ttc after a d&c

Hurray Simon! What great strides he is making, thanks to his wonderful Mom!!

Leslie ~ TWW :dance:

Amy ~ Praying for a sticky bountiful August :cloud9:

Jess ~ Haha! No worries, I'm just glad you get to pop in here with 3 very active girls! Has DH decided to go back to work? I imagine you welcome the help in the summer!

Idk what's up with my DH...we can't get in sync. He keeps talking about what some of the "guys at work" do or say about their babies in regards to sleeping through the night. I feel like he is judging me and it is really bothering me. I told him, since when have you listened to what others do or say? I thought we were out to blaze our own trail, he nodded his head and said yeah, that's right. But it wasn't in his eyes. I don't think he gets that babies are not cookie cutter replicas...good for your buddy who has a LO who has slept all night since birth, we don't have that child. Ughh...I feel like I'm venting again. Sorry! He is taking a month off, heaven help me---
Ye hve been apart awhile Angel,
Bound to be teething problems when back in each other's space
Guys don't get that babies differ and patenting style differs.
I know some people would think.I'm soft on Simon
But fir me I'd prefer him to feelsecure and know he can depend on me
Whatever time it may be :-D
Dh prob too used to undisturbed sleep
I totally get why u feeljudged
U hve had to make all the calls,
Dh now has to live with how ye lived without him
He prob feels abit redundant, neither of your fsultx
My oh prob feels abit the same and he is here
But his long hours mean he is only here with Simon awake 3 days a week
That's if he does nothing on days off
I got rambly :-D

Love to all Xx
Not rambly at all Laura, I find it quite helpful to get other's perspectives. It was so easy when it was just the two of us...he'd get home and we'd go! Now he is having to learn we are on Pierce's schedule and I need to learn we can deviate once in awhile.
We hve similar problem.
Oh thinks we can leave to go places anytime
Forgets about sleeps, food for Simon, packing bags etc.
I work my life around Simon as I'm sure u do with pierce
Yet another male female divide or difference. :-D
Oh my, this sounds like my dh! Although he has improved a lot. He has started to remember that Sophie needs to eat while we are out and that she will need a diaper change etc..... I guess men are never going to be as thorough as we are! Oh what would they do without us! j/k!

Laura, Simon is doing fantastic because of his incredible strength of course because of his awesome mama! :flower:

Angel, I am thinking you and your dh just need a little bit of time to get "in sync" with everything. I'm not trying to stick up for him when I say this, but it seems like the things he says probably just come out the wrong way sometimes (that's my guess)? Men are known not to be too tactful at times. So things come out the wrong way. How is Pierce doing? I am sure he is getting stronger and stronger with the pulling up and crawling. :hugs:
Or maybe your dh doesn't quite understand that all babies are just different? Maybe he needs some quality time just him and Pierce. Btw, Sophie hasn't been sleeping in her crib for the past 5 months!! She loves to be nestled between me and dh. The crib seems to be there just for decoration now. lol.
I forgot to mention my husband turned 40 on Monday!! Boy was he depressed. He did not want to celebrate his b-day. I had to force him. I didn't think he would take turning 40 this hard. I tried to emphasize the 3 little blessings he has here to get him to feel better. So we took him to dinner and had a little cake.
Happy Belated birthday to your DH Jess!

