ttc after a d&c

PS Laura ~ How is Simon adjusting to the glasses?? Did you suspect he needed them or was it part of standard testing?
Angel I'd be peed off with that too
But he may just have innocent wanting to catch up motives Xx
Enjoy the beach.
Glad u can hve proper showers now too xxx

I knew Simon had problem with his eyes but thought it was a motor control problem
This is better.
He is checked regularly for eyes cos of stroke
I forgot to answer how they check.
They put drops to dilate his pupils.
Wait 20 mins ish.
Then use different strength glass in front of eyes while shining a light in
They can tell by eyes reaction somehow :-D
He loves his glasses.
Poor poppet must-have been half blind :-D

I'm so much better today
I've been cranky since tues
The consultant poo poo everything I had to say about Simon
Totally dismissed my opinion
She then sent me her report of the meeting.
Full of mistakes and lies about it
I finally wrote ans sent back a letter today and
I feel somuch better for standing up to her
My play therapist was down on Fri
She had even been told by others present that she had been way too hard on me
So I'm back to my normal self now again

Love to all

Plus milky tot is a lot better yest and today
Happy Mom
The nerve of that consultant Laura. I am so glad you stood up to her. Doesn't she get that you are the one who knows Simon the most. You spend every waking moment with him. It ticks me off the way some docs think they know better than the parent after only spending a few minutes with a child! I am so glad that you stood up to her by sending her that letter. Hopefully she learned her lesson and and doesn't pull that again.
Angel, hopefully he was just asking so he has an idea what kind of food Pierce likes and wants to feed him the right things. Now he can enjoy feeding Pierce. Its a great bonding time for him and his little man! :thumbup: Do you know how long your dh is back for? Hopefully his last international trip? So glad all of you are enjoying your time together. Great to see you happy and getting a tad bit more time to yourself now. :hugs:
I just realized!! 1 month away until Pierce's 1st bday!! So what's the plan for the big day?
Laura ~ Not very professional of the consultant. You are Simon's best advocate, so glad you wrote a counter letter! I agree w/ Jess, you've not missed a moment of Simon's life, so you are more in tune with him than she is! Don't let people like her get you down :hugs: Glad you are better!

Jess ~ My DH will do small trips throughout the year. He'll go back to Germany for a big trip again next year. Pierce is certainly coming around to crowds he cries for me, but that's to be expected (he does that when it's just me). As for P's birthday, going to do his baptism and a small party for him the day of. We will have a child/adult party the following weekend. It's hard to wrap my head around the fact he will be 1! Sweet kid is pulling up and cruising...he needs to slow down, it's like he waited for his Daddy and is now on fast forward! Anywho, how are the girls enjoying summer? Did Alyssa get in to the Dr as well?

:wave: ladies!
Thanks ladies.

Jess how are u and urs xxx

Angel wow cruising already
He just decided its time to get moving :-D
Glad p and dh are bonding x

Love to all xxx
Hi ladies! Hope all of you had a nice weekend!

Glad you are feeling better Laura. To bad we all don't live closer to support eachother. :nope:

Angel, I knew once Pierce started crawling he would start cruising in no time! It does seem like he was waiting for his daddy! That little show off! How cute must he look moving about. I bet his daddy is in awe of him. :hugs:
Laura, the nerve!!! Im so angry for you!!! Im sorry that you have had to deal with so much hun. I saw pics of Simon in his glasses and he looks sooo darn cute! I love it!!!!! Also, good for you for standing up to them!!!

Angel, P is going to be a year old... crazy!!!! Time is just flying by!!!!

Jess, how are you doing hun?

Leslie, hope all is well with you and that your new regimen is going good. How far along are you now? TWW?

Jen, hope youre doing ok

Bethany, MISS YOU!!!! Hope you are ok hun!!

Lots of love to you all and hope I didnt miss anyone! :)
Hi ladies!
Missed you Amy!
At work so quick hello. IUI for tomorrow and Wednesday yay!
Amy I also have a journal now... Finally figured out how to link in my signature :)
Will catch up soon. Thinking of you all
Thanks Amy xxx

Hi Leslie fx for bean making iui :-D

Love to all Xx
angel this is for you!
Hi ladies!

