ttc after a d&c

i just tried to post 5 times!! is it my cell not showing them? or are they not posting???
I see your post Jen. Are you going to the Dr in 3 weeks? I've had 2 periods these past 2 months and before my AF I've had a watery discharge. Maybe she is on her way? Is pregnancy a possibility or are you on the pill?

Amy :hugs: I pray for your BFP...please show second pink line so Amy doesn't have to go for the IVF consult! :hugs:

Leslie ~ I hope you are a lucky one with IUI this month...Birthday fun! As for the chocolate, so it's a no-no with your diet? Even dark chocolate? I <3 dark chocolate raisinets!

Jess ~ Good luck with SoSo's appt tomorrow! Let us know how it goes!

Laura ~ Glasses on Tuesday? I've got to see pictures! Do you have an appt as well this week?

Bethany ~ How is motherhood? How is Lorelie?


Pierce is cutting his 8th tooth. He is drooling like mad, runny nose and this time he has runny poos (sorry if tmi). He has a great disposition, but darn teething is brutal!
First of all Amy!!!!!!!!! I was very very very worried about you!! You usually don't disappear for over a week, so I had no idea what what happened. I am a bit paranoid by nature so I didn't know what was going on! I am so glad to see that you are ok! :hugs: hon!

Jen, I saw all of your posts. I can tell you from experience that since I gave birth to Sophie, my af is all over the place and I get cm a lot now, even days after I ov. So I have no idea what is happening with my body! You could def be pregnant or oving! It is so hard to tell. The best thing for you to do is go to the gyn or take a pregnancy test. You know your body better than anybody else! Hope this helps! :hugs:

Angel, how is Pierce doing with the crawling? Sooner than you know he is gonna have you running after him. lol!! Once they become mobile there is no stopping them! Yum to his grilled cheese sandwich. One question, what kind of bread and cheese do you give him? A little bit confused about what kind of bread is the best for them. :hugs:

Laura, glad to see Simon is eating better. So has he pretty much stayed at the same weight or gained? Babies weight gain slows down A LOT once they turn 1 year old. Sophie weight has gone up and down from 25 to 27 lbs this last month and she is so very active. I have to assume that she is starting to slim down. I am gonna miss that chunky baby look. lol!!

So nice to see you back Leslie! How are you hon?? :hugs:

Lisa?? Yooooooooohoooooooooo!! I miss you and Elena!! I hope you can get one when you have some time. Miss you lots hon! :hugs:
Oh my! 8 teeth Angel? Poor Pierce but I bet he looks so cute! Sophia only has her 2 bottom teeth and no signs of any other teeth. She has no ridges or swelling or anything. I was hoping she would have her front teeth by the time she turned 1 but she didn't. She is teething much later than my other girls. I'm gonna start worrying if she doesn't get her front teeth soon. :nope:
:hugs:Jess ~ Dont worry about her teeth, the later they come in the less you have to worry about keeping them clean! :brush: Jen said they'll all come in by age 2 anyway. My gf's son cut his 4 top teeth at the same time at 13 months, she had no clue (she said he had been unusually fussy) :shrug: With teeth comes biting, and boy has he been chomping away at me! I don't know if he is going to kiss me or bite...little rascal! :kiss: As for sandwiches, I like to use Trader Joe's organic oatmeal bread. Because he is under 1 avoid we avoid bread w/ honey or high fructose corn syrup and pick what has a high protein count. I found organic sliced American Cheese at Whole Foods (cheddar or mozerella would be yummy too!). :pizza: I don't think you can go wrong with this, I tend to over think this whole feeding thing!

Good luck today at the Dr SoSo! Big brave girl...that MMR is a beast (they gave it to me after P was born-ouch!).
laura i had what i thought was fertile cm a few weeks ago.. im just so crampy andwet its crazy. chances its af?? zoey is driving me crazy super busy get into everything. i have no energy last 3 days

Could totally be af hon.
If it was me I'd test just in case bfp
But only cos I still hve tests and an a nervous nellie who can't wait
I see your post Jen. Are you going to the D

Laura ~ Glasses on Tuesday? I've got to see pictures! Do you have an appt as well this week?

Bethany ~ How is motherhood? How is Lorelie?

Lisa? -

Pierce is cutting his 8th tooth. He is drooling like mad, runny nose and this time he has runny poos (sorry if tmi). He has a great disposition, but darn teething is brutal!

Appointment is on tues, tomorrow too Xx
Simon is teething so much
Runny nappies too.
Still just 3 teeth and a spike
Come on teeth!!!!
For both our guys
I'm not sure if nappies from losec or teeth or combo
Jess. Simon hasbottom 2 front teeth
But neither front top one
He has a top one to the left of front 2 and a spike way back
All his gums are ridged and getting harder though
Poor mouse is trying to bring loads together

So ling as she can eat it fine
Then Brown wholewheat bread is best Xx
I give milky cheese.
We hve one called calvita
But u may nor hve it
He hasn't had cheese in yonks now

He has dropped a kilo since end of Feb hon
He couldn't hve put on weight with how little he is eating

I tot him a smart trike today
He loves it :-D
So cute on it
My phone is still refusing pics
Ejen I hve glasses pics, up get um onto comp soon
Jess I hope Soph's appt went well today!

Laura ~ I can't wait to see Milky in his glasses! Can't believe both boys have runny nappies! Darn teeth! Pierce only had one dirty diaper today, but I've kept him on a bland diet (potatoes, toast, bananas, carrots & a small amount of yogurt for the probiotics). FX'd the boys are on the mend!

My SIL is a tool (DH's sister). She hasn't been here in about 2 years, which I am thankful for. My poor DH offered to buy her tickets to come here because he wants her to meet his son, but for whatever reason she is making excuses for why she can't come. I will reciprocate, I am going to stop talking to her, going to stop sending her pictures. Her husband said, "well it isn't like we are made of money." I replied through my teeth, "We would love to buy your flights and take care of your expenses." He then went on to say how he likes his time off and thinks the fall would be better if it doesn't conflict with hunting? What in the world?!? Who says that? My blood is boiling, I'm going to stop venting now. My family is family enough for Pierce.
not all my posts did post :( but i guess some did!

angel 8 teeth poor peirce! hope the come in fast for all the babies! simon too! jess yes dont worry til a a little later. teeth come in by age two usually. every childs different.
Angel, that was an idiot thing for your sis in laws husband to say. It sounds as if he was diminishing Pierce. In my opinion Pierce's time is much too valuable for them. He doesn't deserve those people flaking out on him. And what if you dh and Pierce have plans for the fall. Does he actually think that you are going to change all of your plans to accommodate them?? As if!! I feel bad for your dh because he doesn't have a lot of family correct? And he has to put up with his sis and her husband pulling that??!! She should appreciate Pierce and both you and dh more, especially since your dh and her lost their parents at a young age and family should stick together. Pierce is a blessing for all of you and if they can't appreciate him then they are losing out big time! Its gets me fuming when family act like this. I hope she changes. Does she and her husband have children? :hugs: to you and I hope you are feeling better after this unfortunate issue with them.
Thanks for the advice on the cheese and bread Angel. I too make a huge deal about what Sophie eats. I have been super protective over her and I am very paranoid about her getting sick from food or even choking. She does mash foods very well with her gums but I still do get worried because she does lack any upper teeth. She just has those 2 super tiny bottom teeth that are still not all the way up.
Thanks for the advice on teeth Jen. I just hear about the majority of 1 year old babies having more teeth than Sophie so I start getting paranoid, like what if her teeth never come up! lol! I know its crazy and probably not going to happen. Its just one of those quirky things about me, I worry a lot! Sophie is just like Zoey, very very active and always on the go. It is so incredibly hard taking care of her at the same time as Natalie especially since Natalie is special needs! I just manage the best way I can. How are you and Zoey doing? Has she gotten better from the ear infections? Does she like to eat a lot? Sophie does not have a huge appetite. It is hard to get her to eat. She just isn't a huge eater. So I have no idea how she is the weight she is.
Laura, poor Simon with all of those rigid gums! Teething is so painful for some babies. Sophie is a bit fussy lately, so I am thinking she might possibly be getting new teeth hopefully. I want to finally see some front teeth or at least some upper teeth, so she can grind the food better. I want to give Sophie the cheese that has less lactose because anything with lactose seems to be making her body break out in rashes and give her runny poop and diaper rashes. Thanks for the info about calvita cheese. Just researched it, popular in Ireland correct? It seems children like the flavor. So far Sophia has had American cheese 2 times in a grilled cheese and the cream cheese in her cheesecake that I made for her bday. I am gonna start giving her more cheese because according to doc she is still drinking too much milk, although I have cut down her milk intake significantly. She said to give her 16 to 20 oz the most. Its gonna be hard because Sophie loves loves loves her milk. Strange thing is even when Sophie consumes only 16 or 18 oz she still is not too big on solids. She eats, she just doesn't have a huge appetite. Good luck on Simon's appointment tomorrow. He is gonna look so so cute with his new glasses. Can't wait to see a pic of him. Oh and Sophie has also gone up and down with her weight. Simon is a big baby to begin with so I can imagine even down 1 kilo he is still nice and chunky, but he is tall to so he is probably getting more slender now. Hopefully the eating will get better soon. Oh how us mommies worry!
Docs appointment went well. Except for the fact that she tried to imply that Sophie is overweight. She measured 26 lbs and a whopping 32.5 inches (now that shocked me, her height is off the charts for a girl) I am sorry but how is she overweight, she doesn't eat a whole lot and she is always on the go. I mean always! She is always moving, running, walking, exploring, getting into trouble. lol. It seems that she is suppose to be slimming down now but she has. She measured 27 lbs last month. I felt like I had to keep justifying Sophie's weight. And she even printed out her bmi its like 17 or 18. And her weight does correspond with her height so that is good right? Height is off the charts but weight is 97 percentile, so that would indicate that even though she is heavy she is even taller, correct? She was acting like Sophia was fat so that did bother me. Also I am pmsing big time, so bad timing to tell me my baby if fat. :growlmad:
grrr for them saying she is fat jess she is perfect! active with little appitite. ur dr needs kick in behind. enjoy ur baby sje very tall and u dont want her a skeleton. zoey has huge appitite and loves nursing and drinking expredsed bm. so im assuming shes up in weight. jt i can care less. drs complain if to small or big. enjoy her jess&#9825;&#9829;&#9829;&#9825;
Jen I would also test..I think you have been concerned before and there's only one way to find out.

Jess sorry about the doctors. Didn't seem really empathetic. I hate how they do bmi because everyone is then overweight!

Laura what exactly is a smart trike? Yay for glasses!! I bet he is adorable in them.

Angel so sorry about your SIL. Completely sounds like my in laws also which we tend to stay away from. Sad as it is have to keep the good family close and accept the rest :/ completely feel your pain. Not supposed to eat chocolate sugar wise but it's also my favorite food haha! I had a wendys frosty the other night which didn't really agree with me. Oh well. Still waiting for all the AF weight to drop blah :( maybe I just didn't really lose weight over the week.

Amy I'm so sorry for what you are going through. I think you have IVF consult today ( or maybe tomorrow?)? Trying to stay with your journal. Best of luck. If you can afford it I think it's a great option, although maybe not what you hoped for. Success rates are so high and it's an amazing process. Thinking of you.

Ladies I finally set up my journal if you are interested. There's a link in my signature. Will try to keep up with it. Figured it would be helpful as I go through the fertility process :)
Thank you all for your sympathetic ear. I'm just sad for my DH, I know his parents would have been all over Pierce (just like my parents are). I told my Mom that she gets to play with Pierce while DH's parents play with my angel babies. I almost started to vent again, woooosaaah.
Jen ~ how are you feeling? So you haven't started weaning Z yet? When does that start...I'm so confused. A couple of my gf's switched straight to sippy cups at a year old and never had a problem. I don't know how people do it!

Jess ~ Your pediatrician is crazy! Her height and weight match up so what are they thinking (well she is even taller than her weight percentile, so she is perfect)! My sister (works at a smaller hospital so she is L&D and Peds RN) said there is no need for weight concerns until they are 2. Obviously we start to instill healthy eating habits now, but our big babies are meant to blow the bell curve out of the water! Shame on that Dr trying to take So's milk :jo:

Leslie ~ I'm totally going to stalk your journal!

Amy ~ thinking of you today as you brave the talk of IVF.

Laura ~ I bet Simon looks dapper with his glasses! How can you tell if they need them? I can't get Pierce to keep sunglasses on his face, so good luck Prince Milky!!

PS Jen it's so good to see you back on here :friends:
Just catching up. Il answer properly tomorrow x
Long day but fine
He slept v little last night so I'm wrecked

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