:wave: Hope everyone is well! My DH and I are communicating better, I'm putting my "my way or the highway" self in check and so far so good. I let him see for himself that Pierce is a creature of habit, like without his morning nap he is a beast...or his witching hour starts at 6:30p. Stubborn goat has to see for himself (DH that is). Makes for very long days for me b/c P is clingy when tired, but a couple more days and my DH should see that I am ALWAYS right ;) Hope everyone is having a super weekend!
Hello all you wonderful and stronge brave mummies to be out there....
This is the first time that I have posted on one of these sites although I have been visited for a while now and have enjoyed reading everyone's posts as it makes me feel like I'm not the only one! My story is that I found out that I was 7 weeks pregnant in January 2014 after not trying at all but it was a lovely surprise although I am a little young... I went to the doctors on 17 February for my 12 week ultrasound to be told that my baby had no heartbeat and I had a missed miscarriage. I was absolutely destroyed, I didn't want to believe it and I spent the next 3 weeks in bed after having a D&C as I did not want to wait for my baby to pass naturally.
I can't believe that it has now been 5 months since I lost my baby, I would do anything to become pregnant again. My and OH have been trying all the time and nothing has happened yet. I am currently ovulating and fingers crossed I will get my BFP soon!!! Thank you for letting me share my stories and I sometimes feel it is difficult for me to talk to my friends/family as they think that I shouldn't be so sad about what happened even though it was the worst thing to ever happen in my life! I will continue to enjoy reading your happy ever afters and will let you know how it goes for me! Baby dust to all! Xxxxxxx
Hi MrsGuala and welcome to our little group. So very sorry you have had to face the trauma of a miscarriage. Big :hugs: to you hon. I can imagine how hard it was for you and especially going through this at such a young age. I totally understand it being difficult to talk about this with family and friends. But you are in your every right to be sad, this is truly one of the worst things to happen to any woman and it is shocking to me that anybody would ever tell you that you shouldn't be so sad. You lost a baby that was and still is very dear to you. I lost my baby girl at 19 weeks (August 2012), absolutely the worst thing that could have ever happened to me, but thankfully I went on to have another little girl who just turned 1 year old on June 21st of last month. So I now have 4 daughters ages 14, 8 and 1 and 1 in heaven :cloud9:. Thanks for stopping in and introducing yourself and again so sorry for your loss. :hugs:
Mrs guala
Welcome and thanks xxx
So sorry for ur loss.
Ur welcome here anytime hon.Xx
It's a good place to chat cos we hve all been in same horrible situation
U hve every right to feel sad.
U lost ur lil Angel xxx
Hoping ur bfp and rainbow bub is right around the corner xxx
Thank you for your kind messages. It felt so good last night to write all that down and get it off my chest! The worst thing and I feel bad for saying this but literally just before I found out I was pregnant, my sister in law also fell pregnant and we were all very excited that 2 babies were coming at the same time. When I lost my little angel I felt so upset that she was still pregnant when she already had a child whereas I had lost mine. I didn't understand why I didn't get to keep mine! I know that these things happen and maybe it was meant to be but I feel so jealous when I see her. I couldn't go to her baby shower the other day because I was so sad that it should have been my baby shower soon too! Does this make me a bad person? As my due date is coming up at end of August I feel myself getting more and more desperate for my BFP! Well let's hope it comes soon! Xxx
Mrs Guala :hugs: I'm sorry for your loss. Baby showers were always so difficult for me to go to, I don't blame you for not going. FX'd your BFP comes very soon!
Amy good luck with the IVF stuff!! Sounds like you had a good trial run and are moving forward...let's get our rainbows going!

Laura so glad everything is better with Simon! He looks adorable in his glasses. How have you been feeling?

Jess I hope all is well with you and your girls! Sophia seems like she is very curious and energetic! I just heard Sophia is the number one girls name by the way. I think my mother told me and I had thought of you.:flower:

Angel glad DH is home but sorry you and DH are having some troubles. You have been without each other for so long it is probably an adjustment. Glad things seem better and hope it continues.

Mrs guala I am so sorry for your loss. Great group of ladies here for support. Amy and I are still ttc as well. I had my mmc then d and c May 2013 so I understand the terrible wait for another pregnancy. Our bodies are so tricky. Hopefully our rainbow babies are on the way :)

Hope everyone else is doing well!! <3

AFM iuis went well so just in TWW! Progesterone and estrogen levels will be taken today. Started metformin Saturday and will titrate up. Beta 7/23. Don't know if i will test before. Please please work [-o&lt;
Such exciting things happening Leslie! FX'd for a BFP!!

Went to a birthday party yesterday and P rode a pony/horse, he did not like it! It was so sweet though, I wish I could post the video!


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Mrs Guala, Your feelings are absolutely normal. I probably wouldn't have been able to go to a baby shower so soon after my mc either. You just need to give yourself time to heal. All of us go through the grieving differently. But it does get better. :hugs: Never let anybody tell you that you shouldn't feel sad or hurt. It has only been 5 months, it is still very fresh in your memory. I also hope that you get your bfp very soon. :flower:
Leslie, everything seems to be happening so quickly! FX your bfp comes very quickly also! Glad to see everything is going so smoothly! :hugs:
Mrs guala hugs xxx
It's totally natural to feel bad u don't still hve ur bug
My sil,was pregnant same time as me with my mc too
It def hurt me to watch her growing bump when Ididn't still hve mine
Hugs honey Xx
ur nit bad at all, just sad and missing ur Angel Xx
Keep writing here with us, it helps to get those feelings out
Praying fir ur bfp xxx

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