her second round. They dx her with unexplained infertility because she had much trouble getting pregnant. Well she just found out this week she is pregnant! So worried about mc understandably but it's somewhat of a miracle for her right now. IVF seems to have such high success so if it's something you need to do it sounds like a good move. Although darnit I just wish things would happen for you naturally. Maybe fermera ( that's the med right?) will be what is needed a the moment.
My doc called Tuesday and I think I was really bitchy to her, whoops. I'm just frustrated. She confirmed like the nurse told me that progesterone was 2.7 and she can do it again 7 dpo. Told her about specialist and she said it's up to me. I opted to wait and just work with specialist...same for clomid. Let's see what they recommend. 2 more weeks!

Laura please come on here and vent! Lord knows we all need it and we are here for you! Ugh about specialists not fitting you in. Hope they will at least hell you out soon. Poor Simon does not need to suffer like that. You are being such a great mom to him.

Angel thanks for the hope...didn't know about that method! Blood work was just progesterone that i had gotten but doc was taking forever to call me back, she was on vacation but I was still annoyed. Your bday part for pierce sounds so cute! You're going all out, photo booth and all! What is the date of his actual bday? Actually wondering when Zoey and Simons bday is! Simons is coming up I know because that is around when I joined you ladies on here.

Lisa so glad Elena is learning so fast and is being a good girl for you and DH! I saw on Facebook you are sick? Feel better

Jess so sorry for your struggles. I work with many children like what you are describing and cannot imagine what you are going through. Vent anytime you need to! So glad you feel comfortable doing so. I hope the mental health professionals are helpful and slowly things turn around. Will the girls see the psychologists weekly? Family therapy is always helpful because you do go through all the trials and tribulations together.
I should be around 5dpo at the moment. Clomid did nothing as far as I can tell since I ovulated on day 27... When most are ready for AF! No clomid for now. Going to fertility doc for consult on 5/23 and seeing what their recommendations are after they do some testing. Unless I get a BFP before then! Thank you for sharing your experience. I have also been irritable with DH, it's hard not to when there is a goal and their difficulty gets in the way. I know it's related to the stress of ttc because it doesn't happen otherwise.

Jen thanks! I hope you are Zoey are well. Bday plans coming along?

Bethany how are you?

Think I got everyone.
If I wasn't so early after ovulation I would swear I was pregnant by symptoms. I started having them at 1 dpo though lol. A lady on a clomid thread mentioned that she remembers having pregnancy symptoms throughout the TWW until AF. I'm having the cramping by ovaries and so exhausted, today very bloated. Been an emotional week so that could be it too. I may test on Mother's Day just in case OPKs are being crap and my date is off...if they are right would be way too early ;) Anyway have to get ready for work... TGIF!!
Laura, I'm hoping that the neocate agrees with Simon. So sorry for your struggles in finding the right foods for him. It sounds like her very likely has an issue with lactose. It tried to give Sophie Yogurt again and she broke out in a rash all over her bottom and cheeks. I'm hoping that this is just a phase they are going through and will be able to tolerate lactose as they get older. We also have Neocate over here, very expensive. Did you ever get the whole diaper issue straightened out? Did you find diapers that fit his legs and tummy? Hows his Physio going? Is he still enjoying his stander? Give him a :hugs: for me.

They most likely will outgrow it hon
If not it's not the end of the world
Lots of alternatives there now
He has list weight so fits back into nappies
My cloth ones came, washing them as I type.
Gonna try um this eve or tomorrow
Neocate is nearly 50 Euro for tiny tub
We r lucky we finally got our medical card last week which covers it
Thank God.
Wirj me not working I don't know where money would have come from
Hope ye t ok honey xxx
Hope the girls are well Xx

He Stoll loves his bystander
Can do 40 mins in it now
Leslie I've my fingers and toes crossed for ur bfp xxx
Stupid meds and weird symptoms. X impossible yo know. If preg then
Hope u r honey with extra sticky bean Xx -
Hi Lisa
U feeling any better.
It's nit mastitis is it?
Biatch of a thing Xx
jess hi! im so sorry for all yourgoing through with the girls. thank goodness dh is home and helpingvatm. sophia will be ok i think shes a normal babY. you describing her is exactly zoey. seriously zoey doesnt nap hardly sleeps at all is always on the go learns fast. everyhing u said sophia does zoeys been doing. fxd she is your healthy child and i pray your two older girls will be okay. you are super mom. i really hope ur state allows them each access to all the help they need&#9825;
leslie fxd this month is it&#9825; lots of dust!!

laura how are you and simon tioday?
laura so glad his meds where covered@&#9825; so expensive to feed urvsweet prince.
so fast update ill. try to write one!

no job yet :( but some temp opportunity for end june as long as schedule dont fall apart. itll be a few days. amen i hope i get them really need experience again and money.

i made zoeys bday stuff! got some more to make yet. her outfits 1/2 finished. going to beg to borrow my neighbors pc to post pic in future.

zoeys walking but if diapers soaked she loses balance at times. she is 20lbs 31". still hasnt learned to sleep well and doesnt nap long if at all. learned to unbutton onsies and take off a wet diaper :/ loves our dog hates pureed food. eats everythibg except dairy and citrus foods due to reflux still in meds :( nurses like crazy. will only drink water from her straw cup. i tried my bm she tosses it so idk how illbreak bottle. she loves kobe and tries to feed him. i think thats it

laura any special planns for simons bday?
lisa hope ur feeling better!

angel how are you and peirce today?

bethany love how kitty and lorelie seem to love eachother&#9825;&#9825; such a sweet kitty
:wave: Jen! So glad you were able to update us. I hope the temp job comes through and becomes permanent! FX'd! Can't believe it's almost time for Zoey's party :cake:

Leslie ~ Symptoms are a pain, figuratively & literally! What a lovely Mother's Day surprise it would be if you were to get a +ve HPT! FX'd for you! And what a great resource you are for Jess...I always look forward to what info you can pass on/share with her. Shows that networking can be done even on TTC forums! RE: Pierce's birthday. It's August 4th. Do you think a photo booth is too much? We have some ridiculous parties around here and I promised myself I wouldn't go overboard.

Jess ~ Sorry about Alyssa. I hope the nurse can get Natalie started...certainly have to weigh the pros and cons of the meds. Under these circumstances it sounds like they are much needed for everyone's sake! :hugs:

Laura ~ Way to go Simon in your stander!! So glad your med card has started, just in time. Are you getting Carer's Pay (I think that's what you called it)? How is your sister & your mother?

Lisa ~ Hope you are well :hugs:

Amy ~ I pray this round of meds does the trick hon. Are you drinking whole milk? Taking Royal Jelly? Munching on legumes (I put black beans on everything), pineapple & blueberries? Consulting the angel cards? All staples of ttc! Hope your Dad is ok :friends:

Bethany ~ :howdy: Miss you on here!

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