Hope all of you are doing great. I have never had my hands full as much as I do with Sophia! She is constantly on the move and it worries me that she doesn't eat enough compared to how much she is running around. But what is weird is that she is still heavy! I had just bought a bunch of nice new shoes right before her bday and she has now moved onto a size 6! So she barely fits her new shoes! I guess I have an excuse to buy more shoes for her now. I don't know why but I am obsessed with buying baby shoes. lol. They are mostly for show anyways because she is mostly barefoot in the house. You know what's really cute is as soon as she see the kids shoe section and she sees me holding a baby shoe, she lifts her foot and points her foot out because she wants me to try shoes on her, she even gets a little temperamental if I don't try them on. lol. So if she ends up spoiled I am totally getting the blame. haha.

Anything new? Angel i am sure you and Simon are having a blast with dh! It must be exciting seeing him play with Simon! How is the cruising going? Hopefully no head bumps yet. Sophie is still hitting her head once in awhile. Thankfully she seems to have a real rock head lol. My husband says she inherited that from him. I will have to agree seeing as how he is very hard headed. :haha:

Laura, I hope you are feeling better hon. Are you going to have to see that doctor/therapist (or whatever she is) anymore? You should never have to deal with someone who is dismissive with you over Simon's needs. You and Simon only deserve the best. I hope he is dong better for solids. :hugs:
^^^I'd love to be around Simon, but it's just us with Pierce here :haha: I imagine you are super busy, so it's an easy typo! And shoes how sweet (can't believe she is in a size 6-Wow!) I bet she will be a little diva! I put shoes on P, but he kicks them off-little stinker! And he def bumps his head when crawling guess is no depth perception yet :shrug: So is Sophia doing better eating or does she still demand her bottle? I gave Pierce a sip (literally) of milk out of his cup and he tossed it off his high chair...this is going to be fun.

Laura ~ Bummer your phone isn't is Simon doing/adjusting to his glasses? Amazing how technology lets them diagnose their needs so early on! Have the seizures stopped?

Leslie ~ How'd IUI go? FX'd and :dust:

Amy ~ :hugs:

Jen ~ How is your summer going? Did you ever figure out what was going on with your cycle?

Bethany & Lisa :cry: Miss you.
Did I mention I put Pierce in bed with me when I was sick (mastitis) a couple of weeks ago? It was just easier b/c I could barely hold my head up, so for 3 glorious days I snuggled and healed. He now REFUSES, I mean hysterical crying refuses to sleep in his crib. Imagine my DH's surprise to his new bedmate. So last night I'm feeling frisky and realize I can't get any loving :bunny: with this bundle of cuteness between us! :dohh: I've a book on its way to teach me how to transition him back into his crib. Meanwhile, he fell fast asleep, then I moved him to his crib....and pounced my DH! A girl has needs too:blush:
Leslie, hope the IUI went well!!!!

Angel, :rofl: Hope P lets his parents get some cuddle time of thier own... I mean doesnt he want a sibling? heheh :bunny:

Laura, how are you doing hun? :)

Bethany, Jess & Jen... :kiss:

Hope everyone is doing well!!! <3
Angel I hear ya
Simon is sleeping in our bed for 13 months
Def the best contraception.
I never get any anymore!!!!
I must pur pics on comp and put um up
But it's been a busy few weeks
Lots of appointments
Seizures still gone thank God
I was mumps part of mmr side effects
Cos,he isnt shivery and stuff this week
Just had 13 month vaccine today
He is so good though

Jess we will hve to see het but not loads
I'm not really fussed cos I know she is awkward
Il just do my own thing and stick up for Simon :-D
Sophie is keeping u really busy so
Lil cutie xxx

Hi amy.
How u doin hon.
Hope work is a bit less crazy for u xxx

My Niece just had a mmc
Poor pet.
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy

Love to all xxx
Lol Angel, I didn't even know what u were talking about until I went back and saw my post. Sorry about that. This is not the first time I do this on bnb, I just didn't catch myself on that post. I guess because Simon and Pierce are such big and beautiful babies I confused them.:flower:

Hope all of u ladies are having a great day!! Will try to catch up later...
Simon is strengthening up so much
He wi'll stand on flat feet now. Supported
But still before feet were turned and pointed.
I love my lil squishy bum so much :-D

Love to all xxx

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