ttc after a d&c

Laura, I second what Angel said... stay away seizures!! Hope you and Simon are doing great today.

And for Leslie and Amy, stay away af!
Thinking of you ladies..happy Friday! Just a quick update to let you know what is going on.

got more blood test results back and looks like we've found the problem ( or one of them!) they are worried about my blood sugar as A1C shows borderline diabetic but that isn't new because I am hypoglycemic so have to speak with nutritionist soon ( nutritionist is part of the team too!). Also recommended vitamin d3 1000 mcg twice a day as mine was low. Testosterone and AMH levels are high and she said this is indicative of PCOS ( polycystic ovarian syndrome). The symptoms really do explain so much as does the difficulty getting pregnant part. Both the nurse and nutritionist believe this to be the case put together with my wacky cycles but they can't diagnose and are waiting to see if that is what the doctor feels. I don't see why she wouldn't diagnose it though. Anyone have any experience with pcos? I know it can be very difficult to get pregnant but have heard it's treatable and many eventually get pregnant. Is hard because I want answers but once I get them it's somewhat depressing to think about. Can't change it though!

Quick question you recommend wearing a liner after hsg? Are you testing soon?
Will catch up soon. Hope everyone had a good week!
Hi Leslie. Sorry about the test results, but its good that they were able to identify issues so they can now treat them. I have pcos, I had my left ovary removed 8 years ago because of how badly it was damaged from 2 very large ovarian cysts that they discovered when I was pregnant with Natalie. with my 2 last pregnancies I got pregnant thanks to my right ovary. The pcos never affected my ability to get pregnant, but I also have issues with hormonal imbalances and my cycles are extremely wacky from my last 2 consecutive pregnancies. The pcos makes it extremely hard for me to lose weight and I am sure my stressful life is also adding to all of this. Its good that you are going to see a Nutritionist but I remember eating low carb really helped me to lose weight before. And you don't have to follow the diet by eating low carb high fat. You can still cut the extra fat and also the carbs, like a big offender for some people is white flour, sugar and high carb foods. My husband just managed to lose 20 lbs from cutting out bad carbs. He went from 210 to 190 in about 1.5 months. I think I have heard that clomid also helps for ovulation for pcos. Hope this helps. Sorry I could not be of more help. :hugs:
Jess thanks Xx
We had a lovely day.
My Sis and her 2 Kidd and my parents were out party
Another mini one tomorrow for oh and his parents
Its easier when smaller
I've 11 siblings and 40 nieces and nephews so our house isn't.big enough for um all
Sunscreen needs to be total block at that age
Factor 50 plus
I'm paranoid cos I burn in 10 mins in mild ish Sun
I reckon Simon is the same
He is very pale with blond hair so I'd say he would burn easily too
Needs to be reapplied every 2 hrs or so
And after water
Sophie is adorable.
Don't blame u for being in love ;-) xxx

Amy llove ur pandas xxx
Thanks for givingout to seizures ;-)
U too Angel Xx

Still reading xxx
Leslie it's good they found something u can fix xxx
Pcos isn't curable but is manageable
Diet and weight loss for pcos work wonders for getting preg with it
I have loads of symptoms of it but they won't say I have it.
I have had a scan and they didn't find cysts so won't day yes
But I've read u can still have it.
Not being hypochondriac but I have every symptom nearly
I've read up about it before but a long time ago so I'ma bit hazyXx
It's great they found about bit d and blood sugar.
Once they are under control u will have ur rainbow in no time xxx
They r always reluctant to diagnose it cos it's a bit vague, there isn't a physical test really as far as I know. Xxx
Leslie ~ :muaha: Yay for the answers, boo to pcos! At least it's something that can be managed! FX'd the Dr gets back to you as well!

Laura ~ It's great that Simon gets a few celebrations for his 1st birthday...I love long birthdays!

Jess ~ The Dr actually gave me a pamphlet with info on sunscreen and the recommended minimum is 30. But def reapply often like Laura said! has free shipping on orders over $50 (easy to spend on baby things) and it's where I found Blue Lizard ;)

Amy. :dust:

Bethany are you ttc #2 yet?

Lisa how are you?

Jen it's almost Zoey's birthday!!!

Angel long bdays. Are the best ;-)
I like ur seesaw guys :-D
How's pierce doing?
Vaccination time again here.
But doc saI'd put um off a Little cos he was sick
It doesn't seem long ago I was saying 6 month break

Jess I forgot you answer
We had cake but Simon didn't
He had some,baby choc pudding
First dessert he has ever had ;-)

Love to all xxx
Vaccinations are awful!! Time has gone by quickly, FX'd Simon still does well with them. How many shots (jabs) will he get?

Jess ~ Has Soph had to go in for more vaccines?

Hope you all have a good weekend!
It's the mmr.
First live vaccine so he must be well for it
Little fairy still not eating properly
Not even close
Vaccines suck but alternative sucks way more xx
How ye doin.
Ur doing anything for weekend?
Pierce gets the MMR & chicken pox vaccine in August! My gf's daughter spiked a fever 2 weeks later (they said it's a normal reaction). Get well soon sweet Simon! How are the pets? Does Simon enjoy them (any baby ferrets?)?

