ttc after a d&c

Hi ladies, hope you all had a nice weekend! So, Sophie's bottom tooth finally broke through today, 1 week before turning 11 months!! The poor thing, her gums are so sore and the area is very irritated. She has had such a difficult time teething. Hopefully it won't be as bad with her other teeth. Hope all of the los and doing nice and healthy. Sending lots of love to all of you! :hugs:
Hurray tooth.
Simon is working on one all weekend
When soosie and bottle r rejected.
It spells tooth ;-)

Love to all
Hi Ladies, hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's day :)

Leslie, I'm still keeping my fingers tightly crossed for you hun. When are you testing again?

Thank you everyone for your kind words. Jen, waiting until aug/sep to give meds/IUI a couple more chances. I feel like this has been a long journey for me and I find myself getting more and more depressed which isn't good. I've had people tell me to just take a break which we have a few times. They say to take a longer one but because of my age, I feel like I don't have the time to do that. I wish I knew this was going to happen when I was younger. :( Angel, as for eating those things and what not.. I did try that at one point... nothing. I think Im just becoming one of those women that gets silently consumed by TTC and cant help but be sad.

But enough for sad talk... I really hope everyone had a great weekend!! :D
Amy, I am so sorry for your sadness. I am hoping that your troubles will soon be of the past and things will change for you. I have heard of women taking a long time to get pregnant but once they have their first baby, they end up having more children easily after that. You deserve this so much and I know it will happen for you. :flower:
A woman I know just had a boy
She tried for yrs and lost twins at 20 week's last yr.
Never give up hope
It can and will happen out of the blue for u xxx
Love u lots.
So sorry ur sad but u have every right yo be
Ur strong and u have years left hon Xx
U have the best docs, s great dh and us. Hee hee
U will get there.
Jen good luck with the temp job and hopefully other opportunities coming your way!

Angel I like photo booths. We had one for our wedding. I say if you can afford it and want it, go for it! As long as you post some of the pics ;) very cute shoes pierce is wearing!

Jess when is Sophia's birthday? Hope all is going well with your daughters' appointments.

Laura is Simon doing better on new med? Hoping so.

Amy probably holding out until Saturday and testing...still trying to figure out my LP. 9 dpo today. Has been as early as 10 and late as 16 so we will see. So sorry for your sad feelings. Completely normal to feel depressed and obsessive with this stuff. You want this so bad and you will have it! As hard as it is to swallow, I do believe everything happens for a reason and this bad stuff will only lead us to the better. Always thinking of you <3

On a side note I have been SO bloated past couple day ugh..better be for good reason and not AF. Mother's Day was somewhat difficult. Even found out a cousin I really dislike is pregnant. Everyone deserves a family, I just feel life is not fair sometimes ( that's my thought for you too Amy!)
Hugs Leslie.
We will be looking at pics of u and Amy's rainbow bubs really sion xxx
Hopefully bloating is a lil bean snuggling in xxx

Simon is very sick today.
Hasnt eaten properly in months and now won't drink
Waiting on Doc to open to make app to bring him
Oh Amy, it's just so frustrating. I know it seems impossible right now and there are no words that can change the feelings of despair...just know we are here for you and we will hold hope for you! Praying your journey isn't too much longer, praying this next round of meds brings great news xoxo

Leslie ~ FX'd the bloating is a sign of a BFP! I pray this time next year we are all celebrating Mother's Day and these long TWW are just a distant memory!

Laura ~ I hope Simon is ok!! :hugs:

Jess ~ Yay for Soph's tooth!! Teething is a beast isn't it? Makes for a challenging baby! Did you get meds for Natalie from the nurse on Friday (sorry if I misread the appointment date).

Jen, Bethany, Lisa :hugs: to the girls!
Thanks :hugs:

Leslie, I'm hoping the bloating is a great sign. FX so tightly for you!!

Jen, GL with the temp job!! I too hope this leads to wonderful opportunities for you!!!

Laura, you are so right... I feel very blessed to not only have an amazing husband but to have wonderful ladies like you in my life. It truly is what is keeping me going.

Angel, thank you doll. I hope that Leslie and I get to join you ladies in the mommy club soon.

Leslie, Im so sorry you had to hear about another pregnancy. You're right in that everyone deserves a chance at having a family but we all know that this past weekend was a tough one... especially because we don't have any children yet. We just have to dust ourselves off and try really hard to not become bitter. That much easier said than done though but at least we all have each other here. :hugs: Cant wait until you test again!

Bethany, how are you and L doing? I always get such a kick out of your FB posts... your silly kitty cracks me up too! heheh

Jess, Sophia's birthday is coming up?!?!?!? Or did I misread something lol Do you have any plans? How are things going with Natalie? Hope you and the girls are doing ok. :)

Lisa, Hope you're doing well with your little princess.

Hope I didn't miss anyone and if I did I'm so sorry. :(
Thanks guys xxx
Hve antibiotics and slightly different type of epilim that he just puked back to me.
My Sis got her kidney out today
She is doing well
Sorry the meds didn't stay down :( Glad to hear your sis is doing ok :)
Laura, thank God your sister is doing well after kidney surgery. So sorry about Simon being sick. Are u giving him any type of supplements, can he keep anything down? How is he doing otherwise, with his teethig? Poor little man :nope:. I hope he starts to feel better. :flower:

Lisa, hope u and Elena are doing great!

Amy, Natalie's appointment was cancelled again. :nope: It got rescheduled for tomorrow with a nurse whoe prescribes medicine so hopefully we can start getting her treated. How are u hon? How is this this cycle going? Have you seen your acupuncturist? Big :hugs: hon.

Leslie, your so close to testing! How long are u going to hold off on testing? So hoping you get your bfp!

Angel, love your birthday ideas for Pierce. Your dh will be back before you know it. He is going t be so surprised to see how big his boy has gotten! How many teeth does Pierce have now? He looks like he sits so well in his pic!

Hi Jen, bet your busy planning Zoey's bday!! Heres a big :hugs: for her.

Sophie is so cranky today and so is Natalie. Her bday is June 21st, just 2 weeks after Zoey's bday! I haven't even had the chance to plan anything yet. :hugs: to all of u!
Thanks jess
I was syringing diaoralyte into him yesterday
But he started drinking again last nt
The puking was cos new med was granules and they hot stuck in his throat

Hope ur girlies r in good form now xxx
Hope appointment goes well and ye get some help xxx
Laura, is Simon eating solids? How much does Simon weigh now? Has he lost anymore lbs? Poor baby.:nope:
Some dways no solids
Other days teensy bit of puree.
He was 12.4 kg last week so only down 0.1 in last while.
Down from 13.2 altogether.
He is,drinking well now again.
Hoping food follows.
Was ur appointment today?
I think I have holes in my brain info runs through :)
Hope all's as well as can be Xxx
Laura, Simon is still a very big boy. And luckily he didn't lose very much at all. Sophie lost 2 lbs, just from having some type of stomach bug, she vomited for 1 day and had diarrhea for like 3 days. Luckily she gained it all back. Simon is still doing very good for weight gain. Its interesting though, it seems once they hit 6 months or so, the weight gain slows down a lot. One problem I have with Sophia is that she doesn't seem to like solids a lot. She still favors the bottle much more. Her reflux went away almost completely once I started adding rice cereal to her bottle. I started adding it when she was 7 months or so. I mix in 1.5 TBS in her 7 ounce bottles, keeps all of her milk down. I can't believe Simon is turning 1 year old. It doesn't feel like it was 1 year ago that you had him. Time goes by so quickly its scary. How many teeth does Simon have now? Is he still working on his second? Did his first tooth come up all the way? Sophie's 1st tooth is barely above the gum line. Did I mention how active she is? This girl has quite the personality. She is loud, yells a lot in her baby gibberish. Very mischievous baby. Its so cute how sometime I catch her trying to take something apart of if she gets her hands on something she shouldn't have she either crawls or wobbly walks away very quickly with it. She is up sometimes 15 hours straight with no naps!! Until I can finally calm her and get her to sleep. :sleep:
Natalie had her appointment today. They prescribed her medicine to help her get to sleep at night. And as I recall this medicine worked for her in the past. So hopefully it helps her now. Finally peace for all us including her at bedtime. The nurse couldn't prescribe anymore medicine until she sees her Psychiatrist next Friday. How are u and Simon? Sophie is up to her mischief again, gotta go! lol.

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