ttc after a d&c

Angel. Hoping you feel better from the PMS. I have been getting mood swings like crazy since af returned. Not liking it at all! Is you dh back yet? How's Pierce doing? :hugs: to both of you.
Thanks again for the birthday wishes for Sophie. It was a beautiful day here. we took Sophie to a place called FairlyLand and she loved it. Its kinda like an amusement park for babies and small children. She went on a Carousel, saw a puppet show, and was running around all over the place. I have lots of pics so I will post some very soon. She had homemade cheesecake but she was more interested in playing with it than eating it. hehe. And of course she got some great presents. She has become quite the handful and is all over the house all day long. This little girl never gets tired, its surprising how much energy she has. She is more active than Natalie was (believe it or not) and very impulsive so we have to watch her like a hawk. But she is starting to learn what she is not suppose to touch or get near. She has had her share of head bumps because of how quick she moves around. Love all of you ladies!
Hi Laura! Hi Simon! Big :hugs: for both of you.

Thanks jess xxx
Bavk at u ;-) beach today.
Wrecked but in a good way ;-)
3 app tomorrow.
First for eyes,then physio and ot,
ThEn video study for communication course
Busy day
Jess oh what a lovely day it must have been for Sophie. She sounds like a beautiful hand full! xoxo I bet Fairyland is a great place to take the girls!

Laura ~ I hope all appts go smoothly tomorrow!

Amy & Leslie :dust:

AF is here, she popped in yesterday (28 day cycle). I'll try to hold on to her for ya Amy & Leslie, but she is a wirey one! :haha:
Angel, it was a very special day with Sophie. Only negative aspect, Natalie was incredible jealous that the day revolved around Sophie and at one point she said kept complaining of body pains, anxiety, chest pain from anxiety, depression etc. I know her behavior must sound very troubling and even annoying to all of you but I still felt bad that Natalie felt that way. At the same time, I couldn't let her steal the spot light from Sophia's bday. She reached a big milestone and I wanted to fully celebrate that. On Sunday, Natalie's health issues mysteriously disappeared, but when Monday came her mental issues came back. She has been all over the place emotionally. I thought the medicine was starting to help but now I am not sure. I've been meaning to ask Angel, is this your first af since before your pregnancy with Pierce? If so, it took a long time to come back!! I'm sure you haven't missed it one bit.
Are Natalie's meds helping her Jess? Sorry she had a rough time sharing the limelight. Did you get A in for a consult? I know you were hoping to get it taken care of before the new school year. How'd Soph do at her 1 year check up? Did she have a reaction to the MMR vaccine? I'm a nervous nelly just thinking about that visit! :argh: As for AF, this is my second cycle. Nursing kept it away for 9.5 months :happydance:

Laura ~ Hope all of your appointments went well today.

Jen, Bethany & Lisa ~ :hugs:

:friends: Amy & Leslie. Amy I hope you get a BFP and get to cnx the IVF consult next week. How are your folks?

DH is still delayed :brat: I'm going to hop a plane and surprise him if he doesn't get back soon! I'm getting antsy!
Sorry angel AF wanted to get me anyway. Stared spotting. Either fri or mon, depending on when full flow is, I will so ultrasound and bloodwork. Then next day start femara.
Sorry about dhs delay. Is he back yet?

At work so have to run. Hi and thinking of everyone!!
Tired again, long day
My little noodle needs glasses,
Short sighted and astigmatism
He will be super cute in um
Bettter it's caught now to help him learn and help his eyes develop ;-)
Speech and Lang video went well
They said their only advice to me is keep doing what I'm doing cos it's perfect
Proud mommy ;-)

Angel boo to af xxx
Hurry home dh zxx

Jess Hope it was just a blip for Nat
And meds are working xxx
Glad bday was lovely.

Leslie sorry af appeared but u have a great proactive plan now xxx

Llove to all xxx
Great work Laura! Your hard work shows in your sweet boys progress! And glasses, ohhh he is going to look so cute in them! You'll have to post a pic!!

Leslie ~ darn AF! Your cycle was shorter though, so that's progress, right?

Happy Hump Day!

I can't believe it, I'm sick again! Makes me wonder if I was ever better? I had a fever and chills last night...I hope it isn't mastitis trying to rear it's ugly head (my right ta ta is sooo sore, but no streaks). Hoping Pierce will be content playing in bed with me...
Oh no hon
Hard to look after him and u when sick Xx
When I was sick Simon was actually really happy snuggling in bed all day
Thank God, u wouldn't have the energy for anything uhhnguyen else
Hope u feel better soon xxx

Wint have the glasses for a bit
Hope my phone behaves so I can post pic ;-)
Hey ladies! Hope all of you are doing good!

Angel, oh no to being sick again. Do you have any help with Pierce. I would be in trouble if were sick right now because Sophie is on the go all day long. It gets so tiring to keep after her. This little girl just goes and goes and goes. I don't know where she gets all of her energy from. Does Pierce have any more new teeth? How many does he have right now. And bummer about dh being delayed. Do you have an actual date of when he's gonna return yet? :hugs:

Laura, that sounds so cute that Simon likes to cuddle with you. I, by nature am a very affectionate person. So far Sophie doesn't seem to like to be smothered with affection. She isn't very affectionate at all. I am trying to teach her to be at least a little affectionate. I'm hoping that she is just a late bloomer when it comes to affection. I think it might have something to do with the fact that she never can stay still and always wants to explore. Great news on Simon's latest appointment. You are an awesome mother. It must feel great and rewarding to have the professionals tell you that. You are going far and beyond for your little boy and I admire that about you. Simon is thriving and even though a lot of it is because he has a strong will and he is super smart it is also because of how awesome you are doing raising him. :hugs:

Leslie, so sorry af came. I like how the docs are really on top of things. As for losing weight, its a nightmare about 1 week before my monthly. I sometimes gain 10 to 12 lbs, I know it sounds absurd but it has happened to me. Do you drink a lot of water around af time. I find drinking plenty of water flushes the excess water out very effectively. Seems to work for me. :hugs:

Amy, very close to testing time. Are you having any strange or different symptoms. I just checked your thread for updates. Seems like you are quite busy lately. How are things going? Are you still looking into that new job? Thinking about you hon! :hugs:

Hi Jen. Hope all is well. How are things going with you and your dh. How is Zoey doing? Very active and on the go as usual? Do you ever find it hard to calm her down at night. Me and dh struggle to calm Sophie down.
How is the job search going. Are you getting along better with your mom? I hope things are doing better for you. :hugs:

Hi Lisa!! Hope you are doing great and Elena I imagine is getting bigger and bigger. Take care hon! :hugs:

Question ladies, do any of your los sweat easily when they fall asleep in your arms or when they are very active. Sophie, has always been one to sweat easily. Its frustrating when I bathe her and she gets sweaty right after her bath. And she only sweats a lot from her head. She does have a lot of hair so many that has something to do with it. And she is always moving around or running around the house. Anyways, hope all of you are having a great week. :hugs:
Thanks jess xxx
Simon sweats loads if skin to skin
I have to wear long sleeved top to bed even when it's really hot ;-
He is just a hot baby, he hasn't worn vests for ages cos he gets warm easily.
I think some people just run warmer than others

I'd say ur right about Sophie just wanting to explore rather than cuddle
Simon can't get places himself yet so doesn't have that option ;-)
He is a cuddly poppet too though :-D

Picked out his glasses today.
We get um tues ;-)
Very cute but it's gonna be a struggle to keep them on
ugh wrote a post and i cant tell if it posted!!
no change with my mom. no job and temp jobs fell through :( zoey is crazy busy nvr sleeps unless nursing in dark room with sound machine being rocked (she hardly sleeps long in crib) i have to go for cancer testing we are having insurance issues with zoey. .. shes behind on her wellness visits bc of it. dh business is suffering. kobe is well we love our pup. im angry my large post disappeared. i hope its just my cellphone and they posted.
zoey still nurses i still havent got af bsck its almost 13 mobths now. ive had what appeared to be fertile cm this month and havent had that in ages. my hormones are all wacky idk whats happenin with my body. af coming or what.
angel i hope you feel better♥
jess so glad sophie had a great bday. sorry ur older one was jealous. its got to be hard
yay for simons glasses ordered and shopping online!
amy fxd for bfp!♡
going to try to post again latermy cell is dying
Cancer testing OH NO! Are you alright Jen? That's so scary! As for nursing, I was going to ask you how you weaned her on to whole milk, oops! Sorry things are tight right now. Everyone's states must differ, I was told we will get calls from social services if we miss a vaccine! Are you guys eligible for federal/gov't insurance and/or WIC since you are unemployed? Thinking of you and praying all is well xoxo

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