Hola ladies! DH skyped yesterday and P tried giving him a ball through the screen...too sweet! I miss that man! Oh and my SIL didn't get that time share, but she hasn't booked her flights either? :shrug: SIL Alley where are you! My DH said I need to be nice since she is trying to sell our boathouse for us :ughh:
Ummaybe sil is postponing her visit ;-)
Such a pity hee hee
I'm tired today
Simon is teething mad so our sleep is suffering
So cute p giving the ball.
My Nephew tried to pick up as ball on as book o was reading him before
He got cross to the book cos he couldn't pick it up ;-)
Hi ladies. Hope all of you are having a great weekend.

Sophie is actually behind for 1 set of shots. So we need to get her in by next week to catch up. Having to immunize her scares me, but I know I need to do it. She has been so cranky since those 2 teeth came in. Another thing is that she is constantly on the go. This child never gets tired, she reminds me a lot of Alyssa and Natalie at this age. She is just on the go from the morning until night. I don't know where all of this energy comes from. It has been a struggle to feed Sophia solids, she has never taken to them well. She just doesn't seem to have a huge appetite for the solids, no matter what I give her. I am going to have to discuss this with her doctor. She is growing very well though, but I am just worried about her lack of appetite. She is taking in between 28 and 34 ounces of formula a day. Do you think if I give her 1 less bottle it could help?

Angel, how cute that Pierce was trying to pass his daddy a ball over skype. I am sure you are counting down the days until your dh comes home. Is this the longest he has been gone since you have been married? How is he doing on tummy time? Does he nap during the day? I envy all the parents with babies that nap. I do wish Sophie would slow down a little.

Laura, so how did Simon enjoy his pudding? I have given Sophie a couple licks here and there of ice cream and she loves it of course. But that is the extent of sweets that she has been exposed to. She has also had yogurt a few times but had a reaction to it. I am actually scared to give her cake for her bday, but I am sure she will only eat a couple bites anyways. She really does have a small appetite so I don't even know how she weighs 25/26 pounds now. Hopefully when I start feeding her less milk her appetite for solids will go up.

Hi Jen, I am sure you are very very busy preparing for Zoey's 1st bday!! How exciting! How is the little princess doing these days? I hope she is doing much better from when she was sick. I bet she is all over the place and very active. It must be tiring keeping after her all day.

Leslie :hugs: hon.

Amy, I just saw your charts and temps. They look fantastic. FX for these next couple days that you get an amazing surprise! :hugs:
I would reduce her milk for a few days
If her appetite doesn't increase u can always up the milk again.
Jess ~ Is it the purees that Soph doesn't like? Pierce wasn't a fan of them, so I moved to finger foods and he eats so much better (he's a do it myself kind if baby). The pediatrician said to give him all the fresh fruits he wants, so I wonder if that kind of food would that help her enjoy solids? P loves blueberries (cut them in half) and squishing then eating raspberries...eating is super messy, but it's fun for him! He literally enjoys his food! Ha! And tummy time is still not fun, but naps are a must around here! He takes a morning nap 9-10:45a, then 2-3:30p. I bet Sophia is a great night sleeper though! Good luck with her shots next week! Did your DH find another job?

Laura ~ Pudding sounds yummy, hope he has enjoyed his round two birthday weekend!

Amy ~ Darn -HPT! Come on shy little bean! :dust:

Leslie ~ Sorry if I missed it, but were you on Clomid this month?
I have a quick question for you ladies. I've been having increase in cm for the last 2 weeks or so, its just clear and almost like lubricant consistency, would a hormonal imbalance cause this? Because I have been feeling like crap lately, to put it mildly. Plus, my cycle has been all over the place since the last 2 pregnancies.
I never caught up...sorry ladies :/

Jess I wish I could answer your question but I'm not sure. I still haven't gotten this mc thing down! You mentioned you have pcos so I am guessing your hormones could definitely be wacky.

Angel no clomid this month...putting everything into RE's hands and my Gyno was the one prescribing clomid. We will see what RE decides after our meeting in two weeks.

Hsg this morning bleh.
Have a good Monday all!
And sorry Jess my autocorrect changed cm to mc so that meant to say I haven't gotten this cm thing down.
Leslie I hope your HSG is a breeze. I believe Amy & I had different experiences. Mine, I only felt discomfort during the procedure, no real pain. My Dr gave me a panty liner once it was over and I went about my day as usual. I was one of those that fell pg that very month. Hoping your experience is similar. Update when you can xoxo

Amy ~ :dust:

Jess ~ It's probably your pcos like Leslie said...doesn't it cause irregular cycles. Hope you feel better.

Laura ~ Did you guys have a nice weekend?

Jen ~ 5 days until Zoey's 1st birthday!! :cake: How do you plan on weaning her from BFing or how long do you plan to nurse?

Bethany ~ Are you still waiting to try for #2.

Lisa ~ :hugs: to trip E!
Good Morning Ladies!

Leslie, Hope Im not too late to respond but yes I recommend wearing a liner today. Good luck and I hope that it all goes smooth. Also hope that this does it and helps with you getting pregnant! :)

Angel, too sweet re P trying to give his daddy a ball. :cloud9:

Laura, I really hope Simon feels better as well!!!

Bethany, Jess, Jen, & anyone else Ive missed... :kiss:

Im pretty sure Im out this month so Im just waiting for AF to show. Also leaving for Cali this wed night so I have that to look forward to